Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C124 Favorite Marriage 57

C124 Favorite Marriage 57

0"Why didn't you come and ask me how I was feeling?" Xia Yihan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he suddenly opened his mouth and spoke in a cold, childish voice.    


"Aren't you in a good mood? Didn't you write it all down on your face?" It was the first time that Xia Yihan had used such a tone to speak to him.    


Maybe it was because his face was stinky and she felt it, so she blurted it out.    


These words were like a blow to someone's self-esteem. He had always prided himself on being calm and collected. How could this little girl easily see through his emotions?    


"Hmm?" In order to save face, Ye Mo humphed in annoyance.    


Xia Yihan didn't want to buy his account and continued to offend him: "Mr Ye, are you trying to show me that you're in a bad mood?"    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched, and then she let out a cold laugh. Suddenly, she grabbed her shoulder and fell to the side.    


"Ah!" After a low cry of surprise, her upper body landed firmly on his strong arm. He looked down at her condescendingly and spoke indifferently: "Not bad, you even learned to talk back? Who gave you the guts?     


His eyes were fixed on hers, and as they looked at each other, she heard her heart begin to pound again.    


"I, can you let me get up first?"    


"That's all."    


"Mr Ye, is Madam alright?" Are you in a better mood after eating? " Xia Yihan found a reason to ask him, and asking this wasn't all about finding a reason. She did want to know what was going on with Fu Fengyi, but it would be too polite if she didn't always visit her room.    


Even if she did care, she just hoped that she knew.    


"Still not too good." Ye Zimo said softly. Her expression had long since turned serious and no longer had any playfulness on it.    


When she walked over to him, he was sitting there looking lonely. As expected, he was still in a bad mood. When she saw the worry on his face, Xia Yihan's little mood had long since disappeared without a trace.    


"Don't worry, she might need a little time. She'll be all right soon."    


He took her hand away, and she thought he didn't like her concern. She started to pull away, but he held her tight.    


"How did you convince my mother to go to dinner today?" he asked.    


"I didn't convince her. I was just going to treat her to a meal, so she agreed." Xia Yihan really didn't want to repeat those words. She didn't want him to think about Ye Zihan again.    


She didn't want to say it, and he didn't press her. He just didn't say anything for a long time, and the air was silent again.    


She had been lying in his embrace the entire time. The warm embrace was probably the most desired home for many women.    


It was comfortable to lean on him in such a tired time, comfortable even to the extent that she wanted to lean against him for the rest of the night.    


She slightly closed her eyes. She felt really sleepy and actually covered her mouth and yawned involuntarily.    


After a yawn, she suddenly became clear-headed. This person, he had always misunderstood her. He wouldn't tell her this time that she shouldn't stay by his side and be sleepy, right?    


She looked at him warily, not expecting him to ask her gently, "Why are you so tired? "Why aren't you sleeping?"    


Her tone was gentle, but there was also a hint of reproach in it. However, her concern for Ye Zichen was hidden deep within her words.    


"I'll go back and sleep now." She sat up in his arms.    


"Mo Xiaonong is back. Did you have a fight with her?" he asked suddenly. She sometimes wondered if he could guess anything, but when he saw her mind, he seemed to be unable to.    


"No, I just couldn't sleep so I came out for a walk."    


"Come to my room tonight." He did not expose her, knowing that she was protecting her sister, but he did not want her to go back to her room and be annoyed by her sister.    


"No need, no need. That little girl's temper is just like that. It'll be fine after a while, I'm going back to sleep." She remembered, but he still held her and didn't let her move.    


"Always letting her go?" he asked with a frown.    


Thinking that she was always bullied by Mo Xiaonong, he couldn't help but get annoyed.    


"No, isn't that what happens between sisters? "Mr Ye, let me go. I'm going back. Aren't you going to go see Madam too?" This time Ye Zimo let her go.    


Xia Yihan sat up straight and adjusted her hair before standing up.    


His legs were sore from lying on the chair for too long, and he had a cramp. Before he could even take two steps, his legs gave way and he fell towards the lilac tree by the side of the road.    


Just when she thought she would fall in a sorry state, she fell into a warm and firm embrace once again.    


