Evil CEO's Favorites

C3 Chapter 3

C3 Chapter 3

4Heavy kiss, frantic and uneasy.    4


She gritted her teeth to stop him from invading, and her body began to struggle. He suddenly raised his right hand and used two fingers to grip her jaw with a slight force …    


"Ah!" Feeling the pain, she had no choice but to open her mouth due to the irresistible force. His tongue slipped easily into her sandalwood mouth, curling around her little tongue, sipping at the saliva in her mouth as if he were trying to swallow her up.    


"Ugh …" "Ziyan, don't …" Broken sounds came from her mouth. All of her struggles were nothing to him. They would only make it easier for him to attack her.    


The tip of her nose was full of his breath, and his fingers were clamped to her jaw, making it difficult for her to close it. She could only let the saliva flow from the corner of her mouth and down her chin.    


"Don't think about breaking the contract, you can't break it!" he murmured, licking the saliva from the corners of her lips with the tip of his tongue.    


"You can't do this to me. If you do this again, I'll call the police!"    


Her right hand was still in his, and he stared at her, squeezing her bones.    


The pain came again, and just when she thought he was really going to crush her right hand, he suddenly let go and slammed his foot on the gas pedal. The car shot out like an arrow leaving the bow …    


The scenery outside the window was constantly changing. Xia Huanhuan felt dizzy from the excessive speed of the car. "Stop! You stop the car!" she shouted.    


Jun Ziyan turned a deaf ear to it. He just stared ahead, as if all his attention was focused on driving.    


The car drove through the downtown area towards a quiet and sparsely populated area. It was getting faster and faster. After who knows how long, the car suddenly came to a halt and stopped beside the river.    


Xia Huanhuan felt as if her entire body was floating. Opening the car door, she awkwardly ran out of the car and took a few deep breaths of fresh air.    


It was so quiet by the river at night that only the sound of the river and the wind could be heard. A pair of arms embraced Xia Huanhuan from behind, and she immediately fell into a wide embrace.    


"Do you know how many people have died in this river?" His lips were close to her ear, whispering.    


The hairs on her body stood on end as she felt a chill run down her spine. "What are you planning to do?!"    


"I just want to tell you, don't break your promise. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do." His lips closed lightly around her earlobes, and he sucked them slowly, as if he were sucking on the most deadly of drugs.    


Madman! He was like a madman!    


She was stiff, and his hands were tight around her waist.    


"It was you who said it. A hundred years will never change. The promise between you and I will never change in this lifetime." "I let you go for ten years, so you'll be mine, just me, and nobody can take it away, including — yourself."    


The cold river water, accompanied by this cold voice, flowed into her ears word by word.    


She turned around and stared at him. Under the silvery white moonlight, he looked as beautiful and handsome as a goddess who wouldn't eat food or water. His dark eyes, however, were filled with a deep hostility …    


It was as if she was silently warning her that if he didn't want to hear it, she had better not say a single word!    


When Xia Huanhuan returned to her room, Lu Xiaorong, who was in the same room as her friend, still hadn't fallen asleep yet. When she saw her good friend's pale face, she asked out of concern, "What happened? Why's your expression so ugly?"    


"Perhaps the night wind is a bit cold when I come back tonight." Casually making up an excuse, she put her bag down and went into the bathroom.    


The bathroom mirror clearly displayed her pale face, and even her lips had lost their color. The words that Jun Ziyan said when he sent her back echoed in her ears.    


"Huanhuan, I want you to like me. I'm the only one you like!"    


Like... Could she possibly like someone like that? Even Xia Huanhuan herself could not explain what her feelings for Jun Ziyan were.    


Sympathy? Mercy? Disgusting... Afraid?    


Xia Huanhuan would always remember the first time she saw Jun Ziyan. It was when she was six years old. At that time, Jun Ziyan was like a quiet Barbie doll. He followed her from a small park near his home all the way to his house, and even openly followed her into his house at the end.    


When she tried to drive him away, he just held on to her skirt, saying nothing, his dark eyes wet, like some pathetic little animal.    


He didn't like to talk, and his pretty little face didn't have any other expressions, just like a lifeless doll. But for some reason, from beginning to end, he held her hand and looked at her with a vacant gaze.    


There was no hint of happiness, anger, sadness or sadness in that gaze. When she tried to shake his hand off, he tightened his grip even tighter. Even Lili couldn't pull it away.    


Unable to get any information from him, Xia's mother had no choice but to bring Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan to the police station to report the case.    


