Evil CEO's Favorites

C44 Chapter 44

C44 Chapter 44

2Jun Ziyan's actions suddenly stopped. His fist was only a centimeter away from Xia Huanhuan's face.    3


There was no pain, only the sound of the rain and her own heartbeat.    


Xia Huanhuan slowly opened her eyes. What entered her eyes was the extremely close distance fist, as well as … A pair of deep eyes.    


After a long moment, he slowly lowered his hand and said, "You are protecting him." It wasn't doubt, but affirmation. This fact made him want to go crazy.    


Why?! For Ye Nanqing, she rushed in just like that, even ignoring the possibility of being beaten to the ground by him!    


"I …" Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath and said, "I just don't think it's necessary. It's just a misunderstanding. Furthermore, he's a patient now." She couldn't stand by and watch one man get beaten half to death by another.    


"Misunderstanding?" "Because you once wore a ring you bought with him, you didn't want to wear it again on your middle finger. Because of him, you lied to me, and now, because you were afraid he would get hurt, you came out to protect him despite the danger. Do you think that's a mistake?"    


They looked at each other, his face very close to hers, his eyes almost devouring her.    


The rain kept hitting each other's face and body. Xia Huanhuan only felt her face burning under Jun Ziyan's gaze. With his numb scalp, she looked into his bloodshot eyes. His eyes were so cold, yet so moist. They made her feel as if tears would roll down her cheeks in the next moment.    


Was it the rain? Or were there really tears in his eyes?    


"I …" She opened her mouth again, but this time, she only spoke one word, but his finger was already pressed to her lips.    


He looked at her, his gaze turning from a silent accusation to a hollow one. "Huanhuan, now, no matter what you say, I won't believe it." "I said I would believe you, but I only believed you once, and now it's gone."    


Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan in a daze. Previously, this person said that as long as she said it, he would believe it!    


And now, this same person had said that no matter what she said, he wouldn't believe her!    


An indescribable feeling of bitterness spread across Xia Huanhuan's chest. Why is it so hard? It was enough to make her feel hot in her eyes and sore in her nose, as if something was about to gush out …    


Jun Ziyan left because he was afraid that if he continued to stay, he wouldn't be able to control himself and hurt her.    


As for Xia Huanhuan, she remained rooted to the spot, thinking about his last words. She only came back to her senses when Ye Nanqing walked to her side with an umbrella in his hand.    


Xia Huanhuan looked at the umbrella above her in shock, then her gaze turned to Ye Nanqing.    


His body was in a mess, and there were a few red spots on his face that had been beaten up. Seeing his appearance, the gossiping reporters who usually chased after him would probably be greatly taken aback.    


"Do you regret it?" Ye Nanqing suddenly asked.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips but didn't answer. "I'll take you to the hospital first."    


He looked at her. Even though he was in a sorry state, he still smiled faintly. "Good flower."    


Xia Huanhuan got into Ye Nanqing's car and sat in the driver's seat while Ye Nanqing sat in the front seat.    


Although it had been a long time since she had started the car, Xia Huanhuan still started the engine skillfully. That year, she learned how to drive. Although she registered at driving school, most of the time, it was Ye Nanqing who personally taught her.    


She had passed the exam with almost perfect marks, and even the driving school teacher had said that she was a talented driver among the girls.    


As they drove, they arrived at a well-known private hospital in the city. Most of the people attending this hospital were wealthy and the cost of visiting a patient was high. However, it also protected the privacy of the patient.    


With Ye Nanqing's current state, if he went to an ordinary hospital, he would probably be in the headlines the next day!    


Xia Huanhuan thought for a while and parked the car in the underground garage. When she turned around, she found that Ye Nanqing had his eyes closed and was leaning against the back of the seat as if he was asleep.    


"Ye Nanqing, wake up!" Xia Huanhuan shouted at him, but he showed no signs of waking up, and remained motionless.    


She pressed her palm to his forehead and frowned. Sure enough, his forehead was even hotter. It was so hot that it was terrifying!    


With the fever, the rain, and the fight in the rain, there was nothing strange about it.    


Xia Huanhuan dragged Ye Nanqing out of the car, put one of his hands around her neck and placed it on her shoulder, then supported him with some effort as they walked towards the elevator in the underground parking lot.    


Fortunately, although he was in a semi-conscious state, he seemed to have sensed that she was supporting him and thus, he would stagger along with her steps.    


