Evil CEO's Favorites

C82 Chapter 82

C82 Chapter 82

2On the other side, when Xia Huanhuan returned to the company, Manager Zhang came over and cordially asked, "How is your mother's illness? If you want to take care of your mother a little longer, the company can also give you a little more time off. "     3


"Thank you, Manager Zhang. My mother has been discharged from the hospital. She is fine." Xia Huanhuan returned.    


Manager Zhang nodded, "That's good. Xia Huanhuan, Director Ye values you a lot. This time, Director Ye asked you to take charge of the villa decorations, so you have to give him a plan as soon as possible."    


"Alright." Xia Huanhuan answered and walked out of the manager's office and returned to her seat. Immediately, a group of colleagues surrounded him. After exchanging greetings, one of them asked curiously, "Xia Huanhuan, what is your relationship with the CEO of Jun's Group, Jun Ziyan? He came to see you the day you asked for leave. "    


"He's my boyfriend." Since she planned to keep walking with Jun Ziyan, this matter would be known by others sooner or later.    


A colleague immediately laughed, "Stop joking. I remember that when you first came to the company, you said the same thing."    


Xia Huanhuan remembered that back then, the photo of her and Jun Ziyan sleeping in each other's arms was taken and posted online. A colleague later found out that the person in the photo was like her and asked her about it.    


And this time, no one believed her, and even more colleagues giggled, "If the ones looking for you are all your boyfriends, then Director Ye is also your boyfriend! Speaking of which, Director Ye even took the sketchbook that you put on the table that day. "    


"That's right, that's right!" Immediately, another colleague chimed in, "Xia Huanhuan, what exactly is written on that sketchbook? When Director Ye picked it up the other day, his expression changed drastically! It's like I've seen something unbelievable. "    


"It's nothing. It's just a concept of a decorative design." Xia Huanhuan replied with a glimmer in her eyes. This was the only response she could get when her colleagues asked her more questions.    


Seeing that they could not get anything out of him, his colleagues returned to their respective seats.    


Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but fall into deep thought. In other words, Ye Nanqing came to the company that day, he first saw the sketchbook she put on the table, then he went to City Z and found the hospital to ask her a series of questions.    


However … Nothing in the drawings in her sketchbook was terrifying, and what made her even more curious was that Ye Nanqing had even asked her if she had ever played in a sandpit in a small park beside a kindergarten.    


Ye Nanqing also knows that there is a park beside the kindergarten. Is there a sandpit in the park? Or could it be that Ye Nanqing used to be in the same kindergarten as her?    


After all, Ye Nanqing's words and actions that night were way too strange. It was as if he had been provoked by something as he kept trying to find an answer.    


What was the answer he was looking for? Xia Huanhuan thought for a while and suddenly mocked herself. Why should she guess? No matter what answer Ye Nanqing was looking for, it had nothing to do with her.    


Right now, she and he only had a relationship of an employer and an employee. Other than that, there was nothing else!    


However, when it was time for her to get off work in the afternoon, Xia Huanhuan found that it was more difficult than she had expected for her to distance herself from Ye Nanqing.    


The black Mercedes stopped in front of the company building. Ye Nanqing saw Xia Huanhuan walk out of the building, so he opened the car door and walked towards her, "Let's find a place to talk."    


"No, I have an appointment today. I need to go back early." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


Ye Nanqing narrowed his eyes slightly, "You have an appointment with Jun Ziyan?"    


"Right." She walked around him, intending to head for the bus stop.    


Ye Nanqing suddenly pulled Xia Huanhuan's arm and successfully made her stop again. Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but think of the night at the hospital when he had grabbed her arm in the same way.    


But today, he was obviously controlling his strength. He didn't lose control so much that he almost dug his fingers into her flesh and bones.    


"Get in." Ye Nanqing's voice turned cold a few times, "If you don't want your colleagues to see you talking to me here, it's best if you get on the car now. Otherwise, I don't mind knocking you out and throwing you into my car."    


Xia Huanhuan was a little stunned. After hesitating for a while, she finally got into Ye Nanqing's car. However, she didn't get into the passenger seat, but deliberately got into the backseat instead.    


She knew that Ye Nanqing was warning her that after dating for a year, even though he was always gentle and elegant in front of her, no one could predict what such a man would do once he became ruthless.    


Ye Nanqing didn't mind. He closed the car door and started the engine.    


Xia Huanhuan was in the car and sent a text message to Jun Ziyan, telling him that she would probably be back at the apartment later and that he should eat dinner first.    


