Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C245 Favorite Marriage 178

C245 Favorite Marriage 178

4For Xia Yihan, although she hadn't been with Lee Heetai for long, she felt that he was very friendly.    


Perhaps it was because he had always been filial to her mother, or perhaps it was his appearance that had made her feel so close. She could also feel his kindness when he looked at her with that tender and loving gaze of his.    


She often had such fears, but she had no place to say them. Tell Ye Zimo that he may feel that he has not done well enough and that she does not trust him. Tell Mother that Mother will be as upset as she is.    


Since she had the opportunity today, she told Lee Heetai about it. She thought that since he was a man, he should be stronger and should be able to give her some good suggestions.    


When Xia Yihan said this, there was a trace of sadness on her face. Lee Heetai couldn't bear to see her like this. If any man stood in front of her, he would probably want to hug her and comfort her with gentle words.    


Lee Heetai just looked at her for a moment and then said softly, "You know idealism right? idealism says, I think I exist, what I can see is present, what I cannot see is non-existent. This didn't seem to make sense from a scientific point of view, but from a comforting point of view, it was indeed good. Do you understand? "    


She was so clever, he thought, she would understand.    


What can be seen is present, what cannot be seen is non-existent. Xia Yihan repeated this in her mind a few times, and then she suddenly felt enlightened.    


"Thank you, Brother Heetai. You are really intelligent. I feel much better. As long as no woman stands in front of me in the future, I will stop thinking nonsense. It's not a good feeling to be worrying about something like this. "    


Xia Yihan's sincere praise made Lee Heetai very happy. The corner of his mouth rose.    


"Alright, don't think about anything else this time. Come with me to the supermarket in the front and let me see what a gentle girl like you will pay attention to."    


When Lee Heetai smiled, it would make people feel like the spring breeze was blowing. Xia Yihan also felt a little happy.    


"What I'm concerned about are all very vulgar things. They are things to eat, how much do they cost, whether they are expensive or not, which supermarket is cheaper, and how much cheaper they are. You'll be disappointed, hur hur. "    


The atmosphere between the two became more harmonious. However, in Chief of staff, Lee's study room, the atmosphere was extremely heavy. Zhao Wenying had been frowning ever since Xia Yihan and Lee Heetai had left, and she hadn't let go.    


"Soong Wanting is pregnant, and the child is yours. Is this true?" Zhao Wenying asked Ye Zimo.    


"Mom, I'm sorry. This is true."    


"How are we going to settle this?" Zhao Wenying herself did not know whether she should tell him to get rid of the child or persuade him to stay.    


Thus, she asked a question that had no position at all.    


Ye Zimo knew that if he said he wanted the child to stay, it would be a difficult thing for Zhao Wenying to accept and forgive.    


But he hid it from Xia Yihan because she didn't know, and if Zhao Wenying knew, he wouldn't lie to her.    


"The child has been here for more than six months and it is a life, so I am very sorry. I want to stay. But don't worry, I won't let this child affect my life with Yihan. I have already made proper arrangements and agreed the terms with Soong Family. Tomorrow, Soong Wanting will go abroad, and the baby will be born abroad. After the baby was born, Soong Wanting was responsible for feeding him until he was half a year old, after which they separated from each other. I would arrange for the child to grow up on his own in another place where he would never be able to reach Soong Wanting. He wouldn't know who his mother was except that I was his father. The child's growth and education will be my own affair. I will never let Yihan know that I have another child. "    


Zhao Wenying listened silently. Actually, no matter how Ye Zimo handled this matter, she couldn't be satisfied.    


As long as the child was there, Xia Yihan could find out at any time. For any woman, a husband with another child, this couldn't possibly be a pleasant thing.    


"Mom, I know that as long as the child is here, it will be unfair to Yihan. It was my mistake, my mistake. I didn't expect Soong Wanting to be pregnant. I was careless. However, this child's month was truly too big. If he were to knock her out, it would cause permanent harm. It would truly be too inhumane. Yihan is as kind as you are. She doesn't know about this, and if she did, she wouldn't be able to bear it. Mom, I want to ask you not to tell her. You know that she used to have a hard time, and finally was able to live a carefree life. I don't want to see her have any negative emotions. "    


Zhao Wenying let out a long sigh. She knew this would happen even before they started talking.    


