Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C86 Favorite Marriage 19

C86 Favorite Marriage 19

0Xia Yihan felt as though she was sitting on pins and needles. She always felt that this kind of introduction was too strange. She could not help but suspect that this was a certain country? He was one man and four wives. However, he was the only man in the room today. Four women really did look like they were across the border.    1


"She's got a bad temper. If she pisses you off, you have to be more accommodating." When Ye Zimo mentioned Faang Linuo, her tone was full of love and love.    


"Hello, Leena!" Hee Wen smiled again as she took the initiative to call out to him.    


"Hmm, hello!" Faang Linuo replied nonchalantly. If it weren't for Ye Zimo's presence, she wouldn't even have bothered to talk to someone like him. A young miss actually came to the Ye Family, and didn't even look at who the master of this place was.    


This time, it was Xia Yihan's turn. Ye Zimo looked at her with a pampered gaze as she said to Hee Wen, "She is Xia Yihan, the woman that I am most satisfied with in some aspects. When you have time, you can interact with her a bit more. "    


Xia Yihan's face was initially a little pale, but after hearing his words, it immediately turned from white to red. It was as if her small white face had been dyed white, making her feel extremely awkward.    


"Hello, Yihan!" In the future, please give me your guidance! " Ye Zimo was quite satisfied with her attitude.    


He wanted to find a woman to fight against Xia Yihan so that she would understand that she wasn't the only one he was concerned about. Meeting Hee Wen could be considered a type of opportunity.    


"Hello!" The two words Xia Yihan spoke were exceptionally difficult.    


After the introduction, this special meeting seemed to have just gotten into the topic.    


"Everyone knows that I, Ye Zimo, have always been a woman. But before, I didn't really like taking women home, but now it's different. I have a fiancée. "    


What kind of logic was this? With a fiancée, he should have given up on the women outside and brought them home instead? Xia Yihan cursed silently in her heart, but her face remained expressionless as before.    


"Wanting is a very generous and reasonable woman. She knows that it is impossible for only one woman to be a man. I am very satisfied with how she treats all the other women. However, you must remember that Wanting is Vice President Soong's daughter and also my fiancee. I hope that you all will respect her. "    


Respect... Soong Wanting snickered in her heart. You put all the women in front of me like this, how can you talk about respecting them?    


"Each of you should live in harmony and remember your duty. I don't want to hear any quarrels or fights. What do you want? For example, if you are dissatisfied with your current room, you can ask me to change it. "    


Xia Yihan really wanted to ask him to move out of the main house, but she guessed that he would only ask if she asked. If she asked, she would probably anger him.    


"That's all. Go back to your rooms." After Ye Zimo finished her sentence, Xia Yihan was the first to stand up.    


On the other hand, Soong Wanting smiled as she picked up the Lunch Box in her hands and said to Ye Zimo: "This is the youtiao Auntie made for you this morning. She said that your favorite breakfast is the youtiao, and the food outside isn't clean. I even learned from her. I blew up a few of them. Try them. "    


Xia Yihan was already at the door. She smiled bitterly and thought to herself, "Is that what women think too?"    


She made biscuits for him, and Soong Wanting fried his fried dough sticks. Did he really think that he could grab onto a man's heart just by grabbing onto his stomach? There was a saying that goes' Men are not pigs, but only those who stutter '. Like this Mr Ye, even if you blow up a whole train of youtiao for him, I'm afraid he won't care about you.    


"The youtiao my mom fried is the most delicious youtiao in the world, you guys should try it as well." Ye Zimo said.    


Soong Wanting then opened the lid, and a rich fragrance immediately spread throughout the reception room.    


Faang Linuo and Hee Wen obediently came closer. Since there was only a pair of chopsticks inside, Soong Wanting had no choice but to pick up the chopsticks and let them eat in her hands. Soong Wanting didn't want to share these fried dough sticks with others, just like how she didn't want to share Ye Zimo.    


It was a pity that she couldn't even make a decision, much less become a man.    


"Sister Han, you came too!" Soong Wanting shouted. She had to maintain her warm attitude towards Xia Yihan in front of everyone.    


"No need, thank you. You guys eat."    


Xia Yihan spent the entire morning making biscuits for Ye Zimo. She didn't even remember to eat breakfast. However, the taste of the youtiao didn't appeal to her appetite at all. She just wanted to leave this strange place as soon as possible.    


Fortunately, Ye Zimo didn't force her to eat it. After she finished speaking, she opened the door and left.    


