Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C286 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 219

C286 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 219

4At least when she leaned against his back, she became a lot more generous.    


A wave of warmth suddenly came from her back, and the fragrance immediately assaulted his nostrils.    


"What for?" Xia Yihan continued to act innocent.    


"Nothing, didn't I tell you?" I am afraid! " With that, she wrapped herself around him like an octopus.    


Ye Zimo's body stiffened even more. Xia Yihan snickered at her success.    


"Ah …" Following Xia Yihan's cry of surprise, Ye Zimo abruptly flipped over and pressed her down.    


He looked directly into her little face, his eyes blazing.    


She was clearly provoking him, but at this moment, she was extremely nervous and didn't dare to look directly at him. Afraid that all her efforts would be for naught, she did not dare to avoid him. Taking a deep breath, she bravely looked at him.    


"What do you want?" His voice was hoarse, and when he asked her, he was gritting his teeth.    


He was going crazy. He was going crazy because of her.    


"I missed you." she said softly, meeting his gaze bravely.    


His heart tightened once again, and his brows unconsciously furrowed. His brows trembled twice, that was the violent struggle of his rational emotions and his body.    


Thinking that she had succeeded, Xia Yihan felt a little depressed.    


Was it because her charm was lacking, or was this person's self-control too strong?    


Just a little bit more and they would be just like before.    


Ye Zimo took a cold shower. It was a long time before she managed to suppress the intense lust in her heart.    


Could he not? he thought frantically.    


What about after he took her?    


He held her close and told her that he loved her and that he wanted her to face the danger with him? Absolutely not!    


Soong Family would very soon collapse, and once Soong Family collapsed, no matter how much they tried to reconcile, Xia Yihan would be more at ease and at ease than she was right now.    


For the sake of a better tomorrow, for the sake of his woman, no matter how unbearable it was, he had to endure it.    


Ye Zimo sighed heavily in her heart when she saw the grief on her little face.    


He lay back in bed, as far away from her as he had at first.    


Xia Yihan stayed where she was and sighed. Then she asked him softly, "Mo, you really don't like me anymore? Do you really not love me anymore? "    


When she asked this question, she didn't know why, but she suddenly felt wronged.    


His nose turned sour and tears began to fall.    


Hearing her choked on her words, Ye Zimo's heart ached to death.    


When he didn't say anything, Xia Yihan couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She felt that crying like this was hopeless, but she just couldn't help it.    


It wasn't that she didn't love him when she left, it was just that she didn't understand for a moment that she was holding on to that child, afraid that she and her child would never be able to live peacefully again.    


Maybe she was being too selfish, considering too little about his feelings at the time. So if she wanted to return to his side, was she destined to have to go through a lot of trouble?    


Even though she knew he was doing it for her own good, she couldn't help it.    


Her tears were a more useful weapon than temptation.    


"Stop crying!" He got up and looked at her, growling and frowning.    


"Mo, tell me, do you really not love me anymore? Why on earth didn't you accept me? I already told you, I'm willing to face the storm with you. I am not as weak as you think I am. I am not afraid of suffering. I am only afraid of being separated from you. " She looked at him stubbornly.    


Ye Zimo remained silent. She silently pulled out a tissue from the bedside table and handed it to her.    


Xia Yihan ignored him and continued to complain, "Do you know that when I was separated from you, it was as if my soul had been extracted from me? I don't know why I should continue to live. I don't know why I have to eat. I don't have any taste for food, and I can't sleep. I feel that life is meaningless all the time, that even the sky is gray. "    


The more she spoke, the more miserable she felt. She didn't like the feeling of powerlessness she felt when she lost him. It was as if the whole world had collapsed.    


Ye Zimo's expression became extremely conflicted. How could she not know that he had the same feelings as her? When he was separated from her, he felt the same way. He felt like a walking corpse.    


Apart from the news of his search for her, other than doing things for her and secretly visiting her, all other time seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds.    


Previously, he didn't believe in love. After he fell in love with her, he finally understood that love was a type of poison. Once he was infected with this poison, there was no cure. Unless you are with someone you love, you will suffer so much that your heart will go numb.    


"Mo, let's make peace. No matter how much pain we suffer, I'm not afraid. I just want to be together with you!" Xia Yihan said firmly.    


Ye Zimo was silent for a long time. Finally, she said coldly, "I love you, but I don't want to be with you."    


Her heart was about to break.    


"Why?" she asked, and the sadness in her little face hurt Ye Zimo's heart again.    


"I told you already, I, Ye Zimo, don't like women who leave as they please. I can't accept women who return home as soon as they are told." You were so heartless when you left. It won't be that easy to turn back. Enough! Don't tell me how painful it is for you to separate me. You should have known when you made your decision. "Xia Yihan, I'll be frank with you. Now that you've said that you can't leave me, I feel very relieved and happy. Other than these emotions, there's nothing else."    


