Evil CEO's Favorites

C79 Chapter 79

C79 Chapter 79

2Xia Huanhuan was dumbfounded. "I …" I can wear it myself! " Her face grew even redder.    


"Can't I help you wear it?" He drew closer to her, his breath was like orchids, but there was a hint of begging in his indifferent eyes.    


Please! This kind of person made it difficult for her to even reject him.    


Xia Huanhuan held it in for a long time. She wanted to say no a few times, but was defeated by Jun Ziyan's gaze in the end. As a result, he began to personally dress her, followed by a t-shirt and a half-skirt.    


Xia Huanhuan felt that at this moment, she was like a doll, lifting her hands or her feet as Jun Ziyan fiddled with her. Especially when she was putting on his underwear, she felt as if she were bleeding all over.    


This situation seemed to be a bit off. When she was young, she often treated him like a doll and liked to dress him up with all kinds of clothes. Then, she would act as if she had completed a very good piece of work and be complacent.    


After putting on the clothes, Jun Ziyan squatted down again, put her cold blanket on her feet, then stood up again.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned for a moment. It wasn't the first time he had put shoes on her, but this time his mood was different. Was it because the current her had already accepted his relationship with her?    


"By the way, where's my mother? Did she see you in my room? " Xia Huanhuan suddenly thought of this problem!    


Heavens, she almost forgot that she wasn't in Jun Ziyan's private villa, but her own home, especially the room next door, which was her mother's bedroom!    


At this moment, Xia Huanhuan suddenly wanted to find a hole and bury herself. He wondered if his mother had heard the "commotion" in her room in the early morning. If his mother had known he was at home sleeping with Jun Ziyan, he wondered how she would have reacted. Xia Huanhuan's scalp tingled at the thought of her mother's possible reaction.    


"I don't know, your mother didn't come in. She didn't come out of her bedroom when I entered your house last night." Because he had stayed here for several nights, Xia Huanhuan had purposely made Jun Ziyan a tomb robber's key: the Pangu Ghost Curse.    


Xia Huanhuan heaved a sigh of relief before hurriedly cleaning up the various traces on the bed. At the end, she even examined herself carefully and took out some powder that she hadn't used in a long time, covering up the kiss marks on her neck.    


Jun Ziyan suddenly said, "Isn't your mother against our relationship?"    


"I don't mind, but that doesn't mean my mom can accept me going to bed with you before we get married." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Then marry, if you like." Jun Ziyan said.    


Lili was about to answer when Xia's mother's voice came from outside the door. "Sofia, are you up yet?"    


"Get up, get up!" Xia Huanhuan quickly replied. She gave Jun Ziyan a wink and opened the door.    


When Xia Mei saw Jun Ziyan and her daughter in the room together, she was stunned for a moment. "Xiao Nuo, when did you arrive?"    


"Early in the morning." Jun Ziyan replied.    


"Ling Chen?" Xia Mei's gaze swept around her daughter's room. "Then you slept in Huanhuan's room?"    


"Yes." Jun Ziyan answered as if it was a matter of course.    


Xia Huanhuan felt a little faint. If she had known earlier, she would have told him that once her mother asked him that, he would have replied that it was the sofa he slept on in the living room.    


Fortunately, Xia Mei didn't pursue the matter any further and just said, "You two can wash up and eat breakfast in a while."    


"Oh, okay!" Xia Huanhuan answered, pulled Jun Ziyan into the bathroom guiltily and began to wash her face and brush her teeth.    


After breakfast, Xia Mei went to her neighbor's house. Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan were the only two people left in the room. "Aren't you going back to B City today?" Xia Huanhuan asked. If it was in the past, Jun Ziyan would have already left in his car.    


"Today is a day to rest." Jun Ziyan replied, "If there's anything else, the secretary will give me a call."    


It was only then that she realized that in the past two weeks, she had been too busy taking care of her mother to even think about taking a day off. Then why don't we go out for a walk? " "Xia Huanhuan suggested that it would be a rare day off, especially if Jun Ziyan was in Z City. It would be a pity if he stayed home.    


"Alright." He nodded.    


Xia Huanhuan took the key and wallet and walked out of the district together with Jun Ziyan. They walked along the canal beside the district. At 9 am, the sun was already quite high.    


Xia Huanhuan suddenly felt that she and Jun Ziyan were like an old couple walking together.    


Along the way, they met a few neighbors in the neighborhood. Everyone greeted Xia Huanhuan first and then looked at Jun Ziyan with astonished eyes.    


