CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3Rong Heting spoke ironically of Mu Qianqian's little plan in her heart. He definitely wouldn't allow her to have any thoughts behind his back!     4


Hearing Rong Heting's words, Mu Qianqian did not dare to hesitate any longer. She touched the screen with her finger and connected the call.    


"Brother Feng."    


Mu Qianqian felt a chill go down her spine as she summoned the person on the phone.    


"Qianqian, where are you? Didn't we have an appointment to see Mu Shen today? " A warm voice came out of the phone and Mu Qianqian immediately sat up straight! God, she had forgotten!    


"Sorry, sorry. Brother Feng, I forgot about that." Mu Qianqian apologised embarrassedly to the phone. She did let Brother Feng's pigeon go, it was too terrible.    


"I... I have to go out to see the reaction of the next batch of vaccines. Brother Feng, can you do it another day? I'm so sorry! "    


"It's alright, we'll set a time when you come back."    


After hanging up the phone, Mu Qianqian was still upset. It had been a long time since she last looked deeply into the phone. She even made an appointment with Brother Feng today. It was indeed a bit excessive.    


Rong Heting was depressed as he looked at Mu Qianqian's vexed expression. He didn't even notice the sour taste in her words.    


"What is it? You feel uncomfortable not having a date with a wild man? "    


Mu Qianqian was originally unhappy because she was mocked by Rong Heting. Now, the pigeons that released Ye Feng and Mu Shen felt even more guilty. She could no longer care about being afraid as she said all the things she kept in her heart.    


"You beast! What nonsense are you talking about? " Unconcerned about her image, Mu Qianqian let out a howl. Her gloomy mood dissipated quite a bit before she muttered to herself.    


"My mother died when I was young, and my dad didn't care about how deep I was or how unwell I was. He stayed in the hospital all year round, and since I was very young I started living in the school. Because I was specially recruited, without friends of the same age, I couldn't even reach the window when I went to the cafeteria to eat. Only Brother Feng is with me, he's even more of a relative to me, he's my brother, he's not as despicable as you! "    


Originally, Rong Heting understood Mu Qianqian's words, but the last sentence successfully made Rong Heting unhappy! Why did the mention of him turn into a filth?    


"I'm filthy? "I don't know who was the one who was lulled by my filthiness last night!"    




Mu Qianqian blushed at Rong Heting's obvious ridicule. She didn't want to continue arguing with him, so she changed the topic after thinking about it.    


"It's fine if you don't understand, but do you think everyone has the love of a parent like you? "You're so cold, I assume your mother doesn't like your personality very much?"    


Mu Qianqian mischievously looked at Rong Heting, thinking to herself, let him bully people all day long! Actually, he wanted to mention his family to make him feel better, so the two of them didn't have to argue anymore.    


"Creak —    


The sound of the emergency brake was extremely clear and ear-piercing on the silent mountain road. Rong Heting's fingers tightly gripped the steering wheel as his veins popped out.    


"Get off!"    


Mu Qianqian was driven forward by the inertia of the car. Her head hit the windshield. Luckily, she was wearing her seat belt, otherwise, she would definitely be injured.    


"What's the matter with you? It's all up to my head! "    


Mu Qianqian didn't notice Rong Heting's change as she muttered to herself.    


"Get off!"    


Rong Heting roared in anger as he looked at Mu Qianqian with bloodshot eyes.    


Mu Qianqian's heart trembled when she heard this roar. When she saw Rong Heting's expression and the blood in his body freezing from his anger, she immediately pushed open the door and got out of the car!    




The car door was suddenly closed and locked by Rong Heting. The black Mai Bach quickly flew away, not leaving a single trace of nostalgia for Mu Qianqian.    


"Rong Heting, you lunatic!" Beast! "Big Scoundrel!"    


Mu Qianqian didn't realize what happened until Rong Heting drove away for five minutes. She was lost by Rong Heting! He was left in the wilderness!    


Mu Qianqian started shouting in the direction of the car, 'I'm so pissed off'! She didn't say anything! Which one of his tendons had gone wrong!? Scum! Beast!    


Mu Qianqian cursed for ten minutes before she finally realized the reality. She had no idea where Rong Heting was taking her, so how was she going to get back?    


She couldn't go back even if she broke her legs after driving so far out of the city, and she just left her phone in Rong Heting's car. She could only sit by the side of the road and wait for other cars to pass by before asking for help!    


Mu Qianqian had made up her mind and confidently sat by the side of the road, waiting for the train. Half an hour later, the little soldier had turned into a defeated rooster again.    


Why is there not a single car?! Seeing the sky filled with dark clouds, Mu Qianqian was truly worried.    


Just as Mu Qianqian was worrying, a silver sports car drove down from the mountain. Mu Qianqian's face lit up and she quickly waved her hands in an attempt to seek help.    


The silver sports car stopped right in front of Mu Qianqian, but the person who got off made her stop.    


The three youths got off the car. Their hair was dyed white or yellow, and two of them even had cigarette butts in their mouths. Their vulgar smiles made people feel nauseous upon seeing them.    


"Oh, little sister, why are you by the side of the road?"    


Before Mu Qianqian could reply, the three men had already started laughing out loud!    


"I... I'm waiting for my husband. "    


Mu Qianqian's voice trembled as she lied. These people did not look like good people.    


"Waiting for your husband? Isn't that the same as waiting for me? " The man walking in front took over Mu Qianqian's words with a lewd smile, "I'm your big husband, behind me are your second and third husbands!"    


Mu Qianqian kept backing away as she watched the three men get closer and closer to her with fear in her eyes!    


The man looked at Mu Qianqian's hind legs and said impatiently, "What are you pretending for?" Standing on the side of the road to stop a car, wasn't that the villa selling it? What are you holding back for? Quick, let this young master have a look at the work! "    


Listening to the men's increasingly vulgar words, Mu Qianqian was so frightened that she couldn't stop trembling. Her steps kept moving backwards. At this moment, she felt that Rong Heting was much better than these scum. These people were simply animals! He actually wanted to rape her!    


Seeing that the three men were about to get close to Mu Qianqian, Mu Qianqian panicked and didn't care about the ground as she kept retreating. Since it was a mountain road, there were almost no railings on the roadside.    


"Damn!" That woman fell down the mountain! "    


"What bad luck. I thought I could enjoy it for a while, it looks so pure!" "Hahaha …"    


"Hurry up and leave. It has nothing to do with us if she dies. Hurry up and leave!"    


When the sound of the sports car disappeared, Mu Qianqian finally sat up from the grass on the hillside. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged her legs and sobbed softly.    


She didn't dare to climb up the bus anymore. There were too many bad guys, so she couldn't even protect herself.    


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