Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C208 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 141

C208 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 141

4"Let her die!" Let her starve to death! I, Hai, do not have such a disappointing daughter! " He was shouting so loudly downstairs that Hai Qingqing could hear him clearly from upstairs.     3


She gritted her teeth harder and harder, determined that she wouldn't give in even if she were to starve to death!    


That night, Xia Yihan slept in her room, not even taking half a step into Ye Zimo's room.    


After the meal, Ye Zimo was working in front of the computer, but she was actually still hoping for Xia Yihan to come in. If she had come, he thought, he would not have said what he had done last night, would not have driven her away.    


Mo Xiaojun was a family member that grew up with her. She saw that he was locked up, saw that he was beaten, and felt sad. It wasn't that he couldn't understand.    


Understanding was understanding, anger was returning to anger. It was impossible for him to feel that she was right to bite him just because he understood her.    


It was late at night and the woman still hadn't made any sound. Ye Zimo walked out of the door and looked at Xia Yihan's tightly shut door. He wanted to go over and see if she was asleep, but he resisted, turned back, and slammed the door behind him.    


Xia Yihan, who had just fallen asleep, was startled by the loud slamming of the door. She let out a long sigh, feeling oppressed by the situation.    


Ye Zimo, why can't you just let him go? You know, as long as Mo Xiaojun is safe, there's really nothing between us. You know what? When you want to see me, I want to see you too. It's not that I don't want to see you. But how could I ignore Xiaojun's suffering for me and run to you and make love to you?    


Once again, the two of them spent the night in silence. On Monday morning, they still didn't say a word.    


After work, Xia Yihan forced herself to focus on her work. She knew about Mo Xiaojun's business. No matter how much she said, it was useless, and it was not that Ye Zimo was unwilling to help. She knew that Ye Zimo was also entrusted by Hai Zhixuan to help Ye Zimo, so he wouldn't let her go if Hai Zhixuan didn't let her go.    


In the past few days, she had been focusing on identifying celebrities. Christmas was a big event, and the shopping mall was very busy. The companies were very busy, and the celebrities were also very busy.    


She picked out the celebrity couples that were currently in the midst of a scandal and prepared them as backup. Her plan was going to be submitted in the next few days, and it was their duty not only to come up with a plan, but to ensure that it was practical.    


If the relevant celebrities did not have a slot, it would still be a troublesome matter.    


Therefore, she spent all her time checking on the recent movements of the celebrities. She had to pay attention to whether they were filming movies, TV shows, vacations or whatever they were doing.    


On Monday, Ye Zimo's work became even busier. After holding the group's regular high-level meeting in the morning, he also held meetings with some of the corresponding branches.    


Both Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan dined in the group dining area at noon, and Xia Yihan was somewhat surprised to see him in person at a distance.    


She had misunderstood what she thought he had never done in person.    


Since Ye Zimo was in the company, she usually didn't specialize. He ate in restaurants and was always like the other employees.    


When he was eating, he would listen to the basic staff, but he always sat in a very remote corner and tried to attract as little attention as possible.    


"Oh, so even Manager Xiao can't satisfy the appetite of some people? Now that you're even staring at Crown Prince, you really overestimate yourself. " Wu Mei's voice sounded from behind Xia Yihan.    


She hurriedly retracted her gaze and ignored Wu Mei as she went to get food for herself.    


Wu Mei didn't seem to be satisfied. She wanted to say something to Xia Yihan, but she turned around and coldly looked at him for a second before softly saying, "If you continue to cause trouble like this and cause trouble without reason, I will directly report your actions to Mr Ye. Do you believe me?"    


Wu Mei was scared stiff by her gaze. After glaring at her unhappily, she went to get some food.    


Ye Zimo's gaze swept across the dining room before finally landing on Xia Yihan's petite figure.    


Lin Ling was sitting across from him. She opened her mouth and wanted to ask him if there was a conflict between the two of them. This was a private matter, so she didn't think it was too much to ask.    


However, she resisted the urge to ask, as she didn't want Ye Zimo to think that she was paying too much attention to his private affairs.    


The last time Lin Ling specifically packed a meal for him, Ye Zimo had talked to her once. Although the words weren't very serious, Lin Ling understood what he meant.    


If she didn't behave and wanted to be his woman, he would fire her.    


It hadn't been easy for her to climb up and down in the Fu Group after so many years. If she left now, according to Ye Zimo's generosity, she wouldn't treat her unfairly, it was just that she didn't want to. To her, this was where her youth lay. No matter how much money she was given, it wouldn't be worth it. Furthermore, if she could never see Ye Zimo again, she would feel that her life was meaningless.    


Xia Yihan chose a seat that was quite far away from Ye Zimo and sat down. When Ye Zimo looked at her, even though they were separated by thousands of miles, she could still feel his gaze.    


They hadn't even looked at each other for the past two days. She thought that the reason why he loved face so much was probably because there were so many people present. He thought that she wouldn't notice if he looked at her.    


