Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C136 Favorite Marriage in a Wealthy Family 69

C136 Favorite Marriage in a Wealthy Family 69

1"Alright, stop talking, I know, I already know. Yihan, let's take a break and be calm. Go and find Mr Ye and explain everything. I feel like he really thinks you're pregnant. He must be disappointed that you're not pregnant right now. And you even yelled out the names of other men in front of him. Someone who is so proud of him, he would definitely be jealous. "    


How could Xia Yihan not know his personality? That was why she was so regretful and remorseful.    


She really wanted to have a good talk with him as soon as possible. She didn't want him to sulk on his own. But she also understood that Jiu Jiu was right. She wasn't calm enough right now, and he was definitely still angry. It would be better to give them both some time.    


"I'm fine now. Jiu Jiu, you should go rest as well. It's getting late."    


"Yihan, let me show you the picture." Jiu Jiu wanted to distract her, so she took Xia Yihan's cell phone out of her pocket and showed it to Xia Yihan.    


It was indeed very, very harmonious and beautiful, but when Xia Yihan looked at these photos, she felt very uncomfortable.    


She didn't know if she and Ye Zimo would ever have such a wonderful time, as if everything was as beautiful as fireworks, but also as brief as fireworks.    


If it had never happened before, then he wouldn't have even asked for it. Now that he had tasted the beauty of having a heart that shared his heart, he suddenly had a change. His heart just couldn't accept it.    


Jiu Jiu realized that she also lacked vocabulary. Looking at the sad expression on Xia Yihan's face, she couldn't find the words to persuade her.    


Seeing through Jiu Jiu's thoughts, Xia Yihan smiled and said, "It's alright, he has such a bad temper. I can definitely coax him well. Don't worry. "Hurry up and go back to sleep!"    


"Alright! I'll just send these pictures into space and go to sleep. "    


Xia Yihan looked at Jiu Jiu's actions and instructed her, "You can pass these photos around, but you have to add a password and they can't be spread all over the place. Without his permission, if this got out, he would think that I had some sort of plan."    


Jiu Jiu nodded. "I know Yihan, I will encrypt it."    


Jiu Jiu finished her work and persuaded Xia Yihan to leave.    


After she left, Xia Yihan's abdomen was still in pain. Dr Hao said it was too late, so he couldn't give her the medicine until the next morning. She endured the pain and sat on the bed for a while, thinking carefully about how she should explain it to Ye Zimo.    


Xia Yihan came to Ye Zimo's door. His door was ajar, and the heavy smell of smoke drifted out from it.    


As if he smoked when he was especially bored, Xia Yihan knocked lightly on his door. Hearing his cold "enter" word, she opened the door and entered.    


The ashtray in front of Ye Zimo was filled with cigarette butts. The entire room was covered by thick smoke, making it difficult to see clearly.    


Xia Yihan was most afraid of the smell of smoke.    


Ye Zimo pursed her lips and looked at her coldly, not saying a word. Tonight, their relationship had gone from beautiful to icy. Whenever he looked at her, he would think of her desperately chasing after an illusion.    


"Mo!" Xia Yihan stopped in front of him and called out gently.    


"Don't call me that!" His voice was ice-cold, as if Xia Yihan had also been frozen by him. Even though he knew that she was angry, when he retracted the title, she still felt bitter in her heart.    


"Alright, I won't scream." She took a deep breath, still calmly looked at him, and softly explained, "I came to tell you that I was disappointed that I didn't succeed in getting pregnant this time, and that my heart wasn't well. I just didn't want to disappoint you by having a baby. "    


There was an unconcealable pain in Ye Zimo's eyes. He stared at her for a long time, then took a long drag on his cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray.    


"Are you disappointed that you were not pregnant with my child?" he asked coolly.    


"Yes, I'm very disappointed." She answered him honestly and looked him straight in the eye, not avoiding him.    


"I see that you're disappointed that you didn't come out alive, right?" Ye Zimo's face became increasingly cold. The mockery in her words was something Xia Yihan could not handle.    


