Evil CEO's Favorites

C136 Chapter 136

C136 Chapter 136

1"I don't know. Do you know anything?" she asked.     3


Lu Xiaorong replied, "I was just thinking about it. I think it's been two times recently. When he's on the phone, his voice suddenly sounds like he's having a hard time." And what was even more exaggerated was that he made her keep talking. She even refused to hang up while talking until her mouth was parched!    


Once, she read from the first chapter to the third chapter of A History of Appreciation of the Arts. It took her an hour and a half before he finally said that the call could end.    


Lu Xiaorong felt that when she was in class before, she wasn't even that attentive to studying her textbook. If she had known Jun Zichen at that time, she might have been able to get 90 points when she graduated.    


Lu Xiaorong chatted with Xia Huanhuan for a while longer and was about to hang up when Xia Huanhuan suddenly said, "Xiaorong, don't you think it's a little too early for me to get married to Ziyan? We can delay the marriage a little bit. That way, we can make more adequate preparations for the marriage.    


"Early what? The two of you have been childhood friends since childhood, not someone you've only just met." Besides, you're already 27. It's not too early for a twenty-seven-year-old to get married. " Lu Xiaorong said.    


Xia Huanhuan bit her lips. From the perspective of an ordinary person, even Xiaorong felt that there was no need to delay their marriage. Then, what kind of reason could she use to tell Ziyan?    


"Huanhuan, don't tell me you have some sort of premarital phobia?" Lu Xiaorong guessed. She had the nagging feeling that based on her good friend's personality, she wouldn't say anything about delaying the marriage for no reason.    


"Nope." Xia Huanhuan replied, "I was just making things up."    


After the call, Xia Huanhuan was still thinking about what reason she should use to talk to Ziyan about Xiaorong's fear of marriage, or did she want to go abroad for a year? Or was she hoping that she could decorate the new house properly, live in it, and then get married? But no matter what the reason was, it seemed very far-fetched.    


When Jun Ziyan returned, Xia Huanhuan was still lost in her thoughts. Only when Jun Ziyan wrapped his arm around her waist did she realize how much time had passed.    


"What are you thinking about?" His head was close to her ear, and his warm breath was in her ear.    


"Nothing." She slightly shrunk her neck and looked around the kitchen. At this moment, the only dish that had been prepared was rice. The other ingredients were still spread out on the chopping board.    


"Alright." He did not let go of her waist.    


"What's wrong?" Puzzled, she turned her head to look at him.    


"I'd like to hold Huanhuan like this a little longer." Jun Ziyan whispered, burying his face in Lili's hair. "Is she home all day? Or did he go outside to take a look? "    


She shuddered, "Go …" After walking around outside, I went to the supermarket and bought some food. " When she said it, Xia Huanhuan knew that she didn't say everything. She did indeed go to the supermarket today, but before the time limit, she went to the tea house to see Ye Nanqing.    


"Is that so?" His breath seemed to become hotter as he suddenly loosened his arms around her waist. "I'll go outside first." As he spoke, he walked out of the kitchen.    


The hands on her waist had lost their warmth, and Xia Huanhuan suddenly felt as if she had lost something. Maybe it was because he let go too quickly?    


She thought to herself, mocking herself for thinking too much about everything.    


Another half an hour passed. When Xia Huanhuan finished cooking and carried the dishes out, she saw Jun Ziyan sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding his phone and looking at something with concentration.    


Perhaps it was because he saw the cold expression on her phone with a hint of haze in it, causing Xia Huanhuan to stop in her tracks all of a sudden and become a little dazed.    


He raised his head, his expression returning to its usual indifference, as if the bone-piercing coldness had disappeared.    


He put the phone away, stood up and walked over to her. He took the tray from her and placed it on the table.    


"What were you looking at on your phone just now?" She was a little curious as to why he had such an expression on his face so rarely these days.    


"Some boring things." He didn't seem to want to talk much about it.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't pursue the topic any further. The two of them sat down to eat. During the meal, there was a rare silence. Jun Ziyan didn't take the initiative to speak, while Xia Huanhuan was thinking about what to say.    


Finally, she pursed her lips and broke the silence, "Ziyan …"    




"Don't you think we're getting married a little too... "He's in a hurry?" She felt that when she said this, her voice was so nervous that it was trembling.    


He raised his eyes and stared at her, his gaze dark. "Then Huanhuan, what do you want?"    


