Evil CEO's Favorites

C59 Chapter 59

C59 Chapter 59

2There was only one Ye Nanqing not enough, so Jun Ziyan came again. And now, even Mei Xinyi came!     4


Mei Xinyi naturally did not come alone. Accompanied by a few tall bodyguards, Mei Xinyi walked towards Ye Nanqing and Jun Ziyan.    


The headmaster of K University immediately felt sweat trickling down his forehead, becoming even more diligent.    


"Mei Xinyi, why are you here at K University? Is it because of Jun Ziyan and Ye Nanqing? " Some students had automatically assumed the role of reporters.    


Mei Xinyi revealed a coquettish smile, "K University is also my alma mater. I came to my alma mater to have a look, so I don't need any additional reasons." If I had studied in the past, I would probably have graduated from this batch as well. "    


After she finished speaking, Mei Xinyi cast a meaningful glance at Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan was silent as she turned her head away. As for the surrounding crowd, they were attracted by Mei Xinyi. People rushed over like floodwaters, many of them wanting to sign their names. Some of them were even daring enough to ask about the news on the internet about Mei Xinyi and Jun Ziyan, and some even asked Mei Xinyi if she was two-timing.    


Mei Xinyi would naturally not answer such questions. He just announced loudly, "I've always been single-minded towards Nanqing. I won't change my mind, and neither will Nanqing!"    


As he said that, he intentionally held Ye Nanqing's arm as if they were intimate.    


Immediately, the crowd became even more restless. Many of them took out their cameras and started taking all kinds of shots. Even the graduation ceremony in the history of K University was not as chaotic as this.    


Lu Xiaorong looked to be in high spirits, obviously wanting to take a few pictures with her camera.    


The entire auditorium was in chaos.    


In the chaos, Xia Huanhuan suddenly felt her hand being grabbed by a big hand. The other party's fingers squeezed into the space between her fingers — it was a interlocking grip, and there was usually only one person who could shake her hand like that!    


Without hesitation, she followed him and squeezed out of the auditorium.    


Perhaps the scene was too chaotic, or perhaps everyone's attention was focused on Mei Xinyi and Ye Nanqing at this moment, so Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan smoothly squeezed out of the crowd.    


Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath as she ran all the way to the corner of a tree-lined road in the school. One of her hands was still tightly clenched by Jun Ziyan.    


Xia Huanhuan moved her hand but was unable to withdraw it.    


So, she looked at Jun Ziyan's expressionless face and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Why didn't you tell me about your graduation ceremony?" he asked.    


Xia Huanhuan said somewhat guiltily, "Anyway, it's just a formality. Besides, I haven't told my mother about it yet."    


"Then did you know Ye Nanqing would come today?" Jun Ziyan asked again.    


Xia Huanhuan bit her lower lip before speaking the truth. "I know."    


Suddenly, he tightened his grip on her hand, causing her to frown in pain as she cried out in a low voice, "It hurts!"    


"I'm in pain too!" he said, taking her hand and biting the back of it with his teeth.    


It was not a vicious bite, but more like a punitive bite!    


Then, as if he didn't want to bite enough, he pried her fingers apart again, put them in his mouth, breathed in, spat them out, one by one, and her ten fingers took a pinch.    


In the past, whenever Jun Ziyan was angry or awkward, he would always like to suck her finger and repeat the same action over and over again. This was also one of the characteristics of autistic patients.    


Unexpectedly, after so many years, this habit of his was still there.    


Xia Huanhuan sighed and just let Jun Ziyan play with her fingers. When he finished venting and her fingers were free again, she explained, "I rejected Ye Nanqing's offer to attend the graduation ceremony, but that doesn't mean that K University can refuse."    


Ye Nanqing was willing to donate to the K University as a guest of honor for the principal. How could the principal refuse the offer of a rich god to attend the K University?    


Jun Ziyan was silent for a moment before he said, "In the future, if something like that happens again, don't hide it from me."    


"Alright." "Yes," Xia Huanhuan answered, thinking back to the question she had wanted to ask. "Why did you come to school?"    


"I wanted to give you a surprise." he replied. He just didn't expect that the person who was shocked in the end, aside from her, was himself!    


"You know it's my graduation ceremony?" She was a little surprised that she hadn't mentioned Ai to him    


Jun Ziyan nodded slightly, "I've seen your class schedule before. It's written on it."    


His memory had always been powerful, not to mention what he was deliberately trying to remember. Xia Huanhuan asked again, "Then when you and Ye Nanqing approached each other earlier, what did the two of you say?"    


"You want to know?" He looked at her.    


She nodded.    


"I said, if he dares to say your name, I'll kill him." The clear and cold voice indifferently stated.    


Xia Huanhuan was dumbfounded. "You really said that?"    


"Yes." He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he had said.    


