Evil CEO's Favorites

C53 Chapter 53

C53 Chapter 53

2He pursed his lips but didn't say anything. After a short while, the staff brought out the ginger water with brown sugar. Xia Huanhuan half sat up and drank it while it was still hot.    


When the hot ginger water entered her mouth, she felt slightly more comfortable. The pain in her stomach was also not as obvious as it was before. As Xia Huanhuan sipped her drink, Jun Ziyan suddenly asked, "Do you have enough sanitary pads?"    


"Huh?" Xia Huanhuan blinked, and a layer of red suddenly appeared on the pale ground. She suddenly understood what he was thinking about. I'll go and buy it myself later. "    


"Do you have any brands that you especially like to use?" He continued to ask.    


She shook her head and realized that now was not the time to answer his question. If he really went to buy her some sanitary pads, the entire hotel would know.    


Unfortunately, Xia Huanhuan's obstruction didn't have the slightest effect, Jun Ziyan directly left a message, "Lie down for a while, I'll be back in a while." He then walked out of the suite.    


Xia Huanhuan drank the remaining hot ginger water and lay back on the bed. After who knows how long, when she woke up in a daze, she suddenly felt that she was lying in a warm embrace.    


She couldn't help but slightly lift her chin … It was Jun Ziyan! He was lying on his side beside her, one arm around her shoulders, the other against her stomach through the thin fabric of her dress.    


When did he come back? Xia Huanhuan blinked her eyes and looked at the face that was just inches away from her with a slightly dazed expression. His pitch-black bangs covered his forehead, and his long eyelashes were even more obvious due to his closed eyes. His straight nose and watery thin lips were both handsome and calm.    


This scene reminded her of when she was young. He was also lying by her side like this. It was just that at that time, she was the one who was holding him, and now, it was he who was holding her.    


Carefully lifting up one hand, she gently lifted the bangs on his forehead. Although it had already been a few days and the wound had lightened a lot, it was still like a brand …    


If it wasn't for what she said... Maybe he wouldn't even...    


"This is none of your business." Jun Ziyan's long eyelashes trembled as he opened his eyes.    


"You're awake?" She pulled her hand back, instinctively wanting to rise and pull herself out of his embrace, but his hand on her shoulder pressed her back into his.    


"So, you don't need to look at me with such guilt in your eyes." His voice continued to ring from the top of her head.    


Was it because his voice had always been faint and clear? Or was it because the bedding was too soft and comfortable? Or perhaps it was because of his words … It was as if he could see through all of her guilt and uneasiness.    


"You really went to buy tampons?" Xia Huanhuan remembered what happened before she fell asleep.    




"Where did you buy it?"    


"There's a supermarket on the ground floor of the hotel."    


Xia Huanhuan could almost imagine what kind of shock the CEO of her hotel would bring to the supermarket staff when he bought tampons for women.    


"Aren't you afraid of the comments from your employees?" she asked.    


"Why should I be afraid?" Instead, he asked a strange question.    


Alright, it seems like she asked a silly question. He would never pay attention to the opinions of others.    


Her face was against his chest, and she was surrounded by his breath. His other hand moved across her stomach. "Does it still hurt?"    


"Much better." His stomach was burning. It was unknown whether it was because of the hot ginger water or the fact that his hand was pressed against the wall.    


"If only there were children here." He said in a low voice, "I really want to know what Huanhuan and I would look like." Would he cry? Will it cause trouble? Would he be as warm as when she was young, or would he be like when he was young, immersed in his own world!    


Xia Huanhuan froze, and suddenly felt her throat dry up. "You …" "Like children?"    


"I don't like it." He answered without the slightest hesitation.    


She was stunned. "Then why did you …" If he didn't like children, why did he insist on not letting her take the antidote?    


"If you have a child that belongs to Huanhuan and me, then there will be another layer of entanglement between us. That way, it would be even more impossible for you to leave me."    


She stared at him, savoring his meaning. Did he define the child only to make it impossible for her to leave him?    


"Is that all?"    




His eyes were calm. She knew that he truly thought this way, so she said it as well. Moreover, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it at all.    


Xia Huanhuan sighed. "Children are not bargaining chips. If I want to leave, even if I have children, I will leave. Similarly, if I don't want to leave, even if I don't have children, I won't leave."    


The arm around her shoulders suddenly tightened, and the old uneasiness in his heart continued to grow.    


"I hope that one day, my child will be born because of the love of my parents and not for any other purpose." "No," she said.    