"Huanhuan, he is …"    


"My boyfriend."    


When Xia Huanhuan replied in a straightforward manner, a flash of astonishment appeared in her eyes.    


After all, Jun Ziyan was obviously out of place within the district. Other than the obvious indifference on his body, there was also a distinct aristocratic air about him.    


This kind of aura was something that could not be concealed. It was something that had been seeping out from his surroundings since he was young. It emanated from his every action and gesture.    


When those people left, Jun Ziyan frowned, "Why are they looking at us like that?" That gaze caused him to feel slightly uncomfortable.    


Xia Huanhuan continued to hold Jun Ziyan's hand as they walked forward, "The way they see it, there's no malice in it. They're just amazed that I've picked up a treasure." He probably thinks that she is a golden turtle, Xia Huanhuan thought.    


Xia Huanhuan recalled the scene from that day. He had been looking at her with his beautiful, empty eyes, and he had scared her out of her wits and thought he was going to rush up and fight her. But who knew that after she had finished playing with the sand and was about to return home, he still hadn't rushed up to fight with her nor spoken a single word to her. He only followed her all the way home and even firmly held onto her skirt when she didn't let him follow.    


The expression on his face back then, when compared to the him now, was even more pitiful. It was like being made of wood, she asked, and he answered. If she didn't ask him, he could stay by her side all day, not saying a word.    


Xia Huanhuan originally thought that Jun Ziyan would reminisce about their first meeting as a child. Unexpectedly, he said lightly, "I don't remember."    


"Don't remember?" she said, surprised. His memory had always been very good. It could almost be described as a "monster". Initially, Xia Huanhuan had treated Jun Ziyan like an encyclopedia. For many questions, she did not need to flip through the books and ask him directly to get the answer.    


"Yes, I don't remember." He looked away from her.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't think too much about it, "If you don't remember, then so be it. It was a long time ago. It's like I used to play with a little boy in this little sandpit and draw in the sandpit with branches. But now, I can't even remember what he looks like. "    


The only thing she remembered was that the boy was like her. There was no father, only mother. Perhaps it was due to the same illness, but she remembered that she seemed to have talked a lot with him.    


He said the other children liked to call him illegitimate.    


She said there was nothing to be ashamed of about an illegitimate child, because she was an illegitimate child, but because her mother loved her so much, she was not afraid.    


She even drew a picture for him to see, but it was too long ago and he could no longer remember what she had drawn. She could only remember her drawing as she talked, and then, as if hesitating, she said, "Can we be friends?" It was as if he was afraid that she would reject him.    


How did she answer that? It seemed to be saying, "We are already good friends" or something like that.    


At that time, she thought that she would be able to see the boy again the next day, and even made an appointment with him. If anyone called him an illegitimate child again, she would help them beat him up.    


However, in the next few days, she was pestered by Jun Ziyan and couldn't come to this small sandpit at all. When she could come here and play, she never saw that little boy again.    


Xia Huanhuan talked to herself as she squatted down to pick up the small branches on the ground. She drew randomly in the sandpit like she used to when she was little. She didn't notice that Jun Ziyan's face was unnaturally pale at this moment. His hands were clenched tightly into a fist by his side.    


Her pitch-black eyes stared fixedly at the figure that squatted before her. Once, when he was here, he had seen her smile at another boy, so warmly, so brilliantly.    


It was because of that smile that made him, who never knew what "want" was, suddenly have the desire to "want". He wanted her to smile back at him, wanted her eyes fixed on him, wanted her to play with him, wanted her to tell him that they were good friends!    


He couldn't tear his eyes away from so many desires. He only stared at her unblinkingly, afraid that if he wasn't careful, she would disappear.    


He followed her, he went wherever she went, and when she tried to drive him away, all he knew was that he clung to the hem of her skirt and wouldn't take a step away.    


At that time, he did not understand why he would want so much from her. But now, he finally knew. Perhaps, that was the so-called love at first sight.    


At the first glance, when he saw her smiling from afar, a small crack appeared in the closed world that had always been there because of her smile.    


The crack grew larger and larger until it pulled her into his world.    


"I haven't painted and wrote on the sandpit in a long time. Ziyan, do you want to come and play with me?" Xia Huanhuan asked excitedly.    


"Stop painting!" A cold voice suddenly sounded above her head. Jun Ziyan looked at the garden painted by Xia Huanhuan in the sandpit with a heavy gaze.    


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