Evil CEO's Favorites

C87 Chapter 87

C87 Chapter 87

1She smiled brightly. "That's good. By the way, did you want to take over the amusement park at that time? Do you want to play with me about some of the things in the amusement park?"    


Jun Ziyan shook his head. At that time, all he thought about was playing with her. As for what exactly he was going to play with, it was never the main point.    


Alright, this was indeed the answer. Xia Huanhuan decided on her own as to what she wanted to play today.    


Holding Jun Ziyan's hand, Xia Huanhuan started to sweep through the playground's various items: roller coaster, merry-go-round, bumper car …    


Xia Huanhuan was out of breath from playing. On the other hand, Jun Ziyan seemed to be fine. His facial expression was still calm and even.    


Their physical strength was indeed not on the same level. Xia Huanhuan also remembered that when they were playing roller coaster earlier, Jun Ziyan didn't seem to be screaming like the others.    


"You just played on the roller coaster. Aren't you afraid?" Xia Huanhuan asked.    


"Why should I be afraid?" he asked.    


She choked for a moment, so couldn't he feel the tension and fear that normal people feel when they move, rise, or fall at high speeds?    


"Because I rarely hear you scream." She changed the subject and joked. The one time Xia Huanhuan remembered Jun Ziyan's scream was after they first met, when his parents wanted to take him back to the police station, he had clung to her arm and screamed at the top of his lungs, refusing to leave her.    


Later on, she found out that it was his emotional reaction.    


"If you want to hear it, I can call it to you right now." As Jun Ziyan said this, his thin lips slowly opened. Seeing that he was really going to scream, Xia Huanhuan quickly stretched her arms and covered Jun Ziyan's lips, "Don't! I didn't say I wanted to hear it! " With so many people here, if he really screamed, people would probably think something serious had happened.    


Jun Ziyan let Xia Huanhuan cover his mouth without saying a word. He just stared at her quietly.    


Xia Huanhuan felt a little embarrassed and wanted to put her hand down, but as soon as her palm left his lips, he pressed it back down. "If you don't want me to scream, I won't scream. Actually …"    


"Actually what?" she asked curiously.    


His lips kissed the center of her palm before he clasped his hands together again. "Nothing." He said lightly. In fact, if she left him, he would scream out loud. However, he hoped that the Illusory Exchange System would never happen again.    


When it was almost noon, Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan finished their lunch in the cafeteria. Many photos of the attractions were stuck on the walls of the amusement park, along with a lot of captions.    


When Xia Huanhuan returned to the table after washing her hands, she saw Jun Ziyan staring at the wall beside their table.    


She looked over her shoulder and saw that he was looking at a group of photographs of a maze taped to the wall. The maze was outside, and from the area it took up, it was quite large.    


It was Xia Huanhuan's first time coming to this amusement park in B City, but she had heard someone mention it before. The maze here was very famous, and it was one of the hardest in the country.    


However, there were many couples who liked to challenge here because there were two entrances to the maze, and many couples would enter through two entrances. If the two of them could meet before walking out of the maze, then it meant that they were fated to meet each other, and vice versa.    


There were also many married couples in the maze who took out their pictures and posted them on the wall. In the photos, the couples were laughing brightly. Below the photos, there were also their own messages. The Maze is where we meet, in short, in all sorts of words.    


"Are you looking at the maze?" Xia Huanhuan sat down and said.    


"Well, do you want to go?" Jun Ziyan asked.    


"But I heard that the maze was in there, and it was hard to get out. Such a huge maze, I don't even know how long it'll take to come out. " Xia Huanhuan hesitated.    


"It won't take long." "No," he said, his tone firm.    


She blinked, looked at him quizzically, and heard him say, "Because I'll find you soon and get you out of the maze."    


Only then did Xia Huanhuan realize that Jun Ziyan's memory and spatial ability was very strong. And the picture on the wall was the map of the maze. As long as he had seen this map, he could easily walk out of the maze.    


But... To find her quickly is open to question.    


However, seeing Jun Ziyan's rare interest, Xia Huanhuan did not intend to oppose it. After lunch, the two of them walked to the front of the maze. Only then did Xia Huanhuan realize that quite a few couples had entered the maze.    


After buying the tickets, Xia Huanhuan joked, "Don't tell me you came here because this is a couple's maze?"    


"Right." Jun Ziyan frankly admitted, "I want to know, how close is my fate with Huanhuan?"    


