Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C83 Favorite Marriage 16

C83 Favorite Marriage 16

1Her thoughts were surprisingly consistent with his, which made him admire her even more.    


Furthermore, she had revealed her true abilities today. Normally, people who didn't speak much were actually quite eloquent. Not only did she explain the situation, but she also flattered him in a perfect manner.    


If he hadn't provoked her like this, she might still have been obedient, like an obedient child.    


Ye Zimo remained calm and collected, her expressionless face unable to discern his true thoughts.    


After Xia Yihan had finished her sentence, she felt that she had really made a gamble. She didn't know if she would win or lose, but she really had a bottom line and wouldn't mess around with him.    


"Come here!" Ye Zimo suddenly ordered.    


This was two people's situation. Whatever he wanted to do, she would not resist, so she obediently walked up to him.    


He reached out his hand and pulled her into his embrace without any suspense.    


He gently caressed her lips with his thumb. While smiling wickedly, he deliberately asked her in a cold tone, "What can you do if I just want you? What do you mean, "let my parents down, let down my descendants"? People all live a life without having a next life. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste for them to come to this world and enjoy themselves? Don't you think so? "    


It was hard to tell if his expression was real or fake. Xia Yihan rolled her eyes and said tentatively, "No, I know you're not that kind of person. You're just trying to scare me, right?"    


While she was guessing, her eyes swept over his face. In her nervousness, there was also a kind of loveliness that would arouse pity. Ye Zimo's heart couldn't help but be moved once again.    


"Whether or not I'm scaring you, we'll know at night. Go back." He let go of her waist.    


Xia Yihan stood up, but didn't leave.    


Unless it was absolutely necessary, she would not say such words. However, if she really had to force her way in, she had to say these words clearly.    


To reject him here, at least the two of them were the only ones there, so he wouldn't be too angry. If he had waited until Faang Linuo was beside him, he might have even tried to use force against her.    


Ye Zimo didn't want to show her feelings in front of her and show her love.    


He continued to work on his project as if Xia Yihan did not exist.    


"Mr Ye!" Xia Yihan called out with determination.    


"Why aren't you leaving?" There was impatience in his voice.    


"I won't accept staying in your room with Faang Linuo at the same time."    


Without raising his head, he lightly said, "It's useless to reject. If I say that I want it, you must come."    


"I won't come! Mr Ye, I definitely won't come. Although I am under your control, I have a bottom line. This is my bottom line, so I won't do it no matter what. "    


Only then did Ye Zimo raise her head and stare at her with a mysterious sneer hanging on her lips.    


"You want to default?"    


"If you insist, I can only default!"    


Ye Zimo was surprised by how strong the principles were. He liked and admired people with moral principles.    


"Breach of contract means that you will never be able to avenge him. I won't be your partner, so I will be your destroyer. With my protection, you will never bring them down. "Are you really willing to break the contract?" he asked again.    


"If you insist, I can only break the contract, although that is not my intention." Xia Yihan said firmly again.    


Ye Zimo sneered coldly as a trace of ridicule appeared on her face.    


"I thought you could sacrifice anything for your beloved Mo Xiaojun. If you could sleep with me, you could also sleep with everyone. He was even willing to sell it, wasn't he? It seems that your feelings for him are not that loyal! "    


It turned out that in his heart, she was that kind of person. In reality, she had never asked herself why she agreed to his agreement so readily. Was it really just to avenge Mo Xiaojun? Would she have been willing to do it if it had been put forward by someone else?    


The answer might be no, she might choose to spend more time on it.    


Xia Yihan lightly smiled and replied, "I know what kind of feelings I have for him. But I knew better what he felt for me. He would never force me to do anything, he loved me more than his life. So, I can make a sacrifice to avenge him, but I definitely won't do something that would make me feel nauseous for the rest of my life.    


His eyes darkened, and he spoke without the slightest emotion. "It's really love that's very moving, but I don't believe it. Today, I will make you fly twice, you won't be able to escape! "    


He looked at her steadily.    


