Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C64 Think of Him as Someone else

C64 Think of Him as Someone else

4Xia Yihan didn't know how she could be so generous, but she definitely didn't think that way.    


But if she was in his shoes, she wouldn't be able to do any superficial work.    


At this moment, standing here, she suddenly remembered what Hai Zhixuan had told her when Soong Wanting said that she was Ye Zimo's fiancée.    


He said, What are you to him? Would he get engaged to other women if he really thought you were important?    


All of a sudden, she was completely awake.    


Initially, in order to stay in Ye Family, she had endured even if she saw Director-General Ye and Ye Zimo bullying her.    


However, she didn't know when it started, but from being passive, she slowly became less disgusted with his approach.    


What had happened in this short period of time made her feel a deep sense of reliance on this man. Even, she would be addicted, whether it was his kiss, his hug, or the tenderness he revealed from time to time. Despite knowing that he had a fiancee, she was still unable to free herself.    


She understood that he didn't have any feelings for women.    


Even if he didn't like Soong Wanting, it wouldn't be the reason why they didn't know each other.    


Xia Yihan raised her head and apologized again, "I'm sorry! "You and Mr Ye have something to say, I'll go out first."    


"Where to? Eat your breakfast first. "    


His concern for her in front of Soong Wanting would only make Xia Yihan think that he didn't care about either of them.    


If he cared about her, he would break off the engagement with Soong Wanting. If he cared about Soong Wanting, how could he be indifferent towards her meeting with two people kissing?    


"I'm going out to eat." She picked up the breakfast from the bedside table and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.    


She took the breakfast, got off the elevator, and went to the rest area behind the hospital.    


Perhaps this distance would make her feel better.    


When she stayed to take care of him, it was only out of a sense of guilt that he would kiss her again and again because he was ill.    


She had asked to take care of him only yesterday, and she couldn't go back on her word that she wasn't taking care of him.    


She was determined to keep him at arm's length, even if it meant taking care of him.    


Xia Yihan finished her tasteless breakfast and put the lunch box in the trash can. She wanted to give them some more time, so she stayed outside for a while longer.    


Soong Wanting didn't stay in the hospital for long. When Xia Yihan returned to the ward, Ye Zimo was lying alone, looking at her phone.    


Hearing her footsteps, Ye Zimo put down her cell phone and looked at her.    


"Come over and sit!"    


Xia Yihan lowered her head and stood at a distance from him. She whispered, "I have to start working. Director-General Ye and Madam will be here soon. It's not good if they see me sitting there."    


"It was awkward, wasn't it?" he asked gently.    




"Do you wish for me to give up on my engagement, as long as you are by yourself?"    


She looked up at him in disbelief.    


His expression was enigmatic and unfathomable. It was hard to tell whether he was sincere or just testing the waters.    


Suppressing her joy, she said to herself: Even if he is real, what can he do? Could she abandon the Xiaojun that she cared about the most, and after his cold long sleep, would she be able to stay together with other men? She couldn't do it!    


She shook her head firmly.    


"I don't want to. There is a person in my heart, not Mr Hai, but there is indeed a person. "No one can replace that person, so …"    


"Why did you tell me last night that you were very happy? Aren't you very happy when I hold you?" Ye Zimo was staring straight at her, like a judge staring at a criminal suspect. It was hard for her to avoid him.    


But she was awake.    


She lowered her head and said in a barely audible voice, "Because I closed my eyes and thought of you as him."    


"How dare you!" If I wasn't injured, do you know the price you have to pay for saying such words? "    


He looked at her with a dark expression, giving off the aura of a king.    


That's right, King, no one is allowed to look down on you like that.    


Xia Yihan looked back at him without fear.    


"If you weren't injured, you might have taken over my body, but my heart will always belong to the person I love. No matter what you do, you can't take it away. "    


Ye Zimo studied her little face with a profound gaze, then smiled indifferently.    


"The more people stress, the less they can do it. "Xia Yihan, you're afraid of falling in love with me, right?"    


She really was no match for him.    


Fortunately, before she could reply, Fu Fengyi came.    


Fu Fengyi took care of her son personally all day long. Xia Yihan, on the other hand, had the chance to avoid getting too close to him and only did some things as an assistant.    


