Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C92 Favorite Marriage 25

C92 Favorite Marriage 25

4When she realized that Ye Zimo was angry because of her compliment to Mo Xiaojun, she couldn't take back her words anymore.    


In order to distract Ye Zimo's attention, she whispered, "Mr Ye, may I ask why I have to look for the photo of Xiaojun when he was young?" The strangest thing was still finding a likeness. If he needed it, why wouldn't he want it?    


"Do you think that's a question you should ask?" Ye Zimo asked coldly.    


Xia Yihan bit her lips, lowered her head awkwardly, and didn't say anything else.    


"Choose from the photos of these two children, one that is relatively close to Mo Xiaojun." he ordered coldly.    


"Yes, Mr Ye." Xia Yihan put away the uneasy feeling, looked through the photos in the two file bags several times before coming to the conclusion, "This, might be a little more like it. Especially this one; its charm is somewhat similar as well. " She was referring to Mo Xiaojun's nose and mouth.    


Ye Zimo pursed her lips and picked up the photo she was pointing at. She looked at it carefully. He felt that this photo was similar to Ye Zihan when he was young. He wondered if it was just a psychological picture.    


"Then this one." With that, Ye Zimo returned the other folder to Lin Dahui.    


"Let's go back!" Ye Zimo ordered again. Lin Dahui sneakily glanced at him in the mirror and thought to himself, this guy is really narrow-minded.    


Didn't he just casually say that Mo Xiaojun was good-looking when he was young? It's not like she's more good-looking than you, much less more handsome than you when she grows up.    


"Xia Yihan, remember, if my mother were to ask you if this is Mo Xiaojun, just say so."    


These words made Xia Yihan even more confused. However, she knew that Ye Zimo called her by her surname, indicating that he was currently unhappy. If she were to ask him why now, he would definitely mock and ridicule her.    


"Yes, Mr Ye!" Xia Yihan replied in a low voice.    


Lin Dahui couldn't help but sigh. The situation between the two wasn't like dating, it was completely unfair.    


He knew that if he opened his mouth to say something, he would also be scolded by Ye Zimo. However, if he didn't settle President Ye's mood right now, he would probably have to watch his elder's poker face for a period of time.    


A cut to the head, a cut to the head. He was doing good deeds to promote their marriage. Who told him to be loyal to Ye Zimo?    


"Miss Xia?" Lin Dahui called her.    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched as she thought to herself, This brat truly has guts. He even dared to call me his woman in front of me.    


"Yes." Xia Yihan was also surprised that Lin Dahui suddenly called her. At this moment, she was completely focused on Ye Zimo's strange actions.    


"Say, do you think we, Mr Ye, are very handsome?" Lin Dahui asked fearlessly.    


Ye Zimo glared fiercely at Lin Dahui, but she did not scold him. Some people still looked forward to the woman's reply.    


After Lin Dahui finished asking, he thought to himself, Beauty Xia, you must accept my words. If you don't know what's good for you, I'm afraid we, President Ye, won't let you off at night.    


Xia Yihan was just saying that she was worried that Mo Xiaojun had offended Ye Zimo by unintentionally praising her. She wanted to apologize, but it seemed to be too formal. If he wanted to find a reason to praise Ye Zimo a little, he would feel that it was too sudden, and would instead feel that she was pretending.    


Since Lin Dahui gave her a way up, of course she had to go up the stairs.    


"Of course he's handsome, Mr Ye is the most handsome man I've ever seen!" Xia Yihan imitated what Mo Xiaonong said when she flattered Ye Zimo and praised him.    


However, she had never praised anyone so highly before. She felt that it was very unnatural to say such words to him.    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched as she coldly snorted.    


He seemed to feel that she wasn't sincere and wasn't satisfied yet.    


Lin Dahui heaved a sigh of relief, secretly glad that Xia Yihan wasn't stupid. If she hadn't picked him up, he would have been dealt with even worse by Ye Zimo tomorrow.    


He took a peek at Ye Zimo through the rear-view mirror. She was still wearing a straight face. It looked like she needed to work even harder.    


He thought for a moment, then added, "We, Mr Ye, like others to be specific with their words. He thinks that words that are too general are not real enough."    