"Didn't I tell you before that you shouldn't talk about killing others? If you do, you'll end up in jail as well." Xia Huanhuan felt a headache coming on, "Besides, so what if Ye Nanqing said my name on stage? "It's not like I'm missing a piece of meat!" At most, it would be drowned by all kinds of gossip and gossip.    


He pursed his lips and suddenly stared at her with an aggrieved expression.    


She was confused and wanted to ask him, but suddenly he opened his arms and suddenly pulled her into his embrace, "But …" "Ye Nanqing is different, he is different."    


Different? What's different?!    


Xia Huanhuan was confused, but her body was tightly hugged by Jun Ziyan. It was as if he wanted to bury her inside his body, making her unable to breathe.    


"Ziyan, relax for a moment. I can't breathe." Xia Huanhuan shouted.    


But his arm was tightening, his face was buried under her shoulder, he kept muttering, "Huanhuan, don't get any feelings for Ye Nanqing! "Don't ever …"    


Again? Xia Huanhuan was puzzled by this word. Could it be that — Her mind suddenly thought of a certain possibility. She immediately blurted out, "Could it be that you know that I dated Ye Nanqing before?"    


After she said this, his body suddenly stiffened, his breathing became a little hurried, and he suddenly relaxed his grip on her arms.    


Xia Huanhuan finally felt that her breathing became smoother. She took two deep breaths and looked at Jun Ziyan, only to find that his face was pale to the point of transparency. "What's wrong with you?" Are you alright? "    


She raised her hands and held his cheeks. She took a deep breath. The temperature in her heart was ice-cold.    


"How can your face be so cold?" Xia Huanhuan asked, but Jun Ziyan just pursed his lips and didn't say a word.    


Xia Huanhuan simply grabbed Jun Ziyan's hand. His hand was equally cold. It was June now, but his body was frighteningly cold.    


He couldn't be sick, right? Xia Huanhuan thought about it and said, "Do you have a family doctor? Would you like your family doctor to take a look at you, or... Shall I accompany you to the hospital now? "    


He still didn't say anything.    


Fine! Xia Huanhuan pulled Jun Ziyan along and was about to take Jun Ziyan to the parking lot to get the car, but he didn't move at all. It was as if his feet were nailed to the ground.    


"What if I do?" A clear and cold voice abruptly sounded out.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. "What did you say?"    


"If I knew that you dated Ye Nanqing, what would happen to you?" he repeated.    


"How did you know?" Xia Huanhuan was surprised. Her relationship with Ye Nanqing came from the days after Jun Ziyan left her. Coincidentally, she had already broken up with Ye Nanqing after their reunion. Therefore, she didn't mention anything about Ye Nanqing to him.    


Later on, although she wanted to tell him about the relationship between her and Ye Nanqing due to a few conflicts between them, he said he didn't want to know at all.    


Thus, at that time, he did not say the words that came out of his mouth.    


Furthermore, from the moment she met Ye Nanqing, very few people around her knew about it. Xia Huanhuan originally wanted to wait until her relationship had stabilized before she spoke to her family and friends. However, she didn't expect that Mei Xinyi's appearance would change everything.    


Jun Ziyan was silent. He stared fixedly at Xia Huanhuan, waiting silently for her reply.    


Xia Huanhuan actually felt somewhat pitiful looking at him, like a dog that was about to be abandoned, and was nervously waiting for its owner to make a decision.    


Was it because his face was too pale? Or was it the uneasiness in his eyes as he stared at her?    


Xia Huanhuan pulled Jun Ziyan and said, "Follow me first!"    


This time, he finally lifted his foot and followed her to the school playground. At this moment, it was almost noon. The warm June sun brought a hint of heat with it.    


She pressed him down on the steps of the playground,    


She had no idea how he knew about her relationship with Ye Nanqing. Perhaps Mei Xinyi had come to him that day and told him about it? Xia Huanhuan guessed. Then, she raised her hand and touched Jun Ziyan's smooth black short hair. "I'm the village chief," she said.    


His eyelashes fluttered, and he slowly raised his head to look at her.    


"I don't care how you knew about this, but I don't have any feelings for Ye Nanqing." Xia Huanhuan said seriously, "That's right, I once liked Ye Nanqing, but when he personally told me to stay with me, just because he saw me as a substitute, my love for him disappeared completely."    


He stared straight at her, and there was a kind of warmth in her palm, a warmth even warmer than the sun, that made him yearn for her.    


She paused, then continued, "I want to be in love with someone who only cares about me, not someone who is a substitute for anyone. So, I won't like Ye Nanqing anymore. "    


This was the first time that Xia Huanhuan clearly told Jun Ziyan about her relationship with Ye Nanqing.    


Her voice and the way she stroked his hair seemed to soothe his uneasiness.    


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