Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C263 Favorite Marriage 196

C263 Favorite Marriage 196

4The Security Officer he arranged for her could be used to protect her, or to watch over her.    


Ye Zimo knew that his woman only thought for the sake of others. He only said this to distract her and to stop her from thinking about Soong Wanting.    


She still looked awful, and he carried her to the car.    


Xia Yihan's face was cold. She didn't even look at Ye Zimo, nor did she look out of the window. She didn't want to give him the feeling that she didn't dare to meet his eyes.    


She only wanted her heart to be as calm as water and not cause the slightest ripple for him.    


She looked ahead absentmindedly, her eyes almost unfocused, like a lost doll.    


Ye Zimo moved closer to her and put her arm around her waist. She glanced at him coldly, her eyes already telling him that she didn't want him to hold her. She wanted him to stay away.    


He did not take any further action, nor did he forcefully pull her over.    


He just looked at her, at her little face, and he wanted her to know that he loved her, that he would not love anyone but himself.    


His attention and focus caused Xia Yihan's heart to feel uncomfortable. She didn't like this. Since he had lied to her, he shouldn't look at her like this. What was this?    


She would not be soft-hearted.    


If she was softhearted, she would have to share a man with another woman. She didn't want to be so useless.    


She had been helpless before, but now he had made her his fiancée. He had said that she had her freedom, and she no longer needed to endure humiliation when he had other women.    


Xia Yihan closed her eyes and leaned against the back seat. Ye Zimo blocked her way and leaned heavily against him.    


While she was surprised, she naturally looked up at him. He also looked back at her face.    


He did not speak. He lowered his head, but she turned her head away.    


Ye Zimo, what are you doing? she asked him silently, but she didn't want to shout at him in the car, she couldn't embarrass him in front of so many people.    


He might not love her enough, but her love for him had grown and deepened, and love was not like an alarm clock that could be stopped at the first ring.    


It would take time for her to take back her love, for him to think, as if it had become a habit.    


From this moment on, she would learn to change the habit that she had developed not long ago.    


Ye Zimo knew she wouldn't scream. He kissed her, and this time she couldn't avoid him.    


Ye Zimo, why are you bullying me like this? Xia Yihan was anxious and angry at the same time. She wanted to shake him off with all her might, but she couldn't move.    


He forbade her to ignore him. She wanted him to kiss her forever, to greet her with the same softness she had before, to respond warmly to him. She had to do that.    


He kissed her aggressively, insisting that he stick his tongue into her mouth. Xia Yihan couldn't avoid him and bit down hard.    


The taste of blood spread through their mouths. She really hated them to the core, so she bit down hard not to let go.    


He endured the pain, endured her biting him, and he didn't move an inch. He didn't even bat an eyelid.    


It wasn't until he had kissed the salty taste and heard her low sobs that he finally let go of her.    


"What exactly do you want? You have... Don't touch me! " Xia Yihan couldn't bear it any longer and yelled at him in the end.    


She didn't know how angry she was. What right did he have to think he could kiss her after he had touched another woman's belly? What did she count for?    


"Don't be angry, you can do whatever you want, right? Calm down, let's talk about our matter after Yunchang and the others have met, okay? " Ye Zimo had no choice but to soften her voice. Xia Yihan took out a tissue from her handbag and wiped her tears.    


She closed her eyes again and leaned against the back of the car.    


It was almost five when he returned to the villa. Jiu Jiu saw the tear stains on Xia Yihan's face and asked her in a low voice what had happened.    


She remembered that since last winter, the two of them had not quarreled and Crown Prince did not even speak loudly to Xia Yihan. Sometimes, she even joked with Xia Yihan that Crown Prince had changed his personality from a super philanderer to an unrivalled good husband in the universe.    


"Nothing, it's nothing. Jiu Jiu, Miss Zhong and Lee Heetai, Mr Lee are coming over for dinner tonight. Can you help Zhang Luo?" I'm a little tired and I want to rest. "    


Ye Zimo watched Xia Yihan go upstairs to her room. He really wanted to follow her and help her get out of her negative emotions.    


He couldn't go, and it was useless for him to go. He could only stand at the top of the stairs and watch as she disappeared through the door.    


He had so much wealth and a high social status, but at this moment, he could not use them at all. He could only watch as his woman suffered, but there was nothing he could do to her.    


Xia Yihan, I know this is my fault. Can you give me a chance to explain?    


He stayed where he was, took a cigarette from his pocket, snapped open the lighter, and lit it.    


He didn't go anywhere, but leaned against their bedroom door, waiting for her to come out. When she calmed down, she might listen to him.    


He wanted to tell her that she was the only woman he had ever loved since birth, except for his mother.    


When she said she wanted to leave him, he had the feeling that the world was about to collapse.    


He knew she depended on him, and he needed her, too, interdependent and adoring. How could she just give up such a feeling of mutual affection?    


Xia Yihan didn't come out of her room. She stopped crying and just stood there in a daze.    


