Evil CEO's Favorites

C21 Chapter 21

C21 Chapter 21

2The ring on his left hand, under the light's reflection, emitted a faint halo.    


Xia Huanhuan's face was filled with astonishment. After Jun Ziyan said the two words Ye Nanqing, he returned the phone to her. The phone indicated that the call had ended.    


The development of the situation was completely out of her expectations. She didn't expect Ye Nanqing to suddenly call her, nor did she expect that her phone would be in Jun Ziyan's hands.    


The most surprising thing was that Jun Ziyan answered the phone and called out Ye Nanqing's name.    


Although Xia Huanhuan kept her phone, her face was already pale, even paler than before.    


Silence spread between the two of them. Jun Ziyan stood there quietly without saying a word. Xia Huanhuan's mind was in a mess, so she naturally didn't say anything about the Three Kingdoms.    


After a long while, Xia Huanhuan finally came back to her senses. She discovered that the two of them were standing at the entrance of the building. The security guard at the entrance had already looked at them strangely for a long time.    


"Let's leave this place first." She had only taken two steps when she was stopped by Jun Ziyan.    


"Why did Ye Nanqing call you?" he asked coldly, his fingers tightening around the bone in her wrist.    


"Pain!" Xia Huanhuan exclaimed in a low voice as she frowned.    


"Does it hurt?" He looked down at her wrist and suddenly lifted it. he said.    


His slender wrist had turned red at the place where he had pinched it.    


"Then let me go first," she said, twisting her wrist slightly, and feeling that he was squeezing her tighter.    


And the pain was even worse.    


"But I don't want to let go." He suddenly brought her wrist to his lips, stuck out the tip of his tongue, and licked the spot where he had pinched her.    


Xia Huanhuan couldn't even tell if it was because of the pain or because of Jun Ziyan's licking.    


"You …" She opened her mouth, but didn't dare move her wrist.    


She only thought that Jun Ziyan's eyes were staring straight at her. They were sharp like a sword and seemed to pierce through her soul as they exuded an incomparable sense of danger.    


"Why did Ye Nanqing call you?" For the second time, he asked her the same question.    


"I don't know." She took a deep breath, bit her lower lip and answered. This was the truth. She didn't know why Ye Nanqing suddenly called her, or more accurately, she didn't answer this call. From the beginning to the end, she didn't say a word to Ye Nanqing.    


His teeth pressed against the skin of her wrist, as if he was going to bite through her flesh. "Just now, you didn't want to say the word 'good' because of Ye Nanqing?"    


"No." she replied quickly.    


"Why is that?"    


At this moment, his voice carried a coldness and hollowness. That kind of dangerous aura revolved around him, as if … If she answered the wrong question, then both she and he would be doomed.    


Xia Huanhuan's throat became very dry. She bit her lips and thought about how to answer Jun Ziyan. Suddenly, the phone rang again.    


Only this time, it wasn't her phone that rang, it was his.    


Jun Ziyan slowly straightened his body and took out his phone from his pocket. He pressed the answer button, but his gaze was still fixed on Xia Huanhuan, unblinking.    


"..." Yeah, I got it … "I'll be there on time …" After a few simple sentences, he ended the call.    


"If you have any business, then I'll be leaving first." Xia Huanhuan wanted to leave in a hurry, but was stopped by Jun Ziyan once again.    


"You're not allowed to leave!" "You are not to go anywhere until you have answered my question, let alone leave my sight!"    


"What?!" She was surprised for a moment, but he was already pulling her towards a car that was parked not far away.    


Jun Ziyan stuffed Xia Huanhuan into the car like a sandbag and fastened her seat belt before he got back into the driver's seat.    


"Where are we going?" Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but ask.    


Jun Ziyan drove without a word and didn't answer her.    


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a building downtown. He pulled her into the lobby of the building.    


At the door of the hall stood two rows of staff. After seeing Jun Ziyan, they bowed and acted in unison, making Xia Huanhuan feel as if she was watching a scene in a TV show.    


A middle-aged man in a black suit came over and said to Jun Ziyan, "Director Jun, the representative of the German side is waiting for you."    


"Yes." Jun Ziyan brought Xia Huanhuan to the elevator and stepped into it.    


The middle-aged man followed by her side. Although he was extremely curious about Xia Huanhuan's identity, he still kept his nose to the side and his nose to the heart. He didn't even glance at Xia Huanhuan.    


