Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C130 Favorite Marriage 63

C130 Favorite Marriage 63

1There were both good and bad emotions during this day, but at this moment, when she was quietly looking at him and feeling his presence by her side, she unexpectedly felt a strange sense of satisfaction.    


To be able to see him was actually a very satisfying thing.    


If there was a chance to let her see Mo Xiaojun, she didn't know how excited she would be.    


She stared at him in a daze. Even with her eyes closed, she had a face that would make people fall in love with her. Deep down in her heart, she was deeply moved.    


For some reason, she wanted to kiss him. She turned her face away and gently kissed him on the side of his face. After kissing her, he felt that it was a little inappropriate, but he suddenly grabbed her hand and opened his eyes. There was no coldness in his gaze, but his expression was still quite stiff.    


"What do you want? Was it not satisfied just now? " Xia Yihan's face turned red again, and she said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I was just, just a bit confused."    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched violently. That damned little girl. What did she mean by 'a little dazed'? Did she lose consciousness because of him?    


His strong self-esteem seemed to be magnified and satisfied. However, the matter of her humiliating him in front of everyone truly annoyed him. At this moment, he felt too embarrassed to put down his pride.    


"Why aren't you putting the hair dryer back in place?" he said in a cold voice.    


As if she had been granted an amnesty, Xia Yihan repeatedly said, "Yes, yes, yes, Mr Ye, I will release him now."    


Outside his bedroom, she was still a little upset. Why would she kiss him like he was an idiot?    


Fortunately, he did not immediately become a beast. Otherwise, who knew how exhausted she would be.    


When he returned to his bedroom, Ye Zimo seemed to have fallen asleep with her eyes closed. Xia Yihan turned on the emergency light on the bedside table and turned off the lights in the bedroom. The room became even darker.    


When she was about to get into bed, she was a little dazed. Suddenly, she felt that they were a little like a couple. Wasn't this how normal people were?    


At this moment, her heart was immersed in a state of disappointment, expectation and a sliver of happiness. She realized that she had always desired a home. "No need for luxury, no need for grandeur, as long as there is a man who loves her and lives in warmth.    


When she thought about this before, all she thought about was Mo Xiaojun. She closed her eyes and told herself that she used to miss Mo Xiaojun, but he was no longer there. He never had a complete home. Can you hold someone's hand and live like that?    


She climbed into bed and lay down on Ye Zimo's bed.    


He was on one side of the bed, she on the other. There seemed to be a sea between them, but neither of them swam towards the other.    


She thought he would do something to her in the evening, but unexpectedly the night passed in peace. Even when she woke up in the morning, she was in his strong arms.    


His arm was wrapped around her in a domineering manner. She wanted to take his arm away. It was impossible for her to get out of his embrace.    


After a night of rest, her body was still sore and sore. She was definitely more tired than a mountain that she had climbed all day.    


Seeing that she couldn't move him, she simply closed her eyes and continued sleeping.    


When she woke up again, the bed was empty. Knocking sounds continued to come from the door, and the butler's voice said, "Yihan, are you up yet? Breakfast has been heated twice. "    


Xia Yihan shuddered as she sat up and looked outside. It was already dawn.    


She had been fully dressed when she slept last night and was still fully dressed when she woke up, so she smoothed her hair and opened the door for the housekeeper.    


"Thank you, thank you!" She took the tray from the housekeeper. She was really embarrassed to be sleeping so late and had her breakfast heated up twice.    


"That's what I should do." After the butler finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Xia Yihan. She was still that Xia Yihan, perhaps his mood was different. Looking at her now, he really felt that she had an indifferent and peaceful beauty.    


She had spent the night in Mr Ye's room, but she didn't have any authority over him, unlike Faang Linuo, who only shouted at him when she moved into the house.    


Also, she didn't ask where Mr Ye went. If it was any other woman, she would definitely ask.    


She was such a stickler for things that she shouldn't have said. She didn't say a word more. Who would have thought that such a proper girl would have the courage to expose Ye Zimo in front of so many people?    


