CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2When Mu Qianqian found out about the dispute between Mrs Nuowen and herself today, she was truly shocked.     1


She began to become curious about her past. Many things that happened in the Dragon Country carried a shadow of the past, but she was completely unaware of her past.    


Mu Qianqian recalled that when she asked Rong Heting's father where her adoptive father was now, she found out that her adoptive father had passed away.    


Uncle Rong repeatedly stressed that the past was over and that there was nothing more to ask.    


She had a hunch that something had happened in the past, and they didn't want her to know.    


Mu Qianqian lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.    


The rain was pouring heavily. Mu Qianqian was kneeling on the ice-cold stone ground, soaked by the rain. Her clothes were tightly stuck to her body.    


The sky turned from white to black, from black to white. She felt as if she had knelt for a very long time. There was no one around her, only herself.    


Finally, the scene changed.    


She lowered her head and saw her stomach bulging bit by bit, as if something was growing inside her, from a small outline to the point of about to explode.    


Mu Qianqian seemed to be able to see through her belly to see a small life that was connected by a small umbilical cord.    


She realized that she was pregnant, that she was giving birth to a baby.    


However, his stomach began to shrink again, just like a balloon that was leaking air until it completely shriveled up.    


She touched her stomach, which had already become flat, and felt a sudden pain in her heart.    


Child, the child is gone.    


Slowly, she felt red liquid seeping from between her legs, and she knew it was her child's blood. At first, it was just a drop, but gradually, the flow of the water increased and dyed her clothes red.    


"Child, my child." Mu Qianqian whispered.    


The red blood that flowed on the ground turned into a vast ocean. It was as if she was floating on it, bobbing up and down.    


The rain under the sky also turned into red blood that sprinkled over her body. Her hands formed a basket, and then the red was filled to the brim. When she got closer, the blood-red rain actually turned into a ball of flesh!    




Mu Qianqian screamed as she woke up from her dream.    


She had a hard time sleeping last night, but she had a nightmare after not sleeping for long.    


Now her head had swelled twice, heavy and painful.    


She got out of bed, found the bag she was carrying in the closet today, and swallowed it under the moonlight as she pulled out a painkiller to relieve her headache.    


The bitterness stuck in her throat as she ran out of the bedroom and into the dining room. She poured herself a glass of water and gulped it down.    


She sat in the dining room for a while, waiting for the effects of the medicine to come on. Her head slowly returned to normal before she wobbled back into her room.    


Mu Qianqian lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. In front of her eyes, the rainy day that had appeared in her dream had never gone away.    


The feeling was as real as if he had experienced it before. His heart ached so much that he found it hard to breathe.    


Leng Su heard the sound of Mu Qianqian closing the door and walked out of the room. The moment Mu Qianqian opened the door, he, who had been in a hidden position the whole time and was very sensitive and had good hearing, woke up.    


Looking at Mu Qianqian's tightly shut door, he hated himself for not being able to do more for her and alleviate her pain.    


"Young Master Rong must be crazy. In order to find someone else's child, he actually said that he wanted to give the Royal Group a share!"    


Jiang Wenqian's best friend, Liu Xinyan, sat in front of Jiang Wenqian and handed her an easy and simple photo.    


"Look, it's these two kids. They said they found them the day before yesterday. I heard my father talk about it last night. What's the matter, isn't Young Master Rong your boyfriend? "    


"Don't ask about this anymore. I'm not feeling well today. Let's talk another day."    


After Jiang Wenqian sent off her best friend, she sat back down on the sofa and picked up the photo on the table.    


She remembered these two children from the last time she met Mu Qianqian in the shopping mall.    


"Why did you come back? If you don't die, stay outside!"    


Jiang Wenqian frowned the photo hatefully.    


"Mu Qianqian, you sure are capable!" It's been a long time since I've managed to clean out the ugly monsters around Heting. Just when I'm about to get what I want, I've actually had a good thing ruined by a broken shoe of yours! "    


"Just you wait, I don't believe that I can't deal with you!"    


Jiang Wenqian paced back and forth in the room. She didn't know where to start, so she had to think carefully.    


She walked back to the sofa without a clue, and as she sat down, her high heels kicked the photo she'd thrown under the sofa, which had been crumpled into a ball.    


She picked it up, unfolded it, and looked at it again.    


The girl in the photo looked just like Mu Qianqian, which annoyed her a lot.    


Jiang Wenqian looked at the boy again. Previously, she didn't pay much attention, but the boy's face looked 80% similar to Rong Heting's.    


Why was he so similar to Rong Heting, his father was from Rong Family?    


Perhaps …    


This child is Rong Heting's?    


Were they his children?    


That's why Rong Heting was so nervous when they lost him!    


How could this be? Jiang Wenqian began to worry. If her guess was right, then Mu Qianqian was harder to deal with than any of the ugly monsters she sent away to Rong Heting in the past few years.    


This bold guess stunned Jiang Wenqian. She took the photo and swallowed twice.    


"Hey, help me find someone …"    


She had to check if her guess was right or wrong.    


When King got off the plane, he immediately called Mu Qianqian and told her he was back.    


Originally, she had planned to ask Mu Qianqian out for dinner tonight. However, Mu Qianqian was not feeling very well on the phone and sounded very tired. Thus, they agreed to go shopping together next week.    


After hanging up, Jin gave Rong Heting another call.    


She was very nervous. He had recently learned the phrase, 'It's been a long time since we last met, it's been three years'. She thought that these words would be used at this moment in time.    


I wonder if Rong Heting will miss her after not seeing her for so long.    


"Hello? Heting, it's me. "    




On the phone, Heting's voice was just as cold.    


Jin gave up on Rong Heting, the iceberg will not see her for one day, as if three years have gone by, thinking about her thoughts.    


"I'm back. I want to talk to you face to face about the contents of this overseas job."    


"Sure, come to the office."    


"No, no, no. I'm too tired. Let me take a rest first. Tonight at 7 o'clock at the Longfeng Hotel, let's have a meal together." We'll talk about it at dinner. "    


Since this iceberg didn't have any intention of freeing itself, she could only use some methods to lure it out first before discussing her personal feelings.    


Sure enough, Rong Heting agreed straightforwardly.    


Jin, who thought he had gotten into a ruse with Rong Heting, pulled her suitcase and left the airport in a good mood.    


7 PM, Dragon Feng Hotel.    


Jin sat on the reserved seat and waited for Rong Heting.    


When she saw Rong Heting walk into her line of sight, she waved excitedly at Rong Heting. Long time no see! "    


"Long time no see."    


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