Evil CEO's Favorites

C49 Chapter 49

C49 Chapter 49

3"Yes." He said without the slightest hesitation, "The pain is so great that I wish I could die. Opening my eyes, I thought about you, closed my eyes and thought about you, and you let me know what anger is, what jealousy is, and what unwillingness to part. Even if you make me feel that much pain, I still can't bear to see you, can't bear to let you leave me …"    


He spoke calmly to her, every word ringing in her ears with incomparable clarity. His expression was just like he was narrating an incomparably ordinary fact.    


"Huanhuan, if such feelings aren't love, then tell me, what is it?" It was her that allowed him, who was originally lacking in emotions, to understand many of the emotions that were originally just a combination of words to him.    


Originally, he might not have been able to experience these emotions for the rest of his life, but because of her, he had endured them one by one and tried them all.    


Xia Huanhuan was lost in thought. Therefore, he loved her, so she should no longer suspect anything!    


"What about you? Do you love me? " he asked.    


She knew that he always asked for equal, just as he loved her, and she had to love him! However … Xia Huanhuan asked herself, yet she didn't know if her feelings for him were considered love.    


If Jun Ziyan's feelings for her could be said to be pure to the extreme, then her feelings for him were extremely complex.    


Ever since she was young, she had been together with him for too long, and had been separated for too long as well. His feelings, were indifferent but strong, and she was afraid but also compassionate.    


"I don't know." Xia Huanhuan answered truthfully, "I like you. I understand that now, but …" But sometimes I'm afraid of you. "    


"Afraid of me?" His eyes were dark.    


"I'm afraid that you will want to control everything about me, and that I can't resist you in the slightest, so our positions are not equal in the first place. You are the third young master of Jun Family, the CEO of Jun's Group, and just a single word of yours or an order from you can easily cause me to lose my freedom and autonomy." This was the first time she had clearly dissected her inner thoughts to him.    


It was just like that time where he could easily imprison her for 72 hours while she, no matter how unwilling she was internally, would not be able to escape.    


"But Huanhuan, a word of yours, an order, can easily be obeyed." "Jun Ziyan lowered his head, pressing his forehead against Lili's as he spoke." I don't want you to be afraid of me, I want you to love me! "    


He should be the one who should be scared! She was afraid that one day, she would stay by his side. She was afraid that one day, she would leave him! She was even more afraid that one day, she would tell him that the person she loved was not him!    


If it wasn't him, then what should he do?!    


He would never let that happen, just like back then …    


"Just like when you were playing hide-and-seek when you were young, I am willing to wait. No matter how long it takes, I will do it as long as the last person you love is me!" Jun Ziyan said.    


Would she fall in love with him? Hadn't she always wanted to find someone who only cared about her and loved her alone? In this world, the person who was the most focused on her, wasn't it Jun Ziyan?    


As Xia Huanhuan thought of this, her originally repressed mood suddenly relaxed. She put her arms around his neck, tiptoed, and proactively kissed him on the cheek. "Okay, I promise you."    


Promise to fall in love with him, that was — her promise to him.    


In the evening, after buying some ingredients in the supermarket, Xia Huanhuan went to Jun Ziyan's residence and automatically became a cooking woman. Jun Ziyan, on the other hand, sat on the coffee table in the living room.    


When Xia Huanhuan was yelling for Jun Ziyan to eat, she suddenly saw the words "Sihai Group" on his computer.    


Jun Ziyan walked to the dining table and started to eat dinner with Xia Huanhuan.    


After eating for a while, Xia Huanhuan still couldn't help but ask, "Why did Jun's Group suddenly purchase an American GK Company?"    


Jun Ziyan raised his head and looked at Xia Huanhuan. "You know about this?"    


"Yes." She nodded. "I heard from colleagues at the unit that there were a lot of news reports on this matter online."    


"You don't care about this sort of thing. Why are you suddenly worried about it?" Jun Ziyan asked.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips, hesitating on what to say. Ever since the rainy day, the three words, Ye Nanqing, seemed to be a taboo between the two of them. They never mentioned it again.    


If she were to mention Sihai Group at this moment, she would naturally mention Ye Nanqing.    


"I saw a lot of comments on the internet saying that they don't think the Jun Family would buy GK." She thought for a moment.    


"What about you? Are you interested?" he asked.    


"Is it just a pure acquisition?" Xia Huanhuan asked the question in her heart.    