She would not be able to stand on her daughter's side and force him to get rid of the child. She would consider other people's feelings. But like this, she also felt that she had let down her daughter, and her heart was in great torment.    


"Mom, don't worry about it. Just take it as if it doesn't exist. I won't let it affect Yihan's mood."    


"Even if you say it's no effect, there's no such thing as a wall that doesn't let wind in the world. If Yihan knew, would you let her be the stepmother for your child?"    


Ye Zimo firmly shook her head, "Let's take a step back. Yihan knows, so I don't plan on letting her see that child. A stepmother is hard to do. I won't let her suffer that kind of pain. "    


Ye Zimo's answer made Zhao Wenying somewhat gratified. Lee Heetai respected her as a stepmother, but that didn't mean she wanted her daughter to be a stepmother too.    


How she got here, she knew.    


That was not one or two years, it was a very long time. At that time, her actions were never acknowledged by Lee Heetai.    


No matter how she did it, she was wrong. Even the food she cooked would be poured away by Lee Heetai.    


When Lee Heetai rebelled, she had heard much mockery and ridicule. Since Chief of staff, Lee wasn't home, she could only endure her own grievances. She had always thought that love could convert him, and the result was indeed good. The process was too painful for her to bear to have her daughter experience the same way.    


"Let's leave it at this for now. I won't tell her. I hope she will never know." Perhaps, when she found out, she and Ye Zimo would already be children, and at an age when they were old, they might not care too much about such things. Zhao Wenying could only think so.    


Ye Zimo apologized again for the emotional impact she had on her mother-in-law and promised once more that she would not let Xia Yihan know.    


Lee Heetai brought Xia Yihan around the supermarket for a long time. The two of them bought some daily necessities which looked like they lived at home. Dishes and chopsticks, garbage bags, fresh film, etc. Lee Heetai didn't care about what he bought. He just watched Xia Yihan shopping and looked very serious. After a while, he gave Zhao Wenying and Ye Zimo more time to talk.    


After exiting the supermarket, Lee Heetai seemed to have thought of something and said to Xia Yihan: "Can you accompany me to go match the key?"    


"Alright." Xia Yihan said with a smile. Thus, Lee Heetai carried his stuff and Xia Yihan followed him into a small alley. They didn't go home until they had gotten their keys.    


When Xia Yihan and Lee Heetai returned, Zhao Wenying was watching TV in the living room as if nothing had happened, while Ye Zimo was wearing an apron and helping with the cooking in the kitchen.    


At dinner, when everyone was laughing and chatting, Ye Zimo talked a little more than usual, making the atmosphere look better.    


"Mom, why isn't dad here?" Ye Zimo asked. Zhao Wenying smiled and said, "Going back to Beijing. I have a mission."    


Ye Zimo was about to say something else when her phone rang again. He opened it and saw that it was a message from Lin Dahui: Mr Ye, Soong Wanting is sick and has a fever.    


Zhao Wenying had been observing Ye Zimo's every move. After he read the message, he only replied briefly: Take her to the hospital immediately. Send more bodyguards.    


After replying, he chatted with everyone as if nothing had happened.    


When Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan were alone together, there were often messages. Most of them were business, and he would sometimes return calls and sometimes send messages like this. Therefore, Xia Yihan didn't find anything amiss with his actions.    


"Yihan, Daddy isn't home. Please stay here with Mommy tonight, I just happen to be out on some business. "I'll come back to stay after finishing the morning. If it's too late, I might be able to stay at Ma's place."    


"Alright, I was just about to go with mom." Xia Yihan obediently agreed. Ye Zimo touched her hand and thought to herself: Darling, I could have sent Soong Wanting out of the country tomorrow. I don't need to worry so much about you. Who knew that she was actually sick? Who knew if she was really sick, or if she was just playing some tricks again. Also, I have to meet Hai Zhixuan tonight, so I can only be apart from you for one night. But don't worry, your husband will fix the problem and not worry you.    


"Mom, are you happy that I'm staying here?" Xia Yihan naughtily asked Zhao Wenying.    


