Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C60 Want to Hug Him

C60 Want to Hug Him

4"Uncle, Auntie, I'm really sorry for disturbing you at such a late hour."    


"Understood, understood. Since the couple is getting engaged, it's normal for them to be unable to part with each other." Madame Soong laughed, while Soong Wanting blushed. She reprimanded softly, "Mom!"    


Ye Zimo laughed brightly with a polite tone and asked, "Why didn't I see Shuhao? He couldn't have gone out to play the night before sister got engaged, right?"    


Soong Wanting was about to answer when she heard a faint cry of pain coming from the guest room. Ye Zimo's hand went stiff as she went to get a cup of tea.    


There was no change in his expression when he heard Soong Wanting say, "That lazy guy is sleeping. He can't wake up at all." After that, he immediately asked, "I heard from my mother that Xia Yihan came here. Why haven't I seen her?"    


This time, it was Mother Song who gave a gentle smile and said slowly, "You said that Ting brought back her foster sister, right? She went to bed early. "    


Ye Zimo picked up the cup of tea and put it back down. She looked at Soong Wanting and said seriously, "Ting, help me wake her up."    


"That's not right, right? I'm already asleep. " Soong Wanting tried to defend herself. She could do anything she wanted now, so when her little brother succeeded, she would seal Xia Yihan's mouth. Even if she were to shout, she would have nothing to fear.    


Ye Zimo's eyebrows moved imperceptibly as her expression darkened.    


In front of his future in-laws, he would still leave Soong Wanting some face.    


When he spoke again, he turned to his mother and father and said gently, "I must thank my uncle and aunt for teaching Ting so well. These days she was in the Ye Family, she was truly very filial to my mother. My mother knew everything about her life habits. "However, maybe it's because we're getting engaged tomorrow, but she's a bit too excited to forget that my mother couldn't sleep at all without Xia Yihan's help."    


He shifted his gaze to Soong Wanting and emphasized, "My mother is not well. I was really worried that she would not be able to sleep well tomorrow. That's why she insisted on coming to pick up Xia Yihan at this late hour. Ting, don't waste anymore time! "    


Everyone in the Soong Family knew that Ye Zimo was lying, but they couldn't expose her in the name of filial piety.    


If Soong Wanting didn't call Xia Yihan out this time, it would seem that she didn't care about her future mother-in-law's health at all.    


She had to get up and say, "Oh, damn it, I forgot about that."    


In her heart, Ye Zimo was thinking, "If you dare to lay your hands on her, then you really deserve to die."    


If you overdo it, don't blame me for being heartless to you!    


However, before he came out, he had to remain calm. Hopefully, his guesses were just a kind of neurotic nonsense.    


"Sister Han!" Get up, Zimo is in a hurry to take you back. Are you still sleeping? "Hurry up and put on your clothes!"    


Soong Wanting stood at the door and reminded Soong Shuhao to quickly put her clothes on when he knocked.    


Soong Shuhao was regretting that he did it too late. His entire body was on fire, but he didn't manage to get her, so he had no choice but to let her go. Since Ye Zimo had arrived, Xia Yihan had become much stronger, as if she had been injected with stimulants.    


He tried to tug at her clothes on one side, and she bit his hand on the other.    


At the end of the struggle, her clothes had not been torn, only her hair and the collar of her skirt were disordered.    


"I'll let you go now. If you dare to tell me what I've done to you, I'll make you die a miserable death!" Soong Shuhao threatened Xia Yihan beside her ear.    


His hand over her mouth relaxed a little, giving her a chance to speak.    


"I won't say it, I definitely won't say it. Please let me go. I know you did it for your sister, so I don't blame you. "    


Soong Shuhao was relieved by Xia Yihan's urgent promise.    


As soon as he let go, Xia Yihan immediately got up from the bed, quickly grabbed her hair, and straightened her skirt.    


Ye Zimo was outside, and Xia Yihan had calmed down a lot. At least she could think for now and knew that Ye Zimo would protect her no matter what.    


The way she tidied up her appearance made Soong Shuhao feel very sexy. His lustful eyes looked from her collar to her bare calves.    