He looked at her steadily, his hand sliding inside her dress, palm down, this time completely against her belly.    


Her face immediately flushed red. "You …"    


"Is it okay as long as you like it?" he asked, looking at her steadily.    




"As long as I like our children, is that enough?" "In that case, if you were pregnant, would you be willing to give birth?"    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips and replied, "If I love her, I will."    


He lowered his head and brought his lips close to hers. "Okay …" We will wait! "    


Wait until the day she falls in love, wait until the day she wants to.    


He kissed her on the lips, thin, thick, and eager. Her hands slowly pressed against his cheeks, taking the initiative to deepen the kiss.    


His body trembled as brilliance swirled within his pitch-black eyes. He gently closed his eyes and opened his lips. Following her tongue, he carefully and tentatively slid his lips into hers …    


So, as long as he was willing to wait, she would slowly fall in love with him, wouldn't she?!    


Just... He patiently waited!    


Just... If she found nothing, if she didn't know anything …    


Mei Xinyi never thought that people would see the matter of her going to find Jun Ziyan and even uploaded the photo to the internet. In the past few days, almost all the reporters from the gossip media would stop her, hoping to dig up some news from her mouth.    


The news about her and Jun Ziyan had once again been brought to the attention of the public, just as if the Four Seas of the Jun Family had been brought to the attention of the public.    


Even Sister Wang, who had been following her and was a rich person, teased her with a smile, "Xinyi, since you know Jun Ziyan, why didn't you say so earlier? "Right now, the two groups are fighting for you!"    


For her?!    


Mei Xinyi could not speak with bitterness. She could only smile awkwardly. However, rather than worrying about those gossip reporters, she was more worried about Ye Nanqing's reaction right now.    


After what happened, Ye Nanqing didn't even send a message, let alone call to ask.    


Did she really exist in his heart?!    


Mei Xinyi thought, especially when she specifically came to Sihai Group, and walked into Ye Nanqing's office under the strange gazes of the crowd, Ye Nanqing merely smiled faintly, "Sit, I still have some documents to deal with first. If you want to drink something, you can tell Secretary Ai."    


Mei Xinyi sat uneasily on the sofa as she looked at Ye Nanqing, who was calmly processing documents.    


His expression and demeanor were just like usual. A faint smile hung on his lips. He seemed gentle and gentle, but in reality, he was cold and distant.    


If she could, she would rather Ye Nanqing scold her, or even scold her. It was better than this — it was as if to him, she was just an ordinary person. No matter what she did, it would not affect him at all.    


"You … Is there nothing to ask me? " Mei Xinyi asked as she uneasily pursed her red lips.    


Ye Nanqing stopped writing and looked up at Mei Xinyi. "No."    


"But …" She paused for a moment, then suddenly stood up and walked in front of Ye Nanqing, "Don't you want to ask, why did I look for Jun Ziyan that day?"    


Ye Nanqing said lightly, "If you want to say it to me, you will say it. "What, you came here today to tell me about this?"    


"I …" Mei Xinyi hesitated. It was an impulse just now, but if she really had to say it, then …    


Gritting her teeth, she looked at Ye Nanqing. Ye Nanqing just leisurely sat on the chair and quietly waited for her reply.    


"I went to find Jun Ziyan, hoping that he wouldn't hinder Sihai Group's purchase. I only wanted to help you, but I didn't expect that someone would secretly take a photo and post it online." Mei Xinyi said.    


After Ye Nanqing heard this, he slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "But Xinyi, why do you think that you can help me?"    


"Huh?" Mei Xinyi was stunned.    


"Why do you think that if you go and find Jun Ziyan, you can stop the Jun Family from attacking Four Seas this time? And why would Jun Ziyan listen to your advice? " Ye Nanqing replied with a straight hit.    


Mei Xinyi immediately tensed up. "I …" I just wanted to give it a try, so I went to look for him. "    


"Is that so?" Ye Nanqing smiled as he looked at Mei Xinyi and examined her expression.    


Mei Xinyi's heart was pounding, but her face remained calm. At this moment, this scene made her even more nervous than any she had ever experienced.    


I can't let him see anything wrong, absolutely not!    


Fortunately, after a while, Ye Nanqing finally lowered his eyes and Mei Xinyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. However, he didn't notice that the smile on Ye Nanqing's face gradually disappeared. His right thumb gently rubbed the ring on his left hand.    


That was his habit of thinking – a habit he had formed over the past three years.    


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