CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0"Hello sir, I am a simple mother. Please forgive her for wasting your time. Don't mind the children's nonsense. The dishes in your restaurant are just too delicious. May your business get better and better. Farewell."    


Mu Qianqian recited the lines that she had memorized fluently. She hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to ask more questions.    


She went through this sort of thing almost every week, and it didn't affect her meal as she slowly swallowed the food in her mouth.    


"Mommy, how are you like a lady? A lady doesn't know how to talk when she eats!" She looked at Mu Qianqian with an unbearable look in her eyes. She was on the verge of tears.    


Her great image was completely ruined by Mommy and her brother. More and more people were looking at them. How embarrassing!    


On the plane, Rong Heting was stunned as he held the phone. That familiar voice was like a ray of light, dispersing the haze that had been accumulating in his heart for many years.    


The woman's voice sounded very similar to Qianqian's, but her words were not clear, and there was even a hint of an exotic accent in her voice.    


Could it be her? Is she back?    


A bright light appeared in Rong Heting's cold eyes. That light slowly spread out from the mist in an instant.    


The name that had been bothering him for six years became clear in his mind once again, even though he tried his best to ignore it.    


Qianqian, is that you?    


When this thought flashed through Rong Heting's mind, he immediately ripped off the safety belt on his body and stood up.    


"President, do you have any instructions?"    


Seeing Rong Heting stand up, the secretary also hurriedly stood up from her seat. Ever since she handed the phone over to the CEO, she had been feeling depressed, because ever since she came to Ronghao International Enterprise, she had never seen the CEO's soft expression when she answered the call.    


In particular, the last thing the CEO said was, "Let your mommy answer the phone." Was it a child who called? Was the CEO just talking to a little kid?    


The female secretary could not imagine the CEO having such a gentle side.    


At this moment, no one knew what Rong Heting was thinking. He just stood there blankly, while his heart gradually calmed down.    


It wasn't Qianqian, it couldn't be Qianqian, it couldn't be Qianqian.    


When Qianqian left, the child was no longer there. The child who called must have been close to 10 years old, or a bit older, from the sound of her voice and how she analyzed the situation.    


It couldn't be Qianqian. Qianqian had only left for six years, and he didn't believe that Qianqian would give birth to another man's child.    


Or maybe she would fall in love with Leng Su, but if they really had children, they wouldn't be ten years old.    


"Tell the manager of the Charm City and Sentiment Hotel to record the condition of the guests when they enter the inn, and to make suggestions for their meals according to the condition of the guests."    


"Yes, CEO."    


"The cafeteria will be closed for tonight. Send all of the prepared dishes to your subordinate and bring them home. Do not waste any of them."    




When Rong Heting sat down again, the secretary let out a long breath, took her phone and ran out of the CEO's private area to make a call.    


Just then, the CEO was too serious, her gaze could kill.    


Rong Heting sat down, held his phone in his hand and closed his eyes to calm his emotions.    


In these six years, he had experienced too many disappointments, and countless times he had mistaken someone for someone else. He finally realized the fear in his heart.    


He was afraid that he would have to admit his mistake again and bear the loss of hope to the point of disappointment falling into the depths. To him, this was the most terrifying thing.    


Mu Qianqian didn't know how many people were struggling to think of her while she was having a big meal with her children, and simplicity began to question her father's ability when he learned one day that her father had wrongly judged her age.    


Mu Qianqian and her children had finished their meal in the midst of the ruckus. When she and her son reached for the Red Braised Meat together, a slender hand lifted the plate of Red Braised Meat off the table.    


Mu Qianqian and Yi looked up in surprise. Both of them had big, watery eyes and had their mouth agape as they drooled at the Red Braised Meat.    


"Qianqian, I've told you many times that eating more vegetables is healthier and it's easy to lose weight. Are you going to make him overweight again?"    


"Big brother."    




Mu Qianqian and Yi Yi looked at Leng Su and greeted him pitifully. They both knew in their hearts that in the future, they would have to spend every single day under control.    


Leng Su didn't look at the mother and son. Instead, he leaned over and picked them up from the seat.    


"Pack the remaining dishes on the table. I need to take them away. I will compensate you according to the standards for any losses."    


The restaurant manager felt a bit awkward as he followed them over. There were indeed very few customers who would pack their meals, but the man in front of him was too serious. Thinking about the helicopter on the rooftop, he didn't dare to affect his customers' mood just because he packed a few dishes.    


"Please wait, sir. I need to send someone to buy the lunchbox."    


"No problem, just bring the dishes to my room later."    


Leng Su hugged Jane to explain everything to the staff in the restaurant, then Mu Qianqian's and Yi's eyes lit up once again.    


"Uncle, why are you packing? What a disgrace! "    


"We can't just randomly waste food. After we go back, we'll eat it at night as supper."    


"That's right, that's right! Mommy said wasting food is a shameful action!" The easiest thing to think about was that he could have another meal in the evening.    


The simple expression on his face was even more awkward. "Uncle, I hate eating meat!"    


Leng Su's indifferent face revealed a rare smile after a simple complaint. He grabbed Mu Qianqian's hand with his other hand and saw that Mu Qianqian was holding onto it obediently. Then, he led the three of them out of the restaurant.    


"Qianqian, it's easy. When I say 'we', I don't mean the two of you. The people who are eating are me and Simple."    


Mu Qianqian's smiling face fell, but the easy to bear and Mummy to hold head and cry, "This is not fair, uncle, didn't you say we would share good fortune and suffering together?"    


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