Jun Ziyan replied "Oh" to her.    


His text messages, like his usual ones, were always concise.    


After putting away her phone, Xia Huanhuan looked up and saw a faint smile on Ye Nanqing's face in the rearview mirror.    


She quickly turned her head away, but Ye Nanqing, for once, didn't say anything. As the car drove on, the interior of the carriage was filled with a stifling silence.    


It wasn't until the car stopped that Xia Huanhuan noticed that Ye Nanqing had brought the car to an ordinary store. This kind of restaurant was a kind of store that could be seen everywhere on the streets. It was simple and old, and the price of the food inside was naturally cheap.    


This store was a huge difference from Ye Nanqing's usual upscale restaurants, but he brought her here.    


Xia Huanhuan stood at the entrance of the store with a complicated expression. This was the place she came to on her first date with Ye Nanqing. At that time, she didn't know that he was the CEO of Sihai Group, and only thought that he was an ordinary worker. That day, she just so happened to have earned a working salary, so she asked him to come here and take the initiative to treat her.    


"Why aren't you going in?" Ye Nanqing said while standing beside Xia Huanhuan.    


"Can we talk somewhere else?" Xia Huanhuan said, "I'm not hungry, so I can't eat much."    


"But I'm hungry." After Ye Nanqing said that, he pulled Xia Huanhuan into the store and sat down at a corner.    


The boss brought the menu. Ye Nanqing ordered the exact same dishes and drinks as three years ago.    


When the dishes were served, Ye Nanqing opened the disposable chopsticks and gracefully used the food. The environment of the store was out of place for him. There were even people at the surrounding tables who would occasionally cast glances at him.    


"If you have anything to say, please say it." Xia Huanhuan didn't touch the food in front of her. She only wanted to finish what she was doing as soon as possible so that she could leave as soon as possible.    


"Have you seen me before?" Ye Nanqing raised his eyes and asked Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan blinked, unable to comprehend the meaning behind his words. "How long ago did you mean before?"    


"For example... When you were in kindergarten... " His voice was especially low when he said this.    


kindergarten?! Xia Huanhuan thought of her guess today. "You can't be trying to say that you're my kindergarten friend, and that we met in the kindergarten."    


He pursed his lips, a trace of light flashing across his pitch-black eyes. However, the light was flashing too fast for her to notice.    


"It has already been more than 20 years. Many of the children in my kindergarten don't remember their looks or their names." She bluntly said that children at that stage had poor memory. Plus, in her kindergarten, ever since she met Jun Ziyan, all of her time was taken up by Jun Ziyan. She didn't spend much time with other children.    


"Is that so?" Ye Nanqingbo lowered his eyes, his thick black eyelashes obscuring the expression in his eyes. "So, you have already forgotten about it …"    


So, the only one who remembers is him?    


"But do you know? For some people, even after 20 years, they still remember some memories! " Ye Nanqing muttered in a low voice.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't know why, but she felt that when Ye Nanqing said this, there was an indescribable loneliness in his tone. The expression on his face was broken at this moment.    


"Are you alright?" Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but ask.    


Ye Nanqing smiled and raised his eyes again, "It's okay, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm even - better than I can be."    


A hint of doubt flashed in Xia Huanhuan's eyes. Ye Nanqing picked up the Coke on the table and said, "Do you still remember? When I first met you, you treated me to a Coke. "    


She could not understand why he had suddenly said this.    


But he continued to talk to himself, "It's as if what was in front of me was a fog, and I was lost in it and thought I saw it, but in fact I didn't see anything at all. But now, the fog in front of my eyes is dissipating bit by bit. I can finally see things very clearly.    


His current smile made her secretly frightened. She kept having the feeling that every word he said was hiding something. He was talking, but he didn't say anything at all.    


An hour had passed since she got off work. Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath and said, "You insisted on talking to me today. It can't be that you're just talking about our preschool acquaintance, or something like that, right?"    


"Are you in a hurry to see Jun Ziyan?" Ye Nanqing said while sipping his Coke.    


"So what if he is? He's my boyfriend, what's wrong with me wanting to see him so urgently?" Xia Huanhuan replied.    


Ye Nanqing's eyes darkened slightly, "You live together with him?"    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. Very few people knew about her living with Jun Ziyan. Ye Nanqing knew about it now. Could it be that he had investigated her?!    


Immediately, her eyes revealed traces of wariness.    


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