Every corner of the room was filled with the laughter of two people. She thought she was the happiest woman in the world. She thought her happiness would never end.    


He had said that he loved her, that he would always love her, always love her.    


Why did she see him put his hands on other women's stomachs, why did she hear him call the child in her own ears, when he said he was his father?    


Wasn't he just lying to her? Why couldn't he fool her for a lifetime? That way, she would be a fool for a lifetime, forever living in happiness.    


After who knows how long, Ye Zimo put out the cigarette, knocked on the door, and gently asked her, "Are you feeling better? Will you open the door and let me in so I can have a word with you? "    


"I don't want to say anything to you." she said coldly.    


She was ready to leave. Whether he allowed it or not, she would find a way to leave.    


Leaving, shouldn't you pack up and prepare? She looked around and saw that she had nothing to pack. When she entered the Ye Family, she was only wearing a white long skirt and the rest were all Ye Zimo's.    


Lili gave her a credit card that could be overdrawn indefinitely. She had never used it, and it was kept in a drawer by her bedside, where Lili would slip it into her handbag whenever she needed it.    


Unknowingly, she once again thought of how he had treated her well. She shook her head, shaking off these memories. Opening her handbag, she took out her credit card and quietly put it back in the drawer.    


Her cell phone might have to be contacted before she left, and she would leave it for him before she left.    


She would bring nothing with her. Before she came, she only had Mo Xiaojun in her heart. After she leaves, she will not take Ye Zimo with her.    


He wouldn't need her care and love. He had Song and her children, so he should be happy.    


Xia Yihan could only focus on thinking about how to leave this place, instead of feeling suffocated from the pain. She forced herself to keep packing. Even if she didn't take them with her, she would pack and reorganize them.    


After Ye Zimo had spoken, she went silent and continued to wait. After some time, the housekeeper came to report that Miss Zhong and Mr Lee had arrived. Ye Zimo told him to come in immediately.    


Coincidentally, the two of them arrived at the same time and met at the door.    


Ye Zimo knocked on the door again. She heard Xia Yihan's still cold voice, "I heard it. Come out immediately."    


Xia Yihan changed out of her work clothes and chose a green skirt to wear. She knew that she didn't look good today. Choosing a more lively dress might be able to dilute that feeling. She didn't want to give people a bad mood.    


Ye Zimo stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Xia Yihan's waist, causing her entire body to stiffen.    


"We're going to make them happy for the first time, aren't we?" When his voice fell in her ears, her body couldn't help but slightly tremble.    


She did not contradict him, nor did she ask him to let go.    


The two of them slowly walked down the stairs and arrived at the entrance of the main house. Lee Heetai and Zhong Yunchang's car just happened to arrive at the same time.    


The butler and Jiu Jiu had long arranged for the maid and Security Officer to be in position. When the carriage stopped, the Security Officer from Ye Family walked up to open the carriage door for them.    


Zhong Yunchang was also wearing a green dress. The color was darker than Xia Yihan's, making her look more dignified and generous. It was very consistent with her temperament.    


In order to respect Ye Zimo's introduction, she had even put on light makeup. Her elegant appearance made Lee Heetai's eyes light up. He didn't know why, but he felt that her manner was a little similar to Xia Yihan's.    


"Let me introduce you, Lee Heetai, my brother, Miss Zhong Yunchangzhong." Xia Yihan took a step forward and said to the two of them.    


Zhong Yunchang thought that she would say that she was her older sister, but she actually wanted her to say that. She didn't say it, so of course she knew the reason.    


"Hello!" The two of them spoke at the same time. Lee Heetai stretched out his hand and politely held Zhong Yunchang's fingertip.    


Lee Heetai gave people a warm feeling, like jade, he didn't seem high-profile, wasn't arrogant, but it was hard for people to ignore him. Zhong Yunchang felt that he was indeed an outstanding man. If it wasn't for the fact that Ye Zimo had already taken root in her heart, she might have fallen for such a man.    


"Mr Lee, Miss Zhong, please come in!" "Yes, sir," the butler said respectfully. They nodded to the butler at the same time and stepped through the main entrance.    


Lee Heetai's gaze swept across Xia Yihan's face without leaving a trace. She had stopped crying long ago and was still smiling. However, he felt that she wasn't happy and was different from usual.    


Xia Yihan also looked at him with a complicated gaze. Unknowingly, she seemed to be seeking help. When she realized that she had revealed too much of her emotions, she hurriedly retracted her gaze.    


Not only did Lee Heetai notice the abnormality between Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo, Zhong Yunchang also noticed it.    


She thought, It can't be that her sister knew about Soong Wanting, right?    


"Yihan." Zhong Yunchang cried out as she smiled and took the initiative to take her arm.    


Xia Yihan also wanted to do the same. She was afraid that everyone would think that Zhong Yunchang was the daughter of the provincial capital's chairman. It wouldn't be good if she was too intimate with him.    


With Zhong Yunchang holding her hand, Xia Yihan's heart warmed a little as she felt the wordless care coming from her family.    


