Evil CEO's Favorites

C62 Chapter 62

C62 Chapter 62

4"Also …" "No." It would just make her heart race!    


"Then why?" He looked at her as if he must get the answer from her.    


Xia Huanhuan's face suddenly turned even redder, but she couldn't do anything about Jun Ziyan's current state. She could only say, "That's because I'm embarrassed!"    


"Apologies?" There was a clear look of confusion in his eyes, which was an emotion he did not understand. "Why?"    


I'm sorry, but why else? Xia Huanhuan felt a headache coming on. "Anyway, being embarrassed is being embarrassed!"    


"However, your touch will make me very happy." Jun Ziyan said in a low voice. He took Xia Huanhuan's hand and placed it against his cheek before slowly sliding it down his neck, chest, and finally … It stopped at his lower abdomen.    


Xia Huanhuan reflexively wanted to withdraw her hand, but she couldn't move it because of Jun Ziyan's tight grip.    


She could feel that somewhere in his lower abdomen, there were signs of "awakening" due to the touch of her palm. Through his pants, she could see that place slowly being propped up.    


In his palm, that thing was growing bigger and bigger …    


"I don't understand why you would feel embarrassed. However, I am very happy. When you touch me, I will be very happy. I am very happy. Even if my body occasionally feels a bit uncomfortable, it is mostly pleasure." Jun Ziyan said.    


Xia Huanhuan was a little taken aback. Her hands that were originally twisting around had now quieted down. Jun Ziyan's feelings were direct, and he was far more honest than her.    


For example, happiness was happiness, sadness was sadness!    


He was clear!    


"I'm embarrassed because I'm shy and shy because I like you." Although Xia Huanhuan's face was still flushed, she still spoke honestly.    


She wanted to be as honest with him as he was with her.    


His eyes moved as if he had understood her words. "Then will you be happy?"    


Xia Huanhuan nodded. "I'll be happy about it." No matter what, it was a touch from someone he liked. That was why he was so happy.    


Jun Ziyan smiled. On his handsome face, there was a comfortable smile that even caused his originally deep and empty eyes to be tainted with a peculiar luster.    


"Then come live with me. I want to live with Huanhuan." Jun Ziyan leaned over and kissed Lili's rosy cheek. "It's not that you're leaning against me, it's that I'm leaning against you."    


The person that he could never leave was him. It was he who couldn't leave her. It was he who wanted to rely on her. He who wanted to hold on to her. No matter what, he didn't want to let go …    


Is this cohabitation? Xia Huanhuan suddenly felt that the way things were going was going out of tune. But when he said that, she couldn't say no.    


In the end, Xia Huanhuan moved her luggage into Jun Ziyan's apartment with Lu Xiaorong's help.    


Of course, Jun Ziyan originally wanted to come to Xia Huanhuan's room to help them move the house, but Xia Huanhuan refused.    


If Jun Ziyan really entered her bedroom, the whole building would probably be in an uproar.    


Lu Xiaorong took the opportunity to visit Jun Ziyan's apartment. When she found out that Jun Ziyan also bought the other two apartments on this floor, Lu Xiaorong clicked her tongue and said that she finally knew what it meant to be rich.    


After Lu Xiaorong left, Xia Huanhuan chose the other bedroom next to Jun Ziyan's bedroom. After packing up her luggage, she made three orders with Jun Ziyan.    


"My salary is currently 4000 per month. I will pay 1000 per month for the rent of the house. We will each be given half of the household chores, and …" She paused for a second, then glanced at Jun Ziyan, who was typing away with his laptop. "You can't just casually come into my room at night."    


The sound of the keyboard stopped. Jun Ziyan looked up at Xia Huanhuan and said expressionlessly, "Ok."    


On the other hand, Xia Huanhuan was surprised that Jun Ziyan agreed so readily. "You agreed?"    


"Mm, I agree." he said.    


At night, before Xia Huanhuan could even get into bed, Jun Ziyan knocked on her door. "Can we sleep together?"    


"…" She blinked, then said, "Didn't I say you couldn't come into my room at night?"    


"You don't have to come into your room to sleep together." In other words, he could enter his room.    


Does that make a difference? Lili was about to say no, but then she heard Jun Ziyan say, "I really want to hug Huanhuan to sleep. That way, I'll definitely be able to sleep soundly."    


Xia Huanhuan was taken aback. "Do you usually not sleep well?"    


He slightly pursed his lips and didn't reply. He only lowered his head and looked at her. Within his pitch-black eyes, there was a hint of desire.    


Facing his gaze, she had no way out.    


She bit her lip and hesitated. She wasn't a child anymore. Who knows what would happen if she were to lie on the same bed as him?    


