Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C222 Favorite Marriage 155

C222 Favorite Marriage 155

4Xia Yihan choked with sobs. Perhaps the dream she'd had for so many years was about to come true, but she was also incomparably excited. It was hard to tell if he was sincere or just faking it.    


"Child, I never thought I would have such a beautiful daughter. I really hate how I didn't see you when you complained in front of the provincial chamber of commerce. Otherwise, I would have known that you were my daughter." Seeing that Xia Yihan was moved and crying, President Zhong said it with more sincerity.    


"It's all your father's fault, causing you to suffer for so many years. I know better than you what kind of man he is. How many years have I known him? Promise daddy a chance to take care of you. I'll get someone to buy you an upscale apartment downtown, and I'll arrange for you to do a lucrative job. In the future, you will be free from all worries and will be able to forget about Ye Zimo for a period of time before you start your new life again. Don't get involved in a fight. It's really not good for you. Other people think it's good to be rich children. Let me tell you, it's different from what everyone imagined. These children are more dangerous to be the children of ordinary people. "    


Xia Yihan wasn't in the mood to listen to the rest of what he had to say. All she knew was that he was against her being with Ye Zimo.    


Xia Yihan shook her head repeatedly, "No, I love Ye Zimo. He also loves me. I will not leave him!"    


"So determined to be with him?" Xia Yihan looked at him and said firmly, "Yes, I must be with him."    


He sighed deeply and patted her hand.    


"Yihan ah, since you said it like that, what can a father do? Who wouldn't want their daughter to be happy? However, you really don't understand Ye Zimo's character. He will definitely force you to recognize me as his father. He and his father both hate me, and now that they know I have a stain on my body, it's impossible not to take advantage of this rare opportunity. "    


She looked at Xia Yihan's expression. She wasn't as cold as when she said that she would leave immediately to find Ye Zimo. It meant that his stratagem was still useful.    


"After so many years, do you know how many trials and tribulations that ordinary people can't even imagine that I could make it to this day? It looked impressive, but it was like I was walking on a cliff. I dare not let anything go wrong with you. If anyone found out that you were my daughter, my wife would make trouble for me. Yunchang will not forgive me, and the people will talk about my behavior. Look at how many high-ranking officials have fallen, it all has to do with women. What's more, if news of me spread out, even if I lost my position, it wouldn't be a big deal. I was afraid that it would implicate your mother. She is so delicate that she will be accused of bad manners and misdemeanour. Her good family was gone. When I was young, I had already let her down. I didn't want to be old enough to hurt her again. Can you understand what Daddy is saying? "    


Xia Yihan understood, of course. She gritted her teeth and refused to admit it because she was afraid of destroying her mother's family.    


However, the feeling of seeing one's family in front of one's eyes yet not being able to recognize them was extremely uncomfortable.    


She bit down on her lip, not wanting to cry, and after a long time of calmness, she slowly nodded. "I understand, I won't make things difficult for you two," she said in a choked voice. I won't say it. I won't let anyone know about our relationship. Actually, even if you didn't say anything, I would have known what to do. After my mother and I had been identified, I did not acknowledge her. I told her that we had made a mistake. "    


As she spoke, Xia Yihan looked at her father, who sat in front of her and held her hand. He really did look thinner than on television.    


She was not in their circle, and she might not understand how he felt about keeping his job, but she knew he must be feeling bad. Whoever does not want to recognize his own kin will have the love of licking calves.    


She felt pain in her heart, sighed and sighed, finally wiped the tears off her face again, took her hand away from Zhong Yuquan's hand, and said to him as calmly as she could: "Don't worry, I won't let Ye Zimo know that we've met today. Even if he wants to pursue our relationship, I will stop him. Even if he did, I'd say I don't want to meet you. Today is the last time we will meet alone. When I see you in the future, I will respectfully address you as President Zhong and not let anyone see through it. "    


No one knew that when she said these words, her heart felt so uncomfortable that it felt like it was going to suffocate.    


But she had to say it, do it, to reassure her father.    


Zhong Yuquan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with forcing her. In his heart, he had always felt that the child owed his parents.    


