Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C105 Favorite Marriage 38

C105 Favorite Marriage 38

4Xia Yihan looked at the eye-catching little skirt and felt a bit scared. She asked them in a low voice, "It's not good to wear this. This dress is too short and the color is so bright."    


She really didn't want Ye Zimo to feel like she was happily going to sleep with him.    


"Sis, you're too conservative. How is this short? You'll probably need to put it on to reach your knees." Not a single part of it was revealed. How good was the package? " Mo Xiaonong showed Xia Yihan back and forth as she spoke. In fact, besides the short skirt and the low neckline, it could be considered a more complete skirt. Xia Yihan's greatest problem was probably the color.    


"Yihan, do you remember that day when you made biscuits for Mr Ye? He ate them all, which means he wants to see your heart. Think about it, after you took a shower with petals and put on a rose-like dress today, you are all one heart. Don't you want him to be happy to see you? " Jiu Jiu also chimed in.    


Her words made Xia Yihan recall the time when Ye Zimo ate the biscuit she made. Although he didn't look happy, she could tell that something was moving from his eyes.    


How could she not want to see him smile? His smile was as gentle as the spring wind.    


Xiaojun, you won't be unhappy with me doing this, will you? If you really are his brother, he is also a relative that you have missed for a long time. I certainly don't love him, but I can be nice to him. You won't blame me for that, will you?    


While she was still in a daze, Jiu Jiu had already begun to pull her out of the water. She directly used a towel to wipe her clean.    


"Alright, I'll do it myself." Xia Yihan took the towel and wiped it before putting it aside.    


"This …" As soon as Xia Yihan saw the two little things, she felt a chill run down her spine.    


Following that, Jiu Jiu and Mo Xiaonong started another round of cookie theory. Since the door was still being pushed open, Xia Yihan had no choice but to brace herself and wear it.    


When the time came, she thought, it would be best if Ye Zimo told her to go. She just wanted her to see the scenery.    


When Xia Yihan came out of the bathroom, the butler and the few Security Officer s outside were already burning with anxiety.    


However, as she walked, the fresh fragrance made their restless hearts quieten down a lot. When they looked at Xia Yihan again, she looked just like a walking rose. No matter how they looked at her, she looked so alluring and alluring.    


"Hey, don't look around. Be careful that I report it to Crown Prince." Jiu Jiu warned, and the few men quickly withdrew their coveting gazes and honestly said, "Miss Xia, please!"    


Until they got in the car, Xia Yihan still felt that her clothes were inappropriate, but she didn't have the chance to change.    


The Security Officer who escorted her here conversed with the receptionist in the group hall, and the receptionist passed the call to Lin Ling. After asking for Ye Zimo's permission, they got on the elevator to the top floor.    


Security Officer didn't know why Xia Yihan Lai Lai's group needed to use so many people to escort them, but it was also not something they should handle, their responsibility was to follow orders.    


Even if they were to enter the elevator, they would first have to enter with two people, standing in the two innermost corners of the elevator. After Xia Yihan entered, she went up with another two, coincidentally protecting her in four directions.    


Xia Yihan had never been surrounded by so many people before. She knew that Ye Zimo asked so many people to send her over because she was afraid that Yu Shanshan would take action against her.    


She didn't want to mess with others, but apparently, she didn't think the same as Ye Xiao. She felt that it was natural to mess with people.    


When they reached the top floor, the four Security Officer s escorted Xia Yihan from the front and back all the way to Ye Zimo's office.    


A Security Officer knocked on the door and reported: "Mr Ye, Miss Xia has arrived."    


"Tell her to come in, you guys wait at the elevator." Ye Zimoqing's cold voice came from inside. Security Officer said: "Yes, Mr Ye!" They quickly left, leaving only Xia Yihan at the door.    


She suddenly felt a wave of anxiety. She didn't know if what she was dressed like this, or if what awaited her was his appreciation, his happiness, or his indifference, or his ridicule.    


Xia Yihan stirred her hands, took a deep breath and twisted the door open.    


Ye Zimo was sitting in his large leather office chair, working. To show that he was not bothered by her arrival, he lowered his head and carefully looked at the documents in his hands.    


Xia Yihan was relieved that he wasn't paying attention.    


"Close the door!" Ye Zimo ordered in a low voice.    


Xia Yihan turned and closed the door, faced him again, and stood there quietly.    