He must have missed her, Xia Yihan thought to herself. She could feel it.    


Wouldn't she want to look at him, talk to him, ask him if his stomach was all right? In the end, she didn't ask anything. She didn't even look at him. She just lowered her head and continued to eat in silence.    


Ever since she had entered the marketing department, it was as if she had become everyone's enemy. No one was too close to her, so everyone would only laugh and talk while sitting in a remote corner, quietly eating.    


While she was eating in silence with her head lowered, a figure suddenly sat down in front of her. She was a little surprised, she raised her head and saw that the person who sat down was Xiao Ye.    


"Xiao, Manager Xiao?" Xia Yihan looked very nervous. She was thinking of Ye sitting in the restaurant.    


He was inexplicably jealous last time and had already thrown away Xiao Ye's umbrella. What would he think if he saw the two of them eating together?    


Especially since the two of them hadn't spoken in the past few days, could it be that he felt that her heart had been set on something?    


His brain was originally different from others, and when it came to jealousy, it was even more shocking. If he rushed over and announced to Xiao Ye that she was his woman, would she continue working in the future by waving her fist at Xiao Ye?    


Xiao Ye treated Xia Yihan's panic as him being afraid. Her appearance really made people want to protect her.    


"Don't worry, it's lunch time. We're all colleagues, and we're not related to each other. Relax." Xiao Ye said gently.    


The moment Xiao Ye sat opposite Xia Yihan, all the female workers, who usually talked about it, looked over at the same time. Wu Mei, in particular, had a gloating expression on her face, as if to say: Look, I said that the two of them are having fun together.    


Lili's eyes were still focused on Xia Yihan. When she saw Xiao Ye sitting in front of her, her face immediately darkened.    


He stopped the chopsticks in his hand, frowned, and looked in their direction.    


Xia Yihan smiled embarrassedly and said to Xiao Ye: "Manager Xiao, you know, after I came here, everyone started to talk about us." I don't think you should sit across from me and eat. I'm afraid they'll start talking again. I am an ordinary employee, don't worry, you are the pillar of our branch, your reputation is the most important. "    


"It doesn't matter, I'm single, what's the point in spreading rumors. Furthermore, a living person does not live in the saliva of others. It is enough for them to take the proper path. "    


Xia Yihan's heart was filled with anxiety. She thought to herself, it's not like you can walk the proper path. If he gets jealous, it'll definitely be bad luck for you if you walk the proper path.    


He was her boss, and if she ran away, it wouldn't be right for her to sit across from her.    


Xia Yihan smiled awkwardly and said softly, "Manager Xiao, I'm so hungry, I'll eat first." The only thing she could do, she thought, was to finish eating and leave.    


However, when she glanced in Ye Zimo's direction from the corner of her eyes, she knew that something was wrong. That tall and muscular man had already stood up and walked towards them with a gloomy expression.    


At this moment, Xiao Ye asked her, "Yihan, where is my umbrella?"    


Where's his umbrella?    


Xia Yihan was still looking at Ye Zimo. She was so nervous that she almost forgot to breathe, let alone answer Xiao Ye's question.    


Besides, she couldn't answer. Could she say that she was thrown away by Ye Zimo?    


"I-I'm done eating. I-I'm leaving first." Xia Yihandeng stood up and stammered out her answer. She was ready to run away.    


Xiao Ye only had the highest quality beauty in his eyes. He didn't even look to the side as he said recklessly, "It doesn't matter if we're done eating. Come and sit with me for a while. Looking at this beauty makes my appetite even better."    


Ye Mo's face darkened even further after he got close. He raised his eyebrows and stepped in front of Xiao Ye, blocking Xiao Ye's view of the pretty girls.    


Xiao Ye's line of sight was blocked. He was a bit unhappy. Just as he wanted to ask who it was that interrupted him to pick up girls, he raised his head and the displeasure on his face froze.    


"Director Ye?" He was slightly surprised and thought, "Why isn't that Ye guy eating properly? Why is he standing in front of me?"    


Xia Yihan was really worried for Xiao Ye. She stood up, not knowing whether to leave or stay. She just stared at Ye Zimo in a daze.    


Ye Zimo stretched out her hand towards Xiao Ye. Xia Yihan was so scared that she didn't know what to do. She thought, "I'm finished. I don't know what I'm going to do."    


"Ye, Mr Ye!" Xia Yihan cried out in panic. Ye Zimo didn't even look in her direction as she reached out her hand to grab Xiao Ye's left hand, which was free of chopsticks.    


"Xiao Ye!" It's been a while since we've seen each other, and we're still busy picking up girls even while eating? " On the other hand, Ye Zimo's voice was very amiable, just like how he was close to Xiao Ye after being separated for so many years.    


Xia Yihan was already sweating to death. The more he acted this way, the more uneasy he made people feel. Just what was he trying to do?    


"Haha, no, Director Ye, please sit!" Xiao Ye laughed loudly and said politely. He had no intention of letting him really sit down.    


