Wild Agent Wife

C46 Bite by dog for no reason

C46 Bite by dog for no reason

4Ling Chen gave her a deep look, then grabbed the car keys on the tea table and left Kingone. With the heavy slamming of the door, a gust of cold wind blew through the room, causing everyone's hands, feet, and heart to turn cold.    


Jane Fan just stared blankly at the taillights of Aston Martin's car, not moving at all.    


She didn't know what had happened to her. It was just a reflex, and she had never wanted to hit him. He had made a lot of efforts and sacrifices this time. Had her doubts really hurt him?    


But why did it hit his face and hurt his own heart?    


Perhaps it was because he hadn't been angry at her for a long time and hadn't given her such a cold back in a long time, so he wasn't used to it all of a sudden?    


Jane Fan bitterly laughed at himself. She had spoiled and pampered him very quickly.    


"Miss Jane, dinner is ready." After being silent for a long time, Lian Xi slowly said a few words, being very careful.    


Jian Fan turned his head away with a stiff expression, "I'm not eating anymore." She had no appetite at all, and her heart had been so clogged up from the moment his expression turned cold, like a loop at the height of a commute, that she could not get a single thread of comfort.    


She put her hands on the back of the sofa and climbed up step by step. He closed the door, allowing himself to sleep in the blanket and clear his mind.    


It was already midnight, and Ling Chen still had not returned.    


Jian Fan woke up from his yearning and looked around at the empty space. He felt a bit disappointed. She went downstairs and poured herself a glass of warm water. The living room was dark, devoid of any light.    


For some reason, she reached out and turned on the night light. He quietly sat at the dining table and sipped on his tea.    


She was the only person in the huge villa. Although the heat was still on, she still felt an inexplicable chill as she looked around.    


She took out her cell phone and found Ling Chen's number. Although she had never dialed before, she already knew the number by heart. Before the thumb could touch the name, it came down again. He repeated this a few times, but in the end, he still didn't have the resolve to press it down.    


After sitting for a long time, he put down the cup and went back upstairs.    


There was an Aston Martin parked in the shade of a tree outside the villa's walls. Ling Chen also stared at the screen of his phone, but did not get the call he wanted. As if completely disheartened, the car quietly and slowly headed down the mountain road.    


The next morning, Jian Fan woke up. When he went downstairs, he had just bought some vegetables and hadn't even made breakfast yet.    


"Miss Jane, what would you like for breakfast?" Lian Bian put down the food in his hand. He was cold but not lacking in manners.    


"Sandwich and milk." Jian Fan hesitated for a few seconds before asking, "Your young master didn't come back last night?"    


"Nope." Lian Luo shook his head and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.    


Life was still boring, boring, and Jane Fan did not have the mood to go out and do SPA shopping. All day long, she sat on the sofa and stared out of the window in a daze. His mind was in a mess. What he should not have thought about was entangled together like a muddled mess.    


Seeing that there was less than a month left before the March Rain bet and she couldn't contact Ye Sha, would she really have to listen to her humble arrangements? However, she did not think that she was a simple person. She always needed to prepare with both hands, in order to leave a path for herself to walk on.    


Chen hadn't been back in three days, and her dress hadn't moved. Had she even lost this opportunity to contact Yama?    


Just as he was deep in thought, his phone rang. The number that flashed on the screen was Song Chengyou's, and Jane Fan remembered it.    


"Hello." Jian Fan's voice was indifferent and not in the mood.    


"It's me, Song Chengyou." Even though it was dark outside, the tone on the other end of the phone was still as sunny as ever.    


"Oh …"    


"Haha, why are you so down? "Did you worry about Chen being away from home for the past few days?"    


Hearing this, Jian Fan immediately lit a fire. "If you keep spouting nonsense, be careful of your mouth!"    


"Yo yo yo, the way you're talking is already the same tone. What else is there to hide?" Song Chengyou blinked his eyes vigorously at Ling Chen, who was sitting beside him, and smiled to the point where he was forced to move back and forth.    


"Say it again!" Jane was really annoyed with him.    


Ling Chen glared at him, and Song Chenyou quickly stopped smiling, apologizing. "Don't be angry, I was wrong, alright? Are you bored at home? I invite you to be my guest. "    


"I don't want to go. If there's nothing else, I'll be hanging up." Jane Fan decisively refused and was about to hang up.    


"Don't, don't, don't, don't. I'm not going to my house, I'm inviting you to my law office. I've just arrived at a batch of models, so I'm sure you like them. "    


Go to his office? It was a good place. Jian Fan relaxed a little and asked, "What model?"    


"You'll know when you get here. Tell A-Jin to send you over, he knows this place. "    


"Yes." Jian Fan replied indifferently. He was not interested in his model at all.    


After hanging up, Ling Chen stood up from the leather sofa and checked his watch.    


"I'll be leaving first."    


Song Chengyou leaned back in his boss's chair and raised his eyebrows, looking like a scoundrel.    


He went upstairs to change his clothes, packed up a bit, then called A-Jin to drive the car out.    


"Miss Jane, do you need me to go with you?" Lian Xi handed her handbag to her.    