Xia Yihan, on the other hand, was looking at the phone that had taken her picture out of the corner of her eye. Seeing that he was a little addicted to her body, she lifted her lower leg a little as she pulled her skirt.    


Taking advantage of his gaze on her silky legs, she dared to reach out and grab the phone he had thrown on the bed.    


When Soong Shuhao came to grab her, she grabbed her phone and ran for the door.    


However, when he got to the door, he was stopped by Soong Shuhao.    


He looked at her fiercely. Xia Yihan was no longer afraid of him.    


She looked back at him and whispered in his ear, "Give me your cell phone, I definitely won't give it to Ye Zimo. If you don't give it to me, I'll tell him. I'll scream now and let him see what you do to me! Have you thought about it? Your sister's marriage is all in your hands. "    


Soong Shuhao didn't expect Xia Yihan to have such a brave and persistent side. Actually, the photo didn't show anything substantial, so it wasn't very useful for him to keep it.    


"Sister Han, Xia Yihan? "Are you all right?" Soong Wanting urged at the door.    


Xia Yihan's eyes were like torches as she stared at him. Her unyielding attitude made Soong Shuhao hate and admire her a little.    


There was no time to think. If she didn't agree and she told the truth, Ye Zimo would only cancel the wedding.    


Soong Shuhao went close to her ear and threatened in a low voice: "I can give you the phone, but you have to be smart. If you tell people and ruin their marriage, then I won't have any scruples." If I don't find more than ten people to kill you, then I won't be surnamed Song! "    


"Don't worry!" Xia Yihan only said two words as she quickly put his phone into her handbag and left immediately.    


Ye Zimo had finally met her and looked unscathed, but she was still able to discern some clues from her purposely calm expression.    


Xia Yihan finally saw him. He was sitting upright on the sofa, and when his gaze swept over her, there was a concern that couldn't be ignored. It caused her frightened heart to instantly find great comfort.    


The two of them looked at each other for a second or two before Ye Zimo said indifferently, "You really have the guts to stay out the night even though you knew Madam wouldn't be able to sleep without you."    


"In the future, without my permission, you are not to step even half a step out of the Ye Family villa! Did you hear that? "    


Ye Zimo had scolded Xia Yihan many times, but never once had his scolding made her feel more grateful than she did today.    


She lowered her head and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr Ye, I won't do it again!"    


At this moment, Ye Zimo also stood up, politely bidding her farewells to her parents.    


He glanced at Soong Wanting but didn't say anything. Her heart skipped a beat.    


This incident had originally been foolproof, but even now she still felt as if she was in a dream. She still couldn't understand why Ye Zimo would descend from the sky.    


Although she believed that Soong Shuhao had dealt with Xia Yihan, she was still afraid under his indifferent gaze.    


Soong Wanting smiled and walked a few steps forward, putting her arm around Ye Zimo's waist.    


Mother Song, on the other hand, dotingly smiled and said, "Look, the female boss isn't going to let us go, right? It's so difficult to part with her." We're getting engaged tomorrow. Let Zimo go back early. "    


Soong Wanting said in a sweet and low voice, "Zimo, tomorrow my parents and I will be waiting for you and Uncle and Aunt in Dihao Hotel."    




Ye Zimo snorted, took her arm away, and walked away with big strides.    


Even though Xia Yihan was still in a state of panic, she did not forget to be courteous. She politely bid farewell to Song Tingyu's parents and Soong Wanting before quickly following Ye Zimo's footsteps.    


Ye Zimo's car was parked outside the courtyard while his driver waited outside.    


He didn't say anything along the way. She stared at his tower-like back from behind.    


For some reason, she had the urge to rush forward and hug him.    


Perhaps, she thought, she was still in a state of excitement after narrowly escaping death. She felt as if she had just escaped death.    


As soon as Ye Zimo came out, the driver got out of the car and respectfully opened the back door for her. He sat down sideways.    


"Get in!" Xia Yihan received the order and got in beside him. The driver closed the door.    