When they arrived at the dining table, Lee Heetai elegantly helped Zhong Yunchang pull out her seat. She gently smiled and said, "Thank you." The few of them took their seats separately, and Ye Zimo instructed them to serve the dishes.    


Ever since he saw Xia Yihan's strange gaze, Lee Heetai was a bit absent-minded. He wanted to know what happened to her, but he didn't show it.    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan temporarily let go of their unhappiness and tried their best to get the two of them together. Unfortunately, the two of them had their own thoughts and worries. Even though their first impressions of each other were quite good, they did not have the mood to try their luck.    


They didn't want to disappoint Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan, so they still cooperated.    


"When is Miss Zhong free? Shall we go out and take a look?" Zhong Yunchang nodded and only said one word, "Ok."    


"He didn't leave any contact details, how do I transfer?" Xia Yihan smiled mischievously. Lee Heetai said, "Didn't you just want to ask that?"    


Zhong Yunchang was generous. She picked up her phone and asked for Lee Heetai's number. The two of them could be considered as having made the initial contact.    


After dinner, Ye Zimo suggested that they take a seat at the small meeting room, so they went back to the small meeting room.    


"Yihan, I remember that the snack you taught me last time was pretty good. Shall we go to the kitchen and have a look?" Ye Zimo stood up and hugged Xia Yihan's waist. She nodded and Zhong Yunchang said with a faint smile, "There's no need to be in such a hurry to create a chance for us to interact alone, is there? "Didn't we already have an appointment?    


"Yunchang is right. No matter what, this is your family's territory. You can't let it go. Don't worry, I'll ask Yunchang to inspect me. As long as Yunchang is willing." Lee Heetai is flowery but graceful, so the women are infatuated with her.    


Even though he hadn't reached the stage where he could fall in love with Zhong Yunchang, he still wanted others to think that he had taken a liking to her and had given enough face to a woman.    


She had been secretly in love with Ye Zimo for too long and had never been noticed by him. This made her feel inferior to him.    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan could only sit down and chat with each other. Time passed by slowly as they were talking. Seeing that it was getting late, Zhong Yunchang got up and said that she was going home.    


"Let's go together, I'll drive the car to clear the way for you." After Lee Heetai finished speaking, he added: "Can you wait for me for a few minutes? My mother had a few words she wanted me to say to Yihan in private. "    


"Zimo, I want to talk to my sister for a bit. Is that alright?"    


Ye Zimo didn't want to agree, but he believed that Lee Heetai was someone who knew his place and wouldn't act recklessly.    


"Of course, baby, go!" Ye Zimo said softly, but Xia Yihan smiled. She looked at Lee Heetai and whispered, "Brother Heetai, there's no need. I want to go back with you to see mom. If you have something to say, you can say it to my face."    


Ye Zimo's face suddenly turned dark. Lee Heetai and Zhong Yunchang also felt it was strange, but they were even more sure that there was a conflict between them.    


Lee Heetai looked at Ye Zimo and understood that Ye Zimo did something too outrageous to make Xia Yihan unhappy. Of course, he wanted to back Xia Yihan up, but they were an unmarried couple with no proper reason to interfere, let alone forcefully taking her away.    


"Mo, I'm going back with Brother Heetai." Xia Yihan said with a smile. Ye Zimo fiercely wrapped her arms around Xia Yihan's waist and moved towards her side. In a gentle tone, she said, "Idiot, it's so late when you go back by yourself. If you want to return, of course you can. It's not like you need to spend an entire night. I'll accompany you tomorrow. "    



You evil bastard! Xia Yihan gnashed her teeth as she thought to herself. She would give up the idea of going home just because she knew what he was going to think.    


What Ye Zimo said made sense. Even if Lee Heetai wanted to help Xia Yihan, he couldn't interfere due to a favor.    


"That's true. It's already so late. You should come back tomorrow." If Zimo doesn't have time to go back with you, call me and I'll pick you up. " He'd told Xia Yihan what he wanted, so that both she and Ye Zimo would understand that he would come and help her if she needed it.    


Xia Yihan was very pleased. She truly felt that having an elder brother was the best.    


If she had no Lee Heetai, no Mo Xiaojun, no mother, she was under Ye Zimo's wrath, so she could only think of a way to solve the problem herself.    


Now that she had someone to rely on, regardless of whether she used them or not, these people who cared about her, their existence itself, gave her enough strength.    


In order to love her people, she wanted to live a happy life, she wouldn't be as depressed as before.    


"Thank you, Brother Heetai." Xia Yihan said with a smile. That smile that carried a bit of reliance and trust caused Ye Zimo to unconsciously frown.    


Damn it, did she not know who she belonged to? How can you laugh so wildly at a man who isn't related to any of his relatives?    


"Let's go, I'll tell you what my mom told me to tell you." After Lee Heetai said this, he walked out of the small guest room. Xia Yihan broke away from Ye Zimo and followed him out.    


Ye Zimo really wanted to capture Xia Yihan and stop her, but he had already promised her that he wouldn't go back on his word.    


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