Xia Yihan no longer had a way out, so she was no longer afraid.    


She bravely looked at him and firmly said, "I will absolutely not go. Even if I die, I will never do something so disgusting!"    


"Very good, very loyal. The more loyal you are, the more I want to challenge you. he asked slowly.    


Xia Yihan no longer answered him. She had already said it clearly enough.    


She turned around and walked straight to the door of the study. Ye Zimo's words suddenly drifted over, stopping her in her tracks.    


"How about this, since you're so loyal, I'll help you. Why don't I change people …" He paused. Xia Yihan let out a long sigh of relief. Thank the heavens and thank the earth, she must have won. Since she won, Xiaojun's issue could still be resolved as usual. Her happiness lingered in her mind for a second or two, but she felt that something wasn't right. Was Ye Zimo the type of person to give up so easily? Just as he thought so, he heard him speak up again.    


"If it was Mo Xiaonong, she would be willing."    


Xia Yihan was completely stunned. She didn't expect him to be able to do something to such an extent.    


In such a short period of time, he had ruthlessly and accurately grasped her greatest weakness. She could have principles, she could even die because she couldn't afford to pay for the breach of contract. But she couldn't stand by and watch Mo Xiaonong do such a disgusting thing! There were some things that, once experienced, would be a lifetime of humiliation. To Xia Yihan, it was the same for Mo Xiaonong.    


Besides, the matter itself had arisen because of her, and she could not avoid it herself. She could only let her younger sister suffer in her place.    


She turned around, her almond-shaped eyes wide open as she glared at Ye Zimo. "Do you have to be so despicable?" she asked him, word for word.    


He curled his lips and said lightly: "Yes! What I need to do is to do it! Furthermore, you have to reject my request first, default first, you should use some form of compensation for my loss. "    


"If you win, I will wash everything clean. "I hope you'll never have any ideas about Mo Xiaonong!"    


Xia Yihan's words were ice-cold. Since he was already threatening her, begging was useless.    


Then she would close her eyes and act like a log. She would have no life, no dignity.    


Xia Yihan didn't know how she had left Ye Zimo's study, nor did she know how she had returned to the blue room. She was avoiding the disgusting scene of two girls working together and a man. She looked like a puppet.    


When she got back to her room, she went numbly to the wardrobe and reached for a nightgown without even looking at the color.    


Mo Xiaonong had never seen her sister like this and couldn't help but be a little flustered.    


"Sis, what's wrong with you? Did Brother Zimo not agree?"    


Lili stared at Mo Xiaonong blankly for a long time before finally opening her mouth with great difficulty, "Xiaonong, I beg of you, please leave this place quickly."    


"What happened? Sis, you won't agree, will you?" Mo Xiaonong was really surprised. Based on her understanding of Xia Yihan, she would rather die than do such a thing.    


Seeing Mo Xiaonong's anxious expression, Xia Yihan felt gratified once again. In any case, she wasn't the only one who was paying. She knew a bit of gratitude.    


People were not like plants and vegetation. Mo Xiaonong had been cared for and raised by Xia Yihan since she was young, although she was sometimes jealous of her beauty and didn't know how to act. However, she would occasionally think about her benefits. After all, when she was afraid, Xia Yihan would accompany her, and when she cried, Xia Yihan would coax her. Even when her parents were busy, Xia Yihan was the one who gave her a parents' meeting.    


Especially when Faang Linuo came to make trouble just now, she did not say a word no matter how much she scolded Xia Yihan. She had only said one sentence from Mo Xiaonong, and Xia Yihan had already slapped her in the face.    


"It's fine, Xiaonong. It's fine. Actually, he's a good person. He might not be able to do what's happened tonight. You don't have to worry about me." Xia Yihan touched Mo Xiaonong's face and was about to say something else. Go away quickly, and think of Yu Shanshan again.    


If Ye Zimo could threaten her with Mo Xiaonong, then Yu Shanshan would as well. If Mo Xiaonong did not have the protection of her Ye Family, then she would be in danger.    


