Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



0Once it was destroyed, Chu Mo and the others would inevitably be exposed, which also meant that the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame was exposed. The people in front of them could naturally see the mysteriousness of the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, and would definitely act to seize it.    


As for the others who were in shock, it was because they really didn't expect that the treasure they painstakingly looking for would actually be hidden within the mountain peak. And now, it actually appeared on its own accord.    


Immediately, they surrounded High Platform like dogs on the prairie, eyes full of greed and heat, as if they were eager to give it a try.    


Looking at this scene, Chu Mo felt a headache, and said: "Damn it, do you dare to be more dramatic?"    


Just a moment ago, Chu Mo was still excited about Mo Qianqian winning and becoming the only one left in the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, which also meant that Mo Qianqian no longer had competition.    


In the next moment, the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame went crazy, it suddenly exploded, directly lifting up the entire mountain peak, exposing it to the crowd.    


In other words, at this moment, everyone would be Mo Qianqian's competitor.    


In other words, Chu Mo needed to stop all of them.    


Even if we subtract the people who were killed by the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame's aftermath, there are still about seventy people left outside the High Platform!    


Over 70 competitors!    


There were more than 70 competitors!    


It had to be said that the current situation was extremely bad, even to the point of being f * cking terrible!    


Looking at the "dogs" outside of High Platform, Yuezheng Hanrui asked, "Chu Mo, what do we do now?"    


At this time, Yuezheng Hanrui's entire body was already tensed up, the cyan colored wind Spiritual Energy swirled around him, and he was actually already prepared for battle.    


Chu Mo glanced at Yuezheng Hanrui and said, "Don't be rash yet, keep all of the Spiritual Energy."    


Yuezheng Hanrui said: "Do we have any other choice? Or are you preparing to make Sisters give up on his Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire? "    


Chu Mo said: "Just because I asked you to keep the Spiritual Energy does not mean that I have given up. I just don't want to alarm the people below High Platform. Even if we really do fight, we'll have to be surprised. "    


Yuezheng Hanrui rolled his eyes and said: "Unexpectedly? How could this be surprising? With over seventy people, you're preparing to ambush us all at once, aren't you? "    


Chu Mo said: "Anyway, don't be rash right now! Just as you have said, there are over seventy of them. Even if you attack now, it would be useless. It would be better to remain calm and slowly think of a solution! "    


"Big brother Chu Mo!"    


Just then, Ling Er suddenly pulled on Chu Mo's sleeves.    


Chu Mo turned his head and asked: "What's wrong, little girl?"    


Ling Er pointed in a direction and said: "Look at them!"    


Chu Mo looked in the direction of Ling Er's finger, and his gaze landed on Rong Aolin and his group.    


As Rong Aolin was forced out by the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, he suffered from extremely serious injuries. He should have been sitting on the spot and recuperating, but he was supported by Rong Aoxin to stand up.    


As if he had also sensed Chu Mo's gaze, Rong Aolin raised his eyes and looked over, coldly laughed, and said: "Chu Mo, what I cannot obtain, Mo Qianqian cannot either."    


Hearing that, Chu Mo frowned, he suddenly had a bad premonition, and said: "What are you doing?"    


Rong Aolin's smile became colder and colder, and he said: "Do you still remember the words you said before?"    


Chu Mo thought for a while, then said: "I've said a lot of things, I don't know which sentence you're referring to!"    


Rong Aolin said: "You once said, fate is something that anyone can obtain, and everyone has the qualifications to take it."    


Chu Mo asked, "And then?"    


Rong Aolin pointed to the people below High Platform, and said: "Since these people are fated to see the spirit fire of heaven and earth, then that means they are fated to be there, so naturally they have the qualifications to fight for it."    


Chu Mo said: "Rong Aolin, you must think carefully! If you bring the spirit fire to the world, it will be of no benefit to you! "    


Rong Aolin shook his head, and said sternly: "You are wrong, as long as Mo Qianqian does not obtain the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire, I will be happy. To be happy is a benefit to me. "    


Chu Mo frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "Rong Aolin, allow me to remind you, Qianqian is the disciple of Granny Rong, from this point of view, she can also be considered half of Rong Family. Would you rather have your Spirit Fire fall into the hands of someone else than let Qianqian obtain it? "    


Rong Aolin scoffed, "These words, you are wrong!"    


Chu Mo asked: "What's wrong with that?"    


Rong Aolin said: "To my Rong Family, there has never been anyone half from the Rong Family. So what if Mo Qianqian is my great-aunt's disciple? As long as she does not have the last name and looks, then she is not someone from Rong Family. Therefore, whoever gets the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire, it is equivalent to falling into the hands of an outsider. "    


After pausing for a moment, Rong Aolin continued, "There is one more point, even if spirit fire falls into the hands of outsiders, my Rong Family will still snatch it away. Thus, I do not mind letting those people below us to snatch the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire. "    


With that, Rong Aolin no longer bothered with Chu Mo, and turned to look at the people below High Platform, and slowly said: "Everyone, nice to meet you, some of you should know me, but there are also people who you do not know. So, here, allow me to introduce myself. I am surnamed, and am a descendant of the Rong City. "    


Once those words were said, the rest of the people below High Platform immediately quietened down, and all of their gazes shifted towards Rong Aolin.    


Rong Aolin was very satisfied with this reaction. After pausing for a moment, he continued, "As the descendant of the Rong City, I can very responsibly tell everyone that a treasure does exist within the Rong City, and it is right in the center of the High Platform."    


As he spoke, Rong Aolin pointed to the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame in the center of the High Platform and said: "That flame is a legacy treasure of the Rong City, and is even one of the top three spiritual fires of the world in the legends!"    


The moment he said this, everyone present was shocked!    


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