Evil CEO's Favorites

C706 Chapter 706

C706 Chapter 706

3It seems like Big Bro is more or less drunk, Jun Zixiu thought. Normally, Big Bro wouldn't say so much. However …     1


Jun Zixiu lowered his eyes and glanced at Jun Zichen, who was leaning on his shoulder, "I don't know and I don't know how to experience it, brother."    


Because he had never loved someone so deeply before. If he loved someone so deeply, he would lose himself.    


— —    


Jun Zichen was drunk for once.    


"Yes." Jun Zixiu knew that his big brother had a good tolerance for alcohol. Even though his big brother had already drunk quite a lot before he came, he was still not drunk enough.    


Or was it the sudden onset of pain that accelerated the evaporation of alcohol?    


Jun Zixiu took out his cell phone and dialed Lili's number. It was because he didn't understand anything that he needed to know more. "Xiaorong, my big brother is here. He's drunk, and the pain just now had an attack. You'd better come over."    


After 20 minutes, Lu Xiaorong arrived at Jun Zixiu's place, panting heavily. "How is he? Is he alright?"    


"Not at the moment." Jun Zixiu pointed at Jun Zichen who was sleeping on the sofa. "What happened between you and Big Bro?"    


Lu Xiaorong pursed her lips and did not say a word.    


Jun Zixiu gave a slight smile, "If you don't want to say it, then it's alright. But..." With a change in his tone, he said, "Don't hurt Big Brother. To Big Brother, you are his Predestine, an important existence. But to me, you aren't."    


Lu Xiaorongxin was shocked. She felt cold sweat trickling down her back. He remembered that in the past, Huanhuan had told her that among the three Jun Family brothers, the one that was the most difficult to understand, the most difficult to fathom, was actually Jun Zixiu.    


On the surface, he might seem to be the most amiable of the three bros, but in reality, he was also the most ruthless. His ruthlessness was not in the light, but in the dark. According to Huanhuan, Jun Zixiu rarely acted on his own. He would lay down layers of traps for himself to get into and find the opponent's weakness. Gradually destroying all their hopes, only then would he be defeated.    


Xia Huanhuan had said that she would rather provoke Ziyan and Zichen than Jun Zixiu. Lu Xiaorong finally understood the meaning of this sentence.    


Jun Zixiu's words were a warning.    


Lili took a deep breath. "I won't hurt Zichen." Not because she was afraid of warning, but because she loved Jun Zichen. Right now, she just didn't know how to clear her complicated mind.    


"If that's the case, then it can't be any better." Jun Zixiu smiled again, but the smile didn't have the same oppressive feeling as before, "It will be full moon in a few days. I hope that you can continue to stay with my brother."    


"I know." Lu Xiaorong nodded. She had seen the pain when Jun Zichen was in the full moon. She had seen how a strong and resolute person like him would twist his face due to the pain and struggle on the ground … After seeing it once, she swore to herself that she would never see such pain again.    


Jun Zixiu left and gave the space to Lu Xiaorong.    


In the huge room, Lu Xiaorong pulled over a chair and sat beside the sofa, quietly watching Jun Zichen's drunk face.    


She had never seen him drunk before, but now that she had seen him, she realized that his wine was really good. Even if he was drunk, he wouldn't speak nonsense or do anything strange. He would only fall asleep quietly.    


After thinking for a few days on how to face him, she still couldn't come up with an answer. It was just that she was clear about one thing – she was his Predestine, she would not let him feel so much pain that he would wish he were dead.    


Lu Xiaorong bent down and began to help Jun Zichen take off his coat, wanting him to sleep more comfortably.    


However, when she unbuttoned his coat and struggled to lift his upper body up, her phoenix-like eyes suddenly opened.    


For a moment, she just stared at him, not knowing what to do.    


In the darkness of her phoenix eyes, there was a hazy brilliance. He suddenly grabbed her face and pressed her down, "... Xiaorong? "    


"It's me." She bit her lip.    


"As expected, I'll be able to see you once I'm drunk …" He mumbled as his lips pressed against her cheek, as if he was worshipping her, and kissed her softly. "I miss you so much …" Your thoughts are about to go crazy, even if the current you is fake … "It's just an illusion, but it's also good …"    


He smiled and kissed, but the smile, the kiss, left her with an indescribable sadness. It turned out that he was still drunk and had yet to awaken.    


She had never seen him like this before. He was weak and pathetic, but this was something she had brought him.    


Lu Xiaorong muttered, "Me too …" "I missed you very much."    


His smile became even wider. He didn't smile too much, as he was usually cold and solemn. She had always wanted to see his smile more, but now that she saw his smile, she wanted to cry.    


His head was buried under her shoulder, and his breath was on her neck. "I really want to …" Meet you earlier... If that happened, wouldn't everything be different …? "Xiaorong, if the person who died was me, would it be better …"    


He mumbled to himself and fell back into a deep sleep.    


Her heart, on the other hand, ached even more. If the person who had died was him, then they wouldn't have met again. She wouldn't have known that in this world, there was a man who would love her to his heart's content.    


She didn't want her brother to die, but she definitely didn't want him to be the one to die at that time!    


"Zichen, I never felt that it would be better if you were the one to die at that time." She said these words, but he did not hear them …    


— —    


When Jun Zichen woke up, Lu Xiaorong placed the soup on the tea table, "Wash your face and brush your teeth first. It'll be more comfortable after you drink the soup later."    


Jun Zichen stared at Lu Xiaorong in a daze. His head was throbbing with pain. How long had it been since he had last drunk like this?    


"Why are you here?" he asked, getting up.    


"Yesterday, Zixiu called me and said that you were drunk." she said.    


He rubbed his forehead and stood up. It seemed like even if he told his second brother not to look for her, his words would have no effect. "If you receive such a call again, you don't have to bother with it." he said.    


Lu Xiaorong bit her lips and asked, "Did your body hurt yesterday?"    


His body stiffened slightly. "It's just a slight pain. It's been a short while." Pausing, he continued, "I don't have anything else to do, you can go now."    


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