She took a deep breath and nearly coughed out all of it. She tried her best to continue explaining to Ye Zimo, "I'm sorry, I really had hallucinations. Let's not talk about him anymore. I just want to tell you that I really want to give you a baby. This time, it didn't come true. In a few days, we'll work even harder, okay? "    


Ye Zimo stretched out her hand to pinch her chin as she carefully examined her face that no one would be able to resist from showing a pampering expression.    


The corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer. He opened his mouth very slowly, "You have no chance!"    


He slapped her face away.    


"Ye …" Xia Yihan's head naturally tilted to the side after he shook her. She then turned to face him, wanting to say something. She only said one word, but when she saw his ice-cold gaze, she was unable to continue.    


"Get out!" He growled.    


Xia Yihan sighed heavily in her heart. She knew that he was still angry, so he probably wouldn't listen to what she said. He could only wait.    


This was not the first time he had been angry with her. With her previous experiences, she always felt that maybe he would be fine in the morning. But there was another feeling in his heart, a feeling that this time he was angrier than ever. Although he didn't do anything to embarrass her, didn't find anyone to provoke her, and didn't say anything too outrageous. However, she could feel that his emotions were very fluctuating.    


She gently nodded her head, "Okay, I will go out. But don't smoke, will you? It doesn't matter if you're angry with me, but the body was given to you by your parents.    


"Get out!" He took out another cigarette, lit it, and took another swig.    


His smoking must have hurt his body, so there was no need to mention Xia Yihan's heartache.    


However, she knew that she was the root of his problem and that he did not cherish her. At this point in time, she could do nothing but blame herself.    


She silently left his room, but she did not close his door. She thought to herself that if she opened the door, the smoke would dissipate a little, and there would be less smoke that he could inhale into his body.    


Xia Yihan returned to her room. Her stomach was still aching and she was worried about Ye Zimo. Occasionally, she would remember the people she saw at the fountain that night and she couldn't sleep at all.    


It was late in the night, and she hugged the blanket, trying to warm her stomach a little. It wasn't working at all.    


Suddenly, she heard the heavy door across from her close. She didn't know if he was going to sleep or go out. Normally speaking, it would not be so heavy to close the door to sleep. He must still be angry. He couldn't possibly want to go out in the middle of the night, right?    


Xia Yihan was worried. She got up from the bed and ran after him before she could put on her shoes.    


When she opened the door, all she saw was Ye Zimo's disappearing figure at the end of the long corridor. Xia Yihan didn't care how cold the ground was as she quickly chased after him barefoot on the icy ground.    


It was probably around two in the morning. Not only did the two of them live in the house, but there were also others. Xia Yihan was afraid of waking them up, so she didn't call out to him.    


This time, she suffered from severe pain. Her whole body felt sore and weak. Her running speed was not fast at all.    


By the time he reached the main hall, Ye Zimo had already left the main house. There was a car waiting for him in front of the main house.    


"Mr Ye!" Xia Yihan shouted as she chased after him out of the main residence. However, she felt that she was already doing her best to shout, so the sound she made wasn't too loud.    


The driver had already gotten out of the car and bent over to open the door for Ye Zimo.    


"Mr Ye, it's so late, where are you going?" Can you leave tomorrow morning? " Xia Yihan ran barefoot to Ye Zimo's side and asked anxiously.    


Ye Zimo pursed her lips and looked at her feet, ordering her coldly, "Go back to your room!"    


"Mr Ye!" It's too late to be safe on the road. "    


Ye Zimo just gave her another cold glance before she got into the backseat without saying anything.    


As the car sped away, it was impossible for Xia Yihan to chase after it.    


Xia Yihan's stomach hurt even more after she ran out so excitedly and the ground was ice-cold. She couldn't even remember how she forced herself to walk back to her room. When she laid down on the bed, she felt as if her entire body was immersed in ice water.    


Dr Hao did his duty and brought the medicine over to Xia Yihan as soon as the sun rose. She only felt better after taking the warm Chinese medicine.    


After a sleepless night and a warm drink of herbal medicine, Xia Yihan slowly fell asleep.    


