Evil CEO's Favorites

C65 Chapter 65

C65 Chapter 65

1When Xia Mei woke up, she found her daughter and a man sitting together in a chair by the sickbed, leaning against each other. The man's body retracted slightly, his head resting on his daughter's shoulder. His daughter's left hand and the man's right hand were still intertwined, their fingers intertwined. It seemed like they were very intimate.    


Xia Mei was shocked. She was about to say something when she saw the man's eyes slowly opening. The man's face was handsome, but the eyes gave people a feeling of emptiness. It was as if in his eyes, nothing actually existed.    


Such a gaze was something that Xia Mei was once familiar with. Of all the people she knew, only one of them had that look when she looked at them, and she could almost see the child growing up.    


"Xiao Nuo?" Xia Mei shouted softly. She could almost be sure that the man in front of her was Jun Ziyan. After all, his appearance was still similar to that of ten years ago. Her facial features were still as delicate as before, but they had lost their original youthfulness and had become more mature.    


Jun Ziyan stared at Xia Mei with his black eyes, but he didn't say anything. He just used his left hand to raise his index finger and covered his lips.    


That gesture was to make her silent.    


Xia Mei stopped talking. She looked at Jun Ziyan, whose eyes were half-closed. Xia Mei's body was still leaning on Xia Huanhuan's shoulder.    


Xia Mei could not help but feel a little regretful. It had been so many years, but this child had still not changed. It was as if he only liked to stay by his daughter's side, as he was doing now. He just sat there in silence.    


When Xia Huanhuan woke up, she saw her mother half lying on the bed, looking thoughtfully at her and Jun Ziyan.    


She was shocked and jumped up from her chair. "Mom …" He is... I was... "No, I saw him today. Because there's no place for me to sleep, I brought him here to sleep." Xia Huanhuan explained in a hurry.    


"Don't be in such a hurry, speak slowly. Mom isn't scolding you!" Xia Mei, on the other hand, had a normal expression on her face as she said, "He must be Xiao Nuo."    


Xia Huanhuan nodded. She wasn't surprised that her mother would be able to recognize Jun Ziyan, after all, before the age of 17, she had to go to Jun Family half the time while he came to Xia Family.    


"When did you and Xiao Nuo meet again?" Xia Mei asked.    


"Just for a month or two." Xia Huanhuan replied, "Yesterday, he came to find me. Because it was too late for me to find a place to sleep, I let him temporarily rest here."    


Of course, the main reason was that Jun Ziyan didn't want to stay alone in the hotel. Xia Huanhuan had to take care of her mother, so as a result of her decline, Xia Huanhuan pulled two chairs over and leaned her head against Jun Ziyan's side, squinting her eyes side by side.    


Since the two of them had reunited, Xia's mother was not surprised that Jun Ziyan would stick to his daughter.    


But there was one thing she had never known. Why did Jun Ziyan stop contacting his daughter when he first left Z for B City? He didn't even send her a letter. At the time, she thought it was the two children quarrelling again, but she couldn't get anything out of her daughter, so she gave up.    


As time passed, the people and matters regarding Jun Family were gradually forgotten by Xia's mother. Only, when she thought of Jun Ziyan occasionally, Xia's mother would still sigh emotionally. After all, it was the first time in her entire life that she had seen a child that was sticking so tightly to her daughter.    


It was almost as if his daughter was his entire world!    


Xia Mei had originally thought that since Jun Family was this child, she would probably not have any chance to see him again. After all, a family like the Jun Family, to ordinary commoners, was simply too far away.    


He didn't expect to see it again in the hospital.    


Jun Ziyan didn't say anything, but Xia's mother had gotten used to it. When he came to her house, he often did the same thing, just that he changed his mind about Xia Huanhuan. Even if Xia Mei occasionally talked to him, he was mostly silent.    


Only when Xia Mei brought up the subject of Xia Huanhuan would his eyes light up and he even be willing to "communicate" with her.    


Xia Mei was used to it, but Xia Huanhuan could not bear to see it any longer.    


Xia Huanhuan pulled Jun Ziyan and said, "Why don't you say hello to my mom?"    


Jun Ziyan looked at Xia Huanhuan for a moment. Then, he stood up and said to Xia Mei, "Hello, Auntie Xia."    


"Oh, good, good!" Xia Mei, on the other hand, was a little flattered.    


Then, Jun Ziyan turned around to Xia Huanhuan and asked, "Does this count as meeting a parent?"    


Xia Huanhuan blinked her eyes in disbelief.    


Xia Mei also blinked her eyes, dumbfounded.    


The mother and daughter pair had the same expression.    


"If you're meeting with the parents, I don't have a present. Can I buy it now?" Jun Ziyan asked again.    


"Huanhuan, what do you mean by meeting her parents? What gift?" Xia Mei was a little confused when she heard this.    