For a few days, Xia Yihan kept to her duties and avoided as much as possible, trying her best not to come into contact with Ye Zimo.    


She did not know what he was thinking since the conversation, nor did he kiss her again, nor did he even touch her hand.    


Xia Yihan didn't see Director-General Ye again until she returned to the villa from the hospital.    


Once, when he overheard Ye Zimo and Fu Fengyi talking about it, he did not want to see Director-General Ye and did not allow him to visit. His words were very serious. If he came, then he wouldn't be able to treat her. Even if he couldn't have children, he didn't care.    


In the end, Director-General Ye compromised, and Fu Fengyi would occasionally mention his father in his ear.    


Xia Yihan remembered that Hai Zhixuan had said that father and son were always father and son. As long as she stayed on guard, she would definitely be able to see Director-General Ye.    


For that possibility, she insisted on staying in the Ye Family.    


Because she took care of Ye Zimo, Fu Fengyi didn't ask her to leave.    


Returning to the Ye Family Villa, the butler and the rest seemed to be very courteous to Xia Yihan, feeling that her position was different from before.    


Soong Wanting would report to Ye Zimo every day. Fu Fengyi had seen how attentive she was, and she had even told her future mother-in-law that she didn't care if Ye Zimo could be cured.    


Fu Fengyi thought too much about her son, afraid that he would hurt her there, so she left him in a bad mood. Since Soong Wanting said she didn't mind, Fu Fengyi was a little more enthusiastic with her.    


Everyone felt that Ye Zimo had given up on Xia Yihan. His gaze would occasionally land on her and stay there for a very short time.    


His attitude towards Soong Wanting was also indifferent. The person he saw the most was his male secretary, Si Siwen's Lin Dahui.    


The entire Ye Family was talking about it in private, saying that after Crown Prince injured his family, he was no longer interested in women.    


Since something had happened to Soong Shuhao, Soong Wanting wanted to keep her position as Ye Zimo's fiancee. She wanted everyone to know that she and Ye Zimo were still in love. She was planning to organize a grand gathering at Ye Family to clarify the rumors that Ye Zimo had abandoned her.    


"Auntie, do you agree?" she asked Fu Fengyi softly.    


"I think it's great, it also makes Mo feel relieved."    


"Zimo, what do you think?"    


"As my mother wishes."    


Just like this, the Ye Family was about to welcome an unprecedented gathering of famous young masters. What Xia Yihan did not expect was that she would meet someone here that she would never be able to forget for the rest of her life.    


As the gathering approached, the entire Ye Family busied itself.    


No matter how busy other people were, Xia Yihan always placed Ye Zimo's health first.    


She did not leave his side, she took care of his meals, she took care of him.    


Fu Fengyi knew that Ye Zimo still liked her taking care of him, so she acquiesced and didn't arrange for anyone else to be by Ye Zimo's side.    


After returning to the Ye residence for a week and removing Ye Zimo's bandages, he could slowly get up and move about.    


He coordinated well with Lin Dahui. No one had ever suspected his fake wound before. He occasionally showed pain when he touched one, so Xia Yihan always felt like he was really hurt.    


After Ye Zimo removed the gauze, she instructed Xia Yihan that she could return to her job in the future without having to take care of him everyday.    


"Yes, Mr Ye!"    


Even if there was no one, and she didn't call Zimo, he also didn't raise any objections.    


Perhaps he was still angry with her, Xia Yihan thought, or perhaps he had let her go and decided to let her go because he thought she was nothing special.    


Of course she didn't know that it was just some scheming person who wanted to take advantage of the situation.    


Xia Yihan was shrouded in a deep sense of loss. Every day, no matter what she did, she would not be able to lift up her spirits. It was as if the world was always gray.    


Gray sky, gray ground, gray mood.    


Nothing could make her happy, nothing could make her sad.    


Occasionally, Soong Wanting would look at him with a smirk that was mixed with jealousy, but she didn't even feel anything.    


Was this feeling lovelorn?    


She remembered that after Xiaojun passed away, she was also in so much pain that she wished she were dead. However, her mood was black, red, and in such pain. It was different from her current depressed state.    


