Evil CEO's Favorites

C19 Chapter 19

C19 Chapter 19

3Jun Ziyan ate the noodle soup in silence. His actions were graceful and slow. By comparison, Xia Huanhuan ate the noodles much faster. Suddenly, she asked, "Did you not sleep well last night?" Only now did she realize that there was a faint green color in his eyes.    


"I can't sleep." he replied.    


Xia Huanhuan thought about how she had not slept well all night. "Not even one night?"    




"If not, what are you doing?"    




She was startled. If it was a normal person, they might not be able to sleep and do other things. However, for him, being stunned was actually the most normal thing.    


Xia Huanhuan lowered her head and continued eating her breakfast. Jun Ziyan didn't say anything else either.    


By the time he finished his breakfast and arrived at the entrance of the aquarium, it was already past 10 AM. Today was Saturday, so there should be a lot of people in the aquarium by this time of day.    


However, when Xia Huanhuan entered the aquarium, she found that other than the staff members, there were no other guests at all.    


As for the staff members, they treated Jun Ziyan with respect.    


The whole aquarium, the ceiling, the glass walls, and even the glass floor, were filled with all sorts of aquatic creatures.    


However, at this moment, Xia Huanhuan was in no mood to appreciate them.    


"You've booked the place?" Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan, who was beside her. This seemed to be the only explanation.    


"Yes." He nodded.    


"Why did you take over?" she asked, puzzled.    


"This way, you'll be able to see whatever you want to see. There's no need to queue up, and you won't be disturbed by others." He explained.    


Xia Huanhuan was silent. There were only two people visiting such an empty place. It was so quiet that it was practically a little … Dead silence.    


"You don't like it?" Jun Ziyan looked at Xia Huanhuan and asked.    


Instead of answering directly, she asked, "Do you think that's what a date should be like?"    


"Isn't it?" As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and searched through the search pages for appointments. "Or any one of them, I can do."    


"That's not what I meant." She pulled down her hand.    


"Then what do you mean?" he asked earnestly. "If I don't understand, then say it until I do!"    


Can he really understand?! This chartered area was just like the world he was defending. He had always forbidden others from entering his world, and she was perhaps the only exception.    


Xia Huanhuan thought for a while and said, "Actually, it's not necessarily good to have less people. Sometimes, it's actually very happy to be together with many people and listen to their greetings."    


"Is that so?" he murmured, with an incomprehensible expression on his face. If it was true, then why had he never felt what he called happiness? Actually, to him, it didn't matter if there were more people or less.    


"Yes." She nodded affirmatively.    


He suddenly smiled, his right hand pulling her left hand, his fingers locked together just like yesterday. "Okay, as long as you say it, I'll believe it."    


His pure and clear smile made her absent-minded for a moment.    


"Since it has already been booked, then … "Why don't we just take a look!" Xia Huanhuan said, using this as a cover to hide her earlier absent-mindedness.    


What happened to her? They actually looked at his smile and went into a daze!    


Jun Ziyan, on the other hand, didn't have any objections. He held Xia Huanhuan's hand and began to tour around the aquarium. Every time Xia Huanhuan saw a new organism in the water, Jun Ziyan would explain it to her. From the name, to the living habits of the creature, to its lifespan, it made her wonder if he had memorized the entire dictionary.    


Although she had been in B City for a few years, it was Xia Huanhuan's first time coming here. She had only seen these aquatic creatures on television in the past.    


The lunch was in the restaurant of the aquarium. In the huge dining hall, only she and he were there …    


She didn't know how much Jun Ziyan had spent to rent this aquarium. However, she thought that only he would spend so much money just for this ordinary date.    


Although the media magazines rarely reported on Jun Ziyan, Xia Huanhuan still knew a little about him. He even became a prodigy in the financial world after knowing that he had taken over the chain of hotels.    


Of course, this didn't just refer to his ability to run hotels. It also referred to his ability to see the futures market accurately. To him, money was like a digital game of finance.    


"What are you thinking about?" Jun Ziyan's voice interrupted Xia Huanhuan's train of thoughts.    


"Do you like your job?" she asked, curious.    


"I don't feel anything." he replied.    


She obviously didn't understand, so he went on to explain, "Will you like Eleven?"    


"What do you mean?" She was even more confused.    


"To me, work is just like 11. You just have to calculate it, there's no such thing as liking or hating it."    


Xia Huanhuan finally understood. Just like how she used to treat the majority of things in the world, she would never have any feelings for him. It was as if those feelings did not exist for her at all.    


"Then what do you like and dislike?" Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but ask.    


