Evil CEO's Favorites

C546 Chapter 546

C546 Chapter 546

3Immediately, the student looked dumbstruck. After Ling Jing entered the school, many girls were eyeing him covetously. They were competing openly and secretly, yet they were still asking everywhere if Ling Jing had a girlfriend.    4


He remembered that a girl once asked Ling Jing in a joking tone. In the end, he only answered with one word, "Yes."    


At that time, everyone thought that Ling Jing lied in order to avoid being pestered by the girls. After all, no one had seen his girlfriend before.    


However, who would have thought that not only did Ling Jing have a girlfriend, he was also a … Uh, it seems like a girl wearing her primary school uniform!    


The next day, the gossip about Ling Jing having a girlfriend of a primary school student spread across the entire campus, causing a bunch of girls on the campus to be filled with pride and disbelief!    


However, there were busybodies who had secretly taken photos of Ling Jing and Jun Yuexi from who knew where. This was proof of their relationship and also proof that their relationship had been going on for almost 6 years.    


The group of girls in the university were full of resentment. Of course, among all the gazes that were thrown at Ling Jing, besides the usual amazement, jealousy, admiration, and adoration, there was also a strange look.    


However, everyone knew Ling Jing's identity, so no one dared to mock him in front of him. What's more, Ling Jing's girlfriend was also extraordinary. Ordinary people wouldn't dare to say anything.    


Jun Yuexi's elementary school graduation ceremony, Ling Jing attended, her junior high school opening ceremony, he also attended.    


In her junior high school entrance exam, he personally gave her supplementary lessons. Although high school could directly ascend to senior high, it could be said that most of the reason why she was able to reach high school with such beautiful grades was because of him.    


On the day that Jun Yuexi graduated from junior high school, Ling Jing gave the ancestral ruby from Ling Family to Jun Yuexi. Although it was a congratulatory gift, it was still a way of announcing to others that she belonged to him.    


When Bai Yuerann saw the gift, she had mumbled something like putting a collar on a puppy to mark its ownership. Bai Yuerann was well aware of Ling Jing's thoughts.    


However, because Ling Jing had always been good to Xi, she didn't dislike Ling Jing at all. At most, it was because Xi had too much time occupied by Ling Jing that she was a little bit interested in him.    


After all, when she was young, Xi had always been her playmate, and she was also Xi's playmate. It could be said that the two of them were extremely familiar with each other, but ever since Ling Jing appeared, Xi had spent most of her time with Ling Jing. Although she knew that in Xi's future life, the one she would care about the most would be the Predestine, there would still be a few … Lonely.    


"Si, do you still like Xi?" Bai Yuerann asked. All these years, thanks to Xi, her relationship with Si could be considered as a friend to some extent. She saw that Si's relationship didn't even begin to unfold before it became destined to be a one-love affair.    


However, Si was quite stubborn. All these years, he hadn't seen any other girls.    


"..." "Right." Si scratched his head embarrassedly, while a blush appeared on his pretty face. "Isn't it annoying that I'm like this? I know Xi won't like me, but I still can't help but like her."    


Bai Yuerann shook her head, "No way, Xi is someone that people fall for easily, and I also like Xi. Bai Yuerann shook her head," No, Xi is someone that people fall for easily.    


Si nearly fainted from saying "like" one at a time.    


"What if you can't change it?" Si asked.    


"Then you're destined to have a single love for the rest of your life." Bai Yuerann said straightforwardly and patted Si's shoulder, "Work hard and do your best. If you don't try to change it, it will only remain the same." It was because she treated him as a friend that she said those words to him.    


She knew that it was impossible for Xi to fall in love with Si. If Si continued to have this kind of relationship, then he would be the one to get hurt in the future.    


The deeper you like it, the deeper the damage.    


And she didn't want to see the hurt of this simple, kind boy. With that thought, Bai Yuerann instantly felt that she was actually quite kind.    


— —    


When Jun Yuexi was in her second year of high school, she accidentally saw Ling Jiyue's report in a book in the library. It was a book on shipping and navigation. There were some biographical notes about Ling Jiyue and a black-and-white photo of him. The photos were not very clear. After all, the photography of that era was not comparable to that of the modern era. Even though it was a blurry picture, it was enough for those who knew Ling Jing to easily recognize how similar the person in the picture was to Ling Jing. It was to the point that others would immediately admit their mistake.    


It was also because it was a black-and-white photo, which was why it was different from the one she had in her hands. No one would notice that the person in the photo had gray eyes.    


When they were alone, Mr Ling would take off his black contact lenses and reveal his grey eyes to her.    


Only, she was no longer a child now. She could feel that he actually didn't like this pair of grey eyes. She once asked him, "Mr Ling, why don't you like grey eyes? I think they are very beautiful."    


"I will like anything Xi likes." he answered her.    


It was as if his own liking or not didn't matter at all. If it was when she was young, she would have been happy with such an answer. But now, no matter what, she couldn't be happy at all. It was as if Mr Ling was killing his own feelings for her.    


Why didn't he like the grey eyes? Is it just pure dislike of this kind of variation in eye color, or is it that you don't like the other kind of eye color? Or could it be that he didn't like the color of eldest uncle's eyes?    


That's right, how could she forget about that! Jun Yuexi fiercely patted her head. In that moment, her mind flashed with many scenes of when she and Mr Ling were talking about eldest uncle. Mr Ling didn't like to talk about eldest uncle. Every time she wanted to ask more about eldest uncle, he would change the topic.    


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