However, when they arrived at the police station, they found out that the sky had already been turned upside down. When the policemen saw Xia's mother and Jun Ziyan, their expressions were as if they had been granted amnesty.    


The chief of the police station even personally greeted Xia's mother. A quarter of an hour later, a luxurious car stopped in front of the police station's entrance. A man and woman with outstanding looks hastily ran in.    


That was the first time Xia Huanhuan saw Jun Ziyan's parents. However, even after seeing his parents, Jun Ziyan's expression didn't change at all. It was only when the parents were about to leave with Jun Ziyan that his expression finally changed.    


When he desperately hugged Xia Huanhuan's arm and refused to let go, even starting to howl and cry like an ordinary child, what he got in return was his parents staring blankly, disbelief filling their eyes.    


Xia Huanhuan felt only pain in her arm. He was like a drowning person clutching onto a piece of floating wood, eager and eager. His tears kept dripping onto her arms, making her feel hot for some reason.    


"Don't cry!" In the end, it was only with a single shout that he was able to stop his tears.    


His nose was red and twitching, and he looked at her with wet eyes.    


In the end, it was still Jun Ziyan's father. Jun Haizhou decided to let Jun Ziyan stay in Xia Family for the night.    


Xia Huanhuan only found out a long time later that this man was the newly appointed mayor of Z City, and their family was one of the most famous families in the military and political world.    


That night, Jun Ziyan and Xia Huanhuan slept on the same bed. His small body curled up into a ball and squeezed into her arms like a shrimp.    


Since she couldn't get rid of him, and couldn't get rid of him, she could only hug him like he was a puppet bear and sleep.    


The next day he was transferred to her kindergarten and in the same class as her. Behind her, it was as if there was a small tail. He only loved to play with her. When she was building the block, he would hand her the block; when she was reading a picture book and didn't recognize the word, he would tell her in a wooden tone what it was; even during his nap, he would hold her in his arms and sleep with her.    


Until the other children in the kindergarten teased Xia Huanhuan, which made her angry. She said to Jun Ziyan, "I don't want to play with you anymore!"    


In the end, Jun Ziyan's empty eyes were instantly filled with water vapor. His small hands tightly held onto her skirt as he asked in a dry and stiff voice, "You … You don't want me? "    


At that moment, Lili felt as if her breathing was suppressed. Her chest was stabbing, painful, and soft. As a result, at lunchtime, Jun Ziyan pushed all his lunches in front of Lili and said uneasily, "I'll give Huanhuan everything I have, so Huanhuan can't leave me. We have to be together forever." He looked like a puppy that was about to be abandoned, desperately trying to curry favor with its owner.    


However, at that time, she didn't know that wolves were very similar to dogs when they were young, but the older they were, the greater the difference. No matter how tame a wolf looked, deep in its bones, it was ruthlessly cruel …    


The next day, Lu Xiaorong looked into Xia Huanhuan's dark eyes and asked, "You didn't sleep well last night?"    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan answered vaguely. All night long, memories of his childhood flashed through his mind. Now that he thought about it, being a child was indeed more cute. Unlike Jun Ziyan, he could only force him.    


"Could it be that working part-time is too tiring?" Lu Xiaorong asked, concerned. Now that they were about to graduate, all the students were busy with their graduation thesis and looking for a job unit. However, their good friend had to go to the clubhouse every night to work part-time as a waiter.    


"I'm fine, there aren't many classes during the day, so I can take some time to rest." Since she was young, her mother had always been a parent and a parent. She had never let her go through hardships.    


However, her mother's income was not high, and B City's consumption was high. Thus, ever since she started college, Xia Huanhuan would start working part-time to earn some living expenses to lighten the burden on her family.    


Lu Xiaorong naturally knew the reason behind Xia Huanhuan's work, so she didn't say anything more. When they were close to graduation, classes were usually few. Most of the time, everyone was busy with their own topics. If there were any problems, they would go to the coaches to ask for guidance.    


That morning, there was only one class. When Xia Huanhuan and Lu Xiaorong arrived at the classroom, the teacher hadn't arrived yet. There were quite a few classmates gathered together, discussing the latest gossip.    


"Oh my god, I'm so envious of Mei Xinyi. The moment she got involved with Ye Nanqing, her worth immediately skyrocketed!" Some girls were shouting.    


Another girl immediately scoffed, "If she can marry Ye Nanqing, then not only will the price be multiplied, she will even have a share of the Sihai Group."    


"That's true. I heard that Mei Xinyi graduated from our school. It's a pity that she only started filming after graduating from university. Otherwise, I would have asked her for a few autographs long ago."    


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