From the moment she entered the door, Ye Zimo could smell a faint fragrance, but it wasn't the usual scent of her bathtub milk. This fragrance came more naturally, making her feel more comfortable.    


He put down the document in his hand and slowly raised his head to look at the petite figure standing in the doorway.    


Her attire caused his eyes to light up. Normally, what he hated the most was such a tender color. Regardless of who it was, when he saw it, he couldn't help but frown. Lin Ling probably knew his preferences, so she intentionally put this item in Xia Yihan's clothes without leaving a trace.    


No one would have thought that the color that Ye Zimo hated the most, the color that was worn on Xia Yihan's body, would make him think that it was so pretty.    


It was only then that he recognized the scent of roses from her body. Had she bathed in petals?    


Would she be so diligent? He wasn't Mo Xiaojun.    


"Come here!" His voice didn't sound as surprised as Xia Yihan had expected, but he didn't sound as angry as he had this morning.    


Xia Yihan tried to keep her composure as she walked slowly around his wide desk to his side.    


As he got closer, the fragrance on her body became more distinct. He felt that she was like an enchanting rose blooming beside him.    


It had to be said that in such a short period of time, the woman that he had developed had already lost her youth, and was now emitting a mature charm.    


Her soft and tender mouth slightly opened. It was an involuntary reaction, showing that she was still a bit nervous.    


He fixed his eyes on her small mouth and did not kiss her. As he watched, Xia Yihan became even more nervous, her heart thumping wildly. It was as if he was waiting for something, but also afraid of it. He wanted to avoid it, but at the same time, he wanted to get close to her. That complicated feeling kept bothering her until he suddenly put his arm around her waist.    


"Did you do this on purpose?" He tightly wrapped himself around her and whispered into her ear. The warm air made Xia Yihan's sensitive body shudder again.    


She couldn't tell whether he liked her or didn't like her, but at least he wasn't angry, and that was enough to make her happy.    


Thinking about what Mo Xiaonong and Jiu Jiu had told her repeatedly in her ears, Xia Yihan decided to be more gentle and let him be happy.    


"Yes, I want to please you." Xia Yihan said in a low voice. Ye Zimo's heart suddenly tightened upon hearing this soft phrase. Then, she pressed her lips against Xia Yihan's as if she had gone crazy.    


She prayed silently that his anger would end there and that every day after that he would be in a good mood.    


His lip left her, and then its black eyes fixed into hers.    


"I wish I could crush you! That way, we can drive that Mo bastard out of your head! " His voice was hoarse with hatred.    


Xia Yihan saw the hatred in Ye Zimo's eyes. He actually hated Mo Xiaojun, she can't let him hate Mo Xiaojun.    


Seemingly out of instinct, Xia Yihan raised her voice and retorted seriously, "You can't scold Mo Xiaojun! "No way!"    


From the moment she appeared in Ye Zimo's line of sight, Xia Yihan had been quiet, barely able to speak loudly. She had only once lost her temper, the time she had stopped him from drinking.    


This time, he only said that Mo Qianni was a bastard, and her eyes were wide open. Such an excited expression deeply pierced his heart.    


Was it that important?    


I don't even remember his gentle disguise.    


Ye Zimo's face instantly froze. Her eyes flashed with a cold light. She pinched her chin with her fingers and used a bit of force. She was in pain, but she didn't regret what she said.    


"Why can't I scold him?" His voice was as cold as ice. If she dared to say that Mo Xiaojun was his little brother's ridiculous excuse, he would tear her apart even more, because that was absolutely impossible!    


"Because …" He could be your brother!    


Xia Yihan almost said that sentence out loud. In the end, she swallowed it back. She couldn't say it out loud, she definitely couldn't say it out loud.    


If Mo Xiaojun was really Ye Zimo's brother, then it would be too cruel for him to find a deceased person even after he had searched for so long. She could not bear to see him face to face with such a situation.    


If Mo Xiaojun wasn't Ye Zimo's brother, after investigation, Ye Zimo, who was so suspicious, would think that Mo Xiaojun was deliberately deceiving him. She would think that she said that on purpose to get revenge for Mo Xiaojun.    


Therefore, no matter what the result was, she had to stubbornly hold on to this speculation and would not reveal it.    


"Tell me, why?! Just because you love him, you won't let anyone say anything bad about him? " Ye Zimo grinded her teeth as she asked.    


Xia Yihan wanted to shake her head, but her chin was stuck in place because of him.    


