Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C440 Favorite Marriage 372

C440 Favorite Marriage 372

4"Why do you want to sleep? Is my massage technique that good? " Lee Heetai curled his lips. Princess Ya Hui smiled softly and said, "I am indeed a bit sleepy."    


"Don't sleep, let's go again." As he spoke, his large hand once again covered her voluptuous figure, but she had unknowingly sunk into his dreamland.    


Seeing Princess Ya Hui fall into a deep sleep, Lee Heetai stood up to wash his hands. He looked at her coldly, then picked up his pants and sent a message to his subordinate.    


He asked his subordinates if they had started moving and how was Xia Yihan.    


Very quickly, the other side replied that they were waiting in full alert, but did not see any trace of him.    


It was impossible to be wrong in his judgement. From how anxious Princess Ya Hui was for him to come and try to stall for time, he could tell that she must have arranged for someone to do something to Xia Yihan.    


After a few seconds of contemplation, he sent another message to his subordinates: Be alert at all times. Perhaps their operation had not yet begun. Report to me at any time and ensure Xia Yihan's safety.    


After putting away his phone, he put on his clothes and sat on the sofa in Princess Ya Hui's bedroom, waiting quietly.    


There were many guards outside, so he had no way to leave. If he tried to leave by force, he might be controlled, and might even be retorted with 'Princess Night Assault' or something like that.    


He gave Princess Ya Hui a light dose of knockout drugs. She wouldn't feel anything when she woke up, she would only think that she was sleeping out of boredom.    


The night passed like this, but he did not receive any news. Just before dawn, his subordinates sent him a message saying: Mr Lee, they did not take any action.    


He went back to his plan.    


Xia Yihan felt that this night's sleep was extremely heavy. Ever since she left Ye Zimo, she had never been able to sleep so soundly, not even waking up once.    


She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling of the Hilton Hotel.    


It was really strange. In the past, whether she was awake or asleep, she would never be able to get rid of Ye Zimo's shadow. How could she have slept so deeply last night?    


She wanted to get out of bed, but found her body to be extremely weak, as if she had not slept through the night, as if all the tiredness of many days had come to her that day.    


She lay back on the bed and thought about what had happened last night. She felt even weirder.    


Last night, Lee Heetai had already gone back to his room to sleep. When she was standing at the window thinking about Ye Zimo, he knocked on the door again and asked her: "Did you sleep badly recently?"    


"Not bad." "No," she said.    


"Look at you, the dark circles under your eyes are out, we're still talking." Come here, I'll rub your temples. I've learned a little massage from someone and I've brought some essential oil. " Lee Heetai said as he took out a small bottle.    


Xia Yihan didn't know which language it was, and she didn't understand it.    


He spoke with such sincerity that she had been troubled by sleep for many days. If she did not get a good night's sleep, she really would not have the energy to travel the next day.    


"Alright, Brother Heetai." She smiled, and Lee Heetai opened the small bottle, holding his breath as if he were a little nervous.    


He put the essential oil in his hand and stood in front of Xia Yihan, letting her close her eyes. He rubbed her temples a few times, then rubbed the edges of her cheeks and nose.    


She slowly fell asleep and said with a smile, "This essential oil seems to be very peaceful and sleepy. Brother Heetai, you can go back now. I want to sleep now."    


"Alright, I'll wash my hands and then go back." After saying that, Lee Heetai took the essential oil and went to the bathroom.    


Xia Yihan didn't even know when Lee Heetai left. The last thing she remembered was that he said he was going to wash his hands.    


Did he drug her?    


Xia Yihan realized this and immediately shook her head. That's impossible, how could Brother Heetai drug her?    


Even though he liked her, he had never once said that he was definitely not the kind of person who would use despicable methods to obtain a woman's body.    


Besides, she was wearing what she wore last night, and her body didn't have that sort of memory.    


It was just that if she hadn't been drugged, she wouldn't have slept so deeply. She remembered the time she had drunk the wine Mo Xiaonong had given her, and how she had fallen asleep so quickly.    


It seems like he's drugged, but his goal isn't to harm you, it should be to protect you.    


Were those people going to act again last night? Did he drug her because he didn't want her to know what had happened?    