He had already done her a disservice by giving her such an excellent gene.    


He had also said that he would arrange a good life for her so that she would have nothing to worry about in the future. If she didn't want it, then so be it. It wasn't that he didn't fulfill his duty as a father, but that he didn't know of her existence. By the time he found out, she was an adult and could survive on her own.    


"You are very smart and very sensible. Dad also wants you to understand that I can still take care of you in secret if we don't recognize each other. Once I accept the truth, my reputation will be ruined. I will not be able to help you in times of trouble. "    


"I understand, I'm going back. Thank you for giving me life! " With that, Xia Yihan bowed deeply, giving another two reluctant glances at her before leaving in a hurry.    


"Wait!" She had only walked a few steps when Zhong Yuquan called out to her again.    


Xia Yihan didn't know what she was expecting, but she did turn around in anticipation to see her father handing her his phone.    


The hope that had just risen was instantly replaced with disappointment. She curled her lips slightly and laughed at herself for being too stupid.    


Taking the phone from him, she turned around to leave. President Zhong already saw the disappointment in her eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Don't you want to call me daddy?"    


If a father could make his daughter think of him, he would listen.    


Xia Yihan finally realized that he didn't want to hear her call out to him. She forced herself to smile.    


"No, I'm afraid that if you call me by my name, you will be harmed if you call me that in a place you shouldn't be."    


After saying that, she didn't linger any longer and quickly walked out of the room "recognizing father".    


When she entered the elevator, she could no longer hold back her tears and rushed down the stairs. She knelt on the ground and cried for a long time. She was alone in the elevator. She didn't press the button to go downstairs.    


He was her father!    


He had not stressed to her how much he loved her, and even though he had said one or two words, she could now recall that they were all appropriate.    


She had thought of not caring, of understanding him, of thanking him, but when faced with him only thinking about his rights, not caring about her at all, and even trying to destroy her relationship with Ye Zimo when they first met, her heart almost broke.    


The elevator slowly moved. Xia Yihan looked at the lights and saw that it was pressed on the first floor.    


She dried her eyes and went to the washroom on the first floor to wash her face. She didn't want Ye Zimo to see her crying.    


The elevator stopped on the first floor and the door opened. Ye Zimo stepped forward and held Xia Yihan tightly in her arms.    


"Are you alright? Are you afraid? It's President Zhong, right? " His voice sounded above her head, anxious and reluctant.    


His large hands caressed her hair soothingly, as if to say, It's okay, he's by her side.    


Security Officer was waiting for Xia Yihan outside the toilet when a cleaning woman pushed a cart in front of him into the toilet. After a while, the cleaner came out with the cart again. It looked like it was going to be difficult. Security Officer was very alert, afraid that Xia Yihan would be killed. Especially since the car seemed to be very heavy, and when someone was going to the toilet, he immediately called that person in to ask if there was someone called Xia Yihan in there. The man said no, but hurried after the janitor, who seemed to be peeking out from the bottom corner of the cart with a bit of Xia Yihan's overalls.    


The cleaner caught up but didn't find anything wrong with it. There was indeed Xia Yihan's coat in the car. He turned around to look for her but she was nowhere to be seen.    


He immediately reported to Ye Zimo, because he had already purchased the mall, and soon, Lin Ling would bring out the video. The video showed that when the Security Officer went to chase after the Security Officer, someone drove the unconscious Xia Yihan and quickly left the shopping mall through another door.    


At the same time, Ye Zimo forwarded the video to Lin Dahui. Lin Dahui recognized that one of the people who took Xia Yihan away was President Zhong's man.    


As long as he wasn't a member of Soong Wanting's group, he wasn't particularly worried.    


President Zhong probably made a move because he knew her identity. What did he really think? He never would have thought that he would despicably take his daughter away in such a way.    


Ye Zimo told Lin Ling to locate Xia Yihan's phone, so he quickly found the location.    


Xia Yihan hugged Ye Zimo back tightly and leaned on his chest silently for a moment. Then, she raised her head and said softly, "I'm sorry I made you worry. Can you not ask me anything? I don't want to say anything. I don't want to lie to you. As for the matter of my ancestry, don't investigate it any further. I wish I had you, Mo. Truly, I only wish I had you. "    


Since he had already found this place, of course Xia Yihan was afraid that he would rush upstairs to argue with President Zhong.    


