Evil CEO's Favorites

C152 Chapter 152

C152 Chapter 152

4"I …" She opened her mouth, but before she could finish, he interrupted her.    


"Even if it's a lie." "If you say so, I will believe you." His pride, his pride, had once again been placed at her feet. He had given her the chance to deceive him. As long as she was willing to tell him that she was willing to deceive him, he was willing to believe that lie.    


Xia Huanhuan pulled down Jun Ziyan's finger that was on her lips and said, "I don't want to lie." she said, and then she could distinctly feel his fingers stiffen for a moment.    


The moonlight stopped on his face, causing his expression to become even more indifferent.    


"If it were you today, I would be willing to pay any price." Her nasal voice was heavy, but her words were still sharp and clear.    


To her, this was not a lie, but something that came from the bottom of her heart. If one day, his life was in danger, then she would save him at any cost!    


Not for any other reason, but because... She loved him, he was the one she cared about!    


His eyelashes trembled, and he suddenly grabbed her hand. He squeezed her fingers so hard that he almost crushed the bones in her fingers.    


She frowned in pain, but she didn't cry out. She only stared at him, watching as he slowly raised his eyes, watching as his dark pupils once again covered her face.    


"You're not lying to me?" he asked hoarsely.    


She shook her head.    


He suddenly took her in his arms, buried his face in her hair, and tried to sniff her scent. "I said you could lie to me, but you said you couldn't lie to me! If I find out you lied to me, I won't let you go! I won't let you off! "    


His embrace was so urgent and yet so close, so close to each other that it barely left a gap.    


"Alright, don't let it go." Xia Huanhuan muttered. She and Jun Ziyan were entangled with each other, and it was hard to tell who was responsible for who.    


After a moment, he finally loosened his arms slightly, but did not fully release them. His hands were still wrapped around her waist. Lowering his head, he gazed deeply at her. "I want our wedding to be held as scheduled, and I want you to marry me on that day. As long as you are willing to speak your mind before a priest, I will agree to your request."    


All his pleas, all his hopes, were only that she might truly belong to him and be with him.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. She never expected Jun Ziyan to make such a request. Marrying him had once been something she had been looking forward to, but now it had become a condition for saving her mother.    


Is this the price?    


Or should I say, this was originally not a price, but now, it has become a price?    


Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan silently.    


And he, looking at her with almost breathless eyes, was waiting for her reply.    


Time flew by. After an unknown period of time, Xia Huanhuan's lips finally moved with difficulty. "Alright, I will marry you on that day."    


"So —" He held out his right hand, his pinky finger sticking out slightly.    


It was a sign that she had made an agreement with him, just like the Promise of Ten Years …    


She similarly stretched out her hand and hooked her pinky finger with his pinky. "Pull the hook and hang it for a hundred years."    


The two thumbs were lightly pressed together, as if they were sealing each other's seals.    


In the end, nothing had changed. What had changed was only their state of mind …    


— —    


Jun Haixin looked at Jun Ziyan, who appeared in front of her, and smiled, "You have something to say to me?"    


"Yes." Jun Ziyan replied.    


"You want me to operate on Xia Huanhuan's mother's heart?" Jun Haixin asked again.    


Jun Ziyan slightly raised his eyes, "Aunt guessed it?"    


"Not really." Lili sat down next to Jun Ziyan. After all, she knew how important Xia Huanhuan was to this nephew, and she was afraid that no matter how much that woman hurt Ziyan, he would still do what she said, if only he would give in and be with her again, even if she handed him a knife to cut his heart out.    


Picking up her lower lip, Jun Haixin paused, "Did you really forgive her just like that?" Aren't you afraid that she will hurt you again next time? "    


Jun Ziyan's body suddenly stiffened. His fingers dug deep into the armrest of the sofa, "There won't be a next time."    


"Are you so sure?" Jun Haixin asked.    


"She has promised me that she will marry me as planned, that she will be willing to marry me in front of the priest." He spoke with a slight urgency, but it was hard to tell if he was speaking to Jun Haixin or to himself.    


Jun Haixin sighed, she raised her hand and gently caressed Jun Ziyan's forehead, "There are many people with Jun Family, who are extremely intelligent, but the dumbest are those with Jun Family as well."    


"Aunt, isn't it better to be stupid sometimes?" Jun Ziyan asked. If he was stupid, he wouldn't have noticed it even if he was lying. He would have been completely immersed in happiness, even if that happiness was fake.    


"Maybe." Jun Haixin shrugged. "Alright, Auntie has promised you that she will perform surgery on Xia Huanhuan's mother after your wedding."    