Jun Ziyan's fixed his gaze at Xia Huanhuan, making her heart race uncontrollably.    


"What I like about you is that you look at me, think of me, and hug me. And what I hate about you is that you don't want me." He spoke to her, his voice very clear.    


What he liked and what he hated had to do with her, just as when he was a child he would only react to her. It was only in front of her that he cried and laughed, like an ordinary child.    


After leaving the aquarium, Jun Ziyan drove Xia Huanhuan back to school. When the car stopped near the school, he suddenly said, "Stay with me a little longer."    


She looked at him but didn't say anything. She unbuckled her seat belt but didn't get out of the car.    


He flinched naturally and rested his head on her shoulder, quiet and dependent.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned for a moment. She slightly turned her head to look at Jun Ziyan, only to see him leaning on her shoulder and resting with his eyes closed like a very quiet child.    


He looked a little tired, which was true. He hadn't slept last night, and he had been driving back and forth for a long time. He had been in the aquarium for so long, so it was natural for him to be sleepy.    


The phone suddenly rang. Xia Huanhuan was shocked when she saw the caller ID. It was from the unit she had interviewed earlier. He quickly pressed the answer button and lowered his voice as much as possible, "Hello, I'm Xia Huanhuan."    


The other side had informed her to go to the company tomorrow to undergo the second round of examinations.    


Xia Huanhuan replied, taking note of the time before ending the call.    


Jun Ziyan was still sleeping on her shoulder and showed no signs of waking up.    


Wake him up? He hadn't been leaning on her shoulder for very long, so it should be easy to wake her up now. However … Xia Huanhuan didn't know why, but she couldn't bear to call out to him. It was as if he was hoping that he could sleep in peace, that he could get rid of his exhaustion …    


Ye Zichen thought about it, then sent a message to Liu Meimei, who was at the clubhouse, asking her to help him get a leave of absence.    


Inside the car, the air conditioner was on and the temperature was comfortable. Xia Huanhuan leaned her head against the back of the seat and slowly closed her eyes.    


In the quiet space, a man and a woman leaned against each other …    


It was as desolate as the heavens and as old as the earth.    


After an unknown amount of time, a girl who passed by outside seemed to have accidentally seen what was happening inside the carriage through the window. She excitedly took a photo with her cell phone towards the two people inside the carriage.    


Ka-cha! * Ka-cha! *    


In the carriage, although no sound could be heard, the pair of black lotus-like eyes slowly opened, staring coldly at the girl holding the phone in front of the window.    


The girl's body stiffened. Her whole body stiffened. She could only feel a chill coming from her spine.    


The gaze of this man was simply like dead silence.    


Her hand was trembling uncontrollably. She felt as though she could not hold on to her phone.    


She had thought that the other party would get off the car, snatch her phone, or perform other extreme actions. However … The other party merely looked at her coldly. After a moment, he lowered his eyes, raised his hand, and gently held the hand of the sleeping woman before closing his eyes again.    


The calm and serene sleeping face was completely different from the one he had just opened his eyes.    


It was as though … As long as he was by that woman's side, even if the world was destroyed … It didn't matter –    


When Xia Huanhuan woke up, the sky outside was already completely dark. Besides, it wasn't Jun Ziyan leaning on her shoulder, it was her leaning on Jun Ziyan's shoulder. His coat was covering her body.    


After escaping back to her room, she was once again interrogated by Lu Xiaorong.    


What Lu Xiaorong asked was no more than who Jun Ziyan was and what was his relationship with Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan's head was spinning from the interrogation, so she told Lu Xiaorong about what happened between her and Jun Ziyan when they were young.    


"So he's your childhood sweetheart!" Lu Xiaorong said.    


Xia Huanhuan nodded.    


"Then what are you and him doing now? "Do you want to date?"    


Xia Huanhuan was silent. Previously, she felt that to Jun Ziyan, she was a toy that he was used to existing, or maybe this toy was exactly what he liked, so he didn't allow anyone to touch it. He only wanted to keep it for himself.    


But now … She hesitated again.    


Because of her words, he was beaten into the hospital. It was also because of her hesitation and rejection that he pressed her down on the washbasin. However, the person who cried in the end was actually him.    


He was serious about their current relationship, but she …    


Seeing that her good friend didn't say anything, Lu Xiaorong frowned and patted Xia Huanhuan's shoulder, "According to what you said just now, this Jun Ziyan is a member of the famous Jun Family. Even I, as a passerby, know that this family is not to be trifled with." I can see that he's very serious about you. If you don't have any feelings for him, you should get away from him as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you're too late, you might not be able to deal with him. "    


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