Evil CEO's Favorites

C569 Chapter 569

C569 Chapter 569

0"Twenty-five minutes." Cang Yao answered. His attitude was straight and his voice was mechanical.    


For some reason, Chu Lyu's face suddenly appeared in Bai Yuerann's mind. That boy and the person in front of her seemed to have two completely different personalities.    


"I didn't see how you were going to contribute in today's basketball match." She knew that with his strength, it was impossible for him to win just a little bit of the points.    


"Because the Miss never said she had to win that match." Cang Yao replied.    


"Well, I thought basketball would interest you a little." Unknowingly, digging up Cang Yao's hobby had become Bai Yuerann's pleasure. So in a sense, he had done his part.    


Bai Yuerann raised her hand and habitually touched Cang Yao's hair. The feeling of his hair brushing past her fingers made her feel that it wasn't bad.    


"Still not interested in anything?" she asked.    


"Yes." "Yes," he said.    


"If a person doesn't have something they're interested in, then he's actually quite pitiful." She murmured to him, "Far, what do you think?"    


"I don't know." His eyes were lowered slightly, and his face, which was as delicate as a puppet's, was indifferent.    


She was quite used to his appearance, after all, he would still be here for a long time. According to her father, unless there was a day when she didn't want him by her side, he would have to stay by her side forever.    


"Ugh …" Toy, there will always be a day to get tired of playing, and she, when will be tired of him? For the time being, Bai Yuerann, 12, did not want to know the answer to this question.    


— —    


The first thing Chu Lyu did after returning home was to find his father, Chu Hao. He loudly announced, "Dad, I want to go to the same junior high school as Bai Yuerann!"    


Since she said he was not from the same school, then he was from the same school! In any case, the primary school was only two months away from graduation. He wanted to go to the same junior high school as her. He wanted her to no longer ignore him, to pay more attention to him than anyone else!    


"What, do you like that little girl Bai Family that much?" Chu Hao joked.    


Of course, this was originally a casual teasing, but he didn't think that his son would suddenly blush and then turn away. He couldn't help but deny it, "Wha …. Where is it!? How could I possibly like that impolite fellow! I... I just want her to apologize to me personally! " The moment he said that, Chu Lyu remembered that when he chatted with her alone before, he had completely forgotten to ask her to apologize to him!    


Chu Hao smiled subconsciously. It was the first time he saw his son's expression like this. It seemed that some things would become interesting.    


He had always felt that his son's life in the past was too stable, and now that he was able to stumble over it, it might actually be a good thing.    


Furthermore, he quite liked that little girl Bai Family.    




Then, with his father's help, Chu Lyu easily entered the same class as Bai Yuerann in middle school.    


On the first day of school, he looked at himself in the mirror for a long time. He was fully confident that he would be able to catch Bai Yuerann's eyes and make her apologize for treating him like a dog! If she was sincere in her apology, he could just let her touch his hair again.    


Of course, this was what he had in mind. However, when he saw Bai Yuerann for the first time, he realized that the person who he couldn't tear his gaze away was none other than himself!    


In the hallway of the classroom, she was standing with a boy who was about the same age as her. That boy was wearing the uniform of a first year student, with a straight back and an exquisite face like a doll's.    


This boy was at least better looking than most of the boys he had ever seen. He was definitely a favorite topic of discussion for those infatuated girls.    


Moreover, the two of them seemed to be talking about something. However, he was standing far away and was unable to hear what they were saying clearly.    


Chu Lyu frowned. He suddenly saw the boy who was touched by Bai Yuerann's hair on the sports field pass by him. Therefore, without thinking, he pulled him back.    


"Ah, you …" "You're Chu Lyu!" Si immediately recognized the person in front of him and also saw the school uniform he was wearing. Two months ago, they had been players on the opposing team, but in the blink of an eye, they had become students at the same school.    


"Who's the guy standing with Bai Yuerann?" Chu Lyu asked.    


"Huh?" Si was stunned for a moment. He looked in the direction Chu Lyu pointed and replied, "That's Cang Yao."    


"Are they usually very nice?" Chu Lyu continued to ask.    


"It should be. Cang Yao is Rann's Knight, so he has to protect Rann." Compared to the concept of a bodyguard, he had a better understanding of knights.    


"…" Knight?! What was this? Moreover, he realized that this curly-haired dog in front of him was actually calling Bai Yuerann by her nickname!    


Not far away, Cang Yao said to Bai Yuerann, "Miss and I are not in the same class. Do you need me to tell the school teacher?" With the power of Bai Sect and the power of Bai Sect, it was an easy task to divide the two of them into the same class.    


"No need." Bai Yuerann shook her head. "I intentionally separated us into two different classes."    


"Oh, I know."    


"Don't you want to know why?"    


"Do you need to ask?" he asked.    


"Hey, you really don't have any curiosity at all." She let out a small sigh.    


"What does Miss wish me to ask?" he asked.    


"You can ask me why I don't want you in the same class as me." she said.    


His amber eyes stared unblinkingly at her, repeating her question without emotion. "Why doesn't Miss want me in the same class as you?"    


He was merely repeating it, and did not put it in his true thoughts.    


However, Bai Yuerann calmly replied, "Because I don't want to be watched and protected all day. In school, I still have the ability to protect myself.    


"Miss doesn't like my protection?"    


"I am not weak enough to need constant protection. Furthermore, I hope that my toy can be used as an ordinary junior high student. " As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and touched the bangs on his forehead, making his face appear even more distinct in front of her.    


In the past three years, his face had gradually lost the immaturity of a child, but it had also become more and more beautiful.    


"Yao, will you listen to me?" she asked, her voice calm and magical.    


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