Evil CEO's Favorites

C556 Chapter 556

C556 Chapter 556

3Ling Jiyue's accurate judgement of the current situation and his talent in business were all admirable. However, what was more interesting was his appearance and the 'innocence' of his private life. Although there were many women who adored him at the time, none of them were attractive to him.    


Ling Jiyue had never had an intimate relationship with a woman before. Even if people thought that they had found out some rumors, if they looked carefully, they would realize that there was nothing. At that time, there were also gossips about Ling Jiyue's sexual orientation, or that he had been injured there, so he couldn't do it. However, these rumors often did not follow.    


From the information Bai Yuerann gave her, Ling Jiyue was not only talented in business, but also interested in medicine. When he was young, he had studied Chinese medicine, and it was said that he had learned quite a lot. The teacher who taught him Chinese medicine once thought that he would definitely become famous in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. However, Ling Jiyue didn't develop in the traditional Chinese medicine like what this teacher said. He hadn't even been a doctor for a day. After the appearance of western medicine, Ling Jiyue's interest also shifted from western medicine to western medicine. At that time, he invested a lot of money into the hospital to conduct scientific research in western medicine.    


This was a rare occurrence in the business world of the time.    


When Ling Jiyue died, he was not even 30 years old. To use the term 'early death' to describe him was the most appropriate. Furthermore, even until his death, he had never married nor had any children.    


Somehow, after reading this information, a faint feeling of regret appeared in Jun Yuexi's heart. This man's life was short but gorgeous. However, behind all this brilliance, there had never been a person he truly loved.    


This person, had he ever liked anyone before? Did anyone love anyone? She looked at the newspaper clippings of some of Ling Jiyue's black-and-white photos that were stuck in the file. Why did her chest feel so stuffy? This man was someone who had already died a long time ago. Some of his deeds were something that he had to look for from the history books of recent history.    


Was it because she had a picture of him, and she often looked at it? Or was it because his face looked too much like Ling Jing?    


Especially the icy-cold expression on the photo. It really was like the expression on Mr Ling's photo. The expressions on Mr Ling's face, which were not taken together with her, were also icy-cold …    


Suddenly, Jun Yuexi saw the last page of the information and also recorded some rumors after Ling Jiyue's death. It was said that there was a maid who was once a servant at the Ling Family who unintentionally overheard the conversation between Ling Jiyue and his father. When his father told him to find a partner to marry as soon as possible, he said that he was waiting for a perfect woman to give him a perfect child. If there was no such woman, he would rather not marry and have children.    


Perfect... Was this person a perfectionist? Jun Yuexi thought to herself, it's just this matter, it's just the maid's one-sided dictation, it's unknown whether Ling Jiyue really said that or not.    


Then at night, Jun Yuexi dreamed of Ling Jing or Ling Jiyue. She couldn't remember clearly, but when she woke up, the only thing she remembered were those gray eyes.    


— —    


Ling Jing's eyes were grey. Even though he didn't like those eyes, Jun Yuexi liked them a lot. The day after every full moon, when she woke up in his arms, she could see his gray eyes fixed on her.    


Sometimes, when no one was around, she would ask him to remove his contact lenses and look at his gray eyes.    


Mr Ling always hid such beautiful eyes. Sometimes, she even thought, "Is it really like he said, because I don't want my eyes to attract too much attention?"    


Jun Yuexi's science grade was not good. Although she had a tutor help her with her studies, as far as Jun Yuexi was concerned, Ling Jing was the most effective one. Ling Jing's explanation was simple and clear, so he could easily understand the principle behind it. She felt that if he didn't inherit the Ling family's shipyard in the future, he might be able to shine as a tutor.    


Near the end of the term, Ling Jing would usually send Jun Yuexi back to Jun Family at night to study. And Lili always let Ling Jing have dinner here.    


Compared to the cold dining atmosphere surrounding Ling Family, Ling Jing knew that, in the bottom of his heart, he was actually envious of the dining atmosphere around Jun Family. Around the dining table, with the television on, he watched the day's news while chatting about various things.    


Every time he ate here, he would feel this envy.    


He would also think, if he could, that when he and Xi became family, he would be like this, with the TV on, eating dinner with her, and then he would have several children with her, he would love her, he would love their children, and he would eat every day with her and her children. He would never let their child …    


"Jing, what are you thinking about?" A clear voice rang in his ears, interrupting his reverie.    


Ling Jing looked up and saw Jun Yuexi's face in front of him. As she spoke, her breath brushed against his face.    


Her face was so close, so close, that he lost himself for a moment.    


As she grew older, his fascination with her became deeper and deeper. Usually, just a small movement of hers was enough to stir his senses.    


"Nothing." He gathered his thoughts and asked, "Have you finished the questions?" he asked. She and he were alone in the study at the moment, and the obsession was deeper than usual.    


"Yes, it's done." She put some distance between them and handed him the paper.    


Ling Jing took a deep breath and examined the paper in Jun Yuexi's hand. She was sitting beside him with one hand on her chin as she looked at him with interest.    


From her angle, he was three-quarters of his profile, a portion of his black hair covering his plump forehead. His eyelids were half-lidded, and in the light of the lamp, his long eyelashes were clearly visible. She remembered that when they kissed, his eyelashes would slightly touch the skin of her face, as if to further enchant her heart … Under his straight nose was a seductive lip.    


Looking at his lips, she once again thought of the night of the full moon. The kiss between her and him was completely different from normal kisses, yet she could clearly feel the other's existence even more than usual.    


That kind of deep feeling caused his body to tremble.    


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