"What happened at the Soong Family?" Ye Zimo asked her in a low voice after the driver had started the car and driven two hundred meters away.    


Xia Yihan thought he was here for Soong Wanting, so she asked him to leave while she was at it.    


Unexpectedly, he could guess that there was something wrong with her. Could it be that he came specially for her?    


Remembering what he had just said to her, as if he had indeed come to pick her up on the pretext that she wanted to take care of his mother.    


Suddenly, her gratitude towards him unconsciously deepened.    


She really wanted to tell him what had happened to her, but she couldn't.    


Soong Wanting and Soong Shuhao were indeed a bit malicious when they treated her like this, but she was Ye Zimo's fiancee and she was the destroyer.    


It was only natural for her to bear all of this.    


"Mr Ye, nothing happened to me. I was asleep when you came. "    


Deceiving him again!    


"That is to say, staying in the Soong Family is quite enjoyable, no?"    


"En, yes, Mr Ye. Everyone in their family is very warm to me."    


Still not saying! Ye Zimo's eyes narrowed dangerously. She suddenly ordered in a cold voice, "Stop!"    


The driver's foot came to a sudden halt, causing the car to stop.    


"Go down and take a look!" he said to the driver.    


The driver silently opened the door and got out of the car. There were only two people left in the car. Ye Zimo's tall figure pressed closer to Xia Yihan's side.    


"Tell me what happened!" When his face was only a centimeter away from hers, he stopped and looked into her eyes with hawk-like eyes.    


She bowed her head in embarrassment, and said to herself, Please, don't ask, I don't want to say it, I can't say it.    


However, he didn't even give her the chance to run away, and threatened her: "If you don't say it, I'll go back and give you to Soong Family now, and give it to Soong Shuhao!"    


He said Soong Shuhao directly. Did he really know what happened to her?    


She looked at him in surprise, her expression itself telling.    


"To what extent, did he succeed or not!" he asked through gritted teeth.    


What he said wasn't because he was angry at her, but because he was angry at Soong Shuhao.    


Xia Yihan bit her lips as tears welled up in her eyes. His words reminded her of the moment of her humiliation. She couldn't control her emotions.    


Seeing his angular face right in front of her, she could not hold it in anymore and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly.    


"Zimo!" Ye Zimo! Thank you! I'm scared to death! "I'm so scared!"    


Ye Zimo didn't continue asking as she kept mumbling to herself. Her reliance on him and her call to him had aroused his desire to protect her from the bottom of his heart.    


He hugged her back tightly, giving her the sense of security she needed.    


Tonight, it was a little late for him to return to the villa, but his mother said that Xia Yihan was brought to Soong Family, so he almost immediately rushed over.    


In the end, he still arrived a bit late, causing her to receive injuries. It was unknown as to how far he had gotten.    


Her body trembled non-stop in his embrace, proving that she still had some lingering fear.    


Ye Zimo had always been proud and had never coaxed a woman before. Facing such fear and lingering fear from her, he was at a loss on what to do.    


In order to calm her down, he gently pinched her chin with his fingers, lifted her little face, and firmly kissed her small mouth.    


The kiss was more persuasive than any word, and he seemed to prove to her, with actual action, that he would despise her even if she had just been through that.    


Xia Yihan had already promised herself that she would stop crying, but tears still flowed down her face.    


The salt tears flowed into his gentle kiss, and he sucked at her tears, silently comforting her.    


This was probably the first time she didn't push him away. She was still hugging him, and for the first time, she didn't think about Xiaojun.    



The lingering kiss instantly pulled the distance between her two hearts. Her heart was at peace, while his was soft.    


While they were kissing, a text message suddenly rang on Soong Shuhao's phone, making Ye Zimo frown and let go of her.    


When the servants entered the Ye Family, they took away all the communication equipment. But now, Xia Yihan's phone was ringing in her bag.    


Could it be that she contacted Hai Zhixuan's personal phone?    


"Give me the phone in your bag!" His voice became cold as he gave the order. Thinking of Hai, his voice became cold once more.    