She got up and put on her slippers. Before she could wash up, she went to the suite next door to find Lee Heetai. No one answered the door after knocking for a long time. Xia Yihan started to get anxious.    


Did he encounter danger?    


Xia Yihan went back to her bedroom and got her cell phone to call Lee Heetai. Thankfully, his cell phone rang.    


Princess Ya Hui had already woken up. She was still a bit upset that she missed the fun after last night. Lee Heetai gently said to her: "You must be tired from the journey. It's okay. We still have a lot of chances in the future. But I can't do it today, I have to go back and accompany my sister. I was away all night and I don't know how she's doing. "    


When Lee Heetai said this, Princess Ya Hui remembered that Lun Dabu and the rest wanted to make a move on Xia Yihan.    


She couldn't wait to know what happened last night, so she called the guards over and asked them to send Mr Lee away.    


Just like that, Lee Heetai didn't have the time to answer Xia Yihan's call. He was then brought out of the hotel by someone else, and was brought to the Hilton Hotel before being put down.    


Xia Yihan was already burning with anxiety. This was a foreign country and she had seen Lee Heetai last night. Even if he had disappeared, he would not be reported to the police for less than 24 hours.    


She didn't know how to get in touch with him, so she turned on the TV and watched the latest news.    


Hopefully, there wasn't any bad news, so she secretly prayed.    


The morning news was running an update: Last night, several Valleys had been arrested by Australian police for carrying weapons such as tranquilizer guns.    


Next, Xia Yihan looked at the faces of the people from Fenlai. One of them was one of the people following Prince Ya Lun.    


In other words, she guessed it right. Something did happen last night, but it looks like Brother Heetai won. Why don't they see him?    


Just as she was getting anxious, her phone suddenly rang. It was Lee Heetai. Her incredibly worried heart finally relaxed.    


After eagerly answering the phone, she heard Lee Heetai's gentle voice, "Yihan, I came out to buy breakfast for you. There's a Chinese restaurant nearby, so the breakfast here might be more suitable for your taste. "Wait, I'll be back in ten minutes."    


Xia Yihan's tears slipped unknowingly from her eyes. It sounded like nothing had happened.    


She was very touched, really touched by what Lee Heetai had done for her. To make her not know anything, he thought so carefully and meticulously.    


His protection of her was no less than Ye Zimo's. She really hated people who couldn't easily transfer their emotions. Otherwise, if she fell in love with Lee Heetai, wouldn't it be a happy ending as well?    


No. She shook her head. Even if it were possible, she wouldn't be worthy of him. She used to be Ye Zimo's woman. Her Brother Heetai should be looking for a simple woman, like Zhong Yunchang.    


She turned off the TV and went to wash up. Lee Heetai had already come back with the Chinese cuisine she bought for her.    


Xia Yihan looked at his eyes. His eyes were a little dark, proving that he didn't sleep well last night.    


"Yihan, did you sleep well last night?" "That essential oil worked well. When I washed my hands, you had already fallen asleep." Lee Heetai said lovingly.    


Xia Yihan guessed correctly. He had intentionally drugged her with a small amount of knockout drug, so she might be more sensitive than him, causing her to fall asleep the moment she came in contact with his drug.    


After she had fallen asleep, he personally carried her out of the room and into the spare room his men had prepared.    


Later, it was the woman who took her place in her room.    


As nothing had happened that night, he ordered Xia Yihan to be carried back to bed before dawn.    


He wanted her to know nothing and continue her pleasant journey, but he seemed to notice something in her eyes.    


Xia Yihan took the soy milk and steamed buns from Lee Heetai's hands.    


"Brother Heetai, I know, their people came to take action again last night. Did you fight too? Are you hurt? Are any of your men hurt? " Xia Yihan asked with concern.    


"No, you're thinking too much. Nothing happened last night." Lee Heetai said gently.    


"Stop lying to me, Brother Heetai. I already know everything. I just saw the news and said that a few people from FannLai Country were taken by the police. I saw that those people on the news were Prince Ya Lun's subordinates.    


Lee Heetai was also surprised by this news. It shouldn't be someone under him, otherwise he would have received the news a long time ago.    


Then who else could it be? The Australian police would not have found out in time if no one had.    