Ye Zimo glanced coldly at Lin Dahui in the rear-view mirror. He shrank his neck. "I risked my life to work for you. Even if you didn't do anything, you still had to work hard. Please don't target me."    


Xia Yihan immediately understood after Lin Dahui reminded her. Since he had been coaxed, he couldn't give up halfway. She dared to turn her head and look straight at Ye Zimo's handsome face.    


In fact, she rarely took the initiative to look at him. Many times, she would be forced to look at him and obey his orders.    


Now, she sincerely looked at him, looked at his full forehead, looked at his thick black eyebrows, and then at his deep eyes.    


It was undeniable that even though Mo Xiaojun was handsome, he wasn't any more handsome than Mo Xiaojun. It could also be said that their styles were different. Mo Xiaojun was always a bit depressed, but he was cold.    


She looked into his dark eyes, those pool eyes that seemed to draw her in with a magnetic force.    


So you look at me, I look at you, there seems to be a high-voltage electric current in the middle, she did not dare to look. Shifting her gaze downwards in a sorry state, her gaze landed on his tall and straight nose, as well as his clearly outlined lips.    


"Mr Ye's eyebrows are very sharp, and his eyes are very deep …" Ye Zimo's eyes began to burn as she looked at Xia Yihan. She praised him subconsciously, as if she was talking in her sleep.    


She was embarrassed to be stared at by him, but she didn't want to see him angry.    


Lin Dahui subconsciously looked into the mirror and quickly retracted his gaze. He quickly slowed down and the car almost skidded on the ground.    


Xia Yihan was still looking at him seriously while Ye Zimo was staring at her face. No one noticed the change in the speed of the car.    


Then, he remembered her damnable words. His face was very close to hers, and he whispered to her: "Tell me, do I look good when I was young, or is it that Mo Xiaojun."    


This question was really childish. Did he want to be a handsome man even when he was young? She had only glanced at the picture of what he looked like when he was a child. Xia Yihan couldn't stand him, but she was afraid that he would be angry, so she said honestly, "Of course it's you!"    


The car continued on its way. It wasn't too far at first, but it soon returned to the villa.    


Ye Zimo got off the car with Xia Yihan and Lin Dahui. They walked to Ye Zimo and said, "Mr Ye, if there's nothing else, I'll be going back."    


"If you continue to be so glib next time, I'll let you walk back to the city."    


Lin Dahui rubbed his nose and solemnly promised: "Please forgive me, or else I won't say anything."    


The security guards opened the door for Ye Zimo, and he took Xia Yihan's hand and walked her back.    


When she came, Xia Yihan still had a faint sense of happiness, but when she went back, this feeling changed subtly.    


Mo Xiaojun had always been consistent with her. Although he didn't have Ye Zimo's passion, he wasn't like Ye Zimo. Sometimes it was ice, sometimes it was fire. Xia Yihan felt that she had no idea what this man was thinking and how he treated her.    


When he doted on her, he seemed to be an affectionate and gentle man. Once he offended her, even if it was a small matter, he would immediately frighten her and avoid her.    


Entering the main house, Ye Zimo whispered in Xia Yihan's ear, "Don't forget what I told you, and don't ask too many questions."    


Xia Yihan nodded and returned to her room. Mo Xiaonong was playing with her apple again. When Xia Yihan entered, she did not even look up. Xia Yihan didn't give her a seat for dinner, and she was still brooding over it.    


If Soong Wanting hadn't asked her to sit beside her, how awkward would she be?    


Ever since she was young, she had felt that her sister Xia Yihan was the most selfish person in this world. Everywhere she went, people always said that Xia Yihan was prettier than her. She always said that Xiaonong was actually more beautiful. She always thought that it was because of her hypocrisy that she said that. In any case, whether she said it or not, she was angry.    


Xia Yihan understood Mo Xiaonong, and was always unhappy about some small matters. She was often needed to coax her.    


She sat on the edge of the bed and called out, "Xiaonong."    


Mo Xiaonong remained silent. She thought to herself, "Hmph, now that you've come to pretend to speak to me, there's no use in saying anything!"    


"Do you think I really don't want you to sit there?" Xia Yihan sighed and asked.    