This time, she seemed to have offended the proud Mr Ye. In fact, how could he not appreciate her bravery?    


If he really didn't like her, why would he need to ask all the questions that would affect her? Even if he loved her sometimes, he would still hinted at her to let him take care of Xia Yihan.    


Just like when he left the villa this morning, although he didn't say much, from the look in his eyes, it was obvious that he wanted him to take good care of this woman.    


"You can go back first. I'll send the tableware back myself after I finish eating." Xia Yihan said softly.    


"How can that be? You are Mr Ye's man, so I should take care of you."    


"There's nothing wrong with that. I used to be a servant here too, isn't that what I do? "Please go back!"    


Xia Yihan could feel the change in the butler. Although he didn't say much, it was rare for him to stay here and take care of her and Ye Zimo instead of going out during the holidays. If it had been a steward before, he probably wouldn't have done this.    


As she thought about this matter, she thought about that man. In truth, his heart was softer than anyone else's. Even if someone had made a mistake, he would still tolerate forgiveness.    


It was just that he didn't know why, but he was so petty towards her. If he was angry for so long, he would definitely take it out on her.    


"Then I'll go back first. I'll come back after you finish eating." The butler left.    


Xia Yihan finished her breakfast and, without waiting for the housekeeper to arrive, carried it to the kitchen and cleaned the tableware before putting it back.    


The housekeeper's lover was playing with the two children by the garden's edge. Xia Yihan looked at the children and thought them very cute. She teased them for a while before returning to the main house.    


She didn't bring her phone with her. She was afraid that Ye Zimo would call her and let her miss it.    


Just as she returned to her room, she sat on her bed and opened her cell phone. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, thinking it was the butler. She casually said, "Come in!"    


When the door opened, the person who came in was Hai Zhixuan. Xia Yihan was really shocked.    


"You, why are you here?"    


"Don't you welcome me?" Hai Zhixuan smiled gently as he walked towards her. In his hand, he was holding a delicate little food box.    


"No." It wasn't that she didn't want to see him herself, but she was still grateful to him. However, every time he came into contact with her, Ye Zimo would find out and punish her to the point that her skin would be torn apart. She was truly afraid.    


Most of all, she really didn't want to see the man angry. She wanted him to be happy every day.    


"Come, do you know Mr Ye? Right now, there are very few people in the mansion, and no one else is present. If he suddenly returns and misunderstands, then there will be no explanation. "    


"He won't be back for a while. He's at my place." As Hai Zhixuan said that, he walked to a chair not far in front of her and sat down.    


Every year during the holidays, although Ye Family was not much, Fu Fengyi would always let Ye Zimo visit the old Gramps and Old Granny at Hai Family, as well as Madame Hai's.    


Hai Zhixuan knew Ye Zimo would be going today, so he intentionally chose this day to come and see Xia Yihan.    


Ever since he knew that the Ye Family Villa had become an empty city, he had always been worried about her, afraid that she wouldn't be able to eat or drink here.    


"Did he know you were coming?" Xia Yihan asked, feeling extremely uneasy in her heart.    


Although she could feel that Hai Zhixuan was not someone who would do anything to her, other than anxiously looking for Mo Xiaonong and hugging her shoulders, he had only hugged her at most twice.    


Even so, they were a single man and a single woman in the room. It was hard to say.    


"He knew it would trouble you, so I didn't tell him. When I arrived, the housekeeper was called over by his wife to help prepare lunch. Don't worry, he won't come over. I just wanted to see if you were safe. These are a few small moon cakes, they are very delicious Cantonese moon cakes. If you live here by yourself for the mid-autumn period, you should eat two moon cakes to symbolize one. "Come, after you finish eating, I'll leave."    


Xia Yihan was touched to have someone so concerned for her.    


She wanted him to leave as soon as possible, but she also felt that it was too unkind of him to come and kick her out so easily.    


After some thought, she whispered, "Thank you. I'll have a meal. Please go back quickly."    


