Evil CEO's Favorites

C17 Chapter 17

C17 Chapter 17

2Lili hadn't gone to work at the clubhouse for days. When Manager Wang asked her the reason, she only said that she was feeling unwell, but the real reason was to avoid Jun Ziyan.     4


Once she went to the clubhouse, she might run into Jun Ziyan. However, she didn't know how to face him.    


"Why aren't you working these few days?" Have you quit your job already? " Lu Xiaorong asked curiously from the bedroom.    


"Not yet." Xia Huanhuan replied, "I wanted to relax for a few days, so I took a leave of absence."    


"How rare." Lu Xiaorong grumbled as she moved closer to Xia Huanhuan's side. Curious, she asked, "What were you looking at? Why did you look so serious just now?"    


"Nothing." However, Lu Xiaorong had already seen the contents of the computer screen.    


"Autism? Huanhuan, why do you look at this? " Lu Xiaorong asked, puzzled. On the computer screen, it was filled with posts about autism.    


"Just now when I was browsing the forums, I saw someone discussing autism, so I looked up some information about it online." Xia Huanhuan made up an excuse. He did not want to tell Xiaorong about Jun Ziyan. After all, that illness was Jun Ziyan's private matter.    


Lu Xiaorong didn't doubt Xia Huanhuan's words at all as she mumbled, "It seems that people who have autism have special talents in certain areas, such as some math genius, piano genius, or painting genius. I don't know if this can be considered a form of compensation from the heavens."    


As far as Xia Huanhuan knew, Jun Ziyan indeed had a talent that ordinary people could not match in terms of memory and mathematics.    


"However, thinking about it, you are quite miserable. Even if you are a genius, you cannot communicate with others normally. You will only live in your own world for your entire life." Lu Xiaorong said again.    


"Actually... It's not like we can't communicate with others. There are many cases of autism and there are many cases of recovery. " Xia Huanhuan said.    


"Is a person who has recovered from autism like a normal person?" Lu Xiaorong asked.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips. "Is it the same?" Actually... It was still different! Even if they could communicate normally, there were some things that couldn't be changed.    


There were no classes at school in the afternoon, so Xia Huanhuan went for a job interview. In B City, it could only be considered a small and medium-sized decorating company. Xia Huanhuan had applied for the position of interior design assistant, which was a position that was more suitable for people who had just graduated.    


Nowadays, it was difficult to find a job, especially in a city like B City. The competition was even more intense now.    


Xia Huanhuan's interview had more than thirty competitors. This time, the interview was only the beginning. The interviewer asked some simple questions and asked each of them to make a paper before telling everyone to go back and wait for news.    


Xia Huanhuan walked out of the building. Just as she was about to take a bus back to school, she suddenly stopped when she saw a figure standing in front of the building's entrance.    


He wore a white shirt and a black suit, which wrapped around his tall body.    


It was Jun Ziyan!    


Xia Huanhuan was alarmed. She instinctively wanted to avoid the attack, but it was already too late. The pair of black eyes met her gaze.    


He — saw her!    


Therefore, in the next moment, even Xia Huanhuan didn't expect that she would make an action as if she were running away. However, since she had run away, her body had begun to move first.    


However, before she had even run 50 meters, her arm was suddenly grabbed, and a force pushed her back against the wall by the roadside.    


The marble walls, the ice was cold, and through the thin shirt, she could feel the chill.    


Panting, she looked at the man in front of her. He pressed his body close to hers, staring unblinkingly at her, the tip of his nose almost touching hers …    


Her face was filled with his aura. Their figures were imprinted in each other's eyes.    


"Huanhuan, don't avoid me!" Jun Ziyan muttered with a hoarse voice.    


"I didn't avoid you." "No," she replied, unable to push him away, though her hands were pressed against his chest.    


"If you didn't avoid me, then why did you run the moment you saw me? "Why didn't you pick up my phone, and why haven't you been working at the clubhouse for the past few days?" His series of questions rendered her speechless.    


His eyes stared at her, devilishly clear.    


She didn't dare to meet his eyes in the beginning, afraid that he would see the fear and guilt in her eyes. What he said was all true. She had indeed been avoiding him these past few days.    


He pursed his lips as his breathing quickened. His body pressed down even further as he coldly said, "Why aren't you talking!? Why are you avoiding me? Did I say something wrong that day, or did I do something wrong? "    


Xia Huanhuan's face reddened as she recalled the scene where he pressed her on the washbasin in the ward.    