"No, Mr Ye, I can't give it to you. It was given to me by Miss Soong today. If she knew I had my cell phone... "    


Ye Zimo stretched out her hand, and her handbag directly landed in his hand.    


Xia Yihan wanted to say something, but he had already opened the bag and took out Soong Shuhao's phone from inside.    


His phone interface was still stuck on the last photo he'd taken of her when he'd violated her. Xia Yihan closed her eyes tightly, afraid to look at those terrible images.    


With a cold expression, Ye Zimo flipped through all the photos.    


"Damn it!" "It seems like he's tired of living!"    


His low incantation caused Xia Yihan to calm her anger, but also frightened her. She leaned close to him once more and pleaded in a low voice, "Mr Ye, don't make things difficult for him. He is the younger brother of your fiancee."    


Although these photos angered Ye Zimo, she could still tell from them that the bastard did not actually attack Xia Yihan. This was fortunate.    


"Mr Ye, I don't blame them. I really don't blame them. I was the one who hurt them first. That's the punishment I deserve. "If this incident affects your engagement with Miss Soong, then I will truly become a sinner."    


"I will not cancel the engagement!" Ye Zimo said coldly.    


She let out a long sigh of relief. At the same time, she felt a slight sense of loss.    


Yes, what was a woman to him?    


She knew that he did not love Soong Wanting, perhaps not even like her.    


His marriage contract was probably a union of benefits.    


She had not felt that power was important before, but after experiencing it for herself, she understood that he had his reasons for choosing.    


And she?    


At the engagement ceremony tomorrow, Director-General Ye will definitely be there personally.    


She had to try to go with him tomorrow and beg Ye Zimo. He would definitely be suspicious and probably wouldn't agree.    


What about the Lady? Maybe she could help her?    


The driver turned around, smoked two cigarettes, then opened the door and got in.    


Ye Zimo pursed her lips and looked out of the window. Xia Yihan could not see the killing intent in his eyes.    


Soong Shuhao! He repeated the name twice in his heart and repeated Soong Wanting's name twice more.    


Xia Yihan was still worried about what effect this would have on Ye Zimo, so she ignored her own fear.    


The whole way back to the villa in the outskirts of the city was already past 11 AM.    


"Come to my room for the night shift."    


After getting off the car, Ye Zimo gave her an order.    


This time, Xia Yihan was not as frightened as she was before when he asked her to go to his room.    


A person who specially went to save her shouldn't be able to harm her, right?    


After a few interactions with him, she had gradually figured out his temper. As long as she didn't mention Hai Zhixuan, there wouldn't be any big issues.    


That night, Xia Yihan woke up from her nightmare to find Ye Zimo sitting at the computer table, as if she was at work.    


She didn't know why he was so busy the night before their engagement. Shouldn't he rest up and recharge his energy?    


Ye Zimo didn't seem to notice that she was awake at all. She had been secretly observing his expression as he worked diligently. He pursed his lips, his expression serious, occasionally frowning and then letting go.    


When she saw him sitting there, the fear magically disappeared from her heart.    


"Still not sleeping? You want to accompany me? " He seemed to have eyes on the side of his body as well. Xia Yihan was startled by his sudden question.    


"No, Mr Ye, I just woke up."    


She wanted to ask him why he hadn't rested yet. She was afraid that he would make things difficult for her, so she could only close her eyes and continue sleeping.    


I always feel a bit strange, the employer did not sleep, she a servant in his room in the open sleeping, isn't it a little too much?    


When she woke up in the morning, Ye Zimo was lying in bed with her clothes on.    


He had not slept that night, and she did not dare disturb him. She left the house without a sound and returned to her room in the workroom.    


Strangely, the door to the room was unlocked.    


She quietly opened the door and peeked inside. There was no one inside.    


Maybe, she thought, she'd really been scared last night.    


After locking the door behind her, she sat down on her bed. Suddenly, she saw a note on her pillow. She picked it up and looked at it. It read: Ye Zimo is engaged. Do not go with him.    


Why was there a note? Where did it come from? Who gave it to him?    


She looked at the note again. It was unsigned, unsigned.    


It was just a random sentence, what exactly did it mean?    


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