During the day, even if the housekeeper didn't arrange it, she would find plenty of work to do.    


At night, she would always think of the person that she was not close to.    


That night, as she lay in bed, she felt even more stifled. She told Liu Xiaojiao and got up to go for a walk. Unlike last time, she did not go into a particularly dark place.    


She walked along a street with street lamps. On both sides of the road were planted many lilacs. At this moment, the blooming season was over, and there was no strong flower fragrance, only the fresh smell of green leaves.    


As she walked, she saw a person sitting on a wooden chair by the side of the road. He had his back straight and was staring intently at the leaves.    


She took a closer look. That person was none other than the Ye Zimo that she had wanted to let go of in her heart, but couldn't.    


From here to the main house, there was a long way to go. He wouldn't be tired, wouldn't it hurt to walk this far?    


She felt a little anxious for him. She walked over to his side, squatted down, and hurriedly asked, "How did you get so far away? Are your injuries alright?"    


He pursed his lips and looked indifferently at her little face.    


"Why aren't you saying anything, why did you come here alone? "Does it hurt?"    


"Do you care?" he asked coolly.    


"I …"    


She said she wanted him to let her go and not bully her.    


Why are you so anxious and concerned about him?    


He must have been out to have some fun, just like her. If he wanted company, of course his fiancée would come. There was also his secretary, so many people. In fact, he was surrounded by people, so he shouldn't be alone.    


"If you really care, I would welcome it. "If that's not true, then pretend you didn't see me. Let's go!"    


Ye Zimo's tone was almost fierce, but it also seemed like there was nothing she could do to protect herself.    


He was right in front of her, he was just sitting there, and she saw him, as if her days of depression had lightened a little. No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, she had fallen for this man.    


She wanted to leave immediately, but her feet seemed frozen, unable to move.    


Reason and emotion were in a fierce struggle. She really wanted to get close to him.    


He was not someone she could casually approach. The result of a moth flying into a flame was not only her death, but even Xiaojun would never be able to rest in peace.    


She took a deep breath, no longer showing any concern for him.    


"I'm leaving." she whispered.    


Just as she took two steps, her hand was suddenly grabbed by his big hand.    


The mere touch of her hand caused great waves to rise in her heart.    


"Come here, don't let me pull your wound."    


She once again thought she saw Ye Zimo at the time she had just entered the Ye Family.    


She did not move, but his hand exerted some force. She was afraid that he would drag the wound with him, so she said in a low voice, "Let go, I will come over."    


He wouldn't let go.    


She had to follow the force of his hand to his side, and when she reached him, he suddenly moved and she fell unsteadily into his lap.    


"Your wound?" She lowered her head and looked at the base of his thigh. He hugged her even more tightly.    


"Have you really forgotten about me? Don't you miss me? " he asked hoarsely in her ear.    


His breath, his words, made her heart beat like crazy.    


Suppressing the urge to hug him, wanting to pour out her feelings, she persisted, "I don't want to!"    


He suddenly bit down on her earlobe. This damnable woman was truly hateful. Punishing her with some force.    


Xia Yihan's body couldn't help but tremble from the pain and numbness.    


After only a single bite, he suddenly released her and coldly said, "Let's go back!"    


When he let go of her arm, Xia Yihan immediately stood up and ran back to the workers' room as if she was running for her life.    


If she didn't get close to him, she definitely couldn't get close to him. If this carried on, it would not be because he wanted to dominate her, bully her, become her wish to be dominated by him, be bullied by him.    


"Yihan, what's wrong?" Liu Xiaojiao asked.    


"Nothing, it's fine. You can rest."    


After climbing onto the bed, the scene from before flashed across his mind once more.    


She had always thought he was not alone, but hadn't his pensive manner before he found her revealed a sense of loneliness?    


With so many people surrounding him, how many of them were sincere?    


He wanted to get engaged and get into a car accident immediately.    


Thinking about the car accident, Xia Yihan thought about the note again. Someone had placed it on her pillow without anyone noticing, which meant that Ye Family and President Zhong's people were there as well. With this person here, could Ye Zimo be in danger at any time?    


No! She had to know who this person was. As long as she was in Ye Family, she couldn't just sit by and watch as the person hiding behind her back harmed him.    