Who would be the informer?    


When Lee Heetai got the news, Princess Ya Hui also got the news.    


Prince Ya Lun saw the news and later asked her if she had sent Lundabu out to handle the matter without his permission.    


"I did send him. I didn't expect him to fail." Princess Ya Hui admitted frankly.    


"Looks like I still underestimated Lee Heetai. I didn't expect his subordinate to be so strong that he could get our men to the police station."    


Logically speaking, their men, especially Lundabu, were very powerful. It was not easy for professional agents to be arrested, and the police alone would not be able to control them.    


This could only mean that Lee Heetai's men were much stronger than theirs.    


"Brother Heetai, are you and your people really alright?" Xia Yihan asked again.    


"It's fine, you saw it too. They were the ones who got caught, so of course we're fine now. "Alright, let's continue our journey today. Those people have all been arrested, so we won't be able to cause any trouble this time."    


Xia Yihan sighed and said, "Brother Heetai, let's go back to the country. I don't want to stay here anymore."    


She was afraid that both sides would be entangled endlessly. When Lee Heetai's safety was threatened, she would be letting down her mother and Chief of staff, Lee.    


"Don't worry, we'll start changing the route of the tour now. They won't find out." Xia Yihan knew he wanted her to have a good time, so she didn't insist on it, Lee Heetai said.    


"Alright, Brother Heetai, let me change my clothes."    


"Yes." Lee Heetai promised to shut the door for her and went back to his room. He took out Ye Zimo's cell number from his phone book and called her.    


"Is there something? Why are you calling so early? I'm still in the morning training. " Ye Zimo's attitude was light and even cold.    


"Is that you?" Lee Heetai asked.    


"What is it?" I don't understand. "    


"You're the one protecting Xia Yihan in the dark, right? Last night, your men took care of those Versailles before calling the police, right? Those people were not ordinary people. It was impossible for them to defeat the ordinary police. If it wasn't done by my people, then it must be done by your people. "    


"I don't know what you're talking about, but I can tell you that I didn't do anything to Xia Yihan." We had broken up and had nothing to do with each other. I had no reason to protect her. Please don't call me again about her. I'm not interested. " After she finished speaking, Ye Zimo decisively pressed the hang up button.    


"If it wasn't you, who else would it be?" Lee Heetai grunted and threw the phone onto the bed.    


After a while, Xia Yihan changed her clothes and knocked on his door. Lee Heetai then picked up his phone and went out with his stuff.    


"Yihan." He called out to her, and Xia Yihan smiled and said, "Well, what is it, Brother Heetai?"    


"It's fine. I just wanted to say that your dress today is very beautiful."    


In the end, he still didn't say that it was possible that Ye Zimo had protected her last night. After all, there was no evidence. Furthermore, Ye Zimo didn't seem to want to admit it. He refused to admit it. If Xia Yihan knew that he was still being nice to her, then she couldn't forget about him. Her period of suffering would also grow longer.    


Xia Yihan didn't know what he really wanted to say. If he didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask. She only smiled.    


"That's right. This dress is the most flashy one out of all of my dresses. You have to wear it during your travels to be in a good mood."    


In the morning, another piece of news came out, saying that the few terrorist attacks captured by the Australian police last night were just a black dragon.    


Lee Heetai saw the news on his phone and knew that it was probably ordered by Ya Lun or Ya Hui.    


Lundabu went back to Princess Ya Hui and told her everything that had happened last night.    


"Didn't you say that it would be absolutely safe?" Princess Ya Hui had spent so much time and effort planning this, but she had lost because they were not as skilled as the others, and her brother had even scolded her. Of course, Princess Ya Hui was furious.    


"Your Highness, we ran into an ambush last night."    


"I know, Lee Heetai's men defeated you."    


"No, Your Highness, I suspect that it isn't Lee Heetai's man. Lee Heetai has a limited number of bodyguards, so we met a lot of people last night who are very professional. I think it's very likely that it's Ye Zimo's people. He has a black-clothed group. "    


"It's him?" Princess Ya Hui frowned. She had received news that they had broken up and hadn't seen each other since. Would he protect a woman who had already broken up with him?     3


"Your Highness, I took this from him last night when we were fighting …" As he spoke, Lundabu reached into his pocket and remembered that he had received a emblem of an eagle spreading its wings.    