When they arrived at the registration office, Xia Huanhuan hung up the call for Ye Nanqing. Ye Nanqing was sent into the ward, and after the doctor saw him, he said to Xia Huanhuan, "It's a bit serious, but it's not a big problem. When I checked him just now, I saw some injuries on his body.    


"Alright, sorry to trouble you." Xia Huanhuan said as she walked into the ward.    


Outside the ward, two nurses whispered, "Was that person who just entered Sihai Group, Ye Nanqing?"    


"He looks a bit like one, but if it's Ye Nanqing, then who is that woman?" Isn't Ye Nanqing's girlfriend Mei Xinyi? " Another nurse said.    


"Who knows? Maybe she's just an ordinary secretary or a lover. In any case, this kind of rich person's private life is already very messy. Who can tell if it's real or fake."    






The two nurses gradually stopped talking. In the ward, Xia Huanhuan looked at Ye Nanqing, who was sleeping soundly on the bed. He had changed into a dry hospital gown and his hair had been dried by the nurse. Unlike her, she was still wet all over.    


After thinking for a moment, she took out her phone and dialed the Sihai Group Reception Center's number.    


"Hello, this is the Sihai Group." The sweet voice of the customer service lady sounded.    


"I want to talk to your personnel manager, Li Hongsheng. Could I trouble you to transfer the information?" Xia Huanhuan said.    


"Do you have an appointment?" the customer service lady asked.    


"All you have to do is say that Huanhuan is looking for him, and he'll pick it up." Sofia replied.    


The other party hesitated. Perhaps it was because Xia Huanhuan's tone was too confident, but after a moment, the customer service lady said, "Alright, please wait a moment."    


Xia Huanhuan didn't have to wait long before Li Hongsheng answered the phone.    


"Huanhuan, why did you call me?" Li Hongsheng could not believe it. After all, in the past three years, Lili had never come looking for him. Furthermore, during the recruitment event at K University, Li Hongsheng could see that Lili was trying hard to get rid of her relationship with Nuwa.    


"Uncle Li, I'm in the hospital right now. Ye Nanqing is in trouble, but he should be fine. Can you come here for a moment?" Xia Huanhuan said, giving the address of the hospital.    


After all, it wasn't suitable for her to stay here and take care of Ye Nanqing. But if she was going to leave, it wouldn't be appropriate to leave him alone in the hospital.    


Thinking about it, besides Mei Xinyi, the only person that Xia Huanhuan knew who was related to Ye Nanqing was Li Hongsheng.    


Li Hongsheng immediately agreed, "I'll be there in half an hour!"    


"Alright." Xia Huanhuan put away her cell phone and sat on a chair beside the bed.    


Ye Nanqing was still sleeping with a thin blanket over him. Xia Huanhuan's gaze fell on Ye Nanqing's left hand that was outside the thin blanket. To be exact, it was the ring on the middle finger of his left hand.    


She had read about it in the news media and knew that he had never taken off the ring in the past three years.    


But with their current relationship, he shouldn't be wearing this ring! This ring had lost its original meaning, and would instead cause many misunderstandings.    


Xia Huanhuan bit her lips, stood up and walked to the bedside. She bent down and stretched out her right hand. Holding the ring between thumb and forefinger, he tried to pull it out of his middle finger.    


However, just as she slightly moved, a large hand covered the back of her hand, preventing her from doing so.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned as she saw Ye Nanqing open his eyes and stare straight at her.    


"You can't take it off." he said hoarsely, pulling her right hand away from his left.    


The silver-plated ring, under the incandescent light, could be clearly seen to have faded in some places. Such a cheap ring didn't seem to fit his description at all.    


"Because I can't take it off either." It had taken him three years to remove the ring from his finger, but instead, the ring had grown deeper and deeper, as if it were embedded deep in his skin and bones.    


"Jun Ziyan, do you know what love is?"    


"I don't know."    


"Love, I think only when you truly love someone will you have a true sense of living. The deeper you love them, the more you might one day experience the so-called heartache. That pain, it should be like a suffocating pain that goes deep into your heart and is carved into your bones."    




At that time, she would pull him to watch those love TV dramas with her. He, who didn't understand those emotional struggles of the people in the dramas, even if he saw them, he wouldn't have felt anything. He wouldn't have cried or been elated like her, because of the fate of the characters in the dramas.    


And she told him that one day, if he was really in pain, he would know what love was.    


Is love equal to pain?    


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