"Delicious!" Madame's fried youtiao is so delicious! " Faang Linuo praised, followed by Hee Wen's praise.    


Xia Yihan felt that she really didn't understand the situation. It was hard to fake something like this.    


When she returned to her room, Mo Xiaonong had already gone to school. It was still the steward's car. She closed the door and sat down on the bed. She saw the cookies on the bedside table, and they seemed to be laughing at what she had done.    


Xia Yihan thought about how Soong Wanting's fried fried fried fried fried dough sticks only ended up as food for the women that he gave to eat. Xia Yihan didn't want the food that she personally made to be wasted by him. That was because that was no ordinary biscuit. It was a thought. It was the first time she had tried to make something for a man. She picked up the tray, walked over to the trash can, and picked up the tray to dump it.    




After the youtiao was finished, Ye Zimo let everyone go, while he went to the study room and started working in front of the computer.    


Just like Xia Yihan, Jiu Jiu thought Ye Zimo was special to her this morning. Who would've thought that he would bring a new woman back in the blink of an eye?    


Although she didn't know Xia Yihan very well, she could guess her tolerant character. She would definitely be jealous, but she wouldn't show it. She probably wouldn't tell Ye Zimo that she was making biscuits for Ye Zimo, or else she would just throw them away.    


She was a little unwilling to let her thoughts be wasted, and even more unwilling to let Ye Zimo not know Xia Yihan's intentions. She felt that the two of them were doing it on purpose. No matter what Ye Zimo did, it might be directed at Xia Yihan.    


The butler arranged for Jiu Jiu and Liu Xiaojiao to clean up Hee Wen's room together. Taking advantage of the butler's absence, Jiu Jiu whispered to Liu Xiaojiao, "The butler came. He said I went to the toilet."    


She slipped out of the room just in time to meet Soong Wanting in the hallway.    


"Jiu Jiu, where are you going?" Soong Wanting asked.    


"Ah, I'm looking for Mr Ye. There's something I need your permission for."    


"He's in the study. Go ahead." Soong Wanting smiled and returned to her room.    


Jiu Jiu knocked on Ye Zimo's study door. Sure enough, he was there. When she heard his voice, she opened the door and entered.    


"What's the matter?" Ye Zimo raised her head to take a look and asked plainly. Her hands did not stop typing.    


"Mr Ye, Xia Yihan came to me this morning to say that she wanted to do something to express her feelings for you. Since I didn't know what to do, I gave her some advice about making biscuits. She spent the morning making you a tray of biscuits and taking them to her room. "    


Ye Zimo's hand paused, a surge of joy in her heart, and then she continued typing as if nothing had happened.    


"Alright, do what you need to do."    


How could he have this kind of attitude? Jiu Jiu wondered in her heart. Could it be that he really didn't have any feelings for Xia Yihan? Had she seen wrongly and guessed wrongly?    


Feeling a little dissatisfied, she stressed, "Xia Yihan has never made biscuits before. This is the first time. This kind of feeling is naturally for the man that she likes."    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched as she said indifferently, "Go to the garden at the back of the mansion and take a look. If you have any fresh flowers or cuttings, give them to the guest rooms for everyone in the main house."    


Sigh! It seemed like Xia Yihan's efforts this morning were in vain. Jiu Jiu sighed and followed his instructions.    


After she left the main house, Ye Zimo slowly stood up and walked out of the study. He didn't want Jiu Jiu to hear that some woman had cooked something for him, as if she were in high spirits.    


He walked gracefully towards Xia Yihan's room. When he went to his woman's room, there was no need to knock. He directly opened the door and entered.    


Xia Yihan was standing in front of the trash can, holding the tray and preparing to fall down.    


She had already stood here once, but she wasn't willing to just waste her efforts. If she didn't give it to that unruly man, then she should at least eat a piece herself.    


Therefore, she took the biscuit back to the bedside table and ate a small piece herself. Only then did she understand the meaning behind Jiu Jiu's expression.    


It turned out that she had been thinking about Ye Zimo when she had put in the salt, and had actually put in too much. Therefore, the biscuit smelled good, and the taste was not to be praised.    


As she chewed, she thought, luckily, Ye Zimo didn't know that if she made such a dish for him to eat, he would definitely throw it away.    


Although the biscuit tasted bad, Xia Yihan still acted as if she was angry at herself. The harder it was to swallow, the more she forced herself to eat. After eating three pieces, she couldn't eat anymore. Only then did she pick up the tray and prepare to dump it.    


