CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Mu Qianqian wore a fiery-red dress with three transparent flowers decorated on the upper half with broken crystals. The crystals had been polished to the point that the petals had formed a bright water caltrop, which was perfectly curved under the illumination of the lights.    


At this moment, she was different from the exquisite and playful look of the champagne dress she wore at the charity dinner, and unlike the white dress she always wore at the dinner party with Hua Yunrong, she didn't look like a fairy.    


At this moment, Mu Qianqian's body was covered in a dense and gorgeous red light.    


Her fair skin was dyed bright and clean under the contrast of the red colour. Her already peerlessly beautiful face was even more enchanting, causing both men and women to be unable to tear their eyes away from her beauty.    


Her fingers danced on the distinct black and white keys. She closed her eyes, not recklessly sweeping over the crowd at the banquet. It was as if she was truly immersed in the long music that she had played.    


The throbbing notes could be heard twirling and hesitating, while the notes were filled with zest and enthusiasm. A hand of luvrest was thrown out from the tip of her slender finger, presenting to each and every one of her listeners the feelings of love that she had experienced during her encounter with the little woman.    


When people noticed her fingers playing the zither, they paid more attention to the red diamond bracelet on her wrists.    


The red diamond with the golden chain was already dazzling, coupled with the fact that the skin of the person who wore it was so white that it could be easily broken, without a single blemish, making the person wearing it appear even more magnificent.    


Everyone's eyes were focused on the girl who was immersed in the music. Through the music, they could feel her perseverance towards love and the rationality she had endured in the end. They could feel her helplessness when she loved but not when she gave up in the end and they could all feel the passion when she courageously pursued her love.    


This kind of girl who expressed her inner feelings with courage was the most moving. At this moment, Mu Qianqian was sitting in front of the piano on the lift, shyly closing her eyes. She only used music to convey her love, her absolutely beautiful posture making any light lose its color in front of her.    


No one moved forward to continue their dance to the music. Facing a song that revealed their deep love, no one dared to use their formalized and loveless dance style to desecrate the sincerity in the tune.    


Everyone just looked up at the beautiful woman at the piano, their eyes filled with an indescribable glow.    


When Rong Heting saw Mu Qianqian appear on the stage, his expression completely darkened.    


He was, of course, equally shocked by the surprise his little thing brought him, and gratified by the love in the tune, but it lasted only a moment before it turned to anger.    


When Rong Heting noticed the infatuation in the eyes of the man who was looking at Mu Qianqian, he really wanted to pull his little thing off the stage immediately.    


However, Rong Heting still suppressed his emotions. The more agitated he was, the colder the expression on his face became.    


Taking a glass of wine from the waiter indifferently, Rong Heting retracted his gaze from Mu Qianqian's hands and looked at the bright yellow liquid in the cup, seemingly unmoved by Mu Qianqian's expression.    


Ling Jinghan's fingers clenched tighter and tighter. Even if her nails pierced into her flesh, she couldn't suppress the anger that welled up in her heart.    


Her birthday party, his fiancé's new pet, had come to play a song about love, and it had really smacked her in the face!    


Mu Qianqian actually dared to challenge the bottom line of Ling Family, she really wanted to cut the woman on the stage into a thousand pieces!    


Just as Ling Jinghanllian was about to lose her temper and rush up the platform, Aunt Gui, who had been watching everything unfold, walked up to Ling Jinghan before she lost her temper and gently grabbed onto her arm.    


Ling Jinghan's eyes turned red as she noticed Aunt Gui shaking her head at her. Only then did she slowly suppress her anger. The entire process took nearly three minutes.    


Almost at the same time Mu Qianqian finished her song, Ling Jinghan's mood had completely disappeared due to patience. Her face once again had a gentle and proper smile, maintaining her aristocratic demeanor.    


When the music stopped, Mu Qianqian opened her eyes and stood up helplessly. The bright red diamond on her wrist shone with a bright light as she left the keyboard. Her beautiful red dress swayed, revealing her slender legs, bewitching all living beings.    


Mu Qianqian stood on the stage and looked down. Ever since Ting Ye had taken her to hide behind the lift platform, she had been feeling nervous.    


When leaving with Ting Ye from Rong Manor, she specifically brought along the jewelry Rong Heting gave her last time. It was a gift from the charity dinner, a bracelet for capturing love, she wanted Rong Heting to be happy when he saw her tonight.    


When she played the zither, her mind was filled with Rong Heting's shadow. In order to not affect the host who was disrespectful to her, she could only close her eyes and play in peace.    


She knew that Rong Heting would definitely stand below and see her. Ting Ye had already made a ruckus before she went on stage, so she would definitely attract the attention of everyone in the banquet.    


It was finally over. Did he see her?    


Mu Qianqian nervously grabbed onto her skirt. After bowing and greeting, her gaze shifted to the crowd as she searched for a familiar figure. She also waited for him to step forward and bring her to his side.    


The entire hall became silent for a moment. When everyone was stunned by the woman in front of them to the point that they didn't know how to react, the only middle-aged woman in formal attire in the crowd clapped first, followed by the rest of the people in the banquet hall clapping their hands.    


Aunt Gui was the first to walk a few steps forward. Her gaze was filled with affection as she looked at Mu Qianqian standing on the platform. She was enjoying the performance of the girl in front of her.    


Rong Heting had no choice but to walk to the bottom of the elevator. There was no happiness on his face. Compared to his previous indifference, it was now completely cold.    


Mu Qianqian was initially a bit excited when she saw Rong Heting. She stared at Rong Heting, not wanting to miss any of his expression.    


Since the two of them had returned to Rong Manor, they had not had a proper conversation. Thinking about the sorry state she was in when she returned and the provocation towards Rong Heting that day, she, who had never especially tried to curry favor with anyone, was a little helpless.    


Was he happy to see her? Satisfied with everything he had prepared? Would he like her makeup today?    


Inwardly, she wanted to ask a lot of questions, but when Mu Qianqian clearly saw Rong Heting's face under the light, all the excitement and hope in her heart slowly calmed down and eventually froze into ice.    


Mu Qianqian saw Rong Heting also saw Ling Jinghan, who slowly walked up behind Rong Heting.    


The noble and beautiful Ling Jinghan matched well with Rong Heting. In comparison, Mu Qianqian, who stood alone on the stage, felt lonely and helpless.    


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