Jiu Jiu was always thinking about Xia Yihan and didn't sleep much that night. But she was still a maid, and in the morning she had to go to the gym with the other maids.    


After everyone had lined up, the steward came to instruct everyone to go back to their own business. Mr Ye wasn't going to practice this morning.    


When Jiu Jiu received the order, she knocked on Lili's door. She was probably too tired to sleep, and Lili didn't even hear her knock.    


Xia Yihan didn't wake up until around ten in the morning. Jiu Jiu asked the butler to open the door for her. She sat on the edge of Xia Yihan's bed and waited for her to wake up.    


"You're awake? Was he talking to Mr Ye very late last night? It seems like he went out early in the morning. When Jiu Jiu saw that Xia Yihan had woken up, she immediately asked a bunch of questions.    


Xia Yihan looked around and found that the sky was already very bright.    


After recovering her senses for a while, she smiled and said to Jiu Jiu, "He had something important to do at work, so he left early. "Alright, I said that he will recover once I advise him otherwise, why are you still so worried."    


Jiu Jiu did not see Ye Zimo, nor did she see that Xia Yihan was lying, so she happily said, "It really is still our Crown Princess. To him, it's just brine for tofu, one thing for one thing, haha."    


"What Crown Princess? Don't speak nonsense. Soong Wanting is his fiancee." Xia Yihan said in a feigned relaxed manner.    


"She is a fiancee who has gone out of luck. We, Crown Prince, could cripple her at any time. As long as the two of you are fine, Soong Wanting won't be complacent for more than a few days unless something goes wrong. Wait for me, I'll go heat up your breakfast. "    


"Let's just eat like this. There's no need to heat it up." Xia Yihan forced herself to sit up and realized that her stomach really didn't start to hurt anymore. It was much better now. No wonder Ye Zimo relied so heavily on Dr Hao. His medical skills were indeed extraordinary.    


Xia Yihan sat up and said to Jiu Jiu, "I'll go wash my mouth. You can leave it here."    


It was common for her to eat cold food when she was young. Mo Xiaonong's mother was very thrifty, especially when it came to using hydro gas. Of course not to Mo Xiaonong. Mo Xiaojun and Xia Yihan were very conscious of themselves. Some food was good enough, they didn't even dare to dream of eating something hot.    


"How can I do that? Are you even going to be an aunt? Eating cold will make you suffer." "Go and rinse your mouth, I'll warm it after you rinse your mouth."    


After Jiu Jiu finished speaking, she picked up her plate and left.    


Xia Yihan looked gratefully at the girl's back. She discovered that meeting Jiu Jiu was really one of the luckiest things in her life.    


After washing up, Jiu Jiu brought the steaming hot breakfast over to Xia Yihan. She said that she had specifically asked Dr Hao about it and that today's breakfast was better for the girls with menstrual periods.    


Xia Yihan's heart felt warm, and there was no need to mention how touched she was.    


"Jiu Jiu, how will I repay you in the future?"    


"Haha, that's easy, just whisper in Crown Prince's ear. Just let me go out for a walk if you have nothing to do, haha."    


When Jiu Jiu thought back to it now, she still felt especially regretful. The Dark Horse Prince had appeared, so why didn't she catch him in time?    


Xia Yihan pursed her lips and smiled. However, she still felt bitter when she thought about that man.    


Where did he go and what did he do that night? Was he in a better mood today? When will he be willing to listen to her explanation? When will he be able to act like how he was a few days ago …    


No, she didn't expect him to be so kind to her from beginning to end. Even if he wasn't gentle, if he treated her as serenely as when she first entered the villa, it would still be better than now.    


Later on, Jiu Jiu muttered something that Xia Yihan could not understand. It was just that she didn't want the words to be boring, so she still maintained the look of listening seriously.    


Xia Yihan had just finished her breakfast when someone knocked on her door.    


Although Ye Zimoli might not knock on her door, she still hoped that it would be him.    


"Come in!" When she opened the door, it was Lin Ling who came in. Her hair was cut short at the ears, and she was dressed in a skilled job suit. The expression on her face was not as cold as before, but it did not look kind either.    