"Don't fall!" Ye Zimo gave an order, and Xia Yihan's movements froze. He stepped forward and took the tray from her.    


"This is a biscuit for me?" Ye Zimo asked, unable to tell what her emotions were.    


"No, I made it for fun. It's not delicious. Give Mr Ye back to me, I'll pour it out."    


Although the biscuit was not tasty, she did not want him to share her thoughts with other women.    


You want to lie to me? Looks like I really made her unhappy when I brought that woman called Hee Wen back today.    


From this, it could be seen that the trick from last night wasn't enough to fool her. If she really thought that he would take her with him, she probably wouldn't hate him for the rest of her life. Perhaps it was because she guessed that it was fake, so she wanted to make him something to eat. Otherwise, it would be making poison.    


"Is that so? "Why did Jiu Jiu say that you made it for me?" he asked slowly. He carried the tray to her bed and sat down. He placed the tray on the bedside table.    


"She's talking nonsense." Seeing Ye Zimo reaching for a biscuit, she went up to him and blocked his plate. She said softly, "Mr Ye, it's really hard to eat. Please don't eat anymore."    


"Do you want me to eat you?" He gave her an evil smile, and Xia Yihan's face turned red again as she unconsciously stepped aside to let him pass.    


He picked up the biscuit and looked it over. Xia Yihan reminded him with a frown, "It's really bad. Don't tell me I didn't remind you. Don't blame me."    


It was a very ordinary round biscuit, only having a smiling face painted on it with white chocolate.    


"Why not love?" he asked softly.    


Why, if your love had given so many women, who would have given it to you? Unless she was crazy!    


Ye Zimo studied him for a moment. She thought he would say, Well, take it and share it with them. However, he didn't do so. Instead, he stuffed it directly into his mouth.    


Seeing him frown, Xia Yihan actually felt better in her heart. He thought to himself, Serves you right. It's something you want to eat yourself.    


He carefully chewed it for a while before swallowing it down. Then, he said lightly, "It's not bad. The taste is quite special."    


After saying that, as if he had a great appetite, he took another piece to eat, then another, then a third, and a fourth … Xia Yihan really admired him. She was only barely able to swallow the three pieces as she endured and was even tormented by her own emotions.    


Seeing that he had gone to get the sixth piece, Xia Yihan stopped him again and said snappily, "Don't eat anymore, there's no water in my room!"    


Ye Zimo smiled lightly and whispered in her ear, "Do you love me? Afraid that I'm thirsty? "    


Who the hell would love you? There are so many women here, why don't you let them feel sorry for you? Let them hurt you to death, she thought angrily.    


Of course, she didn't dare to say that. She only smiled lightly and didn't say anything. However, she still stepped aside and asked him to take it as he pleased.    


Ye Zimo ate the last biscuit with a great deal of face. Of course, it was just as Xia Yihan had predicted. She was thirsty, and also extremely thirsty.    


He looked at the woman in front of him with shining eyes and felt that she was the perfect thing for him to do.    


This woman was actually making biscuits for him. He really hadn't expected her to do this. Although it was hard to taste, it was her heart. It was still rare to see such a stubborn woman like her, so he didn't waste any of it.    


As he ate the biscuit, he felt as if he had eaten fried dough sticks fried by his mother when he was young. In fact, she didn't cook very well at the beginning, but he felt that he had eaten happily.    


Ye Zimo reached out her hand to pull Xia Yihan away. This time, she unconsciously relaxed her movements.    


Xia Yihan knew that the agreement was still in place. Whether she was willing or not, she had to obey it.    


His warm breath caressed her, and he whispered into her ear, "Xia Yihan, I'm glad you did that. That's what it means to be my woman. "Be obedient, I will treat you well."    


he praised.    


A pair of deep eyes looked straight into her clear black and white eyes, into her own eyes, into his clear reflection in hers.    


At this moment, this woman only had her eyes on him.    


He wanted her to have only him in her heart.    


Xia Yihan didn't want to meet his gaze, but he stubbornly refused to let her avoid him.    


Only after looking for a while did he look away.    


Suddenly, he heard Jiu Jiu knocking on Hee Wen's door.    


So it looks like she's coming to her room, too. What should I do? Xia Yihan couldn't concentrate anymore.    


"Ye, Mr Ye, can you please get up? "Jiu Jiu will be here soon." She prayed in a broken voice, her flustered look sexy.    


If she remembered correctly, the door was not locked. If Jiu Jiu barged in, how could she face anyone?    


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