Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C285 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Class 218

C285 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Class 218

2She frowned slightly and listened carefully. Another person said, "It's strange, didn't you see, just now our duty manager was running around notifying us? The cashier had already settled the bill, but he didn't know what was going on. Sigh! "I don't understand."    


Xia Yihan put down her clothes and looked up at Ye Zimo. His expression was the same as usual, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.    


She only looked at him for a moment and then thought, it would be a waste of time to discuss this now. She didn't dawdle any longer. She picked up the item that had begun to waver and walked quickly towards the cashier. Ye Zimo followed behind her and picked up the items she had picked up.    


When it came time to pay, he took a step forward.    


"Wait for me at the exit." Xia Yihan wanted to argue with him, so he said slowly, "I have plenty of time to waste. Do you want to waste it on me?"    


Xia Yihan lost, bit her lips, and still unwillingly did as he said.    


After Ye Zimo bought her clothes and met up with Xia Yihan, she whispered to him, "You did it, right? With the shopping mall being so big, delaying work for an hour meant that many people would not be getting off work on time. What if he was anxious to reunite with his family? If you don't do it right, you'll break their original plan. "    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything, only had a gloomy expression on her face. Who was he doing this for?    


Xia Yihan could see that someone was not very happy. With how cocky he was, it was likely that he was unhappy with her direct criticism.    


How could she not be moved in her heart? It was just that she felt somewhat sorry for those innocent people who had to work overtime.    


Ye Zimo ignored her and just took out her cell phone to give Lin Ling a call.    


"We've already bought everything. You can close the mall. Remember, everyone who works overtime tonight will pay according to their overtime pay. You should arrange to call the bill."    


"Yes, Mr Ye." Lin Ling agreed, thinking, needless to say, this must have something to do with someone surnamed Xia, otherwise her boss would not have done such a ridiculous thing.    


He had heard that the Duke of Fire Beacon was really funny, but now it seemed that if her boss was King You of the Zhou family, he wouldn't be even more outrageous than he was.    


After the call, Ye Zimo helped Xia Yihan carry the bags of clothes, her expression still heavy.    


Xia Yihan felt embarrassed. It wasn't like she didn't know that he was doing it for her.    


She looked up at him with her little face and whispered, "I'm sorry. I was thinking about how many people would come home late. Maybe my husband would look forward to it, my child would look forward to it, and the old man would look forward to it. If he went back too late, he would worry. Maybe I was thinking too much. I know you're doing it for my own good. "It's my fault. Please forgive me."    


The more she spoke, the softer her voice became. Ye Zimo coldly snorted, ignoring her and continued walking forward with large strides.    


Xia Yihan wanted to take the shopping bag from him, but he didn't let go. She suddenly remembered the time when they were going to the orphanage. He had helped her get so many things and she felt her heart fill with sweetness.    


"Forgive me, Ye Zimo. Look at me apologizing to you without any shame. What else do you want? Anger can easily make people old."    


When he didn't speak, she had to say it again: "I know you're doing it for my own good."    


"Who's doing it for you? I'm just trying to prove to a woman that there's nothing I can't do, even if it's a bad woman. " She ran up to him, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him on the mouth. "How are you this time?" she said in a low voice. Don't be stubborn, and don't be angry. "    


A trace of pride flashed through his heart warmly, but his expression was still as stern as before.    


Afraid that her grandmother would wait too long, he hailed a taxi and followed her back to the hospital.    


The old man wasn't in a hurry. He knew that young people were naturally fond of playing around. He thought that Xia Yihan might have gone to the night market to have some snacks while she was buying the watermelon.    


"Grandma, I'm back. Let me introduce you to someone." Xia Yihan walked up to her grandmother's sickbed and pulled on Ye Zimo's arm. She smiled and said, "Grandma, this is my fiancé, Ye Zimo."    


"This child!" Why didn't you bring your fiancé over for your grandma to see? "Here I go …" Grandma Meng was about to get up, but then she realized that her clothes were a bit shabby. In the end, she still felt a bit embarrassed.    


Ye Zimo took a step forward and greeted him in a gentle and respectful manner, "Greetings Grandmother. You are currently ill, so there is no need for you to get up. This is what Yihan bought for you. I came in a hurry, so I didn't have the time to buy anything for you. One day, I will officially pay a visit to you and Grandfather. "    


It was only a few sets of clothes, and Ye Zimo felt embarrassed.    


"No need, why would you want to buy something? Grandma would be happy if you came to see her." said Granny affectionately.    


"Grandma, don't listen to his nonsense. He bought all of these clothes. I don't have that much money, so I'm not as generous as him."    


Xia Yihan explained and showed the clothes to her grandmother one by one from the shopping bag. Of course she liked it and kept saying how beautiful it was.    


"It's getting late, you guys go rest. Your grandfather will be here soon." Granny finished looking at the clothes and chased them away.    


"No, Grandma, Yihan and I will accompany you tonight." Ye Zimo said firmly.    