"Little Jiao." she asked softly.    




"I suddenly remembered that on the morning of Mr Ye's engagement, when I came back, the door was not locked."    


She had always felt that Liu Xiaojiao lived in the same room as her, and it would be the least likely for her to be discovered if she gave her the note.    


"Ah?" It can't be? I lock the door every time I go out. When you came back, the door was open? Don't scare me! "    


Liu Xiaojiao's voice was trembling. She had always been timid.    


Perhaps she was overthinking things. How could such a timid and kind girl be sent by President Zhong to be a spy?    


"Don't be afraid, I remembered wrong. Sleep, Little Jiao."    


Liu Xiaojiao muttered, "It scared me to death." As she fell asleep again, Xia Yihan looked at Liu Xiaojiao, who had her eyes closed, and thought to herself: If it wasn't for her, then who could this person be?    


With her strength, it would be difficult for her to find it.    


She pondered over and over again. The only person that could help her was probably Hai Zhixuan.    


He believed that Hai Zhixuan would come to the grand gathering of Ye Family.    


The second day was the day that Ye Family organized the gathering, and early in the morning, the butler organized everyone to be constantly busy. Who was in charge of parking the cars, who was in charge of greeting customers, who was in charge of serving the dishes, and who was in charge of the steward's order.    


Before the party, Fu Fengyi said she was afraid that the young people would not let them go, so she was sent back to the city by Ye Zimo's secretary in the morning. After Fu Fengyi had left, Ye Zimo said that he needed to rest, and all the decisions here were made by Soong Wanting.    


"Butler, don't arrange for Sister Han to do menial tasks. Just let her greet the guests by my side."    


"Yes, Miss Soong."    


The last thing Xia Yihan wanted to do was to entertain her guests. She was led around by Soong Wanting, accompanied by a smiling face, her identity awkward.    


Besides Xia Yihan to entertain guests, there are Soong Wanting's assistant Xiao Xiaolee and the lively and cute Jiu Jiu.    


Most of the people who attended the gathering would bring their own assistants, and there weren't many things that needed the master's help with. However, the butler and Ye Zimo's secretary had agreed to send a batch of nimble girls to be used as backup from the Di Hao building.    


The gathering started at four in the afternoon, and the gate of Ye Family Villa opened wide as one luxurious car after another arrived.    


Almost all of the famous young masters and mistresses in the Dongjiang Province were invited, the gathering was equivalent to the alliance of the Ye and Song families, and no one dared to not happily agree to it.    


The first to arrive were Hai Zhixuan and Pann Yu. They had come early to help entertain the customers as the couple was close to Ye Zimo and Soong Wanting.    


From the moment they entered the house, Hai Zhixuan's concerned eyes had never left Xia Yihan's, and even Pann Yu, who was beside him, was aware of it.    


"You guys go sit inside, drink some red wine, and eat some fruits. There are enough people here, so there's no need to take care of each other." Soong Wanting said.    


"Then we won't be polite. Pann Yu, let's go in!"    


When Hai Zhixuan was drinking red wine, he "accidentally" spilled the wine on his shirt. Xia Yihan, who just entered the hall and was about to greet them, saw it.    


"Mr Hai, do you need any help?" Xia Yihan walked up and asked respectfully.    


She clearly knew that Hai Zhixuan was looking for a chance to talk to her alone, and she was also looking for him.    


"If it's not too much trouble, I want to change Zimo's shirt. I'll go tell him."    


At this time, Soong Wanting also came in. In order to show her status as the hostess in front of others, she smiled and said, "Such a small matter, don't disturb Zimo's rest. Sister Han, take him to Zimo's locker room to change. "    




Xia Yihan made a gesture of invitation and led him to Ye Zimo's cloakroom.    


The two of them had walked this road together, so they were very familiar with it.    


When no one was around, Hai Zhixuan stopped and looked Xia Yihan up and down.    


From the moment they left the hall, Ye Zimo had been sitting in his bedroom, watching the monitor in her notebook with a cold expression.    


"I'm fine, don't worry." Hai Zhixuan nodded.    


The last time she had refused to go with him, he had been very angry. Later, when he thought about it, she would definitely not leave until she had achieved her goal. Even if he was angry, he still couldn't stop worrying about her.    