Xia Huanhuan was surprised, Jun Ziyan had already let go of her hand. Only then did she realize that she was standing at one of the entrances to the maze. Jun Ziyan continued walking forward until he reached another entrance.    


She and he looked at each other from a distance before the entrance. Xia Huanhuan only felt her hands suddenly feel empty and empty. He would always hold her hand tightly with his fingers interlocked, deeply afraid that she wouldn't be by his side.    


But now he let go of her hand. Although she knew he was going to the other side of the maze, Xia Huanhuan still wasn't used to it.    


After entering the maze, she casually chose a path. To her, any path was the same, basically, she was waiting for Jun Ziyan to quickly find her.    


Along the way, he would often see a lone man and woman constantly talking on their cell phones to determine their location or complaining on their phones. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have come here, but after walking around for a long time, he still didn't know if he could find the exit.    


As Xia Huanhuan walked, she discovered that she was gradually approaching a secluded area where she could no longer see anyone.    


Just as she was about to turn back, a voice called out from behind her, "Xia Huanhuan!"    


Instinctively, she looked back and saw a strange man standing behind her.    


The man was thin, with sunken cheeks and sallow skin. He looked like he was malnourished. What really made Xia Huanhuan uncomfortable was the man's cloudy eyes staring straight at her.    


"You must be Xia Huanhuan." The man spoke again.    


Xia Huanhuan replied cautiously, "No, I don't know anything about Xia Huanhuan."    


"If it wasn't for Xia Huanhuan, why did you turn around just now?"    


"I think anyone who hears a sudden noise behind them will turn around and take a look." Xia Huanhuan answered with feigned calmness, carefully observing the current terrain.    


If he walked to the other side, it would be a dead end, and if he wanted to turn back the same way, he would have to pass by the man.    


Xia Huanhuan walked towards the man step by step, as if she was walking, leaning against the stone wall of the maze. Xia Huanhuan walked towards the man, as if she was walking, and leaned against the stone wall of the maze. As expected, a woman like you deserves to die! "    


Xia Huanhuan's footsteps suddenly stopped. The man pointed at her. It was a gun with a black muzzle. The gun was pointed at the center of her forehead. It seemed that if she took one more step, he would shoot.    


Was it a real gun, or a fake one?    


Also, who was this man? He knew her name and seemed to have a deep grudge against her.    


Calm down! Calm down! Xia Huanhuan told herself with all her might that she must calm down at this time and not enrage the person in front of her. She had to find a chance to leave slowly.    


"What do you want?" Xia Huanhuan asked. Knowing what the other party wanted, if she was satisfied, she might be able to take the opportunity to leave.    


"What do you want? "I want your life. For a person like you who is trying to seduce people everywhere, it would be best if you all die!" The man said coldly.    


Everywhere you seduce people? Xia Huanhuan frowned. "Just who did I seduce?"    


"You clearly know who you're trying to seduce!" As the man spoke, he pulled out another knife with his other hand. "Let's see who else you can seduce after I've scratched your face." Saying that, he smiled sinisterly.    


This person was simply like a lunatic!    


Xia Huanhuan only saw the sharp knife in the man's hand gradually approaching her face. She wanted to talk to him about conditions, but it was already too late. Instinctively, she dodged, avoiding the knife's edge, raising her foot to kick his wrist.    




She didn't kick the man's gun. Instead, she kicked the hand that the man got, causing the knife to fall to the ground.    


Annoyed, the man lunged at Xia Huanhuan, pushing her against the wall.    


The rough stone wall pressed against her back, and the man's gun was pressed against her forehead. The ice-cold muzzle was pressed against her skin, making Xia Huanhuan feel as if her blood had frozen for a moment.    


Could death be so close? Xia Huanhuan's mind was instantly filled with many scenes of her laughing with her mother, her mother lying on the sickbed … There was Ye Nanqing's appearance as he turned the ring on his left hand, and there was also … More pictures of Jun Ziyan with her: the first time they met, he had followed her home; the way he had hugged her and squeezed into her arms; the way he had been in the hospital because of her words; the way he had said he wanted to be her little bear...    


And, he said —    


"Huanhuan, have I fallen in love with you?"    


"Huanhuan, I want to be your husband."    


"Huanhuan, don't leave me. Don't leave me for the rest of your life!"    


There were too many things that he had said in the past. They surrounded her ears …    


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