Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life



4Honestly speaking, Ning Qingsheng used to often go to various businesses with his work unit to inspect. In his opinion, it was just work, he didn't have any special feeling and just dealt with whatever he needed to deal with.     2


However, this time, there was something different about it. This time, they were looking for someone for their personal benefits.    


Actually, after Ning Qingsheng got into Kang Ying's car, he felt that it was a little ridiculous. How could it be possible? Just like that, he decided to spend the rest of his life? At the same time that he felt this was absurd, there was also an indescribable nervousness.    


Kang Ying, on the other hand, wasn't like Ning Qingsheng thought, because the most suitable place for a person to find a partner was probably when they were in high school or university.    


These two places were the most crowded places for peers. It could be said to be a gathering of elites, but it wasn't that easy to find someone like Ning Qingsheng, who was out of the society, as there were too few peers around him.    


Kang Ying's research institute had around 500 to 600 young people gathered there, and half of them had yet to find their target. Kang Ying felt that it wasn't difficult to find someone who shared the same view as her.    


There were many forms of love. Some of them were love at first sight, love at first sight, love at first sight. Some of them were love after love at first sight.    


But no matter what, the state of love doesn't affect the two of them being together for a long time. Marriage has to be happy, with love as the precondition, with two people growing up together and being tolerant of each other as the condition.    


When the car reached the Dream Valley, Kang Ying arranged for her assistant, Little Qiao, to take Ning Qingsheng around. If Ning Qingsheng met someone he liked, he could tell Little Qiao and then she could make other arrangements.    


Ning Qingsheng was a bit nervous, but Kang Ying's good intentions weren't good enough to refuse, so he could only brace himself and little Qiao to stroll around the company.    


Little Qiao was a university graduate who had graduated from the secretarial department and was also from Shanghai. A year ago, she had been attracted here by Dream Valley's generous recruitment advertisements.    


When everyone in Shi Family said that she had gone mad, a girl in Shanghai had unexpectedly found such a remote job in the countryside.    


Little Joe was attracted by the rich treatment of Yuehan, which had its reasons. Her family lived in a house about 40 square meters in the middle of Shanghai, which was too crowded to turn around.    


Ever since she was young, she had lived on a shelf bed. Even when she studied, she would sleep on a shelf bed. After graduation, if she worked in Shanghai, she could at most find one hundred and fifty students a month! A job with a salary of 200 yuan.    


However, if it was Dream Valley, one could receive a salary of more than 1200 yuan with a single leap. This greatly tempted her and made her come here without any hesitation.    


Moreover, one of the most attractive points of Dream Valley recruitment was that employees who came to work here could retain their original household registration, and did not have to forcibly move here.    


Joe thought that if she couldn't work here, or was cheated that she didn't get paid well, she could leave at any time, with her household register still in Shanghai. It also increased her confidence in coming here.    


She hadn't thought that after arriving at the Dream Valley, she would discover that the conditions here were much, much better than what she had imagined.    


The company had a ready-made staff dormitory and a suite. Although it was not a personal suite, everyone in this suite now had their own single room. Each room was 20 square meters in size, sharing a modern bathroom with complete facilities and a common living room in the middle.    


In the staff dormitory, there was a small refrigerator, color TV and other household appliances. For the first time, Joe was able to sit up straight in front of his desk and write. He had his own TV and refrigerator.    


Such living conditions made her feel a little afraid to go back to that narrow shelf bed in Shanghai. She didn't even think of going home except for the holidays.    


Seeing Kang Ying leading a refined young man to introduce him as a staff member of the County Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Little Qiao immediately felt that this young man was very pleasing to the eye and did not lose his composure even as they chatted.    


Little Joe enthusiastically led him around the company, but she thought the point of this business manager's inspection was a bit strange. He was not checking every aspect of the job, but was paying more attention to the employees.    


Joe asked him jokingly.    


Who would have thought that the other party would suddenly turn red, as if someone had caught him in a bad mood. He hurriedly shook his head and said:    


"No, I'm looking for someone."    


Ning Qingsheng didn't expect himself to blurt out the truth and blush even more.    


"Ah, looking for the target?" Joe didn't think he'd get the answer. He felt like he was being rude, so he apologized. I didn't know that was the case.    


Ning Qingsheng did not expect that not only did Little Qiao not laugh at him, she even apologized to him. He waved his hand and said awkwardly:    


"Sigh, there's nothing I can do, it's all my family's ridiculous idea, my mother insisted that Director Kang help me introduce the person. You know, if I don't follow her, she can nag in my ear all day long, so I have no choice but to deal with it!"    


Joe thought to himself: You say yes, but I see you're looking very seriously. It seems like you're really looking for someone.    


Of course, she didn't dare to say that out loud. She could only restrain her laughter and put on a serious expression to express her understanding:    


"A blind date?" This could be understood. If I went home, my family would always urge me to find out if my target had been found and what the conditions were, then arrange for a bunch of people to go on a blind date with me.    


You know what? The most absurd thing is that this year, when I went home for the Spring Festival, I was able to meet five different people in one breath. Every two days, there would be one person who would make me feel like a lady of ceremonies, constantly busy as if I was receiving guests. I was not able to get a good rest during the entire holiday period at home, which frightened me so much that I ran back home as soon as the holidays ended. "    


Ning Qingsheng laughed when he heard that, "I didn't expect you to be the same person as me, but I can see that you're young, why do you keep on dating?"    


"Sigh, my blind date and age don't matter. It's because my family wants me to find a local person. If I get married, I can resign and return to Shanghai."    


"Oh, so you're from Shanghai. I didn't expect there to be a Shanghai lady in our little place!" Ning Qingsheng was surprised.    


In the 1990s, the place of Shanghai in the minds of the whole nation was probably no longer in Hong Kong. Shanghai was a symbol of economic prosperity and prosperity.    


Shanghai's Great White Rabbit Milk Sugar, Shanghai's Permanent Brand Bicycle, in any case, Shanghai's everything is quite famous, is the national hearts of the foreign place.    


So Ning Qingsheng was surprised to hear that Joe was a Shanghai girl.    


"I'm not surprised. Haha, what big city? In my eyes, everything is the same. Only finding a good job is reasonable."    


Little Qiao did not try to cover it up. She described her situation in Shanghai and then said:    


"So to me, this place is even more attractive. The higher the salary, the better the treatment, and the better the living conditions."    




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