To him, Ye Family gathering was a good opportunity to see her. The moment he heard about it, he found an excuse and rushed over immediately.    


"Haven't you told Director-General Ye?" Xia Yihan shook her head and whispered, "I have never seen him again, but I believe that he will definitely come. I will wait here peacefully."    


"Will you leave when he does?" Time was short. Hai Zhixuan didn't beat around the bush and directly spoke out his concerns.    


"I will! I will definitely leave as soon as I achieve my goal. "    


"Then I will think of a way to help you. Create a chance for Director-General Ye to come as soon as possible."    


"Thank you!"    


"No need to thank me. I have my own selfish motives." He looked Xia Yihan straight in the eye as he said this, and she instantly understood what he was referring to with his own eyes.    


She wanted to explain that she had Xiaojun in her heart and she felt that the situation was not right. Besides, they didn't say it out loud, so she couldn't say it out loud.    


Most importantly, she now had to find out from him who his informant was.    


"There's something I want you to help me with." Xia Yihan said softly.    


Actually, she didn't want to beg Hai Zhixuan, because he really had no obligation and no reason to help her. If it wasn't for Ye Zimo, she would never speak to Hai Zhixuan in such a begging tone.    


"Say it, as long as I can do it."    


"I must stay here. You know why. But sometimes I might be in danger, like last time with Soong Shuhao. When I want to leave, I won't be able to. Our servants have no way of contacting the outside world. Can you tell me who can help me in Ye Family? "    


Hai Zhixuan carefully examined every change in her expression. After thinking for a while, he said: "I will get him to find you."    


"Thank you very much."    


"If he is exposed, the one in danger will be you. Remember my words."    


"I understand. I won't tell."    


She only needed to keep an eye on him and know who that person was. She just needed to be aware that he was trying to harm Ye Zimo. She would definitely not tell Ye Zimo about it. After all, even she would be suspicious of him.    


"Thank you …" Before Xia Yihan could express her gratitude, Hai Zhixuan suddenly grabbed her shoulders and hugged her tightly.    


Ye Zimo frowned. Just when she was going to ask her secretary to call Lin Dahui over to call the bastard couple over, she saw another person appear on the screen and stopped her hand that was on the phone's shortcut.    


"Hai Zhixuan, what do you mean?" It was Pann Yu's angry voice.    


She was Hai Zhixuan's girlfriend, not just one or two days. He had always been very careful when he did things, it was impossible for him to dirty his shirt with a glass of red wine.    


He followed behind them and saw the two of them whispering to each other. It was one thing for them to talk, but to think that they were actually hugging each other.    


This hug was really too unexpected. Xia Yihan was stunned for a moment, before she broke free with all her might.    


It just so happened that Pann Yu scolded angrily, so Hai Zhixuan let her go.    


"Mr Hai, you …" Xia Yihan really did not know what she could say in the face of such a situation.    


When Soong Wanting saw Ye Zimo hug her, she was really ashamed. However, Hai Zhixuan was different. She did not have any relationship with him.    


"Could you please help me pick out a shirt?" Hai Zhixuan said in a gentle voice. He didn't feel awkward about what Pann Yu had said.    


Xia Yihan didn't know how to explain, so she could only whisper to Pann Yu, "I'm sorry!" He was about to leave.    


Pann Yu was not a soft character either. She shouted, "Stand still! I really can't tell. Not only are you trying to seduce Wanting's man, you're also trying to seduce mine. Who do you think you are? "See if I don't tear your mouth apart!" With that, she raised her hand and slapped Xia Yihan's face.    


Hai Zhixuan grabbed her hand in midair and shook it lightly.    


Hai Zhixuan's voice was very strict.    


"Stop fooling around! This is not a place to mess around! "    


"Yihan, go get my shirt. Don't worry about her!" After Hai Zhixuan said that, he grabbed Pann Yu's wrist and walked a few steps out of the cloakroom.    



Watching Xia Yihan leave, Pann Yu was so angry that she jumped to her feet.    


Hai Zhixuan was really angry. She was still afraid of him, so no matter how angry she was, she didn't continue to make a scene and just stared at him angrily.    