Lili thought for a moment, then took Jun Ziyan's hand and stood in front of her mother. "Mom, Ziyan and I are dating. He's my current boyfriend."    


Since the two of them were in an official relationship, it was only a matter of time before he would explain it to his mother. It would be better to take advantage of this opportunity to explain it to her.    


Xia's mother's expression was puzzled. She looked at Xia Huanhuan, then looked at Jun Ziyan, and finally, she moved her gaze to the hand they were holding. Only then did she become surprised.    


"You're dating?" Xia's mother asked in disbelief.    


Originally, she only thought that the intimacy Jun Ziyan had with his daughter was due to his childhood habit. She didn't expect that the relationship between the two of them had already …    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan nodded.    


Xia's mother's expression changed as she hesitantly looked at the two children in front of her. One of them was her most precious daughter, while the other one was the one she had watched grow up.    


"Xiao Nuo, why don't you go out for a while?" Auntie Xia will be checking in a while, so you need to change your clothes first. " Xia Mei suddenly changed the topic.    


Jun Ziyan looked at Xia Mei with a serious face.    


Xia Huanhuan pushed Jun Ziyan and said, "Go out for a while, I'm going to help my mom change."    


Jun Ziyan pursed his lips and turned to look at Xia Huanhuan. After a while, he walked out of the ward with a grunt.    


After the door was closed, Xia Huanhuan took out the clothes she wanted to change. As she was about to change her mother's clothes, she found her mother looking at her with a grave expression.    


"Mom, what's wrong?" Xia Huanhuan asked curiously.    


Xia Mei stared at her daughter. "Are you really dating Xiao Nuo?"    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan nodded.    


"How can you date him?!" Xia Mei panicked. "Did you forget that he was sick?"    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned for a moment. She was surprised to hear this from her mother, "Mom, didn't you always like Jun Ziyan? When I was young, you beat me up for him a few times. You said it yourself, you really feel sorry for him because he has autism.    


"That's right. I do like Xiao Nuo, and I feel sorry for her, but …" Xia Mei took a deep breath. "That doesn't mean Mom can trust you to hand you over to him." After all, this was her only daughter, how could she be at ease handing her over to a patient? "Mom won't ask you to find a rich and powerful boyfriend, but at least if you're healthy and normal, then Mom will be relieved."    


"Jun Ziyan is not unhealthy, nor is he unhealthy." Xia Huanhuan replied, "Even if he had autism, the doctors have declared him cured."    


"Even after recovering, it will still relapse!" Xia Mei reminded, "If one day, his autism recurs and he refuses to communicate with everyone around him, only living in his own world, what will you do then?!"    


As a mother, she had to worry about that.    


"Even if his autism really does recur, I will definitely accompany him and heal together once more." Xia Huanhuan said without hesitation.    


Xia Mei stared fixedly at her daughter. Suddenly, she had a feeling that her daughter had truly grown up.    


"Are you sure you don't want to listen to your mom? Are you sure you want to continue dating Xiao Nuo?"    


"Mom …" Xia Huanhuan bit her lips. "I know what kind of person I want!" Even if there was someone who was healthy and not sick, what good would it do if that person didn't focus on me? I think, in this world, no one can be more single-minded towards me than Ziyan. When he was young, he almost died several times because of me. It's not like you don't know how many guarantees you wrote for me to do this! "    


Xia Mei was slightly dazed. One mind, one mind...    


Back then, she had found the wrong person and found someone who wasn't wholeheartedly focused on her. That was why she had lost her father the moment her daughter was born. But now, her daughter had a better eyesight than her and found a man who was wholeheartedly facing her. I am the village chief.    


"Mom, I hope you can accept Ziyan. There's nothing bad about him." Xia Huanhuan tried to win her mother's approval.    


Xia Mei sighed. "Let Mom think about it."    


Xia Huanhuan changed her mother's clothes. When she left the ward, she saw Jun Ziyan standing outside, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. There was an indescribable loneliness in him.    


It was like a dog that had been abandoned by its owner, quietly waiting for its owner.    


Xia Huanhuan walked up and touched Jun Ziyan's face, "Are you alright?"    


His eyelashes twitched, but he surprisingly turned his head away and said, "I'm fine."    


Looking at his expression, it was definitely not that he was fine! Ever since the two of them had met, he had avoided her touch on his own accord. It could even be said that you could count on one hand, "What happened?" Xia Huanhuan insisted.    


Jun Ziyan was silent.    


"Look at me!" Xia Huanhuan pulled Jun Ziyan's face apart, making him face her again, "What happened? Tell me, don't let me keep making wild guesses. I thought that with our current relationship, we should be able to say anything. "    


"Do you mind if I'm autistic?" he asked, his voice light, but she could hear a trace of hesitation in his voice.    


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