At that time, she was so close to him, and his lips … Heavens, what was she thinking! Xia Huanhuan groaned in her heart. What she needed to think about now was how to get out of this situation.    


Amongst the passersby, there were quite a few who cast their gazes over. Among them, there were even a few who were pointing and talking. She didn't need to be mentioned because she knew that her current appearance with him would definitely cause others to daydream about her.    


"This is the road, don't press me like this." Xia Huanhuan turned around and said to Jun Ziyan. His gaze unavoidably met his gaze.    


"There's no escape, and there's no escape?" he asked, looking at her steadily, his lips almost touching her earlobes.    


Xia Huanhuan could vaguely hear some of the girls screaming by the roadside, "Right, neither hiding nor escaping." She bit her lower lip and replied quickly.    


Only then did he straighten his body and take two steps back. He then loosened his grip on her, but his right hand was still on her left wrist.    


She looked at him quizzically and saw that he had taken her left hand, his fingers moving slowly from her wrist to his fingers.    


"This way, you won't be able to dodge or escape." Jun Ziyan said.    


Xia Huanhuan felt that not only was her face burning, but the hand that he was holding was also burning.    


After some thought, she pulled him over to a nearby coffee shop. After all, she really didn't want to be the center of attention on the main road.    


As soon as they entered the shop, a waiter came up to them and greeted them, "You two?"    


"Right." Xia Huanhuan said. He asked for a seat in the opposite corner.    


However, when he walked to the edge of the seat, Jun Ziyan still held Xia Huanhuan's hand and didn't let go.    


Her head was so big that it was impossible for her to sit down. The waiter who was preparing the order stood awkwardly to the side with the menu in hand.    


"Relax your hand." Xia Huanhuan said.    


Jun Ziyan pursed his lips, but did not do as she said, his fingers still tightly holding onto her.    


She had to promise again. "I won't leave, really."    


Her dark eyes looked at her as if she were examining the truth of her words. After a while, he finally let go of his finger. She pulled her fingers away from his and sat down on a chair by the coffee table.    


Jun Ziyan sat opposite Xia Huanhuan and the waiter handed over the list.    


After ordering two cups of coffee, the waiter left. Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan's expressionless face and asked, "How did you know I was in that building?"    


In retrospect, she saw him the moment she left the building, and judging from his appearance, it didn't seem like he was just passing by, but was waiting for her on purpose.    


His beautiful lips were pursed slightly, but he did not say anything.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't urge him. She just looked at Jun Ziyan. It was clear that he had grown thinner in the past few days. His face was pale, and his bangs covered more than half of his forehead. She suddenly wondered how his wounds had fared in the past few days, and whether they had healed.    


The two of them stared at each other in silence, neither of them speaking. When the waiter brought the coffee over, Jun Ziyan put his hands against the warm coffee cup and said, "When I went to your school this morning, I just happened to see you on the bus."    


"You followed me all the way here?" Xia Huanhuan asked.    


He nodded slightly.    


Xia Huanhuan did some calculations and found that she had already waited nearly two hours for her interview. "So you've been waiting outside the building for two hours?"    


"Yes." "No," he replied.    


She opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say. If she stayed in the building all day, would he also stay out there all day?    


And the answer... Almost certainly!    


Xia Huanhuan's heart was beating fast. She lowered her head, picked up the cup in front of her, and sipped the coffee.    


"Did I make you angry that day?" Jun Ziyan's voice suddenly sounded.    


"Huh?" She raised her head and met his dark eyes.    


"Is that why you avoided me?" he asked.    


Her heart began to beat faster. Angry... She was indeed angry, but more than that, she was at a loss of what to do. She didn't know how to face him. She didn't know whether to comfort his crying or to viciously reprimand him for the unwillingness to kiss …    


"Don't do that to me again." Xia Huanhuan took a deep breath and said.    


His face darkened. "That wasn't done casually." The only one who could make him do that was her!    


She would not know how his heart trembled and his body longed as he kissed her, as his body pressed against hers.    


"Even if you aren't casual about it." "The next time you do this, I will hide so that you won't be able to find me!"    


His face grew paler by her words. Veins popped up on the back of his hand holding the coffee cup.    


If he couldn't find her, what would he become? Are you crazy? Or die?    


"You can't avoid me!" He half-closed his eyes and stared at the cup of coffee. "That way, I won't be able to stand it, so —"    


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