She wanted to see her mother laugh, and as long as her mother laughed, she felt as if her life was filled with sunlight.    


"Of course, darling daughter." Zhao Wenying replied gently and lovingly. Lee Heetai intentionally put on a straight face and said in a teasing tone, "You almost forget your son now that you have a daughter. I've been living here every day and I haven't seen you so happy. "    


"Mommy loves her daughter and her son. You are all good kids." Zhao Wenying said with a smile.    


Lee Heetai took two newly made keys from his bag and held them in his hand. He said softly, "This is the key to this house. I'm afraid we won't be here when my brother-in-law comes, so it's still convenient to have the keys."    


With that, he gave the keys to each of them to Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo.    


Holding the small key in her hand, Xia Yihan's eyes once again became moist with emotion.    


Zhao Wenying was also very touched. After so many years, even though Lee Heetai had already approved of her, she still remembered that she was a stepmother.    


It was gratifying for his stepson to be so thoughtful.    


Ye Zimo was very moved by Lee Heetai's actions, but men don't like to talk about their emotions. He just nodded silently to express his gratitude.    


"Brother Heetai, thank you!" This time, I feel even more like a member of this family. When Xia Yihan was moved, she thanked him sincerely. Lee Heetai merely smiled warmly and said, "Silly Girl, you're a member of my own family, and you're still thanking me for such a small matter. It's too formal."    


After the meal, Ye Zimo received a text message from Lin Dahui: Soong Wanting is already at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the doctor diagnosed as having caught a cold, and now she's having a fever injection.    


He didn't reply. He just quietly put the phone back in his pocket.    


"I'm late for work, baby. I'll take you to your room and have a chat." Ye Zimo put her arm around Xia Yihan's waist and said. She nodded and followed his footsteps.    


Lee Heetai looked at the two people walking in front of him and slightly curled his lips. Others might not be able to tell, but he was a bit envious and jealous.    


After entering Xia Yihan's bedroom, Ye Zimo held her face in her hands and kissed her fiercely on the lips for a while.    


He could tell that Lee Heetai was looking at Xia Yihan differently tonight. It was the way a man looked at a woman. He could tell that it was not just his brother looking at his sister.    


Xia Yihan was a little breathless from the kiss. She did not know where this guy got his enthusiasm from.    


When he let go of her, Xia Yihan was gasping for breath, unable to speak for a long time.    


"What are you doing with him? What did they talk about? Why does it seem like that guy is after you? " Ye Zimo pressed her forehead as she asked with a hoarse voice.    


"Nothing, I just went to the supermarket to buy some stuff. He asked me if there was a gentle girl around to introduce him." And I went with him to match the key. What are you coveting? You're overthinking it, Cu Tanzi! " Xia Yihan was always afraid that he would misunderstand, so she explained everything clearly.    


Fortunately, no matter how jealous he was, he wouldn't say too much and do too much. His attitude towards Lee Heetai was very polite and warm. This made Xia Yihan very pleased.    


"You're my wife. You're not allowed to mess with other men." he said, holding her tighter.    


"I know. I need to emphasize every single day that I'm not as flowery as you. I'm in debt everywhere. I wonder if a woman would jump out of the water and try to take you away from me. If there really is a day, I don't even know what to do. " Xia Yihan just didn't want this guy to keep talking about Lee Heetai. That was a distraction.    


Ye Zimo's expression changed slightly, and then she carefully examined her little face.    


"What about jumping out of a woman? What did someone tell you? " he asked nervously.    


Whatever the outsiders caused, he could easily deal with them. However, when it came to his most beloved woman, he was not as calm.    


"No. It was when I went out with Brother Heetai just now that I brought up this topic. He said that he wanted to be amorous for a while, and I suddenly thought of you. How much debt did you owe me before you were with me? I was the one who chased Yi Bing away. There was also someone with the surname 'Song', someone with the surname 'He', and someone with the surname 'He' … I've heard that you were more diligent in changing women than you were in changing clothes, so who knows if there are still fires that have yet to be extinguished. "    


So he was just thinking too much. He let out a heavy sigh in his heart and blamed that treacherous woman, Soong Wanting, for upsetting him and Xia Yihan.    