"How confident are you about the operation?" He knew how important Xia's mother was to Xia Huanhuan. This sort of importance was something that he was extremely envious of.    


He had been jealous, angry, cried, and made a fuss. In the end, he had no choice but to compromise.    


"I've seen the data from the hospital. Don't worry, there won't be too much of a problem." Jun Haixin was confident of the success of the operation.    


Jun Ziyan lowered his head and placed his right hand on his heart, feeling the beating of his heart. Five days, five days … Huanhuan would be married to him in five days. At that time, he would … It shouldn't hurt anymore!    


When she was completely his, he would no longer be so worried about her.    


When Xia Huanhuan returned to Lu Xiaorong's dormitory, she still couldn't believe that Jun Ziyan had really agreed to let Jun Haixin operate on her mother. As for the exchange, it was to hold the wedding as scheduled.    


It was as if nothing had happened. She and he would still enter the auditorium on that day. No one in the crowd knew what had happened in the past few days, but only she knew that her mood now was completely different from before.    


She and Ziyan were clearly in love with each other, right? But why did she still have the urge to cry?    


When Lili saw Xia Huanhuan's red-rimmed eyes, she hurriedly asked, "Sofia, what's wrong?" Didn't you go back to see your mother? How come it's only been two days … Did the doctor say something? Now that medicine is so advanced and one hospital is not enough, we can just change it to another hospital. Sigh, say something! "    


Lili almost died of anxiety. Fortunately, Xia Huanhuan sniffed and said, "Xiaorong, my mother's condition isn't good. The hospital's dean said that we have to operate, but we've already found a suitable doctor for the operation."    


"That's good." Lu Xiaorong finally let out a sigh of relief, but then she thought of another problem, "Then your mom is not in good health right now. Your wedding with Jun Ziyan …"    


"It will be held as scheduled." That was the price Ziyan offered her, or perhaps it was the "price" she had to pay.    


Lu Xiaorong didn't say anything else. She just patted her good friend's shoulder to comfort him. In her opinion, when both grief and joy happened to her good friend, her emotions could not be any more complicated.    


When Xia Huanhuan was washing her face, Lu Xiaorong took the initiative to call Jun Zichen. She didn't know why, but when she saw her friend like this, she suddenly had the urge to talk to Jun Zichen. Even if that person's voice was cold, it was still a person who would quietly listen to everything she said.    


When Jun Zichen received Lu Xiaorong's call, there was no trace of anger or joy in his voice, "What's wrong?"    


"Jun Ziyan and Xia Huanhuan are getting married in five days. Will you be there then?" Lu Xiaorong asked.    


"Yes, I will probably return to B City one day earlier." Jun Zichen replied.    


That is, would she see him at the wedding? Lu Xiaorong suddenly asked, "Then after the wedding, are we still going to the border guard?"    


He asked and then felt that something was wrong. She shouldn't be the one to ask these questions! It was as if they wanted to know where he was.    


"No, I'll probably stay in B City for the rest of the day." Jun Zichen said, "What's wrong with your voice? It doesn't sound like the usual voice." Usually, she would ramble to find a topic to talk about, but today, she made him feel that her voice was a bit gloomy.    


"Xia Huanhuan's mother is in the hospital. Xia Huanhuan said that she will undergo surgery. Although she has already found the doctor who performed the surgery, I think she is still worried." Lu Xiaorong heaved a sigh.    


The other end of the phone became silent. After a while, Jun Zichen said, "Do you often worry about others like this?"    


"Not often. I'm not that kind-hearted. I worry about others everywhere." However, Xia Huanhuan was different. She was a true good friend who cared about each other.    


"Then are you worried about me?" he asked abruptly.    


Lu Xiaorong was stunned. Worried? A person like Jun Zichen, would he need others to worry about him? He himself was already a lieutenant general, and with a backer like Jun Family, his life could be said to be smooth-sailing. There was absolutely nothing to worry about.    


However, if he didn't answer, it wouldn't be appropriate. After some thought, Lu Xiaorong said, "I will be worried."    


A low chuckle came from the other end of the phone. Although it was very light, it was real. He … Laughing?! Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment. She suddenly wanted to see what Jun Zichen looked like when he smiled.    


Such an ice-cold person, if he were to laugh, it should be extremely beautiful, right?    


"Jun Zichen, do you usually not laugh?" Lu Xiaorong boldly asked.    


On the other side, Jun Zichen was holding his phone with his eyes half-closed. Did he not laugh often? Perhaps, as he grew older, the smile seemed to grow farther and farther away from him.    


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