Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



4"Done!?"    0


Yuezheng Hanrui was shocked, he never thought that Chu Mo could break the enchantment so quickly.    


Chu Mo smiled and said: "I didn't disappoint you!"    


As he said that, Chu Mo's hands were still stuck in the enchantment, using all his might to maintain the tunnel so that one person could pass through.    


Seeing Chu Mo's action, Yuezheng Hanrui said: "This seems to not be completely solved!"    


Chu Mo curled his lips, and said: "Why would you need to solve everything? As long as I can enter, that's fine. As for the rest, what does it matter? "    




Yuezheng Hanrui nodded his head, feeling that what Chu Mo said made a lot of sense.    


Chu Mo continued to hold on to the exit, and said: "I say, have you guys seen enough?"    


Yuezheng Hanrui said: "I've seen enough, I just feel that it's a bit mystical, this is the first time I've seen such a method to break a barrier."    


Chu Mo rolled his eyes and said: "If you want to see it, then there's still plenty of opportunities in the future. Now, since you've seen enough, shouldn't you go in? It's tiring for me to hold on like this! "    


At this time, Chu Mo's forehead was already faintly oozing with sweat, and it was obvious that his consumption was not low.    


"Ah?" "Oh!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui finally reacted and was the first to enter the tunnel. Baili Erzhen and Fang Kaiwu followed closely behind, and Chu Mo was the last.    


When the four of them entered the wind tunnel, Chu Mo's hands left the barrier, and the barrier returned to normal again, blocking everything inside.    


Entering the wind tunnel, there was another world within.    


Unlike what was seen from the outside, the inside of the wind tunnel was not like a cave at all but was more like a palace. The four walls were inlaid with countless large luminous pearl s, brightening up everything inside as if it were day.    


"What a big hole!"    


Fang Kaiwu could not help but exclaim, and said: "How does this look like a cave? It is simply a cave dwelling, and it is very likely that it was man-made. But, who has the free time to build a cave here? "    


"Who knows!"    


Chu Mo casually replied, his gaze sweeping the four walls of the luminous pearl s that were embedded, a greedy look in his eyes.    


Yuezheng Hanrui was very clear on Chu Mo's nature of "asking for money", and warned him: "Chu Mo, you better not have any ideas about these luminous pearl!"    


Chu Mo curled his lips and said: "Why not? Even if these luminous pearl used to have a Master, after all these years, they would definitely be ownerless. Why can't I have any ideas about them? Tsk tsk, look at this luminous pearl, it is so big, if you take it out to sell, it would definitely be worth the money. "    


Yuezheng Hanrui slanted her eyes at him, and said: "You only know about money, other than money, can't you think of anything else?"    


Chu Mo felt wronged, and said: "I'm short on money, isn't it normal to think about money? I'm not like you, who is as rich as a nation. However, you are a Princess of a country, how would you know how pitiful the hearts of commoners like us are! "    


Baili Erzhen unrestrainedly took Chu Mo down the stage, and said: "Chu Mo, stop pretending to be poor. You and Tang Xiaodao once took a few drops of tears of green bamboo to the brothel's Auction House for auction, each of them being worth at least a million gold coins. With your current status, is there even a need to scheme against these luminous pearl? "    


Chu Mo did not deny Baili Erzhen's words, but he tried his best to defend himself: "Money, the more money the better. Who would complain about having more money, right? These luminous pearl, in my opinion, any one of them would be worth more than a thousand Gold coins, it's worth a lot! "    


Yuezheng Hanrui attacked: "A thousand Gold coins? You call that an eye? These luminous pearl, each one of them needs at least ten thousand gold, and they are all priceless. "    


"Ten thousand gold!? Aiya, I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm rich now! "    


Chu Mo's eyes immediately lit up, as if he wanted to pluck those luminous pearl.    


Yuezheng Hanrui slapped Chu Mo's hands, and said: "I already said, don't think about killing these luminous pearl."    


Chu Mo asked: "Why?"    


Yuezheng Hanrui glared at him, and said: "You should be asking yourself this question. With your experience, you should have already thought of the reason. "In my opinion, you are crazy about money, so you forgot about even the most basic of survival knowledge."    


Chu Mo laughed dryly and said: "Just remind me for a moment!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui said: "We are not familiar with each other, of course we have to be careful. With the protection of the enchantment around the Wind Tunnel, it naturally means that there used to be a Master. Furthermore, its power is definitely not low, and it is at least a lot stronger than us. Towards this kind of Senior, it's better if we fear them, and it's best not to touch their things, including these luminous pearl s. After all, no one knows if the expert of Senior left any traps on the luminous pearl. "    


"Ruirui, looks like you have learnt a lot of new knowledge recently!" Chu Mo smiled and said.    


Yuezheng Hanrui said: "This is a battle between ten nations, no matter what, we have to prepare for it!"    


Baili Erzhen laughed: "Sister Rui Rui, you might not know about it, but Chu Mo doesn't even know the basics of the Ten Nation Battle."    


Yuezheng Hanrui didn't even turn his head and said: "I can tell that he likes to pick up ready-made items."    


Chu Mo curled his lips, and said: "Anyway, it's fine as long as you guys know it, I'll just follow you guys."    


"It's a pity that I can't continue!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui stopped and pointed ahead.    


Everyone looked up and saw a huge wind array in front of them.    


Within the formation, wind swirled and whistled like numerous blades that intertwined together, completely blocking the path ahead and preventing any movement forward.    


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