She studied his face, his eyes averted.    


Xia Yihan, you're too anxious. He wants to protect you. This big fool!    


It seems that no matter what you say about you being strong, he will never believe you. Take your time.    


Think about it, from the moment you love each other, is he always protecting you? You must have been a delicate woman in his mind, a delicate woman who could not even be touched by the wind, and your first reaction to this incident was to shrink, which probably reinforced the impression you had in his mind.    


"Well, thank you! "Thank you for being willing to stay with me even under such circumstances. I won't disturb you anymore." Xia Yihan took his tissue and wiped her tears away before she lay back down on the bed.    


He could see that the little thing had not given up. If she was stubborn, it would be hard to change.    


She didn't insist, and he couldn't say much. He lay back down on the bed.    


There was a long gap between the spacious double bed. However, in the latter half of the night, there was no gap between the two of them.    


Xia Yihan had deliberately noticed this evening, and when he picked her up and gently embraced her, she knew that this strengthened her confidence and determination.    


After dawn, Ye Zimo woke up very early. He personally bought breakfast and brought it to the hospital to see the two elders.    


They had a good night's rest, and now, looking at their faces, her grandmother was much better.    


"Where's Yihan?" They asked, and Ye Zimo said she was probably tired from sitting in the car and falling asleep at the hotel.    


The two old men looked at each other and laughed, thinking to themselves, "How is it that I'm tired from driving? I'm afraid I don't know what I did at night, but the young people all love me, that's understandable."    


When Xia Yihan got up, the room was already empty.    


If it wasn't for the fact that she still felt like he was by her side, she even suspected that he hadn't hugged her and slept with her last night.    


This person couldn't have been so heartless as to abandon him and return to the East River, right?    


She picked up her cell phone and dialed his number.    


"You're up? I'm in the hospital, in Grandma's room. "    


She pursed her lips in delight. The bad mood that had tempted him to fail the night before had long since vanished.    


When Xia Yihan arrived at the hospital, her mother, Zhao Wenying, arrived with breakfast before she could even say a few words to Ye Zimo and her grandparents.    


"Mom!" In front of the old man, Ye Zimo greeted Zhao Wenying's mother once again.    


When she brought Xia Yihan back, she originally wanted to give the two of them more time to think, but who would have thought that he would come after them? Needless to say, the two of them should have reached an agreement.    


Since her daughter had made the decision, she could only wish her well.    


"You're here?" she said gently.    


"Mom, grandpa and grandma have finished their breakfast. I want to talk to you alone." After Ye Zimo finished, Zhao Wenying nodded and they were about to leave the room. Xia Yihan held onto Ye Zimo's arm and whispered, "What are you guys talking about? I want to hear it too. "    


Zhao Wenying saw that the two of them were in a different state from what she had expected.    


What are they doing?    


"It's none of your business. Go and have breakfast. I bought one for you and put it on the table." Ye Zimo said gently, but firmly pulled Xia Yihan's hand away.    


"Go on, baby." Zhao Wenying smiled gently at her daughter.    


Silly Girl seemed to have hardened her heart and made up with someone else. This time, Ye Zimo might not agree to make up with her.    


Xia Yihan didn't want to embarrass her mother, so she just smiled and went down to get her breakfast.    


Zhao Wenying and Ye Zimo walked to the corridor and stopped by the window.    


"Mom, I'm sorry!" Ye Zimo was the first to apologize. Ever since she found out about Soong Wanting's matter, she felt extremely apologetic. After all, he had made her and her daughter uneasy.    


"Tell me, is it related to Yihan? Do you want to be separated from her now? I want to know your decision." Zhao Wenying said softly.    


"I believe you know that Yihan wants to return to my side. I want to love her, too. I love only one woman in my life. But at this time, I feel that the time is not right. Soong Wanting's Soong Family and President Zhong don't want us to be together. I want to get rid of these obstacles and win her over again. This time, I will have to trouble you to take care of her. Sorry to trouble you again. I also know that such an outstanding woman like her could be pursued at any time. If I let go of her hand during this period of time, I won't stop her from being with others. "    


Ye Zimo's heart ached when she said this. Zhao Wenying could see it from his expression.    


"No need, Mom can tell that Yihan isn't the kind of girl who's weak. Since she decided to make up with you, she must have made all the preparations. How about all of you face it together! "    


What Zhao Wenying said moved Ye Zimo. He thanked her sincerely.    