Her father's actions had truly made her sad, but no matter how sad, he was still her father. He was the one who gave her life, and she didn't want the man she loved the most to clash with her real father.    


"Alright, I'm enough. Let's go home!" Ye Zimo gently said as she leaned over to kiss her forehead. She first took off her coat and put it on her, then she hugged her whole body.    


It was just one small movement, but Xia Yihan could already feel the boundless warmth and heartache.    


Her father, in order to bring her here, had let her clothes be taken off. It must have been to divert Security Officer's attention. He didn't care how cold it was when she wore a shirt for less than ten degrees.    


He also said that Ye Zimo didn't truly love her, and at this moment, she could clearly feel his deep feelings. He didn't ask any more questions, just held her in his arms, watching her with concern in his eyes.    


He held her in his arms all the way until they got out of the building, all the way to the villa, and never let go of her.    


Ye Zimo told Dr Hao to make a medicine for Xia Yihan to drink, afraid that she would catch a cold from this trip.    


After drinking, he went to bed and took her in his arms to sleep.    


He only wanted to comfort her with his company.    


That night, Xia Yihan kept calling out to her father in her dreams, crying as she did so. Ye Zimo clenched her fists so hard that they made gurgling sounds. She cursed in her heart who knew how many times. That damned old fox, he was really not a human!    


"It was my fault. I did not protect you well and gave him a chance to harm you." He murmured as he held her tightly in his arms again and again.    


The next morning, when Xia Yihan woke up, her eyes were red and swollen.    


"Rest for today!" Ye Zimo said gently. She shook her head.    


"Christmas is approaching and I don't have time to rest, so I'm fine. Actually, he had already accepted me as his daughter yesterday. He even said that he would buy me a house and get me a job, but in reality, he wasn't a derelict father. I didn't want to ruin his current life, so I told him I would treat it as if it hadn't happened. Promise me that we'll treat it as though it didn't happen, okay? "    


Ye Zimo only smiled gently and caressed her little face, saying, "You are the most foolish woman in this world."    


"Promise me!" Xia Yihan grabbed his hand and pleaded in a low but firm voice.    


"Yes." Ye Zimo snorted lightly and held her in her arms again.    


The two of them went to work as usual while Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan rode in the same car.    


Before leaving, she found out that Ye Zimo had switched the driver that was assigned to her for his own use. He had arranged for her to have a driver and two security guards.    


She didn't want such a big battle, but she knew Ye Zimo was doing it for her own good, so she didn't persist too much.    


In the morning, Ye Zimo appeared in front of Zhong Yuquan. With a frosty expression, she threw a file onto his table.    


Zhong Yuquan picked up the folder. Other than the DNA identification results, there was also evidence of something he did.    


"What do you mean?" He asked Ye Zimo with a cold expression.    


"If you don't come to my villa tonight, apologize to Xia Yihan and sincerely acknowledge her, then I'll ruin your reputation!"    


President Zhong smirked: "Relying on you? "Stinking brat!"    


"I'll only wait until 8 PM!" Ye Zimo turned around and left as she spoke in a cold and arrogant tone.    




After Ye Zimo left, President Zhong took out a cigarette, lit it up, and slowly finished smoking.    


After that, he closed his eyes and recalled the whole Yu Hongtao case. Then, he looked at the contents of the file in front of him.    


Unexpectedly, this Ye Zimo who seemed to be incompatible with his father had actually investigated so many things of his in secret. After all these years, there had been quite a few people who had wanted to take him down, but none of them had been able to obtain that much evidence.    


Including Song, his heart had always been there. It seemed that Soong was really old. He was no match for Ye Zimo. However, that daughter of his …    


Last time, when she said she would get engaged, she said she would break up. Did that girl surnamed Song really want to break up so badly?    


If it wasn't for the fact that Zhong Yuquan and Ye Haorann had been at loggerheads for many years, he would have already married his daughter to Ye Zimo, and their Soong Family s would always be above all else.    