Finally, she raised her head, glared at Xia Yihan, and asked angrily, "Isn't that so? All I know is, I didn't. You did. If Sister Wanting hadn't asked me to sit next to her, I don't think I'd even be able to eat dinner! "    


Every time Mo Xiaonong had this kind of attitude, Xia Yihan would feel sad. She didn't understand why she couldn't feel her good intentions even after bringing her sister for so many years.    


Why did she change sides with just a single provocation from an outsider?    


"Why aren't you speaking? Are you feeling guilty?"    


Xia Yihan held in her anger and calmed down for a while before saying, "Think about it carefully for yourself. When and what matter did I not give way to you? I am truly afraid that you will be too eye-catching in front of Mr Ye's mother. She mistook you for Mr Ye's woman and chased you out. "    


Mo Xiaonong sneered and said aggressively, "Don't scare people! Had he mistook her for a woman and got kicked out? Why did Brother Zimo sit there holding your hand and touching you, but you weren't kicked out? If it was me, I would be kicked out? Do you think I'm so easy to fool as a three year old child? "    


"Well, if you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say so. You must think that I am deliberately trying to stop you, and I can't help it! " Xia Yihan didn't know what to say. Since she couldn't explain it, she didn't want to say it.    


Only then did Mo Xiaonong notice that her face was flushed. She had snuck out after eating for so long, it seemed like she was going to do something with Ye Zimo. This made her even more unhappy.    


Xia Yihan didn't want to argue with her anymore. She stood up and wanted to walk outside to calm down, but Mo Xiaonong grabbed her wrist.    


She stood in front of Xia Yihan and asked in a displeased tone, "What did you just do? You still said it was good for me. Who was it for that I had to hide from Yu Shanshan every day with trepidation? If you didn't want to make a ruckus, would I be in danger? "You don't have time to care about how dangerous I am, but you have the time to be intimate with a man. Are you treating me well like this?"    


If there was one person in this world that Xia Yihan felt the most helpless against, it was Mo Xiaonong.    


She had been like this since she was young. As long as she wasn't happy, she would speak without thinking and reprimand her. In the past, when she was young, she gave in because she loved and protected her. It was also because her adoptive parents protected her and forbade Xia Yihan to reason with her. In any case, as long as he wanted to teach her how to conduct herself, his adoptive parents would definitely say that it was not her turn to teach him.    


Now that she had grown up, she was even more powerless and helpless when she was angry with her.    


In any case, she wouldn't argue with her.    


He couldn't bear it any longer. He had to continue to endure.    


She pulled her hand away and said calmly, "Xiaonong, calm down and think about it yourself. I'm going out for a walk."    


What Mo Xiaonong was most afraid of was Xia Yihan's calmness. Whenever she looked at her like that for a while, she would sometimes feel like she was wrong.    


But she felt that she was right this time. It was obviously Xia Yihan who was selfish.    


Seeing that Xia Yihan was about to leave, she quickly ran a few steps to catch up with her, saying behind her back, "Didn't you say you were good to me? Then I believe you are really good to me. Give Brother Zimo to me! For me to be his woman, I feel that you are truly good to me! "    


"What did you say?" Xia Yihan turned around with a frown on her face.    


"Say that again?" Her voice was trembling, and she couldn't believe what Mo Xiaonong had said.    


Mo Xiaonong raised her neck and said with a more serious tone, "I'll just say it again. If you really do care about me, then give Brother Zimo to me. Don't be his woman, I'll do it! I can still let him take revenge for Brother Xiaojun! "    


They were already at the door, unable to quarrel, unable to quarrel. If they didn't get along, Soong Wanting would just see them as a joke, and she would also be able to take advantage of them.    


Xia Yihan restrained herself and took a few deep breaths before she could calmly speak to her again.    


"That's impossible. Mo Xiaonong, how can you have sisters with the same man? Doesn't that feel disgusting? "    


"I don't think so!" In ancient times, sisters worked together for a long time. If you are unwilling, then you are unwilling. Don't preach to me, I knew that you were simply being selfish. If you don't share such a good man with me, you'll be selfish! " Mo Xiaonong's voice was several times louder than before, and she was on the verge of losing her sanity.    


Xia Yihan was so angry that her entire body was trembling. However, she didn't want to make such a ruckus, so she could only endure it and open the door.    


Mo Xiaonong's warning came from behind him, "If you don't help me tell him, I have my own ways. I'll go find Sister Wanting!"    


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