"It doesn't matter what she thinks. I don't want her to take the risk. You don't want to either. You don't have to tell her what I told you today. When I have settled these matters, I will have the right to say that I love her, and I will have the right to be with her. "    


"Thank you, I have entrusted her to you. Only by being by your side can she be safe and calm. Tell her that there is more to life than love. "    


"Alright, since you said so, then go ahead and do it without worry." Zhao Wenying said.    


At this moment, she felt even more strongly that Ye Zimo was a good man with a sense of responsibility. She truly didn't want to hurt her daughter, so she was able to say these words and carry out these actions.    


After the discussion, Ye Zimo returned to the ward and greeted Xia Yihan's grandparents, saying that her company still had matters to attend to, so she could only go back now.    


Xia Yihando wanted to go with him, but she looked at him reluctantly.    


But she had just come to see her grandparents, and she couldn't go well.    


"Yihan, you go back with him. "This young man is really in love. Even a minute of separation feels like a long time, we can understand that." Gran said.    


Of course they all knew. If it weren't for the fact that the two of them couldn't bear to part, would Ye Zimo have chased them here last night?    


Xia Yihan shook her head and smiled, "No, Grandma. I want to accompany you more, so I'm not in a hurry to go back with him. In any case, we're together every day, so it won't be too much of a few days. "    


"Go back!" There's nothing wrong with your grandma's body. She's planning to leave the hospital today. "    


"Even if my grandmother left the hospital, I would have to stay at home with her for a few days. I'm not leaving! " Since Xia Yihan was acting like a spoiled child, Zhao Wenying had promised Ye Zimo that she wouldn't say much even if she wanted to ask her daughter to go back with him. She only smiled and said, "Dad, mom, just let Yihan stay." She didn't come overboard, so I took her around when I had time. "    


After Ye Zimo bid her farewells to the crowd, she instructed a few Security Officer s to protect Xia Yihan well.    


This time's separation was different from the last. Although Xia Yihan still missed Ye Zimo, her heart was full.    


She only hoped that the time would come soon, that she would go back and meet the woman.    


Xia Yihan didn't want her relatives to see that she had been lost in her own thoughts for the past few days. So she always tried to listen to them and cook for them. At night, she would be filled with longing.    


It was very strange. In the past, she slept soundly in the latter half of the night, but now it was the other way around. If she could fall asleep in the first half of the night, she would naturally wake up in the early hours of the morning.    


Grandfather and Grandmother were used to living in small houses. Zhao Wenying had bought them large houses, but they refused to live in them. They lived in the same small house as before.     0


There were only two bedrooms, and Xia Yihan shared one with her mother. Every night, when Xia Yihan woke up, her actions of looking for Ye Zimo in a daze would make Zhao Wenying's heart ache.    


"Darling, are you ready? Must we stay with him? " Zhao Wenying asked softly.    


"Yes, I've thought about it, Mom. I'm sorry, I can't forget him."    


"Alright, then let's keep our confidence firm. He loves you too! "    


"Mom, what did you say in the corridor? Did she tell you she didn't want to be with me or anything? I know he's doing it for my own good. This person is just too stubborn. He doesn't believe that I can be strong. "    


"Silly Girl!" Zhao Wenying held her daughter and caressed her hair, not saying anything.    


She didn't say anything, but she was right.    


A few days later, Zhao Wenying and Xia Yihan bid farewell to their grandparents and returned to the East River.    


The two of them wanted to take Grandfather and Grandmother to the East River for convenience and care, but the old man refused. All these years, they were still worried that Lee Family had a son. After all, he wasn't Zhao Wenying's biological son, and they were afraid of causing trouble for their daughter.    


Lee Heetai had visited them with his parents many times, but unfortunately, he was too stubborn when he was young and left too deep of an impression on the elderly.    


Xia Yihan was anxious to return home as soon as possible.    


After she returned to the East River, instead of going to Ye Family, she called Lin Dahui.    


"Young Madame Ye!" Lin Dahui called out respectfully and affectionately.    


"Just call me Yihan." she said softly.    


"No, Young Madame Ye. In my heart, you will always be Young Madame Ye, the person I respect the most." Xia Yihan smiled gently. She imagined how Ye Zimo would be jealous again if she heard Lin Dahui's words.    


"I want to ask you something. I don't know if you are willing to tell me."    


Xia Yihan knew that this matter might make things difficult for him, so she could only do it through him.    


"Please speak."    


"Do you know where Soong Wanting is? It should be you who arranged for people to watch over her, right? "    


"Yes." Although Lin Dahui didn't know what Xia Yihan was going to do, he knew that she was going through all this together with Ye Zimo. Lin Dahui didn't know what Xia Yihan was going to do, but he knew that Xia Yihan was going through all this together with Ye Zimo.    


"I'd like to see her. Can you arrange it for me? "Don't worry, I'm just talking to her. I won't do anything else."    


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