"Hai Zi, I'm your girlfriend. I saw you hugging a woman with my own eyes, don't you think you should explain it to me?"    


Hai Zhixuan sneered. He looked at Pann Yu sharply and said in a deep voice, "I always thought that you were well aware of our relationship. I thought your close contact with your burly personal assistant would make you feel guilty about me, but you didn't, and I thought it was normal. Pann Yu, just because I don't say anything doesn't mean that I don't know. I just don't think there's a need for a marriage like ours to interfere with each other that much. Don't you think so? "    


Pann Yu's face instantly flushed red with embarrassment.    


She thought that Hai Zhixuan didn't know that, but he had always been enjoying a true boyfriend with limitless potential like him, and a lover with a stronger body than his.    


"If you still want to keep our relationship, then pretend you didn't see anything."    


After Hai Zhixuan said this, Pann Yu bit her lips and walked back.    


Just because she endured this did not mean that she would give up.    


Even if she had a lover, she wouldn't let Hai Zhixuan have one.    


I don't believe that Wanting and I can't take care of a small servant like you.    


Seeing Pann Yu's vicious expression, Ye Zimo knew that she was just like Soong Wanting, a warm-hearted and cold woman.    


Damn woman, did you know that you have to pay a price to be good to Hai Zhixuan?    


If I don't care about you, you won't even know how you died.    


Xia Yihan walked to the cloakroom door and saw that the staff member sitting there was no longer Zheng Hao and had changed to a new person. She felt a little upset in her heart.    


She greeted him and went in to pick out a white shirt that suited Hai Zhixuan.    


Actually, she was very perturbed. She knew that she had offended Pann Yu by accident, so she might have to deal with her with Soong Wanting.    


It was truly strange. The more she wanted to remain calm, the more she didn't want to be involved with them. The more she wanted to stay calm, the more she couldn't escape.    


"I'm sorry, but my impulses are causing you trouble. "But you don't have to worry, I won't make things difficult for you."    


Hai Zhixuan apologized to her in a low voice when he received the shirt.    


She lightly shook her head and said indifferently, "It's fine. I don't have much time here anyway, so I don't have much chance to see her. You have to explain it to her. I'm sorry, too. "    


Hai Zhixuan had helped her so much before, even if it brought her a little trouble, she would never blame him.    


She would be grateful to him for the rest of her life.    


She was very polite to him and was indeed different from how she treated Ye Zimo. Hai Zhixuan sighed inwardly and didn't say anything.    


The competition between men, he thought, was a matter of life and death. Even if she fell in love with Ye Zimo, it didn't mean that her heart would never be open to him, Hai Zhixuan.    


What he needed to do was to help her achieve her wish.    


Women go from gratitude to affection, and if he is given the time and the opportunity, he will have her.    


When Hai Zhixuan and Xia Yihan finished changing shirts and returned to the main hall, more guests had already arrived.    


In the banquet hall, the laughter of the women and the voices of the men could be heard.    


There was a central point in the pile of girls, and they kept praising this woman for her dress, talking about her knowledge, and showing a look of admiration that was just right.    


The woman in the middle who was the center of attention was the beloved daughter of President Zhong Yuquan's family — Zhong Yunchang.    


She was demure and generous, and she was able to socialize with the crowd.    


After greeting almost everyone, she smiled apologetically and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm going to visit Zimo first. Please enjoy."    


Soong Wanting and Pann Yu were also on Zhong Yunchang's left and right side the whole time. Hearing her say this, Soong Wanting walked up to Zhong Yunchang and took her arm affectionately.    


"Sister Yunchang, I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry for troubling you to visit her. I originally thought that he was the one who came to welcome you."    


"Don't be so polite, it's definitely inconvenient for him to get injured, and it's only right for me to go and see him."    


Ye Zimo was lying on the bed when they knocked on the door and entered her room.    


"Yunchang is here? I'm sorry, I can't get up to welcome you. "    


Although Ye Zimo was saying a kind word, her attitude was still cold. Zhong Yunchang didn't mind, instead curling her lips into a smile and saying softly, "You two really have a tacit understanding. You even speak the same kind of polite words." "Sofia, I wonder if it would be convenient for me to have a word with Zimo alone?"    


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