Hai Zhixuan nodded gently and quickly helped her open the mooncake. It was indeed a very small mooncake, but it was very meticulously made. The color and patterns were all very exquisite, and with just a glance, one would have an appetite.    


Xia Yihan picked it up. Before she could eat, her phone suddenly rang.    


Could it be that Ye Zimo knew Hai Zhixuan had come? She looked at Mr Ye's name on her phone in panic. She couldn't pick up the phone after a long time.    


However, Hai Zhixuan was very calm and said gently: "Answer it, it doesn't matter even if he knows. If he asks if I'm here, just tell him the truth." He won't make things difficult for you, at most I'll take two of his punches. "    


Only then did Xia Yihan take a deep breath and press the answer button. Ye Zimo's voice was very gloomy and she was gritting her teeth: "That bastard Hai Zhixuan, did you come to see you?"    


God, he did know.    


She looked at Hai Zhixuan and he nodded to her. He answered honestly, "Yes, Mr Ye. He came to the villa."    


"Tell him to wait there, I'll go back and help him pass the Mid-Autumn Festival!" After Ye Zimo finished speaking, she directly cut off the call.    


"Hurry up and leave!" Xia Yihan stood up, anxious to push Hai Zhixuan away, but he just sat there motionlessly with an indifferent expression.    


"It's fine, he knows that I won't do anything to you. At most, he will just spar with me, don't worry. Eat some mooncakes. This time, we'll chat openly and openly and wait for him to come back. "    


He was so calm, but Xia Yihan was really worried.    


Humans were made of meat, so how could it not hurt when they fought back and forth like this?    


Seeing that she couldn't chase him away, Xia Yihan added, "Why don't you go to his study and wait for him?"    


"Eat first. After we finish eating, we'll stroll around the garden." Hai Zhixuan naturally knew what Xia Yihan was worried about.    


Xia Yihan breathed a long sigh of relief at his suggestion. She quickly swallowed a piece of mooncake and stood up, saying, "Please wait for me outside. I'll change my clothes."    


Because there was no one else in the house, Xia Yihan was still wearing her pajamas. Since she was going for a walk with Hai Zhixuan, she had to change into more formal clothes.    


"Alright, I'll wait for you in the yard." Hai Zhixuan said in a very elegant manner.    


After he left, Xia Yihan locked the door and went to the closet to pick out a dark green turquoise turtleneck sweater.    


She looked in the mirror to make sure it was the most conservative. Ye Zimo, you won't be angry with me like this, right?    


When she appeared in front of Hai Zhixuan, he only gave a slight smile in understanding.    


"Is there a need to dress like a nun? "Ye Zimo won't be that conservative. Don't worry."    


Xia Yihan blushed slightly and said softly, "Please!"    


The two walked along the lilac path, and Xia Yihan slowly calmed down. Since Ye Zimo already knew, whether she was let off in anger or anger had become a certainty, and she could not change it.    


"Do you know about Mr Ye's brother?" Xia Yihan stopped and asked Hai Zhixuan.    


Therefore, Hai Zhixuan sat down and said to Xia Yihan, "Sit down. If you want to know anything, just ask me."    


For so many days, Xia Yihan had always wanted to find someone to confirm if Mo Xiaojun's Ye Family was indeed missing Ye Zihan. Today, she had finally met someone who knew the answer.    


"His name is Ye Zihan, right?" she asked softly, and Wu nodded.    


Xia Yihan then asked the most ordinary question. She was slightly nervous, but she still resolutely asked, "Which year was he born? How much was missing? Can you tell me what it looks like? "    


"Let me think." Hai Zhixuan paused for a moment and then said slowly, "Ye Zimo is 30 this year, and her brother should be 25 years old."    


Xia Yihan's heart skipped a beat as if it was about to hit her throat.    


She suppressed her excitement and continued to listen to Hai Zhixuan: "He was more than 2 years old and lost. As for his looks, it's really hard to describe. But he looks very similar to Ye Zimo here."    


