CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



4Ye Feng smiled but didn't say anything. He saw that the smile on Mu Qianqian's face also became better. When he bought the fish, he specially picked out a few female fish that were about to give birth. He was just waiting to give Qianqian some fun.     1


Seeing Mu Qianqian carefully scoop up the newborn baby fish into the tank, Ye Feng's smile widened.    


He still remembered that he had told Qianqian about the possibility of eating small fish after production of this tropical fish, so he had to separate the small fish from the big fish.    


Ye Feng looked lovingly at Mu Qianqian, accompanying her as she waited for the small fish to be born. He hoped that time would always stop at this moment, so that his Qianqian would always be able to smile and maintain her pure smile.    


Bai Sheng saw Hua Yunrong staring at Mu Qianqian for a long time. He patted his shoulder and called back Hua Yunrong's gaze.    


"Is Ye Feng here every day?" I didn't think that this little thing would be so alluring. "    


Hua Yunrong chuckled, his eyes flickering. Bai Sheng, unable to guess what he was thinking, turned away from Mu Qianqian's door, unwilling to say anything more that would give Qianqian trouble.    


Hua Yunrong didn't mind Bai Sheng ignoring him. Since he became friends with Mu Shen, he probably didn't want to deal with that little thing himself!    


Mu Qianqian and Ye Feng were only concerned with counting the newborn fishes in the tank. They had no idea that the warmth had fallen into other people's eyes and had become a scheme in their hearts.    


When all the small fishes were delivered, Mu Qianqian looked excitedly at the black dots in the fish tank, then raised her head to look at the man beside her with his warm eyes. She felt a sweet sensation in her heart.    


Being with Brother Feng was so easy and cozy, unlike the man Rong Heting was always scared. Mu Qianqian thought about the man she hadn't seen for a few days, and her heart started to feel uncomfortable again.    


What happened to her? He was always thinking about that proud and aloof man. Was it because the suffering he had suffered was not enough? Waving away the image in her mind, Mu Qianqian didn't want Ye Feng to notice anything strange, so she shifted her gaze back to the fish tank.    


While Mu Qianqian was still in a daze, her body was suddenly thrown into a warm embrace. The temperature that she had once been used to was now freezing her blood.    


A warm breath came to her ears, causing Mu Qianqian's body to tense up. When the gentle voice came close to her ear, Mu Qianqian wanted to cry.    


"Qianqian, how about you stay with Brother Feng? I originally wanted to clarify things with you after your birthday, but Brother Feng can't wait any longer. "    


"We can live freely and comfortably like these little fish. In a few years, if you are older, we can have our own baby."    


"Qianqian, promise me, okay?"    


Mu Qianqian's mind was blank. After staring blankly for a while, she became flustered and helpless.    


All these years, she had imagined her future life with Brother Feng countless times. Those scenes had never been recalled in the past few months, and at this moment, all the scenes in her dreams once again flooded her mind.    


She really wanted to turn around and rush into Brother Feng's arms in search of her usual warmth. Her Brother Feng had always been her family, her big brother. She had relied on him for so many years. She didn't know if this was love or not, but she really wanted to be with Brother Feng forever.    


Mu Qianqian's arrogant and indifferent face suddenly flashed in front of her as well as the tyrannical punishment of the man. The temperature around her gradually cooled down. She didn't turn back as she forcefully held back the tears in her eyes.    


What qualifications did she have?    


Her steel was clean and unsullied by anyone, but what about her? She had already become Rong Heting's plaything. As dirty as she was, what reason did she have to stand by Ye Feng's side?    


Even if Brother Feng had said that he didn't care about her mistakes, could she just ignore them that easily?    


She still remembered Rong Heting's warning, he really would kill someone, didn't she see that before? Did she want to kill Brother Feng? And there was also Mu Shen, her little brother had seen him get sick once, she was really scared, she had to get her uncle's bone marrow, that was her little brother's last hope.    


After thinking everything through, Mu Qianqian broke free from Ye Feng's embrace. She tried her best to hold back the tears in her eyes, calming down her flustered mood and turned around with a smile.    


"Brother Feng, aren't we together right now? Brother Feng must have gotten addicted to reciting from the back lines, and he's still joking with me. How boring!"    


Mu Qianqian playfully rolled her eyes. When she couldn't control herself, she turned around and stared at the tiny black dots in the fish tank. Her heart had stopped somewhere.    


"Qianqian, I'm not joking. I …"    


"Brother Feng!"    


Mu Qianqian interrupted him in panic when Ye Feng spoke again. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it. She was afraid that she would be immersed in Brother Feng's gentleness and forget the reality that she had to face.    


"I'm still young, so I don't want to think too much into it right now. Just stop it, okay?"    


It was the first time Ye Feng had ever seen Mu Qianqian so helpless with her back to him. He had been so agitated by Rong Heting that he should not have forced her to do so. His Qianqian had just reached adulthood, and she had not even stopped growing.    


Ye Feng wanted to hug his sister, who had been his protector for so many years, but he didn't dare to touch her. He was afraid that Qianqian had scared him too much today.    


When night came again, Mu Qianqian was lying alone on the bed. The wound on her shoulder was a bit itchy, and she knew that it was getting better and better. But now there was no one beside the bed to rejoice at her recovery. It was as if she had been forgotten by the world, forgotten by him.    


Mu Qianqian bit her lips and hid under the blanket. The window was open, so she didn't care about the cold autumn night wind blowing into the room. Mu Qianqian's tears fell when she thought of Rong Heting's words to her.    


Was she his plaything? Why did she covet the warmth he had given her in the dark night? She was not only his plaything now. She should have also become a pet that had been abandoned or forgotten, right?    


She remembered that he liked to call her a kitty or a little thing, and now she was a complete piece of junk.    


Thinking of Ye Feng's words during the day, Mu Qianqian felt that all of her life had turned into chaos. Her young girl's heart and the days she had hoped for before had become further and further away from her, and his Brother Feng would also be further away from her in the future, wouldn't he?    


If Mu Shen knew that she had made a deal with Rong Heting for him, what kind of attitude would he have towards his sister?    


Was it disappointment? Helplessness? Is it heartache? Was it vexation? Or would he hate himself for being a burden? Or would he not be ashamed of her effort?    


Mu Qianqian unknowingly fell asleep, and her tears also unknowingly wet the pillow.    


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