After a moment of thought, she sighed and said softly, "Xiaonong, if you're willing to stay here, then you should stay here. Don't cause trouble. Don't think about staying with Ye Zimo. "Okay?"    


"Mhmm!" Mo Xiaonong nodded repeatedly.    


"Sis, are you really alright?" Mo Xiaonong asked again when Xia Yihan walked to the door with the nightgown.    


In order to reassure her, Xia Yihan forced out a smile and shook her head, saying, "It's fine."    


He shouldn't have let his sister know about such a terrible thing. Even if she did, she would have to adjust her emotions and tell her that she didn't.    


When Xia Yihan took the nightgown into the bathroom, Jiu Jiu was still helping Faang Linuo to bathe.    


Jiu Jiu always defended Xia Yihan, which made Faang Linuo very unhappy. Today, she finally got the chance to serve her, but Faang Linuo wasn't polite.    


"Jiu Jiu, I say, don't you eat? Can't you squeeze harder? "If you don't let me relax, how can I be so flirtatious when I serve Crown Prince later on?"    


"How shameless." Jiu Jiu whispered as she pinched her shoulder.    


"What did you say?" Louder! If you continue to speak ill of me in such a low voice, be careful that I don't hit you. To tell you the truth, I beat up Xia Yihan today, and now I'm Crown Prince's favorite woman. If you offend me, you won't get away with it. "    


Faang Linuo hooted, only to discover that her leg was in even more pain. "Ah!" A cry was heard.    


After that, she turned back and glared at Jiu Jiu, her eyes spitting fire.    


"What are you doing?" "Why did you pinch my injured body!?" That was where Mo Xiaonong had kicked him with her high heels. Now, Jiu Jiu had squeezed him without any hesitation. Of course, the pain was unbearable.    


Jiu Jiu's hand paused for a moment, and then she slowly said, "Didn't Miss Fang tell me to squeeze it? You didn't say you couldn't pinch your leg. "I thought your beautiful legs were the main point of serving Crown Prince, so I hit you a bit harder. Sorry."    


"You! You did it on purpose! " Faang Linuo was so angry that she splashed water on Jiu Jiu's body.    


At this moment, Xia Yihan walked in. Seeing that Faang Linuo was still inside, she didn't want to talk to her and wanted to turn back.    


However, Faang Linuo wanted to speak to her. She said with an exaggerated "Oh" before turning to Jiu Jiu and said, "Look, our Grand Beauty Xia has arrived." "Mr Ye ordered the two of us to serve him together tonight. I think Yihan should take off her clothes and come with me to wash. Let Jiu Jiu serve the two of us first."    


"What did you say?" Jiu Jiu looked at Faang Linuo in disbelief and stopped what she was doing.    


"Oh, I didn't hear it clearly. I will patiently repeat myself, Crown Prince wants me to 'sleep' with the great beauty Xia Yihan Xia tonight, do you know what this is called? This is called Duo Fei! "    


Xia Yihan originally wanted to keep her cool, but when Faang Linuo spoke of this matter so brazenly, her face turned completely red.    


Jiu Jiu felt that Faang Linuo's words were simply unbearable to listen to. Moreover, she was always spouting nonsense, so she didn't believe her.    


She stopped bathing and walked over to Xia Yihan. "Is Faang Linuo lying?" It's impossible for Crown Prince to be like that. He likes you, why would he insult you like that? "    


Faang Linuo stood up from the water with a "Hua La" sound, and looked at Xia Yihan with a victorious smile.    


"Do you dare say I'm lying?"    


Xia Yihan didn't say anything. She didn't say if it was true or not, but her silence proved that Faang Linuo's words were not a lie.    


Jiu Jiu shook her head and said, "That's impossible, Crown Prince is my idol. He was only joking when he said that to me last time. It had to be a joke this time. It couldn't be true. If he wants to do that, it's too, too disgusting. "    


Yes, how could Xia Yihan not feel disgusted?    