"No, that's not the reason. I don't want you to say he was bad because he died. The dead are great, please do not blaspheme his spirit in heaven. " As she spoke, Xia Yihan's eyes were filled with tears. She wasn't sure if it was pain or sadness.    


Her watery eyes sparkled with tears. She looked pitiful, but at this moment, he would not be moved by her delicate appearance.    


Ye Zimo's expression became even more solemn. Suddenly, she pushed him, allowing him to hold her in his arms.    


"Alright, since I respect the dead, then there's no need to respect the living."    


Xia Yihan felt bitter in her heart. She didn't want to face this kind of situation, but she wanted to face it again.    


This was the top floor, the tallest place in the city, but the french windows were lit and the curtains were drawn, and even though she knew that no one could see her unless a helicopter flew through the window, she still felt insecure.    


He was like that. When he was angry, he would embarrass her. She should have gotten used to it long ago, but she still wasn't used to it. Every time he stared at her so coldly, as if he were making a joke out of her, it always made her heart ache a little.    


Today, she wanted to coax him. She had turned herself into a rose, but she just wanted him to smile. She took the initiative to admit that she wanted to make him happy, so she put her arms around his neck.    


She thought that he would be in a good mood this way. Who knew that things would turn out like this again? She discovered that her heart seemed to be in more pain than it had ever been before.    


Is it that the more you love a person, the more you will feel pain for him? Is it possible that the closer you get to someone, the more likely you are to fall in love with him? Why was it that even though he was always tormenting her, she still didn't like him? Even though she knew he wanted to make things difficult for her, she still couldn't bring herself to do so.    


It was as if he was a man that was once very close to her and very gentle, and in an instant, he seemed to have become very, very far away from her.    


She was sad, aching, but she could bear it, and she always felt as if he were lonely, standing there with his big body.    


Why did he have to be so stubborn? Why did he have to insist on making her heart be like a child? It made people's hearts uncontrollably ache for him.    


Xia Yihan had long forgotten her pain and humiliation. She trembled as she got down from the desk and struggled to dress.    


It was unknown where she got the courage, or perhaps she didn't want to see him so angry, but she slowly walked behind him and put her arms around his waist.    


"Don't be angry, okay? I hope you're happy. " Ye Zimo's body trembled, and then her expression turned serious again.    


He reached out and pulled her hand away, his voice still as cold as ice.    


"Go back!"    


His words seemed to form a wall around him. She wanted to get closer to him, but she couldn't. Xia Yihan had never been one to take the initiative. Being able to hug him and coax him even when he was so cold towards her was already the limit of what she could do.    


When he shooed her away again, her face burned with pride.    


She bit her lip and turned her head, not daring to say another word of consolation.    


Xia Yihan opened the door and left without looking back. Just as the door was about to close, Ye Zimo had the urge to run over and hug her, coaxing her. However, he abruptly stopped in his tracks. Because he was patiently enduring, his fist landed heavily on the glass window in front of him.    


Xia Yihan didn't know how she had followed the security guards out of the building. When she finally regained her senses, the car had already arrived at the villa on the outskirts of Ye Family.    


Only then did she know that he was back, too, and had arrived before her.    


At this time, the lights were already on, and dinner was already beginning to be served in Ye Family Villa.    


There were no guests today, so for dinner, Xia Yihan, Faang Linuo, and Hee Wen were allowed at the big dining table in the main house.    


Xia Yihan came back late. When she came, Jiu Jiu came to urge her to go quickly.    


"Yihan, prepare yourself. I don't know if my wife is acting this way because of the rose or not. It's all my fault. I've harmed you. " Jiu Jiu, who was beside her, kept apologizing and confessing. Xia Yihan couldn't bear it and kept comforting her, "It's okay, you were doing this for my own good, don't blame yourself. Besides, if someone wants to deal with me, they'll have to find a reason. Even without the roses, I can't say for sure that there will be a jasmine flower. Since I am here, I have made mental preparations. The struggle will not stop. "Don't worry, I can handle it."    


"Alright, alright, I hope the heavens will bless you. Ah, the most important thing is that Crown Prince must protect you. I thought he was going to be happy, but when he came back, his face seemed even uglier. Not only that, why did it seem like his hand was injured? You guys fought? "    


Only then did Xia Yihan vaguely remember that when she left, she seemed to hear a muffled sound from his office. She thought that he had dropped something out of anger.    


Isn't it?    


"Is he seriously injured?" she whispered, her heart clenching for him.    


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