CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Although Rong Heting and Ye Feng couldn't get close to the middle of the set, they could clearly see everything on the set. The moment the bulletin board came crashing down, Rong Heting's body trembled.    0


Since he couldn't control himself anymore, Rong Heting couldn't care less about the people beside him pushing him away. He even directly knocked down the man who was running around in panic in front of him.    


The flustered crowd looked at the bloodied man and didn't dare to reject anymore. They all calmed down a little and quickly left one by one.    


Rong Heting opened up the path beside him and quickly ran towards the center of the field. Luckily, the fire was not big and gathered at the ceiling. It was just that the crowd did not catch fire due to the fire. But what he was truly worried about was his little thing!    


When Rong Heting was getting closer to her, Ling Jinghan suddenly got up from the ground with difficulty. With tears in her eyes, she watched the man who walked in step by step.    


"Heting …"    


Rong Heting heard Ling Jinghan's call and saw her bleeding knee. He immediately helped her up.    


"Jinghan, are you alright? "Where else are you hurt?"    


Seeing Rong Heting's concerned expression, Ling Jinghan shook her head with tears in her eyes. At this moment, the team members led by Mo Mo returned to the recording studio. A portion of them went to save the fire while Mo Mo personally led the team to surround Ling Jinghan.    


More and more members of the City's rescue team rushed in. Ling Jinghan was also taken away by Momo to check on her injuries. Only then did Rong Heting remember that his little thing was still under the board. Rong Heting panicked a little and ran to the side of the billboard and lifted the heavy board with difficulty.    


When Rong Heting saw Mu Qianqian lying on the ground after being knocked down, his hands trembled as he held up the wooden board.    


The dress on the little woman's back was smeared with blood from the uneven edges of the planks. Mu Qianqian laid motionless on the ground. Her face couldn't be seen clearly. Her messy hair was draped over her shoulders, making Rong Heting's heart stop beating.    


"Little thing, how are you? Get up! "    


Rong Heting's voice turned from a shallow call into a roar. The anxiety in his eyes could not be hidden. He kept repeating in his heart that his little thing was fine, but his trembling hands revealed his panic!    


The heavy wooden board restricted Rong Heting's movements. He couldn't lower his head to check Mu Qianqian's condition at all. He turned around and roared at Ye Feng who had already rushed over.    


"Ye Feng, come here quickly!"    


At this time, Rong Heting didn't care about face, he just wanted to see how his little thing was hurt, and he wasn't clear about it yet.    


Ye Feng, who was gradually approaching, heard Rong Heting's call. Seeing his trembling hands, he knew that the wooden board was too heavy and Rong Heting might not be able to hold on anymore. He immediately pushed away the crowd that was blocking him and rushed to the edge of the board.    


Ye Feng used both hands to help Rong Heting lift up the wooden board. His Qianqian was still under the board. He had to make sure that his Qianqian would not be harmed again.    


Rong Heting didn't have time to look at Ye Feng. As soon as his hands were free, he immediately squatted down and dived down to the side of the wooden board, supporting Mu Qianqian's small and motionless body up.    


"Qianqian, Qianqian, wake up! Little thing, wake up!" You are not allowed to sleep, you must not sleep at all! "    


Rong Heting didn't dare to move the little thing in his arms. He could only shout out again and again. He looked at Mu Qianqian, but she wasn't unconscious. His eyes were a little blurred as he softly called out Mu Qianqian's name.    


"Qianqian, look at me. I've come to save you. Wake up, tell me where it hurts!"    


Rong Heting's patience had already collapsed. Mu Qianqian, who had a hazy consciousness, seemed to feel the trembling arms of the beast that was hugging her.    


"Ugh …" "Beast …"    


Mu Qianqian finally regained a bit of consciousness after Rong Heting's call. She looked at Rong Heting's anxious eyes and started to smile lightly.    


So it turned out that even beasts would worry about her. Was this another dream? Just like the last time she had a birthday with an animal, it was a dream that made her happy.    


Rong Heting saw Mu Qianqian's unconscious smile, and the pain in his heart increased bit by bit. Seeing Ye Feng's weak arm, Rong Heting did not dare to delay and immediately carried Mu Qianqian out from under the wooden board.    


The familiar smell of tobacco made Mu Qianqian feel at ease. As her consciousness slowly returned to her body, Mu Qianqian realized that the man beside her was really Rong Heting, who would become cold and merciless that night.    


Fear surged up from her heart and instantly took over her consciousness. She instinctively refused Rong Heting's embrace, wanting to stay further away from the beast-like man in front of her. Even though she saw Rong Heting treat her tenderly, she was still afraid.    


Rong Heting saw that Mu Qianqian refused him and didn't forcefully restrict her movement. He thought she was hurt and immediately put her down so she could stand and cuddle with him.    


"Does it hurt somewhere? "Qianqian, quickly tell me!"    


Ye Feng waited until Rong Heting and Mu Qianqian came out from under the wooden board before putting down his hands. His hands were trembling slightly due to the excessive force, but his face was already pale as he looked at the man hugging Mu Qianqian.    


Why was Rong Heting so concerned about Qianqian? His anxiety seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, making him unable to doubt Rong Heting's intentions towards Qianqian. And what they call each other...    


The more he thought about it, the colder Ye Feng felt. It seemed like Qianqian really hid too many things from him.    


Mu Qianqian didn't notice that Ye Feng was also beside her. She snuggled up to Rong Heting with a flustered look in her eyes as she tried to escape. She drifted around but didn't dare to meet the eyes of the man beside her.    


The intense pain from his back pulled at Mu Qianqian's nerves, making it impossible for the weak Mu Qianqian to not rely on Rong Heting. When Mu Qianqian looked around weakly, she suddenly noticed a man looking at her with a sinister gaze not far behind Rong Heting.    


Mu Qianqian frowned. She was about to ask the man beside her if he knew her. But when she saw a cold black gun appear, her body instinctively did something she couldn't explain herself.    


"Be careful!"    


Mu Qianqian suddenly shouted in panic. Before Rong Heting could react, she used her remaining strength to rush to the front of the man and tightly held Rong Heting's body, using her body to block Rong Heting's chest.    




A gunshot rang out on the already chaotic battlefield. Due to the large commotion from the scene, it did not attract anyone's attention. However, the two men closest to Mu Qianqian heard it clearly.    


Rong Heting was the first to react. He directly took out his handgun and shot at the source of the sound. His eyes were red like a poisonous knife as he looked at the other side.    


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