But now she was calmer. At least she didn't want to worry the people around her who really cared about her. Whether it was Jiu Jiu or Mo Xiaonong, she hoped that they would be happy.    


Xia Yihan smiled faintly and comforted Jiu Jiu instead. "It's fine. Actually, it's nothing much. Everything has its process. Just get used to it."    


Jiu Jiu could not believe the news itself, and Xia Yihan's attitude was even more so. She still remembered the time when Yi Bing came to make trouble and cut her wrist. She was such a brave woman, and she was so pure and noble. How could she accept such an insult?    


She excitedly grabbed Xia Yihan's shoulder, shook her, and asked, "How did you end up like this? You're not the kind of person who would agree to such a thing. Tell me, is there something that you need to hide, tell me! "    


"How can there be any hidden troubles? Your imagination is too rich …" Before Xia Yihan could finish her sentence, Faang Linuo continued, "What's the point of hiding anything? You don't know her kind of woman, she just looks pure. "Only you think that she …"    


Jiu Jiu suddenly turned her head, glared at Faang Linuo, and yelled through gritted teeth, "Shut up! You think everyone is the same as you!"    


"What did you say?" I am Crown Prince's woman, a little servant like you dares to scold me? You don't want to live anymore! "    


"Like I said, so what if you're Crown Prince's woman? I really doubt why he wants you. If I see you, I would be so disgusted that I would vomit!" Whoever wants to touch you, will need to have a lot of courage! " Jiu Jiu's words were aggressive. Xia Yihan pulled Jiu Jiu and said softly, "Forget it. Don't bother with people like her. Just pretend that she doesn't exist."    


Faang Linuo came out of the bathtub and walked barefoot down the marble steps. She was completely naked as she walked quickly towards the two of them.    


"Whatever you say, but I'm not done yet." "Jiu Jiu, apologize to me, or else I'll slap you!" Faang Linuo stood in front of Jiu Jiu with a condescending look.    


"Apologize? I want you to apologize to Xia Yihan! " Jiu Jiu also shouted.    


She had always been such a straightforward person. She had wanted to quarrel with Faang Linuo a long time ago.    


"I'll kill you!" Faang Linuo raised her hand, yet it was tightly grasped by Xia Yihan in mid-air. She didn't even know where she got the strength to do so.    



She looked at Faang Linuo coldly and raised her voice to warn her, "Don't forget, your pretty face will be shown to Mr Ye tonight. "If Jiu Jiu and I accidentally catch a flower for you later, I don't mind. Mr Ye might be willing to take a glance at you."    


Faang Linuo was indeed intimidated by Xia Yihan's words. She looked at Jiu Jiu with an unwilling look, weighing her options in her heart. She definitely wouldn't be able to catch the two of them by herself.    


"Just you wait!" "Wait for the day when I take care of you!" Faang Linuo finished yelling, took a towel to wipe her body, put on a large red translucent nightgown that she had meticulously chosen, and arrogantly flung the bathroom door shut.    


"I saw that Crown Prince was interested in her for a few days and thought that he had flown onto a branch and became a phoenix! I'm so pissed off! Yihan, you still haven't told me what's going on. You can't be really going to tell Crown Prince and Faang Linuo something, right? "Don't you dare tell me you don't feel anything. It doesn't matter."    


Xia Yihan really didn't want to say it. She didn't want to pour out her helplessness and bitterness onto Jiu Jiu's ears.    


"Jiu Jiu, you still haven't eaten, right? Go eat, I'm going to take a bath."    


"If Miss Xia wants to bathe, of course I will serve her. How dare she say she's hungry?" After Jiu Jiu finished speaking, she walked up the marble steps to release Faang Linuo's water, then bent down to pick up a brush and vigorously swiped it.    


"I've already eaten. I'll do it myself. What else do I need other people to help me with when I'm bathing?" Xia Yihan also went up the stairs and snatched the brush from Jiu Jiu's hand.    


Jiu Jiu ignored her and said angrily, "You are Crown Prince's woman, and I am a female servant. Our levels are different, so please don't help me. This is my duty."    


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