His pockets were empty. He searched twice more but still couldn't find it. It seemed like it had been taken away while he was unconscious.    


"The eagle emblem is the emblem of Ye Zimo's Black Cloaked Organization. I saw it with my own eyes. It might have been taken away again."    


Princess Ya Hui glanced at him coldly, then ordered him, "Looks like you need to reflect on your decision when you return home. Let's stop this matter here, we need to find a more suitable opportunity."    


After Lundabu left, Princess Ya Hui thought about what he had said. After thinking for a long time, she eventually called Ye Zimo's cell phone. She answered it very quickly.    


"Your Highness." Ye Zimo's voice sounded a little lazy.    


If he was the one who did it, he should know that she was the mastermind. He would probably hate her, so why was his attitude so good?    


Was it Lundabu's excuse? Or was Ye Zimo deliberately disturbing her thoughts?    


Regardless of which, she wanted to see what kind of attitude Ye Zimo would have towards her in the end.    


She smiled gently and said, "It's rare for you to still remember my number. I thought you had forgotten about me after that night."    


"Your Highness is so charming, how could I forget it so easily?" Ye Zimo seemed to have changed back to the Ye Zimo of a few years ago. I heard that he was a playboy at that time.    


"Is that so? I heard you broke up with Xia Yihan. You're single now. "Looks like I can court you now?"    


"It's my honor, Your Highness."    


Whether it was true or not, Princess Ya Hui was very happy that Ye Zimo spoke to her in such a tone.    


"Very well, I am in Australia now. I will fly directly to China in the morning, and I will be there in the evening. "I look forward to tonight …" When Princess Ya Hui said this, she purposely left some time for Ye Zimo to understand what she meant.    


"Tonight, I will make Your Highness ecstatic. I long for your body.    


When Xia Yihan and Lee Heetai were about to board the plane, she received a message from an unfamiliar number.    


The message was written in Chinese, and the content was as follows: Hello, I am Ya Lun. Last night, my guard once again tried to do something improper to you without my knowledge, but it was discovered by Mr Lee in time. I'm very sorry, but as an apology, I've decided not to disturb your peace for the time being. But remember, for the time being, I admire you very much, and I reserve the right to continue pursuing you.    


Xia Yihan frowned as she looked at the message. Lee Heetai saw it and asked, "Who sent it? "Prince Ya Lun?"    


"Yes." Xia Yihan replied, "It's from him."    


"What did he say?"    


"He said that he would not disturb me for the time being, but he will not give up his pursuit of me. Brother Heetai, I really don't know how I offended him. because he's brought you a lot of trouble lately... "    


"Silly Girl, I really don't have anything new besides work. "He's really good in this trouble, it just so happens that my bodyguards can take the opportunity to train themselves."    


Lee Heetai really had a lot to say to comfort her. Xia Yihan chuckled. There was helplessness and gratitude in her smile.    


"Alright, he's already said that he won't disturb us for the time being. Those guards won't have the face to do anything after being captured. We can rest assured and stay here for a while longer." Lee Heetai said in a relaxed manner.    


"Yes, you can relax now." Lee Heetai reached out his hand and Xia Yihan placed it on his hand.    


Actually, Xia Yihan always felt relaxed around Lee Heetai, if she didn't always think of owing him.    


He seemed to know her very well, perhaps because she resembled his mother.    


When the two of them arrived at the scenic spot, Lee Heetai noticed that Xia Yihan was staring at a sportscar that they were listening to in the distance.    


That dark blue sports car looked very similar to Ye Zimo's sports car. Lee Heetai remembered that Ye Zimo had once been waiting for Xia Yihan at the entrance of his company.    


He didn't need to ask to know that she was thinking about him again.    


He quietly stopped. Xia Yihan didn't even notice that she stopped and that Lee Heetai was indulging her.    


Her mind kept replaying the first time Ye Zimo had met her at the door of Lee Heetai's company. How sweet they had been at that time.    


She closed her eyes, forcing the tears that were on the verge of spilling out back. She turned around and met Lee Heetai's concerned gaze.    


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