Evil CEO's Favorites

C50 Chapter 50

C50 Chapter 50

3Xia Huanhuan was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that the reason he watched this love drama was to make her fall in love with him?!    1


"Don't you know that many of those in the TV series are fake? They're liars!" Especially those love dramas that seek romantic effects.    


He bit his lower lip and said nothing more.    


There was a strange silence in the air, and the two men stared at each other.    


"So, even if I kneel in front of you and beg you to fall in love with me while crying, you still won't agree?" As he spoke, there was a rare sense of irritation and anxiety in his tone, while his slender fingers were firmly buckling her arm.    


She said breathlessly, "Television is television, reality is reality. "Don't take the TV shows too hard."    


He stopped talking and released his hand. His brows were tightly knitted, as if he was extremely agitated.    


Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but stretch out her finger and flick Jun Ziyan's brows, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? Didn't you say you would wait for me to fall in love with you?"    


"I …" Rarely, he avoided her eyes. Don't start.    


"What's going on?" His hands closed around his face, turning him to face her.    


"Nothing." He pulled down her hand.    


Xia Huanhuan wanted to say something, but her elbow accidentally bumped into the waiter who was bringing the dishes over. As a result, the soup served on the tray splashed onto the sleeves of Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan.    


Jun Ziyan looked at the waiter in displeasure. His body was emitting a vicious aura which made the waiter's face turn pale. The hand holding the tray kept shaking.    


"It's none of his business. I bumped into him. I should be able to wash off the soup stains on my clothes. It's fine. " Xia Huanhuan hurriedly said. At the same time, she winked at the waiter.    


The other party apologized again and again before hurriedly walking away. Xia Huanhuan pulled Jun Ziyan to the bathroom and said to him, "Lift your hand a bit and rinse the place where you spilled the soup first. This way, it'll be easy to wash it when you go back home."    


"Just throw it away." "No," he said.    


Alright, even if he was rich, it would be a waste to just throw away a piece of clothing, especially the clothes he was wearing. As far as Xia Huanhuan knew, not even tens of thousands of dollars would be sufficient for a set of clothes.    


"Raise your hands!" Xia Huanhuan said.    


Jun Ziyan pursed his lips and raised his hand as Xia Huanhuan instructed.    


She undid the buttons on his sleeve, carefully rinsed the soup stains on his sleeve with cold water, and said, "It'll be clean!"    


He looked down at the place where she had carefully wrung out the sleeve and rolled it up for him, and to balance it she rolled up the other side of his damp sleeve for two inches.    


When she did this for him, he felt very comfortable. It was as if at this moment, she was only 'doing it for him'.    


"You seem very upset today. Are you sure you're okay?" Xia Huanhuan suddenly asked.    


His lips were tightly pursed, his long eyelashes half-hanging. After a long time, he finally said in a low voice, "…" "Nope."    


Xia Huanhuan could tell that Jun Ziyan had something on his mind, but he just didn't want to say it. It was a rare occurrence, and he usually told her anything she asked him about.    


Therefore, Xia Huanhuan said, "Ziyan, I'm your girlfriend. If you have anything to worry about, you can tell me. Even if I can't help you solve it, it's still better than keeping it in your heart."    


Speak? He looked at her steadily, but there was something, something — "If there ever comes a day when I really want to say it, I'll say it to you." If that day ever comes!    


Since he had already said so, she did not pursue the matter any further. Instead, she changed the subject and asked, "You seem to wear black and white clothes frequently. Do you have any other colors?"    


She looked at his clothes, as if she had not seen him in any other color since their reunion.    


"Nope." "Yes," he answered flatly.    


"You like black and white?"    




"Then why not buy other colors?" she asked curiously.    


"I'm used to it." It was as if these two words were sufficient explanation.    


Xia Huanhuan remembered that Jun Ziyan's attire wasn't as monotonous as it used to be. Although there were quite a few black and white costumes, other colors could still be worn.    


If there were only black and white clothes, did that mean that as far as he was concerned, his world was also just black and white?    


"You want me to wear other colors?" Jun Ziyan looked down at Xia Huanhuan and asked.    


Want to... This phrase made Xia Huanhuan feel a little strange, but she still said, "Sometimes, changing clothes of different colors will make you in a better mood."    


He stared at her as if he was thinking about her words. After a moment, he said, "Then can you help me buy it?"    


"Huh?" What did he mean by that? Asking her to help him buy clothes?    