She was still in a state of shock as she subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck.    


He let her hold him.    


After entering the main house, the two Security Officer s by the door were a little surprised. Ye Zimo personally carried Xia Yihan inside.    


Xia Yihan had already said a few times on the way that she was fine, she could walk without her. Ye Xiu was always cool. He didn't say anything and just carried her in.    


At this moment, Xia Yihan was being watched stealthily. Embarrassed, she had no choice but to bury her head in Ye Zimo's chest.    


Ye Zimo, on the other hand, was quite natural. She forgot about his manhood and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with hugging his woman.    


Xia Yihan was carried into his bedroom and put on the bed in a rather gentle manner. He then called the housekeeper and told him to go to the doctor for some loo oil.    


The butler moved quickly, and in a short while, Ye Zimo delivered the lotion to her.    


Xia Yihan didn't think that he was going to apply the ointment himself. Even if she did, she wouldn't dare let him do it. If he suddenly had an idea while wiping her body, then she wouldn't be as simple as having a cramp in her leg.    


"Mr Ye, thank you, but I'll still take it back and wipe it slowly myself, or ask Xiaonong to wipe it for me." Xia Yihan said in a low voice, a smile plastered on her face.    


"Take it off!" He frowned impatiently. Well, Xia Yihan had to give in.    


He was being kind, but he couldn't waste his rare kindness. It would be equivalent to causing trouble for himself.    


Xia Yihan could only agree.    


She wanted to say, I can actually do it myself, but looking at his stinking face, he wouldn't let her say a word.    


Although he took care of her in such a way that made her heart feel sweet and couldn't help but feel warm, she still felt awkward.    


Xia Yihan had never received such care in her entire life.    


Ye Zimo, ah, Ye Zimo, do you know that sometimes I wish you wouldn't be so good to me? I'm afraid that I really will fall in love with you, forget who I am and who you are.    


He applied medicine for her, while thinking, if Lin Dahui knew that he did this, who knows how he would laugh at him in his heart.    


However, if Ye Zimo didn't do it, she would do it to the best of her abilities. Since he had already applied medicine on her, he must let her heal.    


"How is it?" he asked harshly, showing that he loved face and wanted recognition and praise.    


"Thank you, it doesn't hurt anymore." Xia Yihan praised sincerely.    


Xia Yihan felt a warm feeling in her heart. She was a woman he had traded with, and he didn't have to worry about her feelings. But he didn't. Not only that, he even applied medicine on her with his own hands.    


This person, no matter how cold he looked, his heart was truly very, very soft.    


Ye Zimo, what can I do for you?    


In a kind of happiness that warmed to the bottom of her heart, she felt an unprecedented amount of gentleness and care. She didn't even feel cold in her dreams.    


That night, Xia Yihan had an exceptionally sweet dream. Ye Zimo leaned against a tall parasol tree while she lay on his lap. Their two children, a boy and a girl, were chasing each other and playing nearby. It was as if all the hardships of the past twenty years had become a thing of the past, and there was no sadness in her life, no endless patience, only soft sweetness.     


She did not know that her dreams were so beautiful because his warm body was embracing hers.    


Ye Zimo didn't lie down for long. He only hugged her for a while, and when he saw that she was fast asleep, he stood up to look at Fu Fengyi.    


Fu Fengyi did not sleep at all, and by the latter half of the night, her body temperature had started to rise. Ye Zimo was going to call the doctor over, but Fu Fengyi refused to let her go, insisting on holding it in.    


No matter what Ye Zimo said, using both hard and soft methods, she refused to give in. In the past, he had once forced a doctor to come and beat her with a hanging bottle. Fu Fengyi had pulled it off herself, and that time, she had even injured her hand and cut the blood vessels on the back of her hand. In view of that lesson, Ye Zimo didn't force her to take a look at it again.    


Whenever she was stubborn, he would sit by the bed and work patiently until he could talk her out of it and receive treatment.    


Even until dawn, Fu Fengyi refused to let anyone see her. Her forehead was already boiling hot, and even her nose was burning.    


Ye Zimo paced around the room irritably. Fu Fengyi closed her eyes and refused to cooperate.    


