Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



1Lv Er seemed to enjoy Chu Mo's shocked look even more, and haughtily said: "That's right!"    


Such a large Cyan World actually belongs to this little guy?    


Seeing that Chu Mo still did not believe him, Lv Er explained in detail again.    


According to Lv Er, this Cyan World was a dimension of the Primordial Era.    


At that time, the entire ancient world was in chaos. Saints were in a state of chaos, causing the world to fall apart.    


And at that time, after the little green bamboo was left behind by Huo Limitless, just as he was feeling helpless and despair, good luck found this relatively intact ancient space.    


However, the space at that time was incomparably desolate and devoid of any signs of life.    


However, as a Nine Leaf Spirit Bamboo, the little green bamboo had an endless amount of life force. After a thousand years of growth, the entire ancient world finally became lively, forming the Cyan World that Chu Mo and the others had seen today.    


Little Green Bamboo was the only person in the entire Cyan World that had existed for more than a thousand years. Completely created by itself, it had already formed an inseparable connection with the ancient realm and could even faintly control this world. Naturally, it would be the Master that had become the Cyan World of the Cyan World.    


Through Little Green Bamboo's explanation, Chu Mo finally understood and confirmed that Little Green Bamboo was indeed the Master here.    


If that was the case, it naturally had the qualifications to control the entire Cyan World.    


Thinking up to this point, Chu Mo became somewhat excited. "Then, how do we fuse with these two spaces?"    


The little green bamboo shook its head and said, "I don't know either!"    


At this time, Xiao Hong said, "I know, Master had only fused with two worlds before."    


After saying that, Xiao Hong looked up into the sky and thought for a while. It was as if she had finally remembered something, and said: "I got it, the Pills and Martial Space is relatively small. We just need to take out the Pills and Martial Space and place it inside the Cyan World. That way, we can live in the Cyan World. "    


Chu Mo spread out his hands and asked: "How do I take out Pills and Martial Space?"    


Xiao Hong said, "You only need to activate the Jade Plate, and then place it in the Cyan World. That way, you can fuse two spaces."    


Chu Mo nodded, then looked around and said: "However, we cannot leave the Pills and Martial Space here underground right? Let's go up from here first! "    


Finished speaking, everyone turned to look at Little Spirit Bamboo.    


This place was the space of Little Green Bamboo. If he wanted to leave this underground space, he could only rely on this little fellow.    


Little Green Bamboo shook the body of the bamboo, and a green light immediately surged out like water, enveloping Chu Mo and Little Red Little Song within.    


Immediately after, Chu Mo only felt that space started to spin, the scene in front of his eyes changed as he returned to the Cyan World, and stood on top of the tall mountain.    


Returning to the Cyan World, Chu Mo spread open his palm. A beam of light rippled out from the center of his palm, condensing into the image of a Jade Plate.    


Then, Chu Mo casually waved his hand, causing the Jade Plate to quickly spin and fly out. It rapidly expanded in the air and eventually turned into a dimensional space.    


This place was completely barren, like a barren land compared to the Cyan World.    


Within the Pills and Martial Space, there are only two portals. One is Danmen, and the other is Martial Gate.    


The moment they left the Jade Plate, the Pills and Martial Space's Martial Gate suddenly opened. The enormous and towering Martial Arts Mountain came out from within, landing in the middle of the Cyan World, facing the tall green mountain from afar.    


However, even in such a large Cyan World, its height was still outrageously high. As it shot into the sky, it was impossible to see the peak of the mountain as it was blocked by the clouds in the middle of the mountain.    


And at the foot of the Martial Arts Mountain, there was another door that was tightly shut, with the word "Core" written on it. It was precisely Danmen.    


Until now, Chu Mo still did not have the power to open this Danmen, and was still unable to find out its mysteries.    


Looking at the Danmen from afar, Chu Mo asked Little Red: "Little Red, what exactly is inside this Danmen?"    


Xiao Hong shook her head and said, "About that, I don't know either! In the past, Master did not understand the art of medicine, and really did not understand why he would set up such a set of Danmen. "    


Chu Mo was helpless, he could only sigh and say: "Looks like I can only wait until my alchemy level is higher before I can activate my Danmen."    


Now that the Pills and Martial Space and the Pills and Martial Space had fused, Xiao Hong, Xiao Song and Lv Er could live in this place. Chu Mo could also be considered half a Master in this place.    


The curtains were drawn on everything.    


When it was time for Chu Mo to leave, he asked: "Lv Er, how do I leave this place?"    


Lv Er asked: "Where did you come from?"    


Chu Mo replied: "Da Chu, Star Academy!"    


Lv Er said: "Then I'll directly send you back to the Star Academy!"    


As he said that, Lv Er pointed his finger, and suddenly a green aura surged in the air, the Spirit Qi undulations started to spin, and in the end formed a vortex, slowly expanding, revealing a spatial gate.    


Chu Mo slowly walked towards the spatial gate and said: "Xiao Hong, you guys stay here obediently, don't cause trouble, I'll be going back first!"    


Xiao Song giggled and said: "Since Cyan World is Xiao Lv's, what other trouble can you possibly provoke?"    


"Ugh ?"    


Hearing this, Chu Mo was speechless, and even more so, had no face to respond!    


Indeed, the Cyan World were all from Little Spirit Bamboo, what kind of disaster could they possibly cause?    


However, Chu Mo had a nagging feeling that when these three little fellows were together, they were destined to turn this entire Cyan World upside down.    


However, he no longer had time to think about this. He decisively stepped out and disappeared into the portal.    


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