"If Huanhuan chose it, I would wear it." He spoke softly but firmly.    


Jun Ziyan really brought Xia Huanhuan to a shopping mall in the middle of B City on the Double Day.    


"You really want me to help you choose?" Xia Huanhuan asked.    


"Yes." Jun Ziyan nodded.    


Xia Huanhuan and Lu Xiaorong had been to this shopping mall a few times as well, but most of the time they just looked around and didn't buy anything. After all, most of the brands in this shopping mall were middle-class, while the counters on the first floor were well-known and luxurious brands in the world. It was normal for clothes, bags, and trinkets to cost tens of thousands of yuan.    


"Then how many within the price range?" she asked again.    


"Whatever." he replied.    


Only then did she realize that she had asked a silly question. He was the third young master of Jun Family, and he also had a chain of hotels that controlled Jun Family. He simply didn't care about how much it cost to buy clothes.    


"The clothes I usually buy myself are all cheap. If they were those top designer clothes, I would not pick them out." The clothes he usually wore, she declared, were probably tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars each. If she was allowed to help choose clothes at this price, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.    


"It doesn't matter. I'll just choose those billion dollar landlords that you will buy. You're screwed." Jun Ziyan said.    


Xia Huanhuan usually bought most of her clothes from Taobao and the night market. After thinking for a while, she led him to the fourth floor and started strolling around. This floor was more suitable for the common working class.    


"Actually, you can get a professional to help you choose the right clothes." Xia Huanhuan said.    


"I just want you to choose." he said.    


Since he insisted, she didn't say anything more. It wasn't difficult for her to help him pick out some other colors.    


Especially since he was tall, with long legs, broad shoulders and a narrow waist, his figure could be considered a typical clothes rack. Even very ordinary clothes would easily work on him.    


Just like what he wore today, it was just a simple white shirt and white pants, but it naturally had a clean and quiet feel to it.    


Xia Huanhuan had been around this place with Lu Xiaorong before. However, because most of the people on the fourth floor were men's clothes, she had always walked by in a flash. It was the first time he had looked at it in such detail.    


After walking into one of the cabinets, Xia Huanhuan picked the clothes on the shelf while Jun Ziyan stood quietly at the side.    


The combination of a man and a woman made the girl feel a little weird.    


After all, the clothes worn by the woman seemed to be all cheap. However, the clothes worn by the man were obviously well-made and expensive. This was especially the case for the man. Although he had a very handsome appearance, his eyes made people shiver. Upon closer inspection, it was as if his eyes were empty and devoid of any emotion.    


But when the woman picked up the sample clothes on the shelf and gestured to the man, she said, "If you crouch down a little, I'll be like a shoulder." The man actually leaned down slightly when Ye Zichen spoke.    


Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan's shoulder and waist, asked about his size, and picked out a few beige, navy and light gray clothes. She said to the girl closest to her, "May I ask where I can try it on?"    


Only then did the clerk come back to her senses and hurriedly said, "It's just to the right. Please follow me." As he spoke, he led the two to the locker room.    


Xia Huanhuan let Jun Ziyan in to get dressed, while she sat on the sofa outside and waited.    


When Jun Ziyan came out of the fitting room, the counter girl's eyes immediately lit up. Originally dressed in white, he exuded an extremely clean temperament. However, after he changed into a navy blue shirt, he gave off a deeply restrained and elegant feeling.    


It was more fitting than the model their brand was supposed to be.    


The counter lady immediately boasted, "This suit suits you, sir. This is our new design for this season …"    


However, Jun Ziyan didn't even look at her. He just walked up to Xia Huanhuan and asked, "Do you like me to wear this?"    


"What about you? "Do you like this dress?" Xia Huanhuan asked instead of answering.    


"You picked it, I like it." he said.    


In other words, if she hadn't chosen this dress, perhaps he wouldn't even look at it. Xia Huanhuan then pointed at a row of men's clothing at the side, "Is there any that you like here?"    


He shook his head. To him, these clothes were just for wearing. He didn't feel any disgust at all. "Which one does Huanhuan like?" he asked.    


Well, it seemed like he really didn't feel anything about choosing clothes. Xia Huanhuan could only choose a few sets of clothes for Jun Ziyan to try on, as she liked to do.    


Every time he walked out of the fitting room, Xia Huanhuan would have a bright feeling. It was as if she suddenly had a feeling that she had returned to her childhood. Back then, she had always liked to dress him up like a doll, letting him dress up in all sorts of clothes and dresses.    


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