Unexpectedly, Ye Zimo actually sat down on the other side of him, which was where Xia Yihan was standing.    


At every table in Fu Group Restaurant, there were four people. If Xia Yihan were to sit down right now, the place Ye Zimo was sitting would be right next to her.    


When Xia Yihan saw Ye Zimo sit down, she had a bad premonition.    


"Haha, Director Ye, you really sat down!" Xiao Ye was also a person with character, unlike the average employee who was afraid of Ye Zimo, so he said the truth with a joking tone.    


"Of course, I haven't had dinner yet, so I was just in time to talk to you about your plans for this Christmas event. How about this, this beauty, what's your name? Can you get me a meal? " Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan indifferently and said politely.    


Xia Yihan bit her lips. Under the gazes of Ye Zimo and Xiao Ye, she could only stammeringly reply, blushing, "Ok, ok, Mr Ye!"    


Thank God, he didn't even rush up to beat Xiao Ye up, nor did he say that she was his woman. She was already extremely grateful.    


"Yihan, you're not going to ask Director Ye what he likes to eat. What are you going to get for dinner?"    


"I …" Xia Yihan didn't know how to respond to Xiao Ye's words. She turned back awkwardly and asked softly, "Mr Ye, what do you like to eat?"    


Ye Zimo looked at her gently. She wanted to say, "Don't you know what I want to eat?" I like to eat spicy hot spicy hot little things, because of you can not eat for a few days. You, on the other hand, took advantage of being angry with me and didn't forget to get fed up with your handsome superior even at noon.    


"Whatever." He only said these two words as Xia Yihan left again. As she walked, she was also thinking, "This guy is too black-hearted." She clearly saw him sitting in the other corner, eating lunch with Lin Ling. Why did he say he hadn't eaten when she arrived? Wasn't he doing this on purpose?    


As long as he ate with a beautiful female subordinate, why would he come and scare her when she accidentally bumped into her superior?    


But if he wanted to scare her, there was nothing she could do about it. Who asked the entire corporation to be his? What did he want to do? Who could control it?    


Annoyed, she walked to the rice window and considered that his stomach might not be completely good. She still specially made him some millet porridge and only selected some digestible vegetarian dishes along with two pickled vegetables.    


When she returned after ordering the dishes, she heard the conversation between Ye Zimo and Xiao Ye and almost dug a hole in the ground.    


After Xia Yihan left, Ye Zimo said to Xiao Ye, "Is this part of your department?"    


"Yes, Director Ye, the new beauty in our department. Her name is Xia Yihan. How about it? Not only was she beautiful, but she was also talented and had a personality. Let me put it this way, it can be said to be perfect! "    


Perfect! I think you don't want to live anymore! Ye Zimo gnashed her teeth in anger, but she could not show it on the surface. He smiled lightly and asked again, "Such a good woman. I've heard that you're a Casanova. Have you ever tried to woo her?"    


"Hehe, what do you think? Didn't I just want to take action? "I was annoyed by you!"    


Ye Xiao's mood became more gloomy, but his expression did not change at all.    


When Xia Yihan walked in front of them, she happened to hear Xiao Ye's words. She hurriedly cleared her throat, walked up to Ye Zimo and respectfully said, "Mr Ye, I've prepared the dishes for you. You two, take care. I'll leave after I finish eating!"    


Since Ye Zimo didn't expose the relationship between the two of them, she shouldn't stay here and listen to their conversation. She reckoned that if she did, she would want to die.    


"Xia Yihan?" Ye Zimo asked. Being called like this in Xia Yihan's heart made her feel as if a storm was about to break.    


Did he want to say their relationship?    


She looked at Ye Zimo for help and whispered in her heart, Don't say it, please, we agreed that you won't interfere with my freedom of work, and you won't let anyone know about our relationship.    


"Isn't that your name? You Manager Xiao said your name is Xia Yihan. " Ye Zimo said indifferently. In her heart, she thought, "Damned woman, you must have been scared to death. Serves you right. Who told you to have nothing to do with him? Aren't you afraid of others saying bad things about you?"    


Xia Yihan let out a long breath, as if she had just escaped death. With a smile, she flattered, "Mr Ye, this is my name. You have a good memory.    


"You guys, Manager Xiao just said that I'm not stupid enough to forget a name, so I don't have a good memory." The flattery went straight to the horse's hooves, and Xia Yihan felt hatred in her heart.    


She took a deep breath and said softly, "Mr Ye, you are so humorous. I have already brought you the food. Please take care, I will …"    


"Manager Xiao!" Ye Zimo suddenly interrupted her and called out to Xiao Ye.    


"Director Ye, what instructions?"    


"I remember the last time at the group meeting, you were there. Our group's purpose was to promote economy and to oppose waste. "It seems like the staff in your department only ate a few mouthfuls of rice before leaving them here to eat. Isn't that a bit of a waste of food?"    


What a great Ye Zimo, you must be doing this on purpose!    


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