All of these are in line. Xia Yihan calmed down for a long time, then asked tentatively: "I saw that Mr Ye's room was free of lilac, and there were lots of lilacs planted on both sides of the road. Madam seems to like it too. So, do you also like the missing Ye Zihan? "    


"You guessed it right. Little Ye Zihan really likes the scent of lilac. It seems like he was born to like it." I remember I used to fold lilac flowers to amuse him, he was naive to smell that fragrance. "    


All her guesses seemed to have come true. Xia Yihan didn't know if she should be happy for Mo Xiaojun or sad for Ye Zimo and her family.    


She didn't ask any more questions, but completely quieted down. She stared blankly at the lilac not far in front of her, completely lost in thought.    


She was silent for a long time before Hai Zhixuan asked her softly, "Yihan, why are you asking so much about Ye Zihan?"    


Only then did Xia Yihan come back to her senses. She smiled at him and said, "I just heard from the madam that she seems to have not forgotten about this for so many years. She is very sad and Mr Ye cares a lot. I just want to know more about Ye Zihan's situation. Maybe one day when I meet him, I'll be able to reunite with his family. "    


"You're such a good girl!" Hai Zhixuan praised sincerely as he stared foolishly at Xia Yihan's little face.    


Xia Yihan looked away and said softly, "You're too kind."    


At this moment, she was still Ye Zimo's woman. He couldn't always tell her the truth, so Hai Zhixuan quickly changed the topic.    2


"They indeed haven't forgotten Little Ye Zihan. Not to mention them, even I have been helping them find him. Even when he went missing, he was too young and didn't have any obvious birthmarks on him, so he didn't have any useful clues. I've found a few that look alike, and they've been compared with DNA, and they're not. "    


"Tell me, if the person they found has already …" Xia Yihan wanted to say, if she had already passed away, would they be able to accept it?    


After asking half of the question, she finally stopped.    


"What is it?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head, "Nothing, I always have wild thoughts. Let's go to the garden and the fish pond over there. I think Mr Ye will be back soon. "    


Since she didn't want to say more, Hai Zhixuan didn't ask.    


The two of them followed the path and walked forward slowly. After taking a few steps, Hai Zhixuan asked Xia Yihan: "Do you know about Yu Shanshan's imprisonment?"    


"Really? "Yu Shanshan is being held?" Xia Yihan excitedly grabbed Hai Zhixuan's shirt and asked him with a raised voice.    


Hai Zhixuan had never seen her so excited before, but he also felt it was strange that this Ye Zimo was such a weird person. Why did he secretly bring Yu Shanshan in? Wasn't it all for Xia Yihan? Why didn't you tell her when you got in?    


"Really! "She's suspected of kidnapping, and she intentionally killed you. Even if we don't investigate Mo Xiaojun's case, those two are still serious crimes, enough for her to be locked up for more than ten years."    


"Really? "Really?" Xia Yihan asked again and again. She was supposed to be happy, but she couldn't laugh. She just squatted down and lowered her head, crying out loud.    


Xiaojun, did you hear that? She was going to jail! She was going to jail! Are you pleased that she has lost her freedom?    


Don't worry, I will continue to let Ye Zimo think of a way to add the crime of your case to her list. Ten years was too little for her. She should die and pay with her life!    


Xia Yihan cried so miserably that Hai Zhixuan felt like his heart was about to break when he saw her crying.    


He knelt down and patted her back, but he didn't try to dissuade her. Maybe she really needed to vent.    


After crying for a long time, Xia Yihan raised her head. Hai Zhixuan took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her. She choked out a "thank you" before wiping her eyes.    


"Alright, let's continue our walk." Hai Zhixuan said in a gentle tone as if nothing had happened. He then stood up and walked forward.    


At this moment, Ye Zimo was speeding along the road.    


He drove the car to the main house. He didn't even drive into the garage. He parked the car and rushed in, but he didn't see Xia Yihan.    


"Where?" He dialed Xia Yihan's cell phone.    


"Mr Ye, you're back?" I'm in the garden with Mr Hai. "    


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