Evil CEO's Favorites

C212 Chapter 212

C212 Chapter 212

1In the future, she would also want to protect him! Protect this man! Xia Huanhuan secretly made up her mind.     3


"What are you thinking about?" he asked. He felt that she was looking at him, but her mind was elsewhere. It made him feel as if he couldn't catch her.    


"I'm thinking about how to protect you." Xia Huanhuan answered truthfully.    


Jun Ziyan's body stiffened. He never thought that he would hear such words from her mouth. So, what she was thinking — was it him? It was all him?!    


"You … You want to protect me? " His voice was slightly stiff, as if he couldn't believe it.    


"Yes." She nodded, then looked at his expression. "What, you don't like me protecting you?"    


"No." "Why do you want to protect me?"    


"Does one person need a reason to protect another?" she asked.    


He was silent, looking at her silently.    


She sighed, slowly pulled his hand from her face, and then clasped it between her fingers, holding it tightly. "If there is a reason, then it is I who love you. Just as you are willing to sacrifice many things to protect me, I want to do the same to protect you. "    


His body shook and his voice became hoarse, "Then …" It's all my will. "    


"But I'm willing." Xia Huanhuan replied, "If one day, I need to sacrifice many things to protect you, I will be willing to do it, and I will do it."    


The look in her eyes was so firm, and the voice she spoke in was so clear that he could not even have heard wrongly. He should have been happy that she was willing to protect him like this, but why did he feel a sense of panic?    


Her heart was beating uneasily, as if she was afraid that one day she would give up many things to protect him, as she had said. What would he give up, and what would he sacrifice? He didn't dare to think about it. He only knew that at this moment, his heart was in a state of panic.    


"What's wrong?" His sudden change in expression puzzled her. "Are you not feeling well?"    


As she said that, Xia Huanhuan raised her other empty hand and reached towards Jun Ziyan's forehead, wanting to feel the temperature of his forehead. However, before his hand could reach his forehead, it was already grabbed by his hand.    


"I don't want to!" He looked at her steadily and spat out these three words with great force.    


She blinked, not understanding for a moment what he was talking about. "Not what?" And do you know what's wrong with you now that you look so bad? "Since we're at the hospital now, we might as well hang up and look for a doctor …"    


"No need to see a doctor." Jun Ziyan interrupted Lili. "Huanhuan, I don't need your protection, so promise me not to sacrifice anything to protect me."    


She was stunned as she had not expected him to be referring to this. She had thought he would be happy, because every time she expressed her love for him, he would be happy, happy as a child. But this time, there was no smile on his face. Instead, he was extremely irritated.    


"Why?" She wanted to know why he reacted like that.    


"No reason." He pursed his lips and said, "I will protect you. I will also protect myself."    


"This doesn't conflict with me protecting you!" Xia Huanhuan retorted.    


The look on his face became even more agitated, "As long as you stay by my side and stay safe, it will be the best protection for me."    


"But …" She didn't understand what he was upset about.    


"Huanhuan, promise me!" He wanted her guarantee. "Promise me if you have to give up and sacrifice anything to protect me, then do not protect me!"    


Xia Huanhuan stared fixedly at Jun Ziyan, looking straight into the depths of his eyes. Suddenly, she understood the reason for his irritation. "What if I don't agree?"    


The color in his eyes suddenly became extremely deep and heavy. Afterwards, he held the fingers of her hand tightly and tightly, his entire face turning ashen.    


"Huanhuan, I'm not allowed. Did you hear that clearly? I forbid it! " His ice-cold voice, one word at a time, resounded clearly in her ears.    


— —    


Xia Huanhuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She didn't even know what was going on. Originally, it was just a sentence that made her want to say something that made her decide something that made her want to say it. However, she never expected that it would lead to her and his cold war.    


It was as if he was determined to make her take it back. However, she did not want to take it back, nor did she want to go against her will and deceive him. Thus, unknowingly. That was how it was now.    


It had been two days, and they had not spoken a word to each other. Although these two days, he would drive her to the hospital sooner or later as usual, and after dinner, he would obediently go to the kitchen to wash up, and he would put a bath for her. After she had washed her hair, she would use a hair dryer to blow her hair, and at night, when she went to sleep, she would curl up like a shrimp and hug her to sleep with her.    