"Mom, it's fine if you don't need an injection. Can you let me cold compress it for you?" Ye Zimo teased her in a low voice, as if she was coaxing a child. Fu Fengyi shook her head.    


"Then have some water? I'll get you some hot water and a little less. "    


Fu Fengyi still shook her head.    


When Ye Zimo came out of her mother's room, she called the housekeeper and told him to stand by while she waited.    


"Do you have any way to cool it down? She won't let me. " Ye Zimo asked the butler.    


"Mr Ye, who else can persuade her? With such a high fever, there's no other choice but to heal. Even if she was willing to use the cold compress, the effect would still be limited. "    


Just as the two were discussing, the butler's headset transmitted the Security Officer's instructions to them: "Director-General Ye is here, the carriage is at the door."    


Ye Zimo's first thought was to not let him in, but when he thought about his mother's condition, he hesitated before saying to the butler, "Let him wait."    


Then, he went into the room and said to his mother in a provocative tone, "Director-General Ye is here. I think it's to see you. I want him to go back immediately."    


When Fu Fengyi, who had her eyes closed all along, heard Director-General Ye's words, her brows twitched. Just as Ye Zimo had expected, she opened her eyes and said to him, "Call him in."    


Ye Zimo let out a sigh of relief, but her expression was still very serious. She put on a negotiating expression and said very seriously, "I can let him come in and take care of you here. But I have a condition, you must follow the treatment I arranged for you, otherwise I will not let him in my house for the rest of my life."    


Fu Fengyi let out a long sigh. It had been her wish for many years to let her father and son live in harmony with each other. Although it was sometimes contradictory, she still didn't want to see them always being so tit-for-tat.    


"Let him in!" she said weakly.    


Ye Zimo then raised her voice and said to the butler, "Inform the Security Officer at the entrance to let Director-General Ye pass. Also, invite the two doctors over immediately."    


"Yes, Mr Ye!"    


When she heard that Ye Haorann had arrived early in the morning, Fu Fengyi's expression seemed to brighten a little. Ye Zimo knew that for so many years, her mother had actually still loved the man who had lost their child, just like how he would occasionally care about that man.    


After a while, Ye Haorann entered the main house. The butler respectfully called Director-General Ye and led him to Fu Fengyi's bedroom.    


"Fengyi, how are you?" As soon as Ye Haorann entered, he went straight for Fu Fengyi.    


Last night, when he heard that her voice was off, he had been worried, so he had rushed over to the villa before dawn.    


At this time, Fu Fengyi's face had turned red and her breathing became a lot faster than usual. Ye Haorann sat down beside her bed and touched her forehead with his big hand as he asked with a frown: "What are you doing? If you have a fever, why don't you look at it? Let's go, I'll send you to the hospital right now. "    


"No need, I have a doctor in my villa." Ye Zimo said coldly.    


Ye Haorann looked at his son again and pursed his lips. He looked at Fu Fengyi again and asked anxiously, "There's a doctor, why aren't you looking at him? "Listen to me and have Mo arrange for a doctor to show you."    


Ye Zimo walked a few steps towards the bed, still looking coldly at Ye Haorann, mocking, "Didn't she listen to you, that's why she acted this way."    


Ye Haorann frowned and his hands trembled slightly. Fu Fengyi shook her head and told him not to argue with Ye Zimo.    


"Mo, go out. I have something to say to your dad. When the doctor comes, just tell him to come in directly."    


In the end, Fu Fengyi agreed to see a doctor. Ye Zimo knew that it was related to Director-General Ye. Although she didn't want to see him here, for her mother's sake, he still forcefully suppressed his anger and opened the door.    


After Ye Zimo left the house, Fu Fengyi advised Ye Haorann softly, "You don't want to get used to it here. "You know, Mo is doing this on purpose, and the more you criticize him, the worse his relationship will become."    


As long as Ye Haorann thought of Ye Zimo's villa, he would feel angry. There was also a doctor, a housekeeper, and a maid inside.    


"Do you think it's proper to look at him? Wasn't such a large villa a waste of resources? You even intentionally told me that there's a doctor here! "    


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