"No need, what are you accompanying me for? I'm fine, plus there are still nurses here, they take good care of me." Other than your grandfather, you don't need anyone else to accompany you. "    


"Grandmother, please let the two of us stay here to accompany you. We are young, so we aren't afraid of staying up late." Since grandfather is old, how can his body endure staying up late at night? " Xia Yihan was worried, so she decided to stay.    


"Silly Girl, I'm not afraid of your jokes even if I say it out loud. I can't sleep without your grandfather around. You see, your mother arranged such a good ward, and there was no one else in the ward, so your grandfather slept in the bed next to mine. I'm not in pain, and he's here at night as a companion. "    


As they were discussing, the ward door opened and Grandpa Xia Yihan came in.    


Xia Yihan quickly pulled Ye Zimo along to introduce them to her grandfather. Her grandfather looked them up and down, naturally liking them.    


Under the insistence of the two elders, they had no choice but to leave as it was also for the sake of the old man's safety in his sleep.    


"You can stay at home. It's much more convenient than the hotel." Xia Yihan glanced at Ye Zimo and said, "Okay, I'll send you back."    


Send her back?    


What did she mean? Did this person want to separate from her?    


It was easier said than done. The kiss was still fresh in his mind, and after being separated from her for so long, it was hard to restrain himself.    


"Yihan, our address is …" Grandfather told them the address and told them to remember it.    


"Mo, come with me to my grandma's house tonight." Xia Yihan purposely said this in front of the two elders. Ye Zimo gently touched her hair and said softly, "I'm staying at the hotel opposite here. It's convenient. If you need anything, you can come over anytime."    


"En, that's true. Then I'll stay at the hotel with you. It's convenient." Xia Yihan didn't give him a chance to escape. She said she would rely on him.    


Ye Zimo didn't continue arguing. She pinched her face in front of the old man and said gently, "Okay."    


The two old men smiled at each other. How could they not be happy for their granddaughter when she had found such a good husband?    


Walking out of the hospital, Ye Zimo intentionally put on a cold face, while Xia Yihan didn't care. She took the initiative to take his arm and follow him to the hotel across the way.    


"A suite on the top floor. Open another for me." Ye Zimo walked to the front desk and said. Xia Yihan waved her hands, "No need, no need. He's making things difficult for me. We only need to have one suite."    


Ye Zimo frowned as she glanced at her. How could she bear to continue disagreeing with her? It seemed that he was going to suffer a lot tonight. He could see that he couldn't eat, but he didn't know how Lil Thing was going to deal with him. Anyway, he was willing to do it for her.    


He didn't say anything else. He just took his room card and took the elevator upstairs. Xia Yihan followed him the entire time.    


"Enough, isn't that enough?" We'll sleep separately tonight. You sleep in the inner room, I'll sleep in the living room. " Ye Zimo said coldly. After she finished speaking, he loosened his collar and prepared to take a bath.    


Xia Yihan looked at him. She noticed that the way he loosened his collar was very sexy, and she couldn't help blushing at the thought of that word.    


Xia Yihan, you don't know shame, why are you thinking about her sex appeal? What are you trying to do?    


The more she thought about it, the hotter her face became. The scene of her kissing outside the mall involuntarily appeared in her mind. Thinking about it now, she was rather reluctant.    


Not daring to look at Ye Zimo any longer, she turned around and walked away. In her heart, she thought about what he had said earlier, about him sleeping in the living room and letting her sleep in the other room.    


That guy had made up his mind that he didn't want to make peace with her, so she couldn't help but look at him.    


The more he said he wasn't going to sleep with her, the more she wanted to. Xia Yihan, taking the initiative to ask to sleep with a man, isn't that too much? No, he is your fiancé, and he will be your husband in the future.    


When Ye Zimo came out of the shower, she leaned against the sofa, still thinking about what she should do to defeat the stubborn him at the first possible moment.    


When she heard his door close, she looked up … He immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Ye Xiao only had one hotel towel around him. As he was too tall and the towel was too short, he could only surround the most important part of the hotel.    


Droplets of water were still trickling down from the wheat colored skin on his upper body. The light from the lamp hit his bare skin, and the refraction of the water seemed to give him a mysterious and sexy look.    


Who said that only women were beautiful enough to eat? Seeing him like this, her throat tightened and her heartbeat quickened. Her little face flushed so much that it seemed as if it would drip blood at any moment.    


The way she was staring at him made Ye Zimo restless. He asked snappily, "What are you looking at? Like a slut, since when did it become so open? "    


Xia Yihan was thin-skinned after all. She immediately lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I didn't. I just accidentally glanced at you. I'm going to take a shower."    


She ran into the bathroom, her heart still pounding as she locked the bathroom door.    


Ye Zimo wasn't much better off. She sat down to think about her eyes, and his desire to be with her soared.    


Fortunately, she was still shy. If she had been more daring, he really wouldn't have been able to imagine how he would have pounced on her like a wolf or tiger.    