Jian Fan adjusted his knee-length boots and took the bag. "No need, you should rest at home. I want to drink your pot of soup tonight."    


Jian Fan sat on the back seat of the Lincoln and watched happily as he left the villa and headed down the mountain.    


Song Chengyou's law firm was located in the second ring city. It was a long way to the city, and soft music could be heard along the way. The atmosphere was quiet.    


"A Jin, how long have you been following Ling Chen?" Jane Fan leaned back in her chair, as if she were trying to find a topic to talk about to pass the time.    


A Jin saw Jian Fan looking at him from the rearview mirror. He smiled and said, "Young Master and I have been together for five years." They had been following Ling Chen since he fought against the Ling family.    


Jian Fan noticed that he and Lian Xi addressed Ling Chen the same way. "From what Xi Er said, she and Ah Bian are wandering children picked up by Ling Chen?"    


Her thick eyelashes slowly lifted as she observed the changes in his expression.    


A Jin was still smiling, but there was a trace of strong emotion in his distant eyes.    


"I'm the same as them, young master named me Lian Jin. In this life, the person I am most grateful to is Young Master, and I am willing to die for him. "    


Jane Fantasy once again lowered her eyelids, no longer speaking. Ling Chen truly did have some ability, those who stayed by his side were all Death Soldiers. It was no wonder that he was able to create such a beautiful scene, and his coordination was flawless.    


In the afternoon, the traffic in the city was not congested. A Jin's driving skills were not bad, and no one dared to rush to the limited edition Lincoln on the road. It only took them half an hour to arrive at Song Chengyou's law office.    


"Miss Jane, we have arrived." A Jin stopped the car.    


Jian Fan alighted. In front of him was a four-storey old villa that had been popular for 50 to 60 years in Europe and America.    


The first floor was a parking lot, filled with office staff cars. A winding staircase led up the side of the building. The sign on the wall stood out as "The Law Office."    


Jian Fan curled his lips and supported himself up the stairs. She really didn't see how a rich young master like Song Chengyou could have such elegant tastes.    


The main door on the second floor automatically opened after sensing Jian Fan's footsteps. The girl at the front desk was exceptionally sexy as she stood up to welcome Jian Fan.    


"Miss, may I ask who you're looking for?"    


"Song Chengyou." Jane Fan looked around the office, it was more like a classical club, luxurious but not low-key.    


The front desk girl saw that Jian Fan was calling him by his name, and her face immediately changed. She was burning like a pepper in the sky. "Do you have an appointment?"    


Her tone was too bold, causing Jane Fan to look up at her with an indifferent expression. "Do I need to make an appointment to see Song Chengyou?"    


"What president do you want to meet without an appointment? He's very busy and has no time. "    


This was the first time in my life that I saw a mad dog bite a person, so I had gained some experience. "Is this how you treat your customers? "Are all your lawyers' offices like yours, with their bright looks, but their vulgar ways?    


"Who are you talking about?" The little sister at the front desk was so choked up by Jane Fan that she immediately walked around the front desk as if she wanted to have a fight with her.    


"I'm talking about you!" Jian Fan clenched his hands into fists in front of his chest. It just so happened that there was no place to vent her anger after all these days of boredom. Had she not practiced for a long time?    


"What right do you have to criticize me? Aren't you a fox spirit? "Our CEO has played with a lot of women, and I don't lack you. You're not the first one to be so thick-skinned as to seek me out …"    


"Oh …" Jian Fan was enlightened as he pinched the joints of his fingers.    


The front desk girl was frightened and stopped talking.    


From the corner of his eyes, Jian Chen saw the extremely coquettish silver colored suit and quietly withdrew his hand. The corner of his lips curled up into a smile as he said, "Continue."    


The front desk girl thought that Jian Fan was afraid of her and scolded him even more arrogantly. She pointed at his face and said with extreme precision, "What advantage do you think you can get today? Let me tell you, our CEO hates shameless women like you the most. He won't give you a dime. If you don't want to be scolded, then hurry up and f * ck off.    


"Is that so?" Jian Fan raised his eyebrows. His peripheral vision moved past the girl at the front desk and landed on the tall figure behind her. "Brother Chengye, is what she said right?"    


"Pa Pa Pa!" A few scattered applause came from behind him, causing the front desk girl's expression to change. She anxiously turned her head, and when she saw Song Chengye's evil smile, she stood there like a bolt of lightning, unable to move at all.    


Song Chengyou walked over slowly and put his arm around her shoulders. "You scolded me well, I thought you kissed me with your little mouth, but I didn't think you could scold me so eloquently." After putting you on the front desk, I feel like I've been overused. " He lifted her chin with one hand and made her look up at him.    


The front desk girl was so scared that she was about to cry. With tears in her eyes, she said pitifully, "It's not like that, CEO, she scolded me first. I was forced to fight back. It really wasn't my fault. "    


Jian Fan had a faint smile on his face as he watched this free-for-all performance.    


Song Chengyou caressed her face, and it felt as if he was fondling her, "Oh, so you are so innocent." He was smiling, but his eyes were extremely cold.    


"Right, right. CEO, please forgive me." The front desk girl smiled ingratiatingly. Eighteen or nineteen years old was really hard on her.    


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