Everything was normal! But he didn't speak.    


Therefore, this should be considered a cold war, a higher level cold war!    


Xia Huanhuan counted with her fingers. Ever since she was young, the number of cold wars between her and Jun Ziyan was not low. Most of the time, it was Jun Ziyan who lowered his head and took the initiative to make peace. But this time, after two days, he didn't have the slightest intention to make peace, he still did what he had to do.    


On the other hand, Xia's mother noticed something was wrong, so she took the time to ask her daughter, "What happened between you and Ziyan, did you get into an awkward situation again?"    


"Nothing." Xia Huanhuan didn't want her mother to worry about this. Besides, the reason why she and Ziyan went into a cold war, she sometimes thought about it and was a little confused, "Mom, it's not like you don't know, Ziyan doesn't usually talk much. He's been busy at the company these days, so he's got even less to talk about. " She lied about her reason, but fortunately, Xia's mother didn't pursue the matter any further.    


That night in the apartment, Xia Huanhuan sat on the sofa, watching the TV series on the TV, her mind full of ideas on how to deal with the current cold war situation. Jun Ziyan still sat beside her and watched TV with her.    


Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw his current expression. It could basically be described as expressionless. Even though the TV show was a tragic drama that made people cry, he didn't seem to be moved at all.    


Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but sigh as she thought about it. Actually, it's not like she didn't know Jun Ziyan's stubborn side. Once he made up his mind, he would always persevere to the end more than anyone else.    


If she continued to fight with him like this, would she end up freezing? Ten days? 20 days? A year?    


Xia Huanhuan was a little uncertain, and she did not want to continue the cold war. If it was said that one of the two had to lower her head first, then the current her was willing to bow her head first.    


Turning around, her face turned to him, she cleared her throat and said, "Ziyan, how about we talk about it?"    


A flash of surprise passed through his dark eyes, and then it turned into a faint glow. It was as if his lifeless eyes had regained some life.    


"Yes." He gave a grunt of assent and stared at her.    


She quickly organized her words in her head. "You didn't want me to have any accidents in the future to protect you, did you?" Perhaps it was due to the fact that she had given up and sacrificed, reminding him of the him from ten years ago.    


The him at that time, wasn't it precisely to protect her, giving up on his pride, that he drank that medicine, and that he was taken that shameful photo, and he was afraid that she would have a similar choice in the future?    


However … Xia Huanhuan asked herself, if that day ever came, if she gave up some precious thing to save him, then she would definitely do it, just like him!    


Jun Ziyan remained silent and did not answer Xia Huanhuan directly.    


Xia Huanhuan continued, "But just because I protect you, doesn't mean that there will definitely be an accident, right? Furthermore, I want to protect your feelings, and the feelings you have when you want to protect me, are the same.    


He quietly listened to her words for a long time before slowly saying, "I …" I don't want any mishaps to happen to you. Your mishap, to me, will be the greatest injury. " Therefore, he didn't want her to protect him like that. He only wanted her to be safe.    


His body was trembling slightly, and his face was pale.    


Xia Huanhuan hugged Jun Ziyan's body, "I know, I know! I know what you're worried about, but at the same time, I'm worried about you and want to protect you because I love you. "    


He hugged her back tightly, "Huanhuan, don't make me worry. No matter what happens, I want you to be fine. If there's anything wrong with you, I'll definitely go crazy. "    


"I'm fine, how could I be alright?" Xia Huanhuan patted Jun Ziyan's back gently as if she was coaxing a child. "How about this, I will protect you even if I have to guarantee my own safety, okay?"    


He buried his head in her chest and did not speak for a long time.    


Just when she thought that this proposal had been completely rejected by him, he suddenly spoke up. "If I agree, then we won't have a cold war anymore, alright?" The past two days had been a torment for him.    


Xia Huanhuan blinked. He was obviously the first one who didn't say anything. But at this moment, his voice sounded so pitiful that she felt like she was the one who had bullied him.    


"Alright, don't ever go to cold war again." she replied.    


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