When Xia Yihan entered the bathroom, she remembered that she had arrived in a hurry without any clothes to change her clothes. Even after taking a shower, she could only wear a towel like Ye Zimo.    


Compared to Ye Zimo, she was too small, so the bath towel was barely enough to cover her from her chest all the way to her hips.    


Ye Zimo had just suppressed the fire. When she saw Xia Yihan come out with only a towel around her, all her efforts were in vain.    


His eyes became abnormally dark. He only dared to glance at her before turning his gaze away. With a hoarse voice, he coldly said, "Quickly go in and sleep."    


He looked a little flustered, even though she was also flustered, and in her heart she seemed to be expecting something to happen, but she also seemed to be afraid. Although they had already had countless intimate encounters, most of them had been passive and she had barely taken the initiative. Every time she felt nervous, it was because of his amazing physical strength. She was both scared and happy, but after being tossed around by him, it was basically like she couldn't get out of bed the next day.    


She took a deep breath and gathered up the courage to walk over to him and take his hand. At the same time, she said softly, "Mo, will you sleep with me? I was afraid. Don't you know, I made a bed and couldn't sleep in a strange place. Besides, Xia Yiqing had stolen his phone from him today. If he was really scared, he would probably have nightmares at night. Do you love me so much that you can bear me to sleep alone at night? "    


Ye Zimo was soft-hearted even though she knew it was just a ploy.    


"I'll sleep with you. Be more honest, I'm just acting like a man, don't think too much." he said dryly.    


Oya, Xia Yihan smiled, celebrating the victory of her first battle.    


Xia Yihan didn't dare to provoke him. Since he had agreed, she headed inwards with light footsteps.    


She was simple. Ye Zimo was still sitting there, looking at her legs moving in the snow. As she moved, she twisted her sexy and round butt that was wrapped in a towel. He almost had a nosebleed.    


He took a few deep breaths and Xia Yihan turned to look at him. "Why aren't you here yet?" You want to scare me to death? "    


Could be scared to death? I see you're going to be scared to death, little one.    


Ye Zimo humphed and waited for her lower body to return to normal before she slowly walked into the room. As a result … His woman was lying on the bed, looking for something with her hips upturned.    


A man's worst fear was to see such an outrageous scene. His throat tightened as he asked in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing?"    


Do you think it's easy for him to restrain himself?    


"It looks like a small spider crawled up from the wall. I'm looking to see where it went."    


"Get out of the way, I'll look." Ye Zimo got on the bed and pulled Xia Yihan away. He took a closer look and saw that the spider had crawled out again.    


"Get me some paper." Xia Yihan immediately got off the bed, opened the tissue on the bedside table, and handed Ye Zimo a few sheets. He quickly killed the spider.    


Although it was just a small spider, his agility still made Xia Yihan's heart pound. She couldn't help but look at him with admiration.    


"I'm going to wash my hands." Ye Zimo got out of bed and went to wash her hands. When she came back, she saw Xia Yihan lying obediently on the bed and didn't challenge him again.    


He lay on the bed and turned off the light, not touching her, but ordering her coolly, "Sleep."    


"You carry me to sleep!" Ye Zimo's heart couldn't help but pound twice. This was a blatant invitation. He was a man, and a man that desired to have her at all times. How could he endure this?    


Xia Yihan's eyes flashed with a cunning light. She stretched out her hand towards the thin towel. Ye Zimo lay stiffly, not daring to move.    


After all, he had studied kung fu and was very sensitive to the movements at the side.    


As she slid her hand toward the towel, he caught her eye out of the corner of his eye.    


"What are you doing?" he asked stiffly, his voice defensive.    


"Nothing, I just feel like the towel has loosened. I need to adjust." Xia Yihan spoke as if she was innocent, her small hand touching her chest for a long time.    


Frankly, she didn't know how to seduce men.    


In the past, he could be said to be as fierce as a wolf and as fierce as a tiger towards her. She didn't know how inadvertently or unintentionally she'd said or moved, causing his desire to rise.    


Although she did not understand, she thought now that he must have felt something when he saw her tidying up the towel or something.    2


Of course Ye Zimo sensed it.    


Did she think he didn't know? If the towel had really loosened, then with her shy personality, she wouldn't be lying on her back, tidying up. She would have long since rolled over and quietly pulled on it.    


His guess was right. This woman had asked him to sleep with her just to seize the opportunity to capture him.    


Aren't you underestimating his ability to resist temptation? Of course, in front of her, his ability to resist temptation was already extremely low … He knew this very well.    


He rolled over, his back to her, his body still rigid.    


Xia Yihan stood up and secretly looked at his back. When she saw that his whole body was bursting apart as if an enemy was invading, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.    


Ye Zimo, looks like you're a bit too agitated!    


You're still hiding? I'll go over and see where else you can hide.    


Xia Yihan wholeheartedly wanted Ye Zimo to give in, just like how she had asked him before, to be in love with her and face the storm together. In order to achieve her goal, she temporarily forgot to be shy.    


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