"Would it be better if we delay the date of marriage …" She hesitated. "Anyway, the invitation hasn't been sent out yet …"    




Before she could finish, the chopsticks he was holding in his hand had been forcibly broken, and the torn wooden corner of the chopstick had been stabbed into his hand. Immediately, dark red blood oozed out, flowing along the broken chopsticks and dripping onto the milky white table.    


Xia Huanhuan jumped in fright and quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hand. She pulled Jun Ziyan's hand and pulled the wooden chopsticks out of his hand, pulling out the big wooden thorns from his hand. However, there were still some small wooden thorns on the skin and flesh of his palm. Don't move first. I'll go get some needles and cotton gauze. "    


As she spoke, she stood up and ran towards the bedroom to get the medicine box. However, before she even reached the bedroom door, she was pulled by a force. Then, she was pushed against the wall by Jun Ziyan.    


So painful!    


Xia Huanhuan only felt a wave of pain from her back, and what entered her eyes was his gloomy face.    


"Why should the wedding be postponed? Or do you not want to marry me at all? " he asked, his hand on her shoulder.    


"It's not that I don't want to marry you, Ziyan... Let go of me first. It's very painful! " Xia Huanhuan said.    


But his hand tightened around her, and he pressed his body even tighter against hers, using his body's strength to suppress her. "So tell me, what is the reason? Was it really because of the rush of the wedding? Or because — "His lips closed over her left ear, and his teeth bit hard into her earlobe.    


A wave of pain came from her earlobe. However, before she could cry out for pain, his next three words stunned her.    


"Ye Nanqing." He said coldly.    


She quivered and opened her mouth, but her mind went blank. She couldn't think of a single word to say.    


He looked at the teeth marks on her earlobes and the hand that was on her shoulder. He looked as if he was about to crush her bones. Are you still thinking about Ye Nanqing? Do you think that being with Ye Nanqing would make you happier?! "    


She frowned, trying her best to resist the pain of screaming, "No, I'm not with Ye Nanqing!"    


"Then why do you have to meet him time and time again?!" he asked, throwing the phone in his pocket to the ground.    


At this moment, the screen of her phone was on. Xia Huanhuan looked down and saw on the screen the scene before she got into Ye Nanqing's car.    


Even though the picture looked blurry, he could still recognize that the people in the picture were her and Ye Nanqing.    


"Speak!" This time, for what reason did you go and see him? " When he received the picture from Mei Xinyi, he knew what she was thinking, but he couldn't help it.    


Because the person in the photo was Xia Huanhuan! The person he cared about the most in his life!    


He wanted to treat these photos as if they did not exist. As long as she did not say anything, then he would pretend that there was nothing! It wasn't bad for him to continue deceiving himself in the past.    


He wanted to choose to believe in her, to choose to trust her!    


But she was telling him that she wanted to delay the wedding! Or perhaps she regretted agreeing to his proposal at all!    


Xia Huanhuan's mind was in a mess. She couldn't explain why she went to see Ye Nanqing!    


However, her silence only deepened the haze in his eyes. His bloody hand fiercely gripped her lower jaw, "Huanhuan, the wedding definitely won't be postponed. If you still want to be together with Ye Nanqing, then you'd better give up on this idea. Don't even think about it in the future!"    


The stench of blood spread from the tip of her nose. Xia Huanhuan struggled to speak, "Ziyan, your hand is still bleeding. Stop the bleeding first …"    


His black eyes seemed deep and hollow at the same time. "Do you still care about me?"    


"You are the person I love, so of course I care about you." She looked at him and replied. She could only feel the bloody smell on the tip of her nose growing stronger and stronger.    


Did he bleed more?    


"Then why do you still want to see Ye Nanqing? Why do you suddenly want to postpone the wedding? " he asked.    


She was speechless. She could not answer either of his questions.    


"Huanhuan, don't even think about it. I won't agree. No matter how many excuses you come up with, I won't agree!" He lowered his head and bit her lip. "You're mine, you can only be mine!"    


"Don't... "Ugh …" She cried out in pain, but it was blocked by his lips, and he sucked at her lips as if he wanted to swallow all her sounds.    


She struggled, trying to push him away, but his fingers held her hands above her head. His kiss grew more and more intense. Rather than calling it a kiss, it would be more accurate to call it a bite.    


Her lips were swollen and swollen. It was unknown how many times he had bitten her. It was as if he had deliberately made her suffer.    


Xia Huanhuan twisted her neck, trying to avoid Jun Ziyan's lips, but it was useless. When his lips left hers, she gasped for breath as she felt his fingers tearing at her clothes.    


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