CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Sorry?     4


Rong Heting actually apologized to her.    


Mu Qianqian looked at Rong Heting's face, which had grown stubble on it. He always looked clean and tidy, but now he looked so unkempt. Why was his expression so sad?    


Just because he lost his child?    


Why was he so nervous about himself?    


Mu Qianqian's heart rippled as she ate the porridge that Rong Heting fed her.    


When Ling Ao returned home, Mrs Nuowen was feeding the food simply and easily.    


The two children were obviously able to eat by themselves, but Nuo Wenfei held the bowl in her hands and fed the two of them spoonfuls after spoonfuls, as if she was enjoying the feeling of being a grandmother.    


"Grandmother, I can eat by myself."    


She ate the food Mrs Nuowen threw into her mouth awkwardly. Ever since she learned how to use chopsticks to feed her mother, she had never used her chopsticks to feed her mother. This was simply torture.    


Even Easy had an aggrieved look on his face. Although he always shamelessly asked his mother to feed him, he just really enjoyed the feeling of her taking care of him.    


However, he had forgotten how to use his chopsticks to take care of the madame. Ever since he came here, he had never brought his own utensils to eat with him!    


The most important thing was that if he did not take the tableware to eat, he could not eat any meat he liked!    


She always fed him vegetables. He really didn't like it!    


When his mother took him back, he definitely wouldn't want his mother to feed him again in the future. He had had enough!    


Ling Ao looked at the two of them in shock. Although he had never seen the two little guys before, but now there were photos of the two of them everywhere, it was hard for him to not know!    


Rong Heting's loss of his children had turned the whole place into a bloody mess. Even the police had failed to deal with the underground organ trade. He never thought that these two kids would actually stay in his home safe and sound!    


Had his mother saved them? Ling Ao looked at the affectionate Mrs Nuowen.    


No, Mom kidnapped both of them.    


Why couldn't Rong Heting find them even after searching everywhere for Dragon Country? It was most likely because his mother used his power in the government. Moreover, he was well aware of Aunt Gui's methods. He should have known it was Aunt Gui.    


Ling Ao rushed into the restaurant in a fit of anger, "Aunt Gui, Aunt Gui!"    


Aunt Gui walked out of the kitchen. She had been making Mrs Nuowen a body recovery soup.    


Ever since the incident six years ago where Old Master Ling Yu's medicine was poisoned, in order to avoid the same mistake from happening again, Mrs Nuowen and Master Ling Yu's medicine had been handled by her personally.    


"Young master, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?"    


"Take the child away," Ling Ao waved his arm and pointed at the stairs, "Bring the child to my room!"    


Aunt Gui and Mrs Nuowen looked at each other for a moment. Seeing Mrs Nuowen nod slightly, Aunt Gui took the two children's hand and led them away from the table.    


"Mom!" "What's going on!?"    


Ling Ao walked in front of Mrs Nuowen and looked down at her.    


"You saw it, that's all."    


"Do you know whose child this is?!"    


"I know, of course I know. That's why I'm acting like this! " Nuo Wen stood up and turned her back on Ling Ao. Ling Ao's aggressive gaze made her very embarrassed.    


"What can you do when you bring them back?" Ling Ao walked in front of his mother again and looked her straight in the eye.    


"Shi Wenjie stole my child, she was with Shi Wenjie since she was young, she must know where my child is! But she wouldn't tell me! " Mrs Nuowen excitedly pulled at Ling Ao.    


"She didn't tell me because she didn't know how painful it was to lose a child."    


"I have taken her child now, and I have given her a taste of this pain. Once she knows, she'll understand me! "Just tell me where my child is!"    




Ling Ao supported Mrs Nuowen's shoulder, "Wake up! Mu Qianqian didn't know where my sister was previously, but it's impossible for her to know where she is now! She has already lost her memory! "    


"How is this possible, how is this possible!"    


Looking at Mrs Nuowen muttering to herself, Ling Ao's heart ached.    


He sighed and walked out of the restaurant. He took out his cell phone and called Rong Heting. On... In my house... You don't need to come personally, I'll immediately send the child over. "    


Ling Ao hung up the phone and went upstairs. He saw Aunt Gui guarding the door of his room.    


"Aunt Gui, there's no need to stand guard. I'll take care of the child."    


"My mom is downstairs. Give her some soul calming soup and let her sleep early."    


Aunt Gui nodded. "Young Master, the Madam treats them very well. Originally, we planned to send them back tomorrow. "    


Ling Ao nodded, "I understand."    


He pushed the door open and walked over to Easy and Simple.    


Maybe it was the way he'd just lost his temper that frightened Easy and Simple, the two kids sitting uneasily on his big bed.    






Looking at the two children who were still very polite despite their uneasiness, Ling Ao nodded, "You miss me, right? I'll send you back immediately." I'll be able to see my mother when I go back. "    


"That grandma downstairs is very lonely. She likes you two, so she let you two accompany her for a day." Ling Ao pinched his simple cheeks, "I hope you can forgive her."    


"Yes." Simple and Easy nodded obediently.    


Ling Ao brought the two children to the car. Now, he was going to personally send the two children back to Rong Heting, hoping that Rong Heting would forgive his mother for his sake.    


"Easy, easy!"    


Knowing that the child had been found and would be sent back soon, Mu Qianqian had long since been waiting at the Rong Mansion's gate.    


Time passed second by second, and it was hard for her to wait until Ling Ao drove the car in front of her. She rushed straight to the front of the car.    






The two children got off the car and were immediately embraced by their mother. Worry and fear filled their mouths at this moment. They easily and simply hugged their mother and began to cry.    


"My child! Mom really misses you guys! " Mu Qianqian released the child. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Is there any pain? Are you hungry? " Her hands trembled as she examined the child's body.    


"Qianqian, take the child in first." Rong Heting grabbed Mu Qianqian from behind and pulled her to her feet.    


"Heting, I'm sorry, but my mother is not in her right mind right now." Ling Ao took Rong Heting's arm.    


"Keep these words to Qianqian. If she can forgive you, I won't say anything."    


Rong Heting opened Ling Ao's hand and followed Mu Qianqian.    


After coaxing them to sleep easily, Mu Qianqian lay beside them, quietly watching their sleeping appearance.    


Her darlings were so lovable, her eyes were her eyes, her life, and she wished she could never look away from them.    


This was the scene Rong Heting saw when he walked in from outside the house.    


His favorite woman and his children lay in his bed, and that was probably how happiness worked. He would never let go. Even if the whole world objected, he would hold on to this happiness tightly.    


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