"What if I say no? If I say that it's because I want to destroy Sihai Group, and I want to make Ye Nanqing have nothing, and I want to make him extremely miserable, what will happen to you? " He stared at her, studying her expression.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. After a moment, she put down the bowl in her hands, stood up and walked in front of Jun Ziyan. She held his face in her hands and said seriously, "I don't really understand business matters. But if it's just because of me that you asked the Jun Family to face Sihai Group and take the risk of doing something that many do not see as beneficial, I would feel that there's no need. If the person I love today is Ye Nanqing, then even if you really destroyed Sihai Group and left him with nothing left, in an incomparably miserable state, the person I love would still be him. "    


His body suddenly stiffened, his face turned pale, and his hands that were hanging at his sides became clenched into fists. His nails dug deep into his palms.    


"However, the person I love right now isn't him, so there's no meaning in doing this." Her voice continued to ring in his ear, and the warmth of her palm reached his cheeks. "The person I'm dating now — it's you."    


His expression softened.    


Her words made him feel like he was in hell one moment, and then it felt like he was in heaven the next.    


That's right, the person she was dating was him! And she had promised to fall in love with him. Therefore, Ye Nanqing couldn't take her away!    


Jun Ziyan rubbed his cheek against Xia Huanhuan's palm. He was filled with attachment as he said, "Don't worry. It's purely business." he said.    


And what he had done was far more than this! However, he couldn't let her know … If she knew, she would probably hate him!    


However, in this incident where Sihai Group s and Jun's Group were clashing to the death, there was suddenly a piece of beautiful news that caused a sensation in City B. The main characters of the news were Jun Ziyan and Mei Xinyi, and the place was Jun's Group's car park.    


It was a group of secretly taken photos. In the photos, Mei Xinyi and Jun Ziyan were standing face to face as if they were talking about something. One of the photos was Mei Xinyi holding Jun Ziyan's hand, looking very excited.    


This group of photos was originally a fanatical fan of Mei Xinyi's. After recognizing Mei Xinyi on the street, he had followed her all the way. However, he never would have thought that the man in the photos would be Jun's Group's CEO, Jun Ziyan.    


Due to the recent takeover case, the two major corporations had caused a huge ruckus. After this fan uploaded the photo to the internet, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Many of the gossipers had drawn up a diagram of the state of love between the Jun Family and the Four Seas because of Mei Xinyi.    


Thus, in a short period of time, words such as love, another high school, and a rich family's desire for love flooded the web.    


After Lu Xiaorong saw this gossip, she deliberately asked Xia Huanhuan, "What is the relationship between Jun Ziyan and Mei Xinyi? Isn't he dating you? "    


Xia Huanhuan was also puzzled. Logically speaking, although Mei Xinyi knew Jun Ziyan, there should be almost no communication between the two of them. The last time she saw Mei Xinyi at the jewelry store, Jun Ziyan had completely ignored her.    


However, in this series of photos, it could be seen that Jun Ziyan seemed to be talking to Mei Xinyi. There was even a hint of ruthlessness in his expression.    


In the evening, when Jun Ziyan picked Xia Huanhuan up at the entrance of Xia Huanhuan's company, Xia Huanhuan directly asked, "Are you very familiar with Mei Xinyi?"    


Jun Ziyan, who was wearing a seat belt, stopped, "Not familiar."    


"Then what did she say when she went to your company to find you?" Xia Huanhuan was even more curious than the netizens online.    


However, she didn't think like the others that there was an intimate relationship between the two of them. After all, no matter how she looked at it, Jun Ziyan didn't seem to have feelings for Mei Xinyi.    


Furthermore, Xia Huanhuan clearly knew how much Mei Xinyi loved Ye Nanqing.    


Therefore, she was only curious about the reason why Mei Xinyi came to look for Jun Ziyan.    


Jun Ziyan pursed his lips. After a while, he said, "She's looking for me. She just wants the Jun Family to withdraw from the purchase offer."    


"That's it?" Xia Huanhuan felt that it had become simpler. Since Mei Xinyi wanted to help Ye Nanqing, it was within reason that she came to beg Jun Ziyan. However, Mei Xinyi was not an innocent person, so she definitely knew that with Jun Ziyan's personality, it was impossible for her to get Jun Ziyan to agree.    


"Yes." Jun Ziyan replied indifferently, as if he had no interest in Mei Xinyi's business.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't pursue the topic any further. When they arrived at the restaurant, Xia Huanhuan was bored and played around with Jun Ziyan's laptop. In the end, she saw that there were quite a few TV dramas on the laptop.    


"You … You like to see this? " she asked.    


"I don't like it." He answered very straightforwardly.    


"Then why?" she wondered.    


"Because I want to find a way to make someone fall in love." he said.    


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