"I won't violate you." As if seeing through her hesitation, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Unless you agree, otherwise, no matter how much I want you, I will not violate you."    


Even if his body wanted to expand and hurt, he wouldn't violate her because he wanted her to stay with him even more.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. "Why do you want to sleep with me?"    


"Because that would make me feel safe." He answered her thus.    


That night, Xia Huanhuan still lied beside Jun Ziyan. He was curled up, one hand clasped around hers, the other around her waist.    


"Do you feel at ease like this?" she asked softly.    


"Yes." "Yes," he replied. It was a very comfortable feeling, like a child who had finally found a place he could rely on.    


In the days of living together, besides Jun Ziyan's insistence on sleeping together, there was nothing else that Xia Huanhuan wasn't used to. In these few days, the conflict between Sihai Group and itself seemed to have intensified. The shares of Sihai Group had been wantonly bought by someone.    


Even small units like Xia Huanhuan's, which were under the control of Sihai Group, were sitting upright and didn't dare to joke around like they used to.    


Even his colleagues, who originally thought of the battle between the two major corporations as gossip, started to worry.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't have the time to worry about this. At the moment, she only wanted to quickly finish the drawing she had on hand and then resign.    


At least, Ye Nanqing did not deny the result of his first submission.    


Home... What kind of home did Ye Nanqing want?! In the past when they were dating, Ye Nanqing didn't even mention anything about this to her.    


And if he were to talk about the home that he liked … Xia Huanhuan sketched a sketch on her sketchbook. Unknowingly, she drew a rough outline of her childhood dream home.    


Putting down her brush, Xia Huanhuan stared at the drawing on her sketchbook, lost in thought. She only came back to her senses when her phone rang.    


"Is that Huanhuan?" An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.    


Xia Huanhuan recognized the voice from the neighbor next door, Aunt Dai. "Aunt Dai, what's the matter?" A bad premonition suddenly flashed within Xia Huanhuan's heart. When she left home, she intentionally gave her contact information to her neighbor Aunt Dai, hoping that Aunt Dai would help take care of her mother. If anything happened to her mother, she would give her a call.    


And now …    


"Your mother is in the hospital."    


The few words were like a bolt out of the blue, striking Xia Huanhuan's head.    


"What?!" Xia Huanhuan abruptly stood up from her chair. Xia Huanhuan felt as if her blood had frozen in an instant.    


"Your uncle came to your house today and quarreled with your mother over the matter of the house. In the end, your mother got mad and suffered a heart attack again. He entered the hospital!" Aunt Dai said.    


"Which hospital?" Xia Huanhuan quickly asked. A few years ago, her mother had checked her body and found some problems with her heart. It was just that the doctor didn't think it was a serious problem, so she usually just took some of the medicine prescribed by the hospital.    


Aunt Dai quickly gave the address of the hospital and Xia Huanhuan took notes. When she remembered, she felt her hands trembling non-stop. She almost couldn't recognize the words that she had written.    


"Thank you, Aunt Dai. I will be back today!" Xia Huanhuan hung up the phone and quickly took out her bag from the drawer. Then she said to her colleague, "Please help me ask for a leave of absence from the manager. I have urgent matters and need to leave first!"    


Perhaps because Xia Huanhuan's expression was too solemn and anxious, her colleague quickly nodded and said, "Sure, I will help you talk to the manager."    


Xia Huanhuan ran out of the company and took a taxi to the train station. She bought a train ticket that was available for express delivery in Daz City.    


If there was anyone who was most important to Xia Huanhuan in this world, it would undoubtedly be Xia's mother. In a single parent family, both mother and daughter were dependent on each other. To Xia Huanhuan, perhaps she could give up everything, but only her mother was something she could not give up on.    


On the train, Xia Huanhuan called her mother's cell phone several times, but it was always a blind tone. When she thought of her uncle's family, Xia Huanhuan bit her lips. All these years, it was not the first time that Uncle had quarreled with his mother over the matter of the house. It was just that he did not expect that his mother would actually go to the hospital.    


When the train arrived at Z City, Xia Huanhuan immediately rushed to the hospital that Aunt Dai had mentioned. As soon as she arrived at the door of her mother's ward, Xia Huanhuan heard her uncle's voice.    


"Xia Mei, do you need to live in such a big house by yourself? Why don't you give me the house and I'll give you a room in my house.    


Xia Mei was Xia's mother's name.    


"What do you mean by living alone? What about Huanhuan? This is our home. I won't let her live this way."    


"Don't think about it. I also sold that house to you. If I didn't sell it to you, would you have owned a house? "Right now, I'm just going to take the house back!" Xia Qihong said fiercely.    


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