Could it be that Ye Zimo gave Soong Wanting a lot of benefits?    


He thought for a while. After smoking his third cigarette, he picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number. "Find out where Soong Wanting is."    


Previously, he didn't want his Soong Family and them to get too close, so he was afraid that the two of them together would restrict him.    


However, in an official game, there were no eternal enemies, nor were there any eternal friends. He didn't want them to succeed in the past, but maybe he didn't want them to succeed now either.    


As long as Soong Wanting made a ruckus again, Ye Zimo's attention would no longer be focused on Xia Yihan.    


Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't just follow Ye Haorann and become Ye Haorann's relative now that things had come to this point. He was Ye Zimo's father-in-law, and he would never touch him.    


However, he was still a dragon amongst men. How could he be threatened by a little brat?    


Moreover, if anyone leaked the truth about Xia Yihan, his wife would definitely not be an easy person to deal with. Back then, he had dared to commit an affair. His father-in-law was not as powerful as he was later on. But now, it was different. His father-in-law had already left. Who was his brother-in-law? With his words, he still wanted to enter the center? None at all!    


Ye Haorann wouldn't fight with him with Ye Zimo. People like him wouldn't do such a thing. He would just wholeheartedly benefit the people.    


Therefore, it would be much easier for him to fight Ye Zimo alone than against his wife's entire family.    


While he was thinking, his phone suddenly rang. It was a call from a trusted aide.    


"President, just now, San Mao's family ran away."    


What a great Ye Zimo. She was forcing him to take a step forward and start attacking his men.    


He just wanted to tell him that as long as he didn't recognize his daughter at night, he wasn't talking about it, was he?    


Ye Zimo!    




After lunch, Ye Zimo specifically brought Xia Yihan to a restaurant not far from the group and ate some light food.    


Xia Yihan had no idea that he was going to find Zhong Yuquan. He didn't want her to know so much. He just wanted to see her happy.    


In her heart, she hoped to be able to recognize her parents, but she suppressed herself. If Zhong Yuquan could be like Madame Lee, then he would probably listen to Xia Yihan's words and refuse to recognize her.     4


Ye Zichen didn't think that Zhong Yuquan knew that he would make him recognize Xia Yihan, so he used his daughter's sympathy despicably and refused to let Ye Zichen have his way.    


Ye Zimo knew what he had done to his father in the early years. Back then, he was at loggerheads with his father, but now he wanted to settle them together.    


Even if the evidence in his hands wasn't too much, as long as he wanted to, Zhong Yuquan's days wouldn't be easy.    


After work in the evening, Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan returned to the villa together. Even though he had assigned enough people to protect her, he was still a bit worried.    


In his heart, he had already decided that as long as he wasn't on business, going in and out with her every day and accompanying her, nothing strange would happen to her.    


After dinner, Xia Yihan continued to busy herself with her work while Ye Zimo stayed in the study room, drinking coffee and waiting for President Zhong.    


He believed that the old fox would definitely come. This person was cowardly, and he was too afraid of losing his position. Zhong Yuquan, being loyal to power, this name really suits him well.    


Time passed and it was already 7: 40. He still hadn't arrived yet.    


Ye Zimo sat there calmly. She was not anxious at all.    


Seven fifty.    


The butler asked from outside, "Mr Ye, there's a Mr. Zhong requesting an audience."    


Mr. Zhong, it looks like he is here, but he is still afraid of exposing his identity.    


"Bring him in!"    


Ye Zimo didn't go out to greet him. Instead, she continued to wait in the study room. Originally, he was very respectful to his seniors, but this time, he purposely refused to go out and greet them. He wanted to let them understand that as a father, if he could even reject his daughter, then he wasn't worthy of their respect.    


President Zhong got out of the car and the butler looked at him in surprise.    


Fortunately, he had seen Director-General Ye more than once, so he wasn't as inexperienced as he was before.    


"Mr. Zhong, please, we are waiting for you in the study room!" The butler knew that he called himself Mister Zhong because he didn't want others to know his identity. Thus, he addressed him as Elder Zhong in an appropriate manner.    


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