If it hadn't been for her, he wouldn't have thought about it at all.    


The matter had to be resolved as soon as possible. No matter how hard she tried, he should not be soft-hearted.    


If this dragged on, his woman would never be able to calm down, and she would never be happy.    


"Why aren't you talking? Could I have guessed it right? Is there really a woman who doesn't give up on you? " The sensitive Xia Yihan carefully observed Ye Zimo's face and asked again and again.    


She cared too much about him. Recently, she really cared about the person he cared about and couldn't wait to be by his side for 24 hours. She had always been tired of him, so she felt that he was there.    


Thus, she understood even more how he felt when he was jealous, because she would be jealous too.    


"There's one!" Ye Zimo answered seriously, her face turning serious. Xia Yihan's little heart was clenching hard all of a sudden.    


"Then how did you solve it? The other party wouldn't want to pester you forever and not let you be with me, right? "But I believe you, you won't give anyone the chance to do so."    


"The other party wants me to accompany her every day, and even wants me to stay in bed with her every day. It's not enough even if I have to do it several times a night. "In the bathtub, on the changing stool, in front of the mirror, she's the sexiest woman I've ever met, so …"    


"You!" Xia Yihan's face turned completely red. No matter how silly she was, she could tell that someone was teasing her.    


She stretched out her small hand and grabbed his arm, grimacing in pain. She wanted to use her bare hands to viciously squeeze him, but in the end, all she did was give him a light squeeze.    


Ye Zimo laughed, hugged her tighter, and leaned over to kiss her again.    


For a woman, if a man were to kiss her and get close to her, she would feel more secure.    


Before Soong Wanting left, even if he did his best to not let her know, as long as he was slightly distracted, she would always feel it. All he could do was try his best to keep her from feeling that kind of feeling.    


"Well, baby, I'm going out to do something. If I keep kissing you, I won't want to go, I just want to sleep with you. " Ye Zimo's voice was indeed hoarse and full of desire. Seeing how deep his gaze was when he looked at her, Xia Yihan felt more at ease once again.    


However, she still couldn't bear to part with him. Perhaps it was the same for those who loved him dearly. She knew that she shouldn't stick to him too much, but she still couldn't convince herself that she should act as she pleased.    


"I'll try my best to hurry over to accompany you tonight. You should go to sleep early, good boy!" Ye Zimo kissed Xia Yihan's forehead again gently before letting her go.    


"You don't have to hurry. I can't sleep with you when you come back. If you go back to see mom and dad after you're done, I'll accompany you in the morning. " When Xia Yihan heard him say 'drive', she immediately remembered that there were too many carriages in the night and it was not safe for him to drive. She was worried and hurriedly warned him in a low voice.    


"Mom and Dad aren't here for the past few days. They're out, so don't go. Just stay with Mom. I won't come tonight, and I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning."    


"En!" Xia Yihan nodded obediently, afraid that she would hold him back in his business. She didn't let him stay any longer.    


"Go on, I'll wait for you!"    


Ye Zimo left with a gentle smile. The moment she left the Lee Family, she immediately put on an extremely serious face.    


He called Lin Dahui and asked about Soong Wanting's situation.    


"She's in the IV drip. It's very quiet and there's no disturbance. The doctor said that the drugs are for pregnant women, so they won't harm the children." Lin Dahui reported them one by one. Ye Zimo listened with a cold expression, then said, "Send me the hospital bed number, I might come to take a look later."    



"Yes, Mr Ye!"    


After receiving Lin Dahui's message, Ye Zimo called Hai Zhixuan again. Hai Zhixuan was also looking for him.    


"Same place, half an hour." Hai Zhixuan said briefly and hung up.    


Half an hour later, Ye Zimo arrived at the quiet bar where she often drank with Hai Zhixuan.    


"Why are you so careless?" When Hai Zhixuan saw Ye Zimo, he frowned and asked him.    


Ye Zimo was really troubled by Soong Wanting's matter. Only in front of Hai Zhixuan would he reveal his agitated mood.    


He did not say anything, but gulped down a bottle of wine the waiter had brought him.    


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