Evil CEO's Favorites

C504 Chapter 504

C504 Chapter 504

1Like... He could always hear that word from her mouth. In the past, she had always used that word on him, always saying that she liked him.     4


But now, when she spoke in that tone, saying that she liked another man, somehow his chest felt like it was pressed down by something — even if it was her father.    


There were many people she liked, and he was just one of many people she liked. This self-deprecating thought flashed through his mind, but was immediately stuck.    


So it turned out that she also liked other people, to the point that she actually made him feel so uncomfortable. Ling Jing frowned and looked at Jun Yuexi.    


"Mr Ling, what happened to you?" she asked curiously, because of his sudden silence.    


"Do you like toys?" he asked abruptly.    


She didn't understand why she suddenly moved from father to toy, but she still answered with certainty, "I really like it, Mr Ling. Mr Ling, I'm telling you, every year, on my birthday, Daddy will give me toys. Last year, on my birthday, Daddy gave me a big bear lying on the ground, even bigger than father's own Puppet Bear!"    


The little guy began to babble about his toys and gifts. If it wasn't for the fact that the bear was' big ', she would have brought it over for him to see.    


Because Jun Ziyan liked to hug the puppet bear when he had nothing else to do, Baby Jun also developed the habit of hugging the bear lying flat on the ground.    


When Baby Jun was four years old, she started to learn to think, and asked her father why he liked to hug a puppet bear. At that time, her father had told her that since these puppets were Mommy's favorite toys, accompanying Mommy for a long time, Daddy felt that hugging the Puppet Bear was like hugging Mommy.    


This was because the Puppet Bear had Mommy's aura on it — of course, this was Father's voice. She sniffed for a long time but couldn't get a whiff of Mommy on the doll.    


But then again, the little guy didn't know what the smell of her own mommy was like.    


After hearing Jun Yuexi's answer, Ling Jing suddenly stood up and held Jun Yuexi's hand as they walked out of the room.    


"Mr Ling?" Jun Yuexi asked suspiciously, wondering where the other party was taking her.    


However, he did not explain her doubt. It should be said that on the road, Ling Jing was unusually silent. Even the expression on his face became colder than before.    


Jun Yuexi followed Ling Jing's footsteps. She was holding his hand, but for some reason, she felt like his hand was getting colder and colder.    


It was as cold as ice.    


"Mr Ling, are you cold?" she asked.    


He still did not answer her.    


The little guy simply lowered his head and breathed hot air into his hand, as if hoping that the hot air she exhaled would warm his hand.    


Is he cold? Ling Jing didn't know, or maybe he was always cold, so he couldn't feel it anymore. At this moment, he could only feel the breath she was exhaling constantly spraying on his hand … It was very warm.    


He brought her to a door. This door looked exactly the same as the others in the mansion. The only difference was that it had a combination lock on the door.    


This door – one had to use a password to enter.    


Ling Jing used his jade-like fingers to enter the password. After hearing a slight click, Ling Jing put his finger on the door handle and opened the room's door.    


The little guy's attention shifted to the door and stopped breathing. He raised his head and looked at Ling Jing, "Mr Ling, why are you here?"    


However, before she could finish, he had already opened the door. When she saw the scene in the room, her eyes immediately widened. She couldn't help but exclaim, "Waa ~ ~ ~"    


This was a very large room. The room was filled with all kinds of toys. It was just like a playground for toys. Jun Yuexi had quite a number of toys, but compared to the toys in this room, they were only one-third of the number in here.    


"Mr Ling, there are so many toys here!" The little guy's face was full of excitement as he ran into the room and started rummaging through the toys in the room.    


There were many toys here that she had never seen before. Jun Yuexi fumbled out a Transformer model and started fiddling with it. The model changed from a robot to a car and from a car to a small plane.    


It was undeniable that Baby Jun's talent in playing with toys was quite good. Even if it was a toy that she had never played with before, she would know how to play with it if she had just played with it a little.    


The little guy played with a few toys, and it seemed like he was not satisfied, "Mr Ling, are all these toys yours?"    


"Yes." Ling Jing replied and walked forward, "If there's a toy you like here, you can take it away."    


Her small face was full of happiness, but then she asked, "Then will Mr Ling play with me?"    


His gaze swept briefly over the toys in the room, the toys that had once accompanied him through his childhood. In his memories, when he was young, he would always play with all kinds of toys in this room.    


However, even though there were more and more toys in the room, he still couldn't feel the slightest bit of happiness from them. In this room, he was always the only one playing with these cold toys, while the servants that took care of him waited respectfully by the side.    


He remembered once that he had hoped that the servant could play with him, but when he said that, he got the panic and fear of the servant.    


There was always gossip about him in the house, and the servants apparently believed it, too, and looked at him with a certain resistance and disgust.    


Since then, he never asked for anyone to compensate him for the game. And gradually, he stopped touching the toys.    


Since these toys could not bring him happiness, then why did he have to play with them?    


But now, when Jun Yuexi asked him that question, he actually said, "If you wish." Only because she was different.    


He once thought that he wouldn't take another look at these toys, but today he brought her here, to the little world that once belonged to him.    


Even he himself had no way to explain his actions, perhaps... Was he using these toys to please her because she had said she liked her father?    


Hopefully, she would like him more, or could she like him for a longer period of time?    


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