After all, he had followed Jun Ziyan for a few years, so he naturally knew his boss' style and personality. This was the first time he had seen a woman who could make Boss Jun walk together with her hand in hand.    


When the elevator reached the 23rd floor, Xia Huanhuan walked out and found that Jun Ziyan had brought her to a small banquet which was usually at the front of the banquet hall. There were several long tables with names and job tags on them.    


Clearly, it was a bit like a signing ceremony, and the banquet hall was suitable for celebration after signing up.    


Jun Ziyan brought Xia Huanhuan to the closest table and said to her, "You're not allowed to go anywhere. If you dare to leave, then give it a try."    


It seemed that he was determined to get her answer today.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips as she watched Jun Ziyan and his subordinates walk to the other side of the signing table and exchange documents. Jun Ziyan conversed with them in fluent German.    


Xia Huanhuan knew that Jun Ziyan had a strong memory and learning ability. He could often memorize a lot of things just by looking at them once.    


Back in the day, when he was studying, his English was excellent. Every time before the English test, she would ask him to help her with her revision of the exam questions.    


Now that he spoke German, there was nothing to be surprised about.    


Xia Huanhuan stood there and silently looked at Jun Ziyan. In her impression, the immature and self-contained young man had already become a mature man after ten years.    


He didn't say much, but Xia Huanhuan could see from the eyes of the Germans that they believed him. He seemed to have a natural control over his work.    


After a while, how would she answer him? Cui Fann had once told her in the hospital that one of her words could easily affect him and control him.    


All of a sudden, the surrounding applause rang out, accompanied by the sound of "Kacha Kacha Kacha" pressing on the shutter door. Obviously, the signing of the contract had already been completed. The German side looked at Jun Ziyan with a joyful expression and said something.    


As for the waiters and waiters, they were holding champagne and shuttling back and forth among the people who had come to participate in the contract signing ceremony.    


"Ah!" As one of the waiters passed by Xia Huanhuan, in order to avoid another guest, he accidentally shook his body and spilled a few glasses of champagne onto Xia Huanhuan's shoes.    


Instantly, a large portion of Xia Huanhuan's left and right feet were thoroughly drenched, and her shoes, along with her socks, became wet.    


"I'm sorry, miss, I'm really sorry." The waiter apologized repeatedly with an uneasy look on his face.    


"Never mind." It's fine if I go back to wash my shoes and socks, but they're wet and uncomfortable right now.    


"I'll go get some tissue now, please wait …" As the waiter was speaking, he suddenly became silent. It was because she saw the president, who was previously communicating with the Germans, suddenly walk up to the woman and ask, "What's wrong?"    


"Nothing, just a little bit of champagne." Xia Huanhuan waved her hand and said. Perhaps she could use this reason to leave earlier.    


But the next moment, Jun Ziyan suddenly bent down and held her horizontally.    


Gasps could be heard from the surrounding crowd. Who would have thought that the usually cold and indifferent Chief Jun would suddenly pick up a woman in front of such a large crowd?    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. She saw Jun Ziyan carry her to a sofa chair not far away and put her on it carefully.    


It was just her feet being drenched in alcohol, not being injured. There was no need to hug her like this at all!    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xia Huanhuan's face turned slightly red. She whispered to Jun Ziyan, "I'm fine." As he said this, he wanted to stand up, but Jun Ziyan's hand stopped him.    


His two sword-like eyebrows were slightly raised as he lowered his eyes to look at her feet. Then, to everyone's surprise, this indifferent and noble man lowered his body and knelt down before the woman with one knee. He lowered his head and took off the woman's sachet and shoes.    


Xia Huanhuan's mind suddenly went blank. She felt her heart beating faster, and her face was burning hot, and all her words seemed to be stuck in her throat. She could only watch as he took her feet in his hands and placed them on his bent knees, then watched as he took a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and wiped her feet.    


Careful and cautious!    


It was a very precious expression.    


Xia Huanhuan wasn't the only one. Everyone around was stunned. For a moment, not a single sound came from anyone in the banquet hall. All eyes were focused on Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan.    


After Jun Ziyan wiped Xia Huanhuan's feet, he put away the handkerchief and carried her again.    


"CEO!" Finally, the manager who had been following Jun Ziyan the whole time came back to his senses and ran to Jun Ziyan's side.    


"I'll leave the matters here to you. I'll leave now." Jun Ziyan instructed.    


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