It wasn't him, after all, it was someone close to him who might have brought her news about him. Xia Yihan quickly got off the bed and said with a smile to Lin Ling, "Assistant Lin, please sit!"    


"No need to sit, I'm here to look for Jiu Jiu."    


Jiu Jiu and Xia Yihan were both stunned. Xia Yihan then noticed that Lin Ling was holding a square box with a cell phone on it.    


She recalled that Ye Zimo had said last night that she would buy a phone for Jiu Jiu. It seemed that he really did keep his promises, even for him, such a small matter was something he would remember.    


Xia Yihan wasn't looking for her. She felt a bit disappointed.    


Jiu Jiu also thought about the phone and noticed Xia Yihan's mood. She smiled and said, "It can't be that Mr Ye sent you here just to give me a phone, right? It seems like we, Crown Princess, have some face. Otherwise, why would a maid like me get such good treatment? "    


Recently, Lin Ling had become Ye Zimo's woman line manager. She would deliver clothes to this woman and clothes to that woman. She was truly a little stuffy, yet she had no way to resist.    


"Here, Mr Ye told me to send it to you." In addition, Mr Ye also said that you can enter and exit the mansion anytime in the future. "As long as you need it or need it, you can tell the butler to send a car to you."    


"It can't be?" Jiu Jiu took the phone from Lin Ling with disbelief.    


"Well, aren't you mistaken? "It should be Crown Princess who has the right to enter and use the car. How could it be me?"    


Lin Ling acted like it was official business as she said coldly, "The order I received was that Jiu Jiu can come and go at any time. You can ask Mr Ye yourself if you have any other questions. I've brought the words here, farewell. "    


"Hey, Assistant Lin …" Jiu Jiu was still unwilling. She wanted to ask more questions, but Xia Yihan held her back and said, "Hurry up and thank Assistant Lin. She ran so far away and purposely sent you a cellphone."    


"That's true. Thank you, Assistant Lin."    


"No need, I didn't come for you. I only followed Mr Ye's instructions." Lin Ling acted as if she was angry and left without any hesitation.    


After she left, Jiu Jiu was still not in a hurry to look at her phone. She still looked at Xia Yihan with a confused expression and asked, "Tell me, what's going on? I keep having the feeling that she made a mistake. It should be you who is free to go in and out."     4


"Silly Girl, didn't you just tell me to let him take you out for a walk? This time, with his orders, you're free to move, aren't you? "    


"Well, that's true, but you haven't had the wind. I'm not used to him suddenly being so nice to me. I feel scared. "    


Jiu Jiu's words made Xia Yihan think of what Ye Zimo had said last time, about her coming to his room for the night shift.    


This thought made her heart feel uncomfortable, but she quickly rejected it. Although Ye Zimo was different from ordinary people in everything she did, Jiu Jiu was her best friend. He shouldn't be that excessive, right?    


"It's fine. He probably thought you were cute and didn't have any malicious intentions, so he gave you this privilege. Don't think too much. "Xiaonong is the same. She can come and go whenever she wants. All she has to do is to ask the butler to send her a car."    


This reason finally convinced Jiu Jiu. She nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, that's right. Xiaonong is your sister and I am your good friend." It was all because of Crown Princess, so Crown Prince couldn't have any other intentions. "I was just daydreaming. Sigh, I will really have to fix my nonsense in the future."    


"Alright, hurry up and go take a look at your new phone. See if the pixels are high or not. Don't let a professional photographer like yourself squander your talent." Xia Yihan smiled and patted her hand.    


Jiu Jiu's emotions came and went quickly. She immediately turned her attention to her new phone.    


"Yihan, this time, we'll be more convenient. Give me your number and I'll tell you my number as well. From now on, I'm not by your side. If you need anything, you can just call me."    


"Alright." Ye Zimo had once ordered that her phone could only contact him alone, but she thought that he seemed to have a good impression